chap 11

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It's been 5 more days, nothing special. I met my dance coach, practiced singing and piano, dealing with mike, all that jazz.

Its currently it's also Tuesday, you know what that means.

Tomorrow I need to hang out with buster.

I mean I'm exited of course, but I just don't know how exactly it's going to go. I mean maybe I was wrong and it is weird to be friends with your boss? Not to mention Ash is [unsurprisingly] teasing me for it.

Eh whatever.

I was a gentleman, let him pick the place. He told me it was somewhere call Party Animal which kinda concerned me, but it can't be that bad.

He already picked out the time to. It was going to be after sunset. Maybe this place was a club?

"I'm here." Buster's sweet voice called from behind me, breaking me from my thoughts.

"Well hey there." I greeted him swiveling around in my chair. "So what are the plans for today?"

"No piano or dance. I need you to work on projecting your singing voice." He planted onto a seat next to me.

Obviously this confused me. "Uh... with all respect. We use microphones, why do I need to project?"

"Trust me, it's going to be important later on."

× skip time because I'm lazy ×

After practice I was a bit hoarse but nothing crazy.

I got my stuff and was ready to go, Buster has made it normal to walk with me to my car. I find it pretty cute honestly.

Before getting in he told me, "you don't need to come in tomorrow. Take time for yourself." And sealed it with a warm smile.

I smiled and hugged him. It was my first time so close to him, he was gentle and soft. I loved having him this close.

We said our goodbyes and I was on my way.


Geez sorry this chapter was so short but I didn't want to like just dive in to the hang out thing so this is what you get lol

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