But Why Not

By Avery9902

304K 12.8K 1.6K

Sequel to The Boy At My Window "It's always my reputation." he said bitterly. "What's always your reputation... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Third Book?

Chapter Eighteen

8.3K 355 134
By Avery9902

"Can I borrow your car again?" I whispered to a half asleep Ryder.

After Chris left, Ryder and I laid down on the couch to watch movies and he fell asleep.

Ryder yawned and mumbled a yes before holding me against him tighter. I didn't want to get up. I was content being held against Ryder in his warmth.

I laughed. "Ry, I have to go. I'll be back before I go home. Okay?"

He finally opened his eyes and looked at me. He reached up and brushed away hair that had fallen across my face. "Are you sure you're ready to go home and face your parents?"

I leaned forward and kissed his nose. "It's time. I have to talk to them sometime. Now, let me go. I have to go meet Zach."

He sighed but released his grip on my waist so I could get up. I sat up and pulled my messy hair into a pony tail. I glanced down at Ryder, who was already dosing again. I nudged his shoulder, "Why are you so tired?" I asked standing up.

"My medicine," he responded eyes still closed, "it keeps me awake and alert. I didn't take it this morning. I forgot."

I leaned down and kissed his cheek. "I'll be back later."

"Mmhm..." he muttered drifting off to sleep.

I quietly grabbed the keys from the coffee table and slipped out of the house.

Driving to the lake, I was nervous. I didn't really know what to expect. I was just hoping Zach would hear me out.

I quickly made my way down to the lake and found Zach sitting with his back to me, feet in the water. I sat down beside him quietly.

We sat in silence for a few awkward moments until Zach turned to me. "I'm sorry."

I looked at him surprised. "What?"

"I'm sorry." He repeated. "I jumped to conclusions about Ryder and everything and I'm really sorry. I don't want to lose you either. We've been best friends since the days we were born and I don't want to lose that."

I rested my head on his shoulder. "Thank you." I breathed. That ended up being so much easier than I thought it would be.

Zach wrapped his arm around my shoulders and held me tightly. "Are you two dating?" he asked after a few moments of silence.

I nodded. "Would you please get to know him? Ryder is really a great guy. He's so sweet to me and he respects me. Please. Just get to know him. For me?"

Zach smiled a small smile. "Fine. For you. You're practically my sister, Erin. I just want what's best for you."

I sat up so I could look him in the eye. "I know you want what's best for me, Zach. And I appreciate that. But I also know what's best for me. And Ryder is perfect to me. Get to know him and you'll see."

We sat for a little while longer just enjoying being together.

"I should get going. I need to stop at Ryder's before I go home."

Zach's face darkened. "You stayed at Ryder's house last night?"

I laid a hand on his arm. "Nothing happened." I said slowly. "I just slept over there. I promise. We didn't do anything." He grunted but seemed content with my answer. "I'll see you tomorrow. If my parents don't kill me." I said as I stood up.

Zach stood up with me and gave me a tight hug. "I'll see you tomorrow." he said planting a kiss on my head.

I climbed back into Ryder's car and drove back to his house.

I let myself in and found Ryder still asleep on the couch. He looked so peaceful when he slept.

"Ry," I whispered gently shaking him awake.

"Huh?" He mumbled opening his eyes. "Oh. Hey, Erin." he said sleepily, pulling me onto the couch with him. "How'd it go?"

I rolled over so I was facing him and pressed myself tightly against him. He wrapped his arm strongly around my waist. "It went great. Zach is willing to give it a chance and get to know you."

Ryder yawned before smiling. "That is great." he said kissing my forehead.

"Now, if I can just get the same response from my dad..."

"I'll come with you if you want." he offered.

"That's sweet, Ryder. But this is something I need to do on my own. I need to get my stuff." I said sitting up.

Ryder did so as well and followed me upstairs. He sat down on the bed and watched as I shoved my clothes from yesterday into my gym bag and zipped it up.

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me onto the bed so I was laying on my back and he hovered over me. "What if your dad won't let you see me?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper, as he traced patterns with his finger on my cheek.

"I don't care." I told him quietly. "I'll defy him."

Ryder grinned devilishly. "My little rebel." he said before leaning down and kissing me hard. I kissed him back.

We kissed for what seemed like forever before Ryder pulled back. "You should probably get home. Before your parents start to worry." he said out of breath. His face was flushed, his chest heaving. I could only imagine what I looked like.

I nodded as Ryder sat up off of me. "I'll drive you home." he told me as he straightened his clothes.

I stood up and did the same and smoothed my hair which was a tangled mess from Ryder's roaming fingers.

Ryder offered me his hand, which I took, and he pulled me through the house and out the front.

The ride to my house was silent. I was lost in thought about what to say to my parents.

"We're here." Ryder said jarring me from my thoughts.

"Thanks, Ry." I said quietly. I was nervous beyond belief; so nervous that my hands were trembling.

Ryder seemed to notice as he took my hand, "Hey, look at me." He took my chin in his other hand and turned my face toward him. "No matter what happens, you'll have me. Okay? Even if you're dad keeps me away from you, we'll find somewhere to meet." he told me gently. "Don't worry."

I nodded. "I'll see you tomorrow." I told him trying to sound positive.

He smiled and leaned across the center consul to place a kiss, just a brush of lips really, on my cheek. "I'll see you tomorrow."

I climbed out of the car and took a deep breath. I can do this I told myself as I made my way up the walk.

Before I reached the door, my mom yanked open the door and met me halfway pulling me into her arms. "Oh my baby. It's good to have you home."

"Hi momma." I responded as she pulled away. "Where's dad?"

"Not home yet. He should be he any minute though. Come in, get settled." she said shooing me into the house.

It felt like I had been away a lot longer than two days. I took my bags up to my room. Then, I heard the front door close. I froze.

"Shaina." I heard my dad call.

"I'm in the kitchen, Matthew." my mom hollered in response.

I slowly opened my door and quietly made my way downstairs.

"She's up in her room." I heard my mom say to my dad quietly.

"Will she be coming down soon?" my dad asked sounding slightly annoyed.

I heard my mom set a knife on the counter. "Matthew, she just got home. Let her take her time to talk to us."

Thank you, mom.

I heard the fridge open and the pop of a bottle cap.

I quietly turned the corner and entered the kitchen. "Hi." I said but it came out as more of a squeak. My mom looked up and my dad turned at the sound of my voice. "Um, mom I know you're making dinner, but can we talk? Now? As a family. I need to get this out so the tension in here doesn't keep building."

My mom brushed her hands on her apron and nodded. "Yes. Of course, honey. Let's go in the living room."

My dad took a sip of his beer before setting it on the counter and leaving for the living room.

My mom wrapped her arms around my shoulders leading me from the kitchen. "It'll be okay." she whispered kissing the side of my head.

My mom and dad sat beside each other on the couch and I sat on the ottoman in front of them.

I took a deep breath and began. "Firstly, I would like to apologize. I'm sorry for disappearing for days. And dad I'm sorry for running. I know what I did was extremely wrong and it will not happen again. But, I would like to talk to you about Ryder Daniels. Him and I, we're dating. Don't write him off. He's an absolutely amazing guy. I've actually gotten to know the real him and he's not bad. Zach has agreed to give him a chance. Can you? Please?"

My mom looked at my dad. He looked about ready to hit something. To say he was mad, would be a serious understatement.

He was silent for a little while longer before finally saying in a strained voice, "Erin, you think you know this boy. But you don't. You don't know the things he's done. He is a despicable human being and not someone I will have my daughter be around let alone date. You will not see Ryder Daniels again. Ever. Any chance you have to see him, will be taken. You have any classes with him? I'll see that you're switched out of them. See him at soccer? I'll pull you from that too. You ran away, Erin. I don't care if it was to Zach's house. You still ran away and disrespected me. The daughter I raised would never, ever have done that." his voice started to raise and shake and until he was screaming, "This is somebody's influence. And the only person that would influence you to act this way is that boy." he spat. "From here on until I say so, Zach will drive you to school and bring you straight home afterwards. You won't go out with friends or go to soccer until I say so."

I took a deep breath. Tears stung my eyes. This was not how I expected this conversation to go.

I looked to my mom for assistance but she just stared down at her clasped hands.

"Dad," I said my voice shaky, "please. Give him a chance. This isn't fair. You can't pull me from classes or from soccer." The sadness and fear was now turning into anger. "I know, for a fact, you had your "bad" streak. You have no right to go around judging Ryder when you were in the same place!"

"Enough!" my dad yelled. It was so loud, I froze. I had never heard my dad yell that loud. "You are under my roof. You will follow my rules. And don't you dare tell me what I have the right to do and not do. I am your father and you will respect me. Do you understand me?" he demanded harshly. I refused to speak. "Answer me!" he yelled. Then suddenly a loud smack rang through the room as my father's hand connected with my cheek.

My mother gasped and yelled, "Matthew!" in absolute shock.

I cupped my stinging cheek and stared at my dad in shock. My dad stared from me to his hand and back again.

I abruptly stood up and ran from the room.

"Erin!" my dad hollered after me. "Erin!"

I sobbed as I yanked open the front door and ran. Outside it was pouring rain.

I sprinted through the rain, sobbing. I slipped and fell hitting the concrete hard. I lay crumpled on the ground until I decided to call Ryder.

He picked up on the first ring, "Hey, Erin. How it go?"

I let out a loud hiccuping son. "Ry, please. Just come pick me up. I ran from my house."

His voice became concerned. "Where are you?"

I told him my location and he told me to hang on and he'd be there as fast as he could.

I curled in on myself on the concrete hoping to bring some warmth to my soaked body.

Soon, I saw the head lights of a car and Ryder jumped out of it and slid into the water beside me. He pulled me up into his chest. "Oh Erin. You're freezing!" He pulled me away to look into my face. His eyes immediately went to the welt on my cheek. "What happened?" he demanded running his thumb lightly over it.

"My dad." I gasped out. "He got so mad at me for everything that has happened and he-" I took a deep breath, "he slapped me."

Ryder gently kissed the welt.

Suddenly I had a very crazy idea. "Ryder, let's run away. I need to get away from here. From everything. We could leave. At least for a few days. I need a break. Please?" I beg.

Finally! A new chapter! Honestly this is not as good as I was hoping but it's not bad. I may end up redoing it. I dunno.

But I hope you guys enjoyed it!


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