Make Up?

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I lay on Buster's bed looking up at the ceiling.

"Why the long face." Buster walked over and stroked the tip of my ears, which he knows I love.

"My face is naturally long." I gave him a small smile and turn my head to face the wall.

"Oh come on, Where is the confident, charming, happy Y/N I know?" I leaned over me, making me look at him.

"Hmmm... On vacation?" I answered sarcastically and looked away.

"Well do I need to bring him back?" Buster asked and placed a small kiss on my nose.

"Aw Buster not..." We locked eyes and I just gave him a silent sad smile. 

"Come oonnnn" Buster whispered and kissed under my eye.

"Buster." I said in a playful warning tone.

He answered by kissing me fastly around my face.

"No no no" I giggled out. "Stop babe that tickles Stop!" I let out through my laughter.

"Nope." His lips turned upwards smugly. Holding my arms down he continued.

I couldn't do anything but laugh. "S- stOP!! Get the FUCK OFFFFF!!! I'm gonna piss myself" I squirm around and try to kick him off.

"Gross!! Not on the bed you aren't" buster laughed out. He let go of me and brushed his hand on the side of my face. "I just like seeing you smile."

His statement made my mood drop back down and I sighed. "Thanks.."

His grin faded, "it's Ash." He said just knowing.

I stayed silent and bit the inside of my lip. "I don't want to talk about her."

"But you miss her-" he reached to touch my shoulder.

I pushed him hand away. "Don't act like you know what I want. I don't! I don't miss her! She hurt me, just to win! She- she's stupid, and selfish, and a bitch! A stupid selfish bitch!" I angrily yell.

"Sweetheart," Buster grabbed my hand.

"It's true! I should hate her. What she did was awful!" I turn my head. "So why do I want her back?" I ask whispering to lessen the cracks in my voice.

"You have every right to be mad at her, but you should make up. You've been friends since you were kids."

"Yeah, I know..." I sighed.

I leaned my head back and squeezed my eyes shut. "Fuck all of this."

"It's gonna be ok," he laid down next to me and wrapped his arms around me. "We'll all be in this together."

I calm down a bit at Buster's affection "Yeah.. I know..."

Sorry for the short chapter I just haven't been feeling it lately

Anyway can you guys pleaseeee give me pet names/nick names you like cause I don't know that many good ones for this

Also please I beg of you go read my husker book it's my only will to live ;-;

Thanks for the help :))

And with that, see you next update 🥒👅

Buster moon x Masc ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now