The Toussaint twins

By Redfaveto

1.4K 79 137

Rating: 16+ Includes: Language Use of substances Partial nudity Partial violence Mention of sensitive inf... More



47 3 3
By Redfaveto

|Keegan Bierman|

Time goes by so fast, I have already completed two shifts and I am loving it. Music blasting into my ears as I did my final bench press of the set. I have decided to go back to the gym, my arms were starting to look like a deflated ballons, (the tone is still there just not satisfied.) I grunted and dropped the dumbbells and sat up.

My shoulders and arms were really tense, I stretched my neck, the sweat dripped off my face. I grabbed my water bottle and gulped down my water, taking in a sigh. My phone pinged through my headsets, which I lowered to my neck.

I looked at my phone Lock Screen reading the message from Toussaint.


[Hi beauty is everything well?]

[No...I could use some company, I am just about to leave the lab.]

[hmm, hungry?]

[I love food so of course I'll say yes.]

[Alright. I am just leaving the gym. I'll meet you there]

I switched off the screen, putting my phone in my pocket. I wiped my sweat with my towel and stood up, placing it in my shoulders. I grabbed the santizer and paper towel. I sterilised my gyming area, after doing so. I took my water bottle and walked out the gym.

I started jogging to the lab which wasn't far and enough time for me to cool down. I ran down the stairs, looking for the chem lab. I kept quiet and quietly opened the door, slightly shutting it, her back was facing the door. It looked like she was writing down something, I snuck up on her, pressing both sides of her stomach. She jumped in a frightened manner, I laughed.

"Retarded bastard!. You scared me!" She sighed, calming herself down, "I did not even hear you come in."

I still kept a smile on my face, "I love catching you off."

I slightly opened my arms and she hugged me, I wrapped my arms around her back. She rested her head on my chest as usual, "You do know I just came back from the gym?"

"Does not change the fact that you are cuddly." She backed away.

"Well thank why did you want to see me?"

She just sighed and turned back to her work. I was confused? I peeked over her shoulder, seems like she was doing an experiment. Finalizing her results.

"Could you please walk with me?....I really do not want to see someone or at least for them to approach." She closed her book and placed her pen back in her pencil case. Placing it onto the book, scooping it in her arms, keeping the equipment close to her chest.

"Someone bothering you Mistress?" I looked at her in concern. Deep sigh, acts of service is getting to me.

She placed her chin against her book and looked down then looked at me, she just nodded. That look...the first look of that night.

"Let's go get lunch."

We got out the lab. I kept to her side while we were talking, well I was doing the chatting, she was just listening and laughing. That's what I wanted to see. Her gorgeous smile, that also makes me smile. A guy came in our direction, she started to act panicky.

"Let's go the other way." She mumbled. I tried to read the room. I want to meet this man.

"No." I grabbed her arm before she detoured. This tall guy stood before us, twists in a pony, silver tooth, tattooed neck, muscular, smells like cologne and cigars as well as facial hair,

"I saw yuh, trying to avoid me." He said to her with a smile. I did not like the tension, is it a guy thing to have such a funny way of speaking?

"I was not, Zion." She denied.

"Who de man-"

"Girl," I corrected.

"It talks back, hear that babe?. The fuck she think she is-"

"Zion. Please," she turned to me, "This is my boyfriend"

I wanted to say something but I'll tell her once he leaves.

"If you can't treat me with respect how do you treat your lady?" I challenged, she smacked my arm. He laughed.

"Do not be tripping into conclusions. She's my queen fam- see you later babe. I see your little baboon wants a fight." He walked away.

I was utterly shocked, I covered my slightly opened mouth.

"Please do not judge..." she begged.

"I know I should not but find someone better." I had no filter behind my words. I saw her sink up, in embarrassment. I pursed my lips. I felt bad.

"I- I did not me-" She shook her head, fighting her tears. Which I quickly wiped.

"You are n-not wrong..." She whispered.

"Then why hold on, beautiful?. Your eyes have shed so many tears."

I stroked my thumb at the corners of her eyelids. We looked each other's eyes. A smooth intensive moment of comfort...she feels comfort in my presence I felt it. The way she looked me. This probably looks wrong to the public. I cleared my throat and backed away.

"Lets eat away, shall we?" I smiled at her, kindly offering my hand.

"Oui.." she was hesitant at first but took my hand anyways...

|Alvira Toussaint|
|A while later|

"Then why hold on..."

Was a question I could not answer. I do not have a voice to project. Truth is, I am scared to let go.

I do not want to end up dead.

What am I going to do?

What have you done, Alvira?

Promises and promises, trying to fill the void he keeps opening and closing.  The inconsistency is killing me. Apart of me is fading slowly...

Every choice I make gives me a headache.

I had my final sip of the white wine that was in the glass. It was going for 8 and he is still not here. Why do I even bother?

I could be doing something better.

I wonder if Keegan is still up?

I texted her to find out. No response.

What's this?

She's literally my one of friends, or at least I consider her as one.

She's cute, really.

I stood up, as I was about to walk to the kitchen. The door opened, Zion walked in with another woman. It was simple as that. I placed my glass on the side table.

"Who is she babe?," the girl asked, times like this I wished I had my sister's attitude. She's always brave about these situations.

"Oh nah her? She's a friend, hoped she would join us for the night. Right?" He looked at me.

My throat felt dry, "Uhm no. I was just leaving..." I said weakly.

He unwrapped his arm around the lady.

"Did I say leave?" He asked.

I looked down, I felt a bit scared. Shakiness took over me. He walked towards me, I walked back. Gripping on my phone tightly.

"Please do not touch me." I begged. He was about to grab me, I dodged the grab and ran out.

"This little bitch." I heard him say behind me.

My phone rang, I quickly answered it. There's so many emotions rushing through my body, tears streaming down my eyes. I wanted it all to end.

"Toussaint?" I heard Keegan's voice on the other side.

I just started mumbling over my words. I had to catch my breath. I didn't see sight of him. My hands couldn't hold still.

"Where are you—, oh wait I see you. Just say there."

She hung up, I felt like I couldn't move at all. I was consumed in fear. I wiped my own tears. My blur of a vision saw Keegan running in my direction while holding her leather jacket.

"What's wrong Princes?" She asked in attempt to hug me, I stepped back.

"P-please d-dont touch me!" I yelled, I was being very hysterical right now. Everything just came crashing down.

"Let me keep you warm then, it's cold out here. Like 6°C." She wrapped her jacket around me, I gripped onto it.

"For Christ sake! Why act like a child?" Zion said in an annoyed voice,  Keegan stood in front of me.

"What did you do to her?" She interrogated.

"How the fuck am I suppose to know!? She's busy acting like a little bitch. Let's go babe. Embarrassing me infront of this baboon." He attempted to reach for me. I flinched, she stopped him, I gripped onto her jacket even more,  breathing heavily.

"You better let go of me."

"And you better not touch her—" She didn't finish her sentence.  She received a punch on her left cheek.

She stumbled backwards, "Keegan!" I yelled out of shock.

"Let's go! You are wasting my time!" Zion commended.

She stood up straight, biting her lip and wiping her nose with a smirk I never witnessed without hesitation, she kicked his ribs causing him to clutch his ribs. He looked up and she punched his right cheek nearly breaking his jaw, automatically I moved back, I was consumed in fear. I started to shake, I gripped onto her jacket. Sinking into the smell comfort, I do not like the violence I am witnessing "but she's protecting you" . Zion stood his ground by grabbing her wrists and tripping her onto the floor and in attempt to kick her ribs. She quickly backed away and pulling his ankle dragging him down. She crawled into of him and immediately started choking him, I silently gasped.

"After today you will learn how to fucking respect a woman!" Keegan said in-between her teeth. Her eyes were in lust of blood as she tightened the grip while he struggled to breathe. I panicked.

I had to stop this, I grabbed on her shirt,"Keg– you a-are going to kill him. Back away!", I warned as he was fighting for his life.

She has so much anger consumed...

"Keegan!, you are h-hurting him..." he has been hurting you first.

I tried to pull her away but her force was stronger than mine, she shrugged me off, avoiding to get me hit as well. She finalised her punch, partly knocking him out.

I backed away and she stood up.

"You need to calm down." I said softly.

"I d-didnt mean t-to get out of hand. It just upset me." She huffed angrily, her breathing was a little bit tense than usual.

"I-its okay Kegs..."

Thank you... I thought to myself.

How do I even tell my sister about this?

It's best if I don't.

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