The Bite

Bởi The_City_Rain

35.1K 934 72

Stiles had always been the angrier of the two. He didn't place his trust in anyone but Scott. So what would'... Xem Thêm

1: The Bite
2: Noises
3: Werewolf
4: Anger
5: Lydia
6: Killing Spree
7: Co-Captain
8: Full Moon
9: L'argent
10: Training
11: Jealousy Killed the Cat(Dog?)
13: Mates
14: First Kiss
15: Winter Formalities
16: The New Alpha
One Shot

12: The Alpha

1.7K 50 2
Bởi The_City_Rain

"How is this even going to work? We bring him here and then what?" Stiles huffed, leaning again his jeep.

"We kill him." Derek shrugged, looking up at the school with a bored expression.

It had been Stiles' idea to lure the alpha to the school. He couldn't stand it, not knowing if Scott was safe every time they parted and now he would be able to protect him even less with the Argents after him. Derek had healed but not forgiven him for leaving him bleeding out. He agreed to help only because he wanted the alpha dead too. They both wanted it to be over, therefore Stiles had howled for the alpha, signalling his location.

Both boys tensed up, hearing wheels on the asphalt.

"What? The alpha drove here?" Stiles asked disbelievingly, looking at Derek with his eyebrows raised.

Derek watched as the car pulled into the desolate lot. He shook his head, an angry look on his face. "That's not the alpha. Did you tell him you were here? Get rid of him!" He growled out.

Stiles frowned and watched as the car door opened. His stomach dropped and his breath got caught. "No, no, no, no, Scott? What're you doing here?"

Stiles rushed to him quickly, stopping him from getting any closer to the school.

Scott glanced between him and Derek. "You told me to come." He frowned at his friend, looking a bit put out by Stiles' reaction.

"What? Scott, I didn't tell you anything. Trust me, I do not want you here." Stiles' mouth hung open.

Scott looked down and frowned, pulling out his phone to show Stiles a message. "But you- you texted," his voice had gone quiet out of embarrassment of rejection.

"No I didn'-" Stiles patted his pockets and frowned. "Where's my phone? Shit. Scott, I didn't send that, okay? You can't be here." Stiles put his hands on Scott's shoulders, trying to push him back into the car.

"Why? What's going on?"

"Scott, we can talk another time."

"Why not now? It is drugs, isn't it?" He glanced at Derek suspiciously.

"Drugs? Scott, you think I'm on drugs?"

"I can't think of anything else!"

"Scott, listen to me. I'll explain everything, okay? But later. You need to go."

Suddenly, a large rock flew from the trees, landing on Scott's car, bending the hood dramatically. Scott jumped away from it with a yell.

"What the fuck?!" He yelled.

Stiles froze up, pulling Scott close to himself. He shoved the keys to his jeep into Scott's hands as he stared at the trees for any sign of movement. "Get out of here."

"What? No. I'm not leaving you."

"St-" Both boys snapped their heads over to look at Derek. His eyes were wide in pain. He was suddenly raised from the ground, blood spewing from his mouth, the alpha digging his claws into his torso. Scott screamed in horror. The alpha looked at them threateningly as it threw Derek's body away.

Stiles grabbed Scott's hand and pulled him into the school, pushing Scott in front of him. He slammed the doors shut behind him and peeked out the window, heart racing.

"What the fuck was that?!" Scott gasped, taking a puff of his inhaler.

Stiles squeezed his eyes shut, thinking of what to do. He wasn't worried for himself, only for Scott. He had to find a way to get Scott out passed the alpha.

"Stiles!" Scott shoved his shoulder, trying to get his attention.

"I don't know!" Stiles snapped. He took a deep breath, feeling bad for yelling at his friend. "I don't know. But we need to get out of here."

"C-call your dad!" Scott panicked.

"I can't!"

"Stiles, what's going on?" Scott whimpered, scared tears welling in his eyes.

Stiles was distracted though, he could see the red eyes glowing behind Scott's car, watching them.

"We have to move."


"Scott, come on." Stiles grabbed his hand and pulled him down the corridor and into a classroom. He wretched open the door and shoved Scott in, snapping the door shut behind them.

Scott collapsed on the floor under the windows. He panted softly, fear taking over his body. "Stiles." He whined as he watched his best friend push a desk against the door. "Stiles!"

"Just tell me the truth. Please. I need to know what's going on. What that thing out there is."

"I can't. I just can't, not yet." Stiles mumbled, sitting next to Scott. He couldn't let Scott know, not now. Not when Scott would assume he was a monster like the alpha outside. "I'm gonna get you out of here, okay?"

"Us." Scott corrected quickly, grabbing Stiles hand. "You're going to get us out of here."

Stiles smiled at him in what he hoped was a reassuring way. A loud shattering sound broke through the still air. Stiles threw himself to lean over, draping himself over Scott's hunched body. He could feel shards of glass sticking into his back as they fell.

"Is that... is that the battery from your jeep?" Scott asked, shakily pointing to the large box shape that had broken the window.

Stiles grit his teeth. "That bastard." He growled. He peeked out the window despite Scott's protests.

"I think he's gone. C'mon, we have to move."

Stiles grabbed Scott's hand and pulled him up, running behind him to shield him from the windows. He lead him quickly to the locker rooms. He shoved Scott in and closed the door quickly.

"Stiles, your back." Scott gasped, turning Stiles around to look at the glass that had imbedded itself in his skin.

"I'm fine." Stiles huffed out. "Take 'em out?"

"We have to find some disinfectant, there should be some in coach's office."

Stiles grabbed Scott's hand before he could move away, growing frustrated. "Just pull them out."

Scott looked surprised by his tone but nodded, moving around him to gently pull out the biggest shards. He apologised quietly after every one. Stiles rolled his shoulders once Scott was done, feeling the wounds heal quickly, thankfully covered by blood so that his best friend wouldn't notice.

He heard Scott shake his inhaler and quickly stopped him, the noise louder to his ears. "Shh." He said quickly. He strained his ears to hear footsteps approaching from outside. He could hear four heartbeats but couldn't tell where the forth was coming from.

"Hide." He whispered, opening a locker and shoving Scott in before getting into one across from him. He listened to Scott's laboured breathing, knowing he was trying not to use his inhaler to avoid making noise. Stiles licked his lip in worry, praying that Scott wouldn't have an asthma attack here.

The locker room door creaked open. Scott covered his mouth and closed his eyes, not wanting to see the monster he had seen outside. Stiles on the other hand peeked through the slits of the locker. He watched as a shadow got smaller, moving closer to him. His eyes suddenly met blue ones through the gaps and the metal door was yanked open.

The janitor yelled in shock, Stiles quickly moving to cover his mouth. Scott spilled out of the locker, taking a quick gulp of his inhaler during the commotion.

"Shh, please, be quiet." Stiles begged the janitor who was shoving them towards the door.

"Are you kidding? Are you boys trying to give me a heart attack?! Get out of here!" He shoved them out, both boys stumbling and catching themselves against the adjacent wall as the door slammed shut.

"No! You don't understand-" Stiles was cut off by the man's screams. His body hit the blurred window on the door, coating it in blood. Scott yelled before moving to try and open the door to help the man. Stiles grabbed his hand and dragged him away.

"Scott, what the hell?!"

"He needs help!"

"Scott." Stiles stopped in a small enclave of the corridor. He cupped Scott's face and looked into his wide brown eyes. "There is something in here with us that has already killed multiple people. You cannot help them. All you can do is try to get yourself out safely, okay? No matter what. Promise me."

"But Stiles-"

"Promise me, Scott. Even if he gets me, promise me you won't try to help. Promise me you'll try to get out."

"Stiles, I can't-" Scott blubbered, tears falling down his face.

"Scott! Please." Stiles begged, his eyes bearing into Scott's.

Scott stared at him for a moment before nodding with a sniffle. "Okay..." He whispered.

Stiles nodded, leaning in to press a kiss to Scott's forehead. "We can try and go through the courtyard." He said softly before poking his head out, glancing up and down the corridor before tugging Scott out.

He slammed himself against the double doors at the end of the hall with a grunt. He was met with resistance. He tried again and again but something was pressed against it.

"Stiles! Stiles, stop!" Scott hissed, grabbing Stiles' shoulder. "You're just making more noise."

Stiles stopped quickly, realising his mistake. "Okay, okay," he glanced around, thinking of any possible escape route.

"You can't you call your dad? They have guns, Stiles. Lots of guns." Scott pleaded, his eyes cautiously scanning the hallway.

"I can't, okay? I just- That thing has the ability to tear the whole sheriffs department apart, guns or not!" He threw his hands up.

Stiles cursed, realising his mistake when he locked eyes with Scott. His shorter friend had frozen in fear, being to hyperventilate as he processed the words. His eyes were glossy and his arms came up to hug himself.

"We're not getting out of here alive, are we?" He gasped out.

"Hey, hey, that's not what I meant. We can- We will. Scott, breathe."

Scott just shook his head, tears cascading down his face. His whole body was shaking in fear. Stiles reaching into his pocket and pulled out his inhaler for him.

"Here, Scott. Scott? Breathe." Stiles begged. "We can't make it out of here alive if you die of an asthma attack."

Scott took a deep breath and held it. He was still shaking when his breathing regulated. "We're doomed." He whispered helplessly. He suddenly froze, even his shaking ceased as he stared down the hall with wide eyes.

Stiles whipped his head around to see what Scott was pointing at. The alpha was there, a figure at the other end of the hall. Stiles sucked in a deep breath.

"Go." He grit out, preparing himself to face the beast.

"What?" Scott gasped out, his voice below a whisper.

"You promised me, Scott. Go." Stiles repeated.

"There's no way you're gonna-"

"Go!" Stiles yelled, shoving Scott towards the sports hall as he began to run towards the alpha.

The two werewolves met in the middle, Stiles transforming while he ran. He threw himself at the alpha, swinging for his face. Stiles was suddenly thrown into lockers with a groan. He got back up quickly, blocking the alpha from running after Scott who had thankfully listened to him.

"I don't know what you want from me, but you're not getting him." Stiles growled out, digging his claws in and swiping down the alphas chest. He cursed at the wound immediately healed.

He threw himself against him again but the alpha caught him with his claws, opening three wounds on Stiles' chest. He yelled out as he fell, curling in to protect his chest. The alpha loomed over him, snarling. He cut open his back with one swipe before taking off down the hall.

Stiles yelled out, trying to stumble to his feet but the pain was overbearing. He lay down in defeat, covered in blood. He took deep breaths, looking down at his wounds and gagging.

A scream pierced through the air, causing Stiles to gasp out. Scott hadn't gotten out. The alpha had caught up to him.

Stiles pushed himself to his feet, leaning against the wall as he stumbled towards Scott. He pushed himself further and further until he shoved through the doors of the sports hall.

The alpha was waiting for him, holding Scott up to face him. His claws were at Scott's neck, ready to slit his throat.

"Stiles! Stiles, run!" Scott gasped out, tears running down his face.

Stiles stumbled forward with determination. He paused at the scent of Scott's blood. He looked down to notice three slices down Scott's torso.

Just like his dream, only these didn't go as deep.

Stiles growled, not heeding Scott's warnings.

His face and nails morphed as he staggered forwards, his eyes glowing brightly in the presence of his alpha.

A roar ripped out of him at the sight of Scott injured.

Scott stared in shock, momentarily not breathing. He stared at Stiles in disbelief and horror.

It broke Stiles' heart.

"Let him go." Stiles growled, focusing his eyes on the alpha who snarled.

"I'll do what you want if you let him go!" Stiles roared.

The alpha dropped Scott, letting the boy crumbled to the floor. He pushed himself back, scrambling away from the werewolves.

The alpha pounced on Stiles, effectively pinning him down. His wounds flared up and he let out a snarl. The alpha roared in his face, ordering him, commanding him.

Suddenly it was gone.

Stiles slowly stood. His eyes locking on Scott.

Scott who he had to kill.

Scott, his pack.

Scott who wasn't part of his new pack.

Stiles growled, stalking forward. Scott backed himself up against the wall. His breathing was shaky, on the verge of an asthma attack and the wounds on his chest bled onto the floor.

"Stiles?" He whimpered out. "Stiles?"

Stiles stopped in his tracks.

His mate was begging him.

Scott was begging for his life.

Just like his dream.

"Stiles." Scott sobbed, holding his hands out as though he was surrendering.

Stiles stepped back in shock of what he was about to do, his face morphing back to human, his nails withdrawing.

Gunshots sounded from the hallway. He could hear them yelling, looking for the alpha.

The Argents.

Stiles went to run to Scott but stopped at the boys expression.

Scott was terrified of him.

"Scott." His voice broke.

Scott just shook his head slowly.

Stiles bit his lip, glancing between the door and Scott.

"I'm sorry." He whispered, jumping out the window just as Kate Argent lead a firing squad into the hall.

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