parents 2

153 4 122

(this will start a bit earlier than how the last chapter ended. {You'll see})

(ALSO! and this is important otherwise you'll be confused.)
This whole chapter will be like a bunch of mini chapters, showing widows through your trip.

(You know so we can get through the whole thing without needing 10 chapters just on it)


"mm! That was delicious Mrs. L/n." Buster gulped down the last of his food.

"Thanks honey." He said grabbing the plate from in front of him.

"Thanks again for letting me stay aunty May, good thing I don't have work today." Judy thanked my mom and shoveled down her food.

"Well we wouldn't want you to miss out on seeing your favorite cousin." My dad chuckled from the sink, washing plates.

Mom looped around the counter and grabbed my shoulders behind me. "Or miss out on the wedding stufffff~~~" she said in a sing song voice.

"Maaaa!" I yelled in embarrassment and shielded my blushing face from Buster.

Everyone jiggled "So, are you guys going to catch us up?" Judy asked hopping down from her chair to put her plate in the sink.

I peer to her, following how she moved with my eyes. "Oh.. uh, sure. What do you want caught up on?" I asked

"Everything!" She spun around and leaned on the counter directly in front of me.

"Uh well.." I looked to Buster, who only shrugged. I took a moment to think before it popped into my mind. "Well, I'm a dad now.. kinda."

Everyone around me stopped what they were doing and looked at me and silence for a sec.

"Well not exactly, it's Porsha Crystal, she's just living with us for the time being." I clarified.

"Oh I see, you saved her from that Jimmy." My mom said, showing that she understood.

"Mhm!" I nodded my head.


After we were done eating me and Buster went back upstairs to chill out for a minute before my mom could bombard us with more questions and plans for the day.

When we got to the entrance of my room I looked over to him to seeing a warm expression face.

"Well why are you so happy?" I opened the door to go in.

He made I contacted me smiling lighter
"y/n, I can't wait to have a family again."

I felt my whole body soften at his words. I turn to him fully, "But Buster, you already do." I said, referring to not only my family, but the cast of the show.

I lean in to gently kiss him while hugging around his waist. He rested his hands on my shoulders as we swayed with each other.

"Eww! No making out in the hallway!" My sister hollered, making me choke on air in Surprise.

"What the-" I turned around to face her. "You litTLE GREMLIN!" I took off my slipper and threw it at her, making her squeak and retreat back into her room.

Buster moon x Masc ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ