The Hallow

By KimVasquez13

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Fifth anniversary of the once all powerful Mikaelson family's greatest defeat, with Klaus held being captive... More

Gather up the killers
No Quarter
Haunter Of Ruins
Keepers Of The House
I Hear You Knocking
A Bag Of Cobras
High Water And The Devil's Daughter
Voodoo In my Blood
A Spirit Here That Won't Be Broken
voodoo child
The Feast Of All Sinners

Queen Death

107 6 0
By KimVasquez13

Elijah slowly wakes up and he is in a different house. Around him are candles and he is in the center of a circle that's rose bush impression. He tries to pull the steak out of his back he looks up and he sees the Sun peeking in. He is grunting and sweating. He lays back down and Soyfa walks in.

"Such a will to live." Soyfa says." Wouldn't it be easier to give in? To simply let go? Part of you must crave that peace. The silence of the nothing that lasts forever."

"Why don't you come a little closer..... And we'll find it together."

"You'll have enough company. When you die, so, too, does your entire sire line. The gray sacrifice that will return me to flesh and blood. All I need now is the last of my remains for the ritual. Your family has done the job of finding them, and they should be coming to me soon enough." She says as she looks at the bones on the table.

"You can't expect to torment my family and survive."

"I survived far worse fates than your family." Soyfa says as she looks at Elijah." I say let them come. They will try to save you from the poison coursing through your veins, and in doing so, they will give me what I want. And as a reward for their efforts, I will let your family watch as you finally die." Soyfa walks behind Elijah. She kneels down and pushes the steak deeper in his back and he screams out in pain.


A Jeep pulls up to the old abandoned house and stops. People get out the car and Soyfa is waiting for them.

"You've come early. Good." She says.

"We're eager to serve." A man says.

"And your coven's?"

"More witches join us every day. They now know they're either with or against us." Then men kneel down.

"You New Orleans witches have been weak. Finally, you have a chance to shed that frailty." Soyfa says as she walks around them." Just as I will shed this frail form. My rebirth will herald a new day to all who swear allegiance to me. Only a few final detail remain."


Back at the compound Amanda wakes up and Klaus is not in the room. She gets out of bed and walks in the bathroom. Downstairs Klaus and the kids are sitting at the table with a buffet of food.

"Now, you can't call yourself a connoisseur if you have not sampled each and every one of these." Klaus says to his children.

"Nope." Niko says." That's nasty." Klaus laughs.

"Here." He gives Zack a scone and Hope a powdered donut.

"It's so good!" Hope says and Niko laughs.

"Did I ever tell you three the story of my first beignet?"

"Yes." Niko says and the twins shake their heads.

"Well, Niko I didn't tell the twins. You two are in for a treat. Long ago, three French nuns came to New Orleans looking for a fresh start. And they came here. They marched right into our courtyard, and they presented your uncle Elijah and me with these rather lumpy looking, sugar coated pastries. Wow, needed to say, we were entranced. We set them up quite well."

"Why did they come to you?" Zack says.

"Because there was a time when we were regarded  as royalty. You might even go so far as to say I was king, which would make you and Niko prince's and Hope a princess."

"Good morning." Amanda says as she walks in.

"Wish I would have been born around that time." Niko says and Amanda rolls her eyes.

"I guess apple turnover is fruit." Amanda says.

"Well, I saw no harm in including our children sweet tooth. All things in moderation, of course."

"Okay. Don't eat too many. Because you guys will get a stomach ache." Amanda then looks up at Klaus." Can we talk?"they both walk out of the room." Have you seen Elijah?"

"I thought he was with Marcel."

"Marcel told me he hasn't seen him since yesterday."

In the Church there are papers ripped up thrown everywhere and the seats are broken.

"This can't be good." Vincent says as he looks at a crocodile head.

"I came here quite, to light candles, pray and found it  like this."  Maxine says." Knew you'd want to see it."

"It's desecration of a holy site. It's meant to be a warning."

" I think it's more than that. We're losing people, vincent. More and more witches talking about making a pet with his darkness when our coven see the church like this, they'll think it's better to join the side of the enemy before the enemy comes for them."

"Witches are deflecting?"

"Some say the Hallow's power is what our coven's need to fight vampires, to take back the city. All of the peace you fought for, to them, is nothing compared to the promise of taking control."

"Tell me you don't believe that."

"Vincent, you know where I stand." Footsteps approach them.

"So loyal." Soyfa says as she walks over to them."there was a time Vincent showed me such devotion, when, in fact, he worshiped me. And now, how far he's fallen." Her eyes turn blue.

"Maxine, you need to go. I'm - I'm gonna be fine." Maxine leaves.

"Hello Vincent. It's been far too long. I think it's time we caught up with one another. Don't you?"


Freya has a map set out on a table with white candles all around it lit she pours what looks like salt on the map when keelin walks in.

"Still playing with toy's, huh?"

"It is a protection spell for the compound. Reputational magic. So it's not tied to my heartbeat, should anything happen to me."

"Can we pretend for, say, five seconds, that you don't have to worry about dying today?"

"I'm not going to die. Certainly not until well after breakfast." Freya says as she shows Keelin a little table with breakfast on it.

"Wow." Keelin says as they walk over to the table." You are perfect. Thanks" they wrap their arms around each other and freya's phone starts ringing. She pulls out her phone and looks at it." Let me guess-- family drama."

"I'm so sorry. Can we meet later?"

"Oh, no, Ms. Mikaelson, I'm coming with you. You have your family's back, I've got yours."

"Right, right."


"You knew this day would come." Soyfa says." All those years abstaining from magic, afraid that if you practice, I might come around. Still come after all that, here I am."

"Here you are. Hiding inside the body of a vampire, because you're not as strong as you want me to think." She uses her power and lifts Vincent in the air.

"You always have such spine. It's what I enjoy most about you. And I know you enjoyed the power I had to offer. I'm still here, vincent. You can have it all back if you want. You just need to swear loyalty to me."

"The only thing that I want is for you to slither back into the rot that you came from." She uses her power and throws Vincent across the room. He slowly stands up and she looks at him." Do you want to fight me? Well, come on!"

"I should send you back to join your dead wife. But I have a better idea. And offer, for you and the Mikaelsons. You can hear me out.... Or die. The choice is yours."


"You're not listening to me. All right, check again, and when you do find her, you keep your distance and call me." Marcel says then he hangs up the phone." You can come on in, Klaus." Klaus opens the doors and walks in." To what do I owe this displeasure?"

"I thought we had a truce."

"We do. If we didn't, I might have responded differently when Davina asked me to sacrifice you."

"And does our truce extend to my brother, despite your extensive grievances?"

"Well, yeah, I want to get Soyfa back and stop the hollow. As long as you guys want the same thing, I don't see why we can't play nice. Why, what's wrong?"

"Well, far be it from me to jump to conclusions, but the last time anyone saw my brother, he was on his way here to talk to you."

"And you think I have him? Seriously?"

"No, I don't. But I'd like to know who does."


Back at the compound Freya is spilling blood over a map while Amanda tries to get a hold of Elijah.

"He's not at Marcel's." Amanda says.

"I'll find him."Freya starts chanting and Amanda looks  at the map." He's cloaked by magic. I can feel it." All of a sudden stay here whispering they turn around and they see the job turning in circles. Freya walks over to that table and Vincent walks in.

"That's her. That's the hollow. She has Elijah, and now she wants that bone." Vincent says.

"In exchange for elijah?" Amanda says.

"No, you don't understand. There won't be an exchange. She needs Elijah to die in order to channel the energy from his sacrifice. She's already poisoned him with the rose thorns. She wants this phone by sundown. If she doesn't get it, then she's going to come here and she's going to take it. And when she does, she's going to burn this entire city to the ground."


Back at Marcel's house he sits down and Klaus walks in and hangs up the phone.

"Freya informs me your mate Vincent has a plan. It just one tiny problem. I don't trust him." Klaus says.

"All right, Vincent help me keep the peace for 5 years. He knows the hollows power, and he is our best shot at coming up with a plan."

"I have a plan of my own. We find this thing and it's acolytes, we slaughter the lot of them. And then stacked their bodies into a monument dedicated to those who threatened my family."

"Right, right. There's just one problem with that. One of those bodies would be Soyfa, and I want her alive." Klaus sits down.

"Please, Marcel. It's not a time to be sentimental. This is new orleans, toss a few beads. You'll find another girl."

"That is the problem with you and your family, all right? You'll do anything to save your brother, but to hell with anyone else right? It all seems a little familiar. The hollow is evil, yes. Do we want to defeat it? Yes. But I'm not willing to stand By and watch someone that I care about become more Mikaelson collateral damage."

"Oh, spare me your sanctimony. It was your refusal to make peace that led Elijah here last night. If you two have settled your differences.." Marcel hits the table.

"Enough! The only reason why you are still in the city is because I allow it. Now, do you want to fight me, or do you want to find a way to end this?"


Back at the compound Amanda and Freya are sitting on the couch next to each other.

"You want a plan of attack, it comes down to This. Use the element of surprise." Vincent says." Now, Marcel will hand over the bone, and then stab the hollow with Amanda's blood, and then I'm going to cast a spell that buries her."

"The ancestors fell requires a sacrifice." Amanda says and Klaus and Marcel look at her."an original has to die."

"Yeah, and right now, the hollow is going to use Elijah's death to come back, but that opens up a window where I can use the sacrifice to shove her back into her grave."

"You'll forgive me for stating the obvious, but your plan does nothing to save my brother. In fact, it relies entirely upon his death." Klaus says as he stands up.

"Easy." Marcel says."he's just trying to help."

"Klaus, Elijah's already dead. No, that's only thing that we can do right now is to figure out whether or not that death is going to count for something." Vincent says.

"That's not a call any of us get to make. Especially not you." Amanda says."there has to be a way to save him."

"Freya, you still have the antidote we used to cure Marcel's bite?" Klaus asks.

"I have it, yes. But I don't know if it'll work against the poison of the rose bush." Freya say's.

"You guys aren't listening, okay? Even if we do cure elijah, we still have a big problem that's called the hollow. And it's just going to keep coming at us until it resurrects. And when that happens, we're talking about an ancient, primal power that's made flesh and blood. It will wipe out this entire city in an afternoon, and ain't a damn thing that you or anybody else here can do about it. Now, my way? We take her out while she still a spirit. Elijah dies, but at least his death counts for something."

"No. No, I'm not willing to discuss this any further." Klaus says.

"What about your children? This thing wiped out the entire Labonair bloodline. It's already got to Hope once, right? Now, this is a chance, Klaus. This is probably the one chance that you got. Now you want to blow that opportunity to maybe save your brother, or do you want to do your job and save your little girl?"

"Don't use my daughter or children to justify your absurd plan."

"Hey, his absurd plan is the only plan that we've got. So maybe we should do a little less fighting, and a little more thinking." Marcel says.

"There's always a loophole. I have my mother's grimoires. I welcome you to study them with me." Freya says.

"Okay." Vincent says as they walk away. Amanda and Klaus look at each other.


Back at the house Elijah is grunting in pain.

"Shh. It won't be long." Soyfa says.

"Even if you finish this, my family will bury you."

"They will no doubt try. Although I believe the odds are in my favor. Once the ritual is completed, my spirit will return to New Orleans soil. From a, I will be reborn far stronger than I ever been."

"You are just another body for my brother to slay."

"You expect your brother to avenge you? Inspired, perhaps, by duty to the familial bond. I've been inside Klaus's mind. You care for one another so deeply. It's quite ludicrous, this dedication to ones own blood. After all, look where it got you. Perhaps now you understand family is a curse. We inherit the sins of those who come before us, and those sins are passed to the ones who come next." Soyfa picks up the white blade and walks over to Elijah."  Like... The new baby." She kneels down.

"No! No! Amanda isn't -"

"But she is." Soyfa laughs." That baby will be born and I will-"

"You will not-"

"Hurt it? Why? Because your family will protect it? You poor soul. You can't even save each other. Why would I kill something that's mine? That baby is going to be born my bloodline. That baby will have the power to destroy me, and that.. I can't allow instead we will form a truce."


Back at the compound Amanda walks into the room she closes the doors and walks over to her dresser drawer she opens it up and pulls out a little bottle. She opens the bottle and grabs a white pill inside.

"Mom?" Hope says.

"Hope. I didn't see you there, sweetie." Amanda quickly drops the pill back in the bottle and she places the bottle back inside the drawer and she closes the drawer

"Uncle Elijah is sick, isn't he?" Hope walks over to Amanda.

"Uncle Elijah is very sick." Amanda walks over to the side of the bed and sits down.

"Well, can we help him?"

"We're doing everything that we can. I promise."

"Maybe I can help aunt Freya do a spell to make him better."

"That's very brave of you." Hope hugs Amanda.


Vincent's walks in carrying a white box he puts the box next to Freya.

"So I went through Cami's logs. Even if we channel every dark object that she had, it still wouldn't be enough to trap the hollow."

"Great. Well, my mother had a million spells and absolutely nothing on trapping ancient spirits."

"It was funny to me, because, um... Was it, 5 years ago, we were in this exact same room, trying to work out a way to take out a different threat to your family. You made the call to take out Davina. In your mind, the end of justify the means I get that. But what am I to think now? Elijah's life is just worth more?"

"Elijah's my brother. All right? And if you think that I never regretted what we did to Davina, than you're wrong."

"No, I think that we are wasting our time here trying to loophole ourselves out of the inevitable."

"Okay, well, I'm not giving up."

"Is it really giving up, though, Freya? Elijah's a thousand years old. How many lifetimes is going to be enough? How much longer is he going to feed off the blood of innocent people whose lives amount to a fraction of his own?"

"I get it. Okay. You hate us. But that doesn't mean that Elijah has to die stopping some beast that crawled from the basement of your city."

"There's no other choice! We don't have any other option, Freya! You Mikaelsons, you're the oldest family in this whole world. You're the oldest family of all time. You've seen empire's rise. You've seen empire's fall. You've seen ages begin and end. And yes somehow, despite every single thing you have seen with your own eyes, you fail.. you failed to see the obvious. You don't get the takeaway. Everything dies, Freya!"

"Not Elijah. Not today, okay? I already lost my brother Finn, and.. of course. That's it." Freya walks over to a small chest and she starts looking through it." I can save him. I can save him using this"she pulls out the necklace.


"Vincent said the ancestors can imprison the hollow. To power their spell, an Original must die. If Elijah is going to die one way or another, we should harness his death, and then I can try placing his soul inside the pendant." Freya says to Klaus and Amanda.

"Try? What do you mean, try?" Amanda asks.

"Well, it won't be easy. We have to find him, and I'll need all of my magic. And Elijah's been poisoned for some time, there's a chance he won't survive the process."

"But I would survive." Klaus says.

"No." Amanda says." Nik-"

"If I'm the sacrifice, you can channel my death to imprison the hollow before she kills elijah. Yes, I'll be in the pendant, but the rest of you can find him, cure him, and bring him home. Amanda please don't look at me like that."

"This is insane." Amanda says.

"Is that evil wench cannot be killed. Left unchecked, she will come for our children especially Hope. Sacrifice me, we can save Elijah and we can defeat this thing it's the only way." Klaus sticks out his hand and Amanda gives him the necklace."we don't have time to debate this. Work your magic, sister. It's going to be okay."Klaus walks out the room and Amanda goes after him.

"We cannot do this. You can't leave." Amanda says and Klaus stops. " Don't you understand you will be dead!"

"Don't yell at me." Klaus says. And Amanda's eyes began to get watery." You think I want this? There is no other choice." He says."I have to save Elijah. I have to save our family." He walks over to her and wraps his arms around her." I love you." He wipes her tears away.

"I love you too." She leans forward and kisses him.


"Is this the last of it? They cure you made using my venom?" Keelin says as she looks at a white jar of powder.

"Assuming I get to Elijah on time, it should at least slow the poison from The Rose bush."

"But how are you going to find him? You said he was cloaked." Keelin says. Freya opens a little jar.

"This is Marcel's venom. That rose bush was born from his blood, which means it has the same magical signature so, while I can trace Elijah, I can track the magic of the thing that's killing him."


"Although finding him is not the same as knowing what I'm walking into."

"Freya. Hey."

"This all has to be perfect."

"Look at me." Keelin walks over to Freya."you're doing that thing where you put it all on you. Just stop. Take a breath. Focus. And know that if anyone can do this, it's you."

"What if you're wrong?"

"I'm never wrong. I'm a doctor. All right, just listen to me. This spirit, she's evil. And from what you said, she goes back a long time, and if she really did create the werewolf curse.. I mean, that's what made me who I am, and my entire life I have been fighting this for and believe me, I'd stab her in the chest myself if I could, but since you need me here.. just do me a favor and watch yourself. And if you do get the chance, don't hesitate, all right? Take this bitch down for good." Freya leans forward and kisses keelin.


Downstairs Marcel is looking at the jaw bone and Vincent is stirring a bowl with blood in it. Vincent holds up the knife with blood and he looks at it

"Yeah. Stainless steel laced with Amanda's blood. Now, you're going to get one chance. Make sure you stab Soyfa directly in the heart. I assure you, it's not going to kill her. It's just going to drop the hollow Spirit out of her. Then I'll sacrifice clouds and put the hollow away for good." Marcel puts the jawbone in his pocket.

"All right, I got it."

"You think you got it. Existing still Elijah's blade, which means not only is it wearing your girlfriend's face, but it's got the weapon that can kill you. So, marcel, if you're not careful with it.."

"Even if I am careful, I'm in for a fight. I got it. And I'm ready."Vincent's hands Marcel the knife.


Keelin is upstairs playing with the twins.

"It's been a while since I've played.x" keelin says.

"You just bounced the ball, pick up the jacks. That's it." Hope says.

"Okay. I'll try." Klaus is standing by the door watching them when Freya walks over.

"Klaus... It's time."

"Your girlfriend seems nice.. for what it's worth." Klaus says.


It is night time and Vincent's in class are walking into the Witcher cemetery.

"Wow, go on, your silence is deafening. Say it." Klaus says.

"Say what exactly?"

"That my impending execution pleases you. There's no shame in taking pleasure and finally feeling a long standing foe. The man who killed Klaus Mikaelson. That'll make a lovely epitaph on your tombstone. Maybe engraved sooner than you think, if things don't go our way."

"The truth is, Klaus, I never thought I'd live to see this day. See, growing up in New Orleans as kids, we we hear stories about the evil Klaus Mikaelson."

"Yes, yes, and now I'll finally reap my Just desserts."

"No. I was going to say, here you are, finally living up to the potential that Cami saw in you. She would have been proud." Vincent Van walks away. Klaus puts on the necklace.


In the woods where the house is at Soyfa is walking around outside looking at the fire she made.

"The vampire, marcel. Did you come here to witness my reverse or to die trying to stop it?" Soyfa says as she pulls out a knife.

"I didn't come to fight you. The truth is I'm a little jealous. See, you went to Vincent to make a deal, but this is my city. I should be making the deals."

"And what deal did you come to make, King of new orleans? Are you here to bow and swear you're undying loyalty?"

"Yeah, well, we'll, get to that, but first let's talk about my terms. All right, I want Soyfa back."

"A reasonable request Chris after all, this body will soon be of no use to me. What do you have to offer in return?"

"I got this from the Mikaelsons." He shows her the jawbone."and I'm willing to give it to you as an offering, in exchange for my friend." Soyfa vamp speeds over to him.

"Then you have a deal. And you're a wise king. Perhaps when this is over, I will let you live." She says.


Klaus is laying down looking up at the dark sky.

"How much longer?"

"We're almost there. All that's left is your death. Once I scratch you with the thorns, I'll stick you in the heart to end things quick and painless. The ancestors are going to help me with everything else."

"Might reconsider, Vincent." Nathaniel says and Vincent turns and looks at him." Or else your friend dies." He walks over with Maxine in his arms with the blade to her neck.

"Oh, you've got to be joking." Klaus says as he sits up."don't hesitate. Kill me now!"


Soyfa stabs the tree with a knife and she looks at the jawbone.

"Such small, frail things, three bones. They eluded me for so long. Now they will serve as the seeds for everything that is to come." Soyfa puts the bone with the other bones and she wraps them in a white sheet.

"Sounds like you got big plans."

"For your city? In fact, I do. And why not? I was of this land long before you existed. Imagine spending centuries in the cold, longing to once again feel this soil, to breathe this air, to sweat in the heat of its Sun. All that remains is the sacrifice." Soyfa picks up the sheet turns around and walks over to the tree.


"If you're so eager to die, be patient once the hollow rises, she'll kill you herself."Nathaniel says.

"Man, you don't have to do this. I mean, we're all New Orleans witches here, right?"

"You talk of witches as you make deals with vampires. It's because of them that we need the hollow."

"Please, man, she is never going to save you. She's just going to damn you to hell."


Soyfa puts the sheet into the tree and Marcel pulls out the blade. He vamp speeds over to her and he grabs her and stabs her right into the chest.


"Okay, enough talk." Klaus says then he vamp speeds over and starts fighting the men.


"Soyfa, fight her." Marcel says. Soyfa is trying to reach for the knife.

"I will kill you." She says.

Back at the cemetery Klaus bites one of the men and Vincent uses his power for the other. He runs over to Maxine.

"Oh, my God, are you okay?" Vincent says.

"Vincent! The thorns!" Maxine says. Vincent turns around and he sees Nathaniel throwing the thorns into the fire.

"No!"Vincent uses his power and snaps Nathaniel's neck. He runs over and he looks at the fire." They're gone. I can't complete the sacrifice without them."


Elijah is breathing heavenly. A man lights a candle.

"I'm curious. Are you aware of how pathetic it is, selling your soul to the devil?" Freya says as she walks in the house. The man and a woman look at her. All of a sudden the woman is taken town by a wolf. The wolf drags a woman outside and Freya snaps the man's neck using her power. Freya walks over to Elijah.

"What are you doing?" Elijah asks.

"You didn't think we were just going to let you die?" Freya kneels down and grabs her white candle from her bag.

"No! Freya you have to leave now."

"Stop talking." Amanda says as she and Maggie run inside.

" She didn't taste good." Maggie says.

"Save your strength elijah. Can we break the barrier?" Amanda says.

"It's old magic. We'll need time."

"Freya, don't do this."

"Brother, I'm not leaving you."


Marcel pulls out the knife from the tree and he walks over and picks up Soyfa's body. He kisses the side of her head.


"Where is Niklaus?" Elijah asks. Amanda looks at Fred and Freya and Freya  shakes her head.

"He's nearby. Just hold on." Amanda says. Fred dips her hand and blood then she holds her hands up closes her eyes and starts chanting." It's working."


Marcel is crying all of a sudden the wind picks up. He turns around and sees the blue light.


"Grab the cure. The barriers almost down." Freya say's. Amanda grabs the little white jar and she looks at Elijah.


The wind is howling and Marcel is looking at the blue light. All of a sudden he sees the shadow of the hollow.

"Foolish king." The hollow smacks Elijah."had you been loyal to me, I might have let you live. Instead, I will build my kingdom on top of your ashes." Marcel passes out next to Soyfa.

Freya stands up.

"Freya? What's wrong?" Amanda says. The wind starts picking up inside and the jar falls to the floor and brakes.

"No!" Freya yells. She runs over to the jar. The door opens and Amanda slowly stands up. The hollow walks straight over to Amanda.

"I will be reborn." The Hallow says as she looks at Amanda's stomach. Klaus immediately grabs Amanda and pulls her back.

"What happened?" Amanda says. The hollow is circling Elijah.

"She knew we were coming!!"Klaus says. The hollow starts using her power on Elijah." We have no choice! Get Elijah into the pendant." Klaus shows Freya the pendant. Elijah is gasping.

"He's too weak." Freya say's. Elijah starts yelling.

"Nik, she's killing him!" Amanda says. Freya grabs the pendant and starts chanting. The pendant starts glowing.

"I can feel him!" Freya yells. Elijah starts gasping.

"Freya!" Klaus yells.

"We have to do something!" Amanda yells.

"Her Magic's blocking me. She's too strong."  Elijah is slowly passing.

"Don't you dare." Klaus grabs Amanda." Freya!!"

"Amanda!!" Elijah yells out. He looks up at his family and he groans in pain. Freya is still trying to get Elijah's Spirit in the pendant. Elijah drops his hand and his body is slowly turning blue. The Hallow yells out and disappears. Klaus immediately runs over to Elijah and he pulls out the steak.

"Did it work?" Amanda asks Freya.

"Where's the pendant?" Klaus says. Freya opens her hand and the pendant is broken. She looks at Klaus and Amanda. Klaus sigh's and Amanda cries.

"Elijah." Amanda whispers as she placed her hand on his cheek.

Back at the church the witches are gatherd

"Everybody.. listen to me, listen to me. So everything that you heard is true. The spirit that has been haunting this city has gained the power that it needs to be reborn in the flesh. All right, now, you guys have been strong. You've been loyal to the ideas that we all value. But there is a battle coming that we are not prepared for. There's a time to fight and there's a time for us to survive. Right now, I need you to gather up your young ones, pull together your families and get out of this town. Seek safe Haven someplace else. Do not come back here until I tell you that it's safe to come back here."Vincent says. Everyone starts looking at each other talking as they walk away. Maxine walks over to Vincent.

"Vincent, come with us."


"You can't fight on your own."

"No, but what I can do is make sure nobody else gets pulled into this thing now what I need for you to do, get Adam, take him someplace safe let me figure out a way to put down this thing for good." Maxine reaches into her purse.

"Take this. It helped you once before. It may come in handy again." She pulls out a little wood triangle and hands it to him.

"Thank you."Maxine turns and starts walking away from Vincent.


Klaus lays Elijah's body in a coffin. He wipes his tears away and he turns and walks out the door mad.


Downstairs Freya is trying to put the pendant back together again. While Amanda is pacing back and forth.

"This isn't happening. Tell me Elijah's in there." Amanda says.

"I can't tell yet. I've been reaching out, but.."

"Your exhausted. Just take some time to gather yourself."

"We've wasted enough time!" Klaus says as he walks in the room."my brother so is in that pendant, we need to find him and bring him back."

"Nik, give her a moment to breathe."

"We failed him once already!"

"Damnit. Enough!"Amanda yells as she looks at Klaus. Freya gasps and opens her eyes.

"There's just.. nothing. There's, there is nothing there. I think.. I think he's gone."

"Try again." Klaus says.

"Klaus, I did try."

"I am asking you to try again. I know he's in there."


"Try again!!!" Klaus walks over and Amanda stands in front of Freya. Freya closes her eyes and starts chanting. She then opens her eyes and looks at them. Amanda starts crying.

"I just need some time." Freya say's.

"This is not happening. For a thousand years, my brother and I have walked this Earth. Countless times, death has come for us and countless times, we've denied her. He's not gone! He can't be." Freya starts crying and Amanda hugs Klaus. Hope walks into the room and she walks over to Freya.

"What is that?"

"Hope, oh. Go back to bed, sweetie, I will be in there in a second." Amanda says. Hope pushes past Amanda and she walks over to Freya. She places her hand on freya's shoulder. Freya hears Elijah screaming.

"Did you see that?" Freya asks Hope." Did you feel it?"

"Uncle Elijah. He sounds so far away." Hope says.

"He's in there. You heard him, right?" Amanda says.

"Yes, I heard him. He's somewhere inside, but..." Freya says.

"But what?"

"His voice sounds distorted, broken, like radio static and I just heard.. him screaming."


Marcel lays Soyfa on the bed And he walks out the room where Vincent is waiting.

"Now just remember that her mind was invaded by the most powerful witch and all of history, so there's really no telling what she's going through right now. How you holding up?"

"All right, look, is this why you stopped by? Huh? Grief counseling?"

"No. I came to get my journal back."

"Wait, you made me promise to kill you if you ever ask for that thing back."

"Wow, we weren't where we are now. The hollow has us. It's stronger than we are, it's got more followers and it's going to be reborn in the flesh. Now, we have no idea what it is that we're up against, because nothing like this has been around in a thousand years and if we don't get stronger, then we're done for."

"All right, this thing, it tempted you once before. Are you sure you can resist it now?"

"Honestly? No, I'm not." Marcel walks over to the wall and he opens it. He reveals a safe he puts his coat into the safe and the safe opens he pulls out the book."all right, Vincent, if this thing gets a hold of you.."

"Yeah. Just make it quick." Vincent says then he walks away.


Back at the tree the blue light is forming. All of a sudden a fifth burst through the tree. A girl comes out of the tree and she groans in pain as she looks around. She then raises her hands up and the ground starts rumbling. She closes her eyes and smiles.


Amanda walks into the bathroom and closes the door. She walks over to the sink and turns on the water. She reaches into her pocket and pulls out the little aspirin bottle.

"I'm sorry." She whispers as she opens the bottle and shakes out the pills. She pops the pills in her mouth." You can't be born. I won't bring you in this world." Amanda then grabs a cup fills over water and drinks it.

"Love?" Klaus says as he knocks on the door." Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Give me a minute." She says as she sits on the toilet crying.

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