The Roar of the Eagles: Ameri...

By Mengersh

7.6K 217 115

In an alternative 1985, the United States was booming as the foremost Superpower, only countered the USSR. A... More

First Contact: Night Elves and Orcs
Establishing 'Peace': Darkshore
First Contact: The Alliance and 'Blood' Elves
First Contact: The Alliance(Pt. 2)
The First War Begins
And who can resist?
Old Rivals Emerge
Negotiations? Or Escalation?
Finalization of Peace
A Sudden Burden

The New World Order

320 14 1
By Mengersh

Washington D.C., three months after the establishment of a ceasefire.

President Lee was sitting in the Oval Office, listening to the various concerns of those whom allied with the USA and those they chose to help. This has been going on for days, and outside of the desire for peace, no one was in agreement.

The Night Elves still want the territories they gave up back, and the Orcs are not backing down, stating the need for raw materials for their growing population. The High and Blood Elves, having lost their homeland, are somewhat wanting to return to Kalimdor, but were not being really accepted by the Night Elves.

Kul Tiras wanted to go into neutrality, but wanted to update their technology, for which the USA is reluctant to give. Stormwind is suffering still within the Civil War, since Varian stepped down and now different parties are either fighting for control or trying to gain independence.

And the Forsaken. Lee had no idea on how to handle their needs. He just won't hand them corpses to replace what they lost. That would not only alienate the nations of the world, but also immediately cause concern with the Thalassian Elves.

"Alright, shut up!" Lee slammed his hand  on the table. "Are you all children, because you all sound like it." The President sighed. "The only party that is not here is from Stormwind, and for a reason. Now, I'm sorry, Lady Tyranda, but the basic needs of survival trump national or racial pride. Lady Proudmore, the American people are generous, and will help in rebuilding efforts, but we will not hand over military technology that is not woefully out of date by our standards. You have to earn that by either your own developments, or by your own commitment to peace."

Lee sighed before looking at Lothemar. "Good sir, your people will always be welcome here. If you so desire, we can assist in finding you a new homeland." Lee then stared at Sylvanas, remaining silent.

"My Lady, which we cannot provide corpses to you from our graveyards or our allies, we will not interfere in your practices, under the pretense of no further expansion beyond the borders you claim to be yours." Lee stared coldly at Sylvanas. He knew what he was doing, but he didn't need to have the American's entire existence in this world to be in war.

Sylvanas nodded. "The Forsaken appreciate your understanding, President Lee." She inclined her head, almost mockingly before she left. Lee sighed before making a hand motion, with an agent leaning down. "Label the Forsaken as a potential threat to world security." He whispered softly with the agent nodding.

"Right, Congress will have to approve any treaty, but know that we seek peace in the end. But America has only been attacked when we were perceived as weak. As for the citizens of Quel'thalas, we welcome you with open arms, and will employ our best scientists and doctors to help cure the magic addiction." Lee nodded before sighing. "We can discuss details at a later time, but I'd rather not have to fight anyone."

Lothemar and Vereesa both nodded in gratefulness, with Jaina smiling at the proclamation for a desire of peace. Tyranda, for her part, remained rather neutral. As long as the Quel'dorei and Sin'dorei didn't start anything, she would just let them by.

Off the coast of the Blasted Lands.

A fleet of missile cruisers, destroyers, and several carriers were preparing for something, perhaps a challenge, perhaps a peacekeeping mission? The intentions became clear as SU-33s launched off the flight decks, with Mil-24s taking off from some transports as well, as one of the Missile Cruisers, the Belka, fired off two of her cruise missiles towards their targets. Landing craft were also making their way to the shore, with infantry, apcs, and even several T-72s rolling off the ramps as they dropped. One does not do such operations without ill intent, no matter the public declarations...

USS Yorktown, off the coast of Westfall.

Yamamato was reading the latest report on the internal strife of the kingdom when an officer came in, not bothering to knock. "Admiral! Our E-2 has detected at least twenty unknown aircraft approaching the center of the kingdom at alarming speeds. The USS Los Angeles also has reported sonar readings  of large surface ships along her patrol route."

Yamamoto sighed before shaking his head. "Get the F-18s in the air. I want to be ready if they come after us. But we will not interfere with what's happening. Have the fleet enter a heightened state of readiness." The officer saluted before going to relay the order as Yamamato picked up the phone to get a direct line to the Oval Office....

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