The Prodigy's Twin (Avatar Th...

By Deotakukids

256K 6.1K 1.9K

You are Fire Lord Ozai's second son and Azula's twin. Azula is a prodigy as she can bend blue flames. But you... More

The School and A Friend
The Runaway
Searching the Earth Kingdom
Meeting The Team
Ba Sing Se
The Date
Things Are Looking Up
The Fall of The Earth Kingdom
The Aftermath
The School
The Beach
A Friendship Tested
The Puppet Master
Nightmares and Daydreams
The Day of The Black Sun [Part 1]
The Party
The Day of the Black Sun [Part 2]
Q&A answers
The Western Air Temple
A Time To Learn and Relax
The Boiling Rock Pt.1

The Boiling Rock Pt.2

4.1K 123 32
By Deotakukids

No One's POV

(Y/N) was sitting in his cell as he was thinking about what they could do to escape. As he was thinking he saw Ty Lee walk in, "What are you doing here?"

Ty Lee lifted her her mask showing her eyes, "Sokka said that he has a plan to get us out of here. We all just need to meet up at the yard in an hour."

(Y/N) stood up, "Do you know what the plan is?"

Ty lee shook her head, "Sokka didn't have enough time to tell me. There were to many guards around."

(Y/N) crossed his arms, "Alright. Well have you heard anything else. Maybe from the other guards?"

Ty Lee though for a second, "Well I did hear a few guards talking about a fire nation village nearby harboring some prisoners from some Earth Kingdom villages. But that's about it." Ty Lee then checked outside of the room to walk up to (Y/N) and give him a hug. (Y/N) hugged her back for the two to stay in the hug for a while. They soon heard footsteps coming towards the cell for Ty Lee's eyes to widen as she looked up at her boyfriend, "What do we do?"

The two guards walked in to to see (Y/N) on the ground as Ty Lee was above him pretending that she had just kicked him. One of the guards stepped forward, "What are you doing?"

Ty Lee looked at him, "O- Oh, I'm just putting this prisoner in his place."

The guard grabbed (Y/N)'s arm to make him stand up, "Well that'll have to do for know. The warden wants to see him."

Ty Lee quickly became worried, "What? Why?"

The guard forced the teenager to come with him. (Y/N) struggled a little, "Hey I didn't do anything. Where are you taking me?" He was thrown into a room with a table and a chair on each side of it. He looked back at the guard, "Whatever it is I'm innocent!"

He then heard a familiar voice, "Are you though?" He turned around to see Azula come out of a corner, "Hello brother."

(Y/N) put on a quick smile as he leaned on a chair, "Heeeey Azula. How are you doing?"

Azula had a smile, "Fine. You?"

(Y/N) nodded, "Doing good. Doing good." It was silent for a little bit for the teenage boy to ask, "What a coincidence seeing you here."

Azula took a seat, "It does seem a little peculiar." She gestured to the seat that (Y/N) was leaning on, "Take a seat."

(Y/N) raised an eyebrow as he sat down, "You seem to be nicer than usual."

Azula smiled, "Well it's now every day that you get to see your brother."

(Y/N) lost his smile, "Ok that fake smile is not working. What do you want?"

Azula's smile went away for her to roll her eyes, "I was hoping that I could save my time with that. Who else besides you and Zuko are here?"

(Y/N) played dumb, "It's just us."

Azula sighed as she became annoyed, "Really? So you and Zuzu decided that it would be fun to just pay the Boiling Rock a visit."

(Y/N) shrugged, "Yeah you know, check to see if everything is running smoothly, see if everything's up to date, and the food is to to die for."

Azula looked unamused, "As usual your jokes are not amusing." She then narrowed her eyes at (Y/N), "I'm going to assume that you are here to break somebody out. Although I don't know who we be here that you would want or need."

(Y/N) shrugged, "Like I said, just came to visit." As Azula was thinking (Y/N) leaned on the table, "How have you been Azula?"

Azula looked a little taken a back to scoff, "Pretending to care isn't going to get you out of this situation."

(Y/N) tilted sat up a little bit straighter, "I'm not pretending. Despite the circumstances, I do still care-"

He was interrupted by Azula standing up knocking her chair back, "Since you will not answer my questions then we are done here. Once I'm done here you are coming with me and you will be locked up in the same dungeon that uncle used to reside in." 

She went to walk away for (Y/N) to say, "You'll always be my sister Azula."

Azula stopped at the door for it to look like she was going to say something but walked out of the room to close the door for (Y/N) to hear her, "Make sure that he doesn't leave this room. If he escapes I'll throw both of you into the boiling water myself."

Both of the guards sounded a little fearful, "Y- Yes Princess Azula."

(Y/N) was in the room for awhile until he heard a loud noise to see his door open. Outside the two guards were looking around as every cell door opened. As they were distracted (Y/N) quickly pressed a pressure point on their necks knocking them unconscious. As they fell (Y/N) quickly grabbed them to drag them into the room, walk out, close the door, and whistle innocently as he walked to the yard. He made it to the yard to see a riot underway to look to his left to see a prisoner sent flying towards him. He ducked to look back and see that it was Zuko who had thrown the prisoner.

Zuko ran up to him, "Where are the others?"

(Y/N) looked around until he spotted Sokka, Hakoda, Suki, and Ty Lee hiding behind a wall. He pointed at them, "There."

Zuko and (Y/N) quickly ran to them for a fire ball to be sent to them by accident. Zuko slid underneath it as (Y/N) jumped over it tucking his legs in. They got close to the others for a guard to grab each of them. Zuko elbowed his guard in the gut and flipped him over his shoulder making the guard hit the ground hard. At the same time (Y/N) brought his right foot behind the guard's right foot. He brought the guard's foot forward making him fall backwards with (Y/N) making the guard hit the ground with all of (Y/N) weight land on top of them knocking the wind out of them. (Y/N) rolled backward off of the guard and stand up, for the two brothers to make their way to the others.

Sokka looked at them to smile, "Great, your both here. Now all we need to do is grab the warden and get to the gondolas."

Zuko nodded, "And how do we do that?"

Sokka raised an eyebrow as he looked at the warden and back at Zuko, "I'm not sure."

(Y/N) looked surprised, "Wait, you didn't plan this through!"

Sokka panicked, "I thought you guys said to not think everything through!"

Both of the siblings spoke, "Maybe not everything, but this is kind of important!"

Chit Sang was staring up at the tower that the warden was on, "Hey uh, fellas. I think your girlfriends' taking care of it." Everyone looked at the riot crowd to see Suki and Ty Lee running straight for it. The two jumped up to begin running on the crowd of prisoner's heads. When they reached the tower they both ran up the wall to jump off and catch their feet on a rail that was hanging under the first ledge. They brought themselves up for both of them to grab the upper railing with their hands. Ty Lee brought her legs in to twist her body towards a guard running towards her. She then quickly pushed her legs out to kick the guard into the wall knocking him out as Ty Lee got on her feet. Meanwhile Suki did a handstand on the railing, for a guard to send a fireball at her just for the warrior to jump off of her hands into the air and land behind the guard. She punched the guard making him hit his back on the rail as Suki hit him in the gut making him unconscious.

The two girls then saw two more guards come towards them. Suki ran towards one of the guards to do a high kick as he sent a fireball at her using his foot. Suki simply ducked by putting her right foot forward and leaning forward to grab both of the man's hips and swing him behind her knocking him on his back. As this happened Ty Lee simply jumped towards the other guard to have her right foot land on the railing. She kicked off of it to kick the guard in the face with the same foot making him hit his head against the wall. The two girls made their way up one more level to see the warden with one guard in the way. They charged the guard for Ty Lee to be in front as when she got close the man went to punch her, but the acrobat went down to sweep his legs making him go up into the air. As he was in the air Suki jumped towards the guard to knee him in the head instantly knocking him out. Suki rolled when she hit the ground, for her to block a punch from the warden to then grab his hair, pull his hair up, and pull her arm back like she was going to punch him.

The warden squinted his eyes, "You wouldn't dare."

Suki turned the warden around with his hands behind his back to use one of his head bands to tie his arms together. She used the other headband to cover his mouth, "Sorry warden. You're our prisoner now."

Suki pinned the warden against the wall for Ty Lee to walk up to her, "Sweet we got him." She then held up her hand for a high five, "Great job."

Suki looked at Ty Lee's hand to look back at her to shake her head, "Not there yet."

Ty Lee put her hand down, "Oh, right. Sorry."

The others caught up for Suki to look at the group, "We've got the warden. Now let's get out of here."

Everyone else was out of breathe, except for (Y/N), for Sokka's dad to look at the two girls, "Those are some girls."

Sokka and (Y/N) smiled, "Yeah they are."

The group were back on the ground floor as they were heading towards the gondolas, for two guards to block them with a small wave of fire. Zuko blocked the fire for other guards to get ready to send fire their way, but Zuko stepped to the side showing the warden, "Back off! We've got the warden!"

With that the guards let them pass for the entire group to get on the gondola as Zuko stayed behind to get the gondola started. Once it started Zuko broke the gondola's lever to see a few guards coming towards him. He jumped of off the platform towards the gondola as fireballs was sent his way. Zuko was just a bit short of reaching the gondola, but his hand was caught by (Y/N) as he was hanging out of the cart. Sokka helped pull (Y/N) back as (Y/N) kept his grip helping Zuko into the cart.

Once Zuko was in the cart Sokka looked at him like he was crazy, "What were you doing?"

Zuko looked at him, "I'm making so that they can't stop us."

Sokka smiled, "Way to think ahead."

Suki looked up at the end of the gondola, "We're almost there."

Hakoda on the other hand was looking at where they started, "Wait, who's that."

Everyone looked down to see Azula and two Fire Nation soldiers. Zuko frowned, "That's a problem. It's our sister and two of her soldiers. I assume that their some of her strongest."

Azula then grabbed a pair of handcuffs to hold onto one side as she clipped the other end to a wire to use her fire bending to send her forward. The two soldiers copied what Azula did to be right behind her.

(Y/N) started climbing out of a window, "Well let's get this over with." He got on top of the gondola for Suki, Sokka, and Zuko to join him.

Azula landed in front of Zuko and Sokka as the two soldiers landed on the other side of the gondola in front of Suki and (Y/N).

Suki got in a fighting stance, "Now is the time to show me how strong you are."

(Y/N) went to grab a knife, but remembered that he had no weapons. He sighed to get in a fighting stance as well. The soldier in front of (Y/N) created a fist as he stepped forward and created a small wave of fire at him. The teenager leaned to the side to be balancing on the edge of the gondola. When the fire started to vanish (Y/N) quickly ran forward to jump and try to kick the man in the head, but the soldier ducked avoiding the attack. The man retaliated with a right hook to be blocked by (Y/N)'s left arm, but was still hit in the gut by the soldier's left fist. (Y/N) held his stomach in pain for the soldier to take advantage of of this by bringing his right fist up and swung down, but (Y/N) leaned to left dodging the attack to elbow the soldier in the nose with his left elbow stunning the man. He then punched him in the gut paying him back for what he had done seconds ago. (Y/N) got ready to attack again, but was stopped by the gondola shaking as it soon tilted to the right. (Y/N) stumbled to fall and begin sliding down the top of the gondola. He reached near the edge for his right hand to be caught by Suki, who was holding on the middle of the gondola with her other hand. The gondola became stable again for everyone to regain their balance for one of the soldiers to point towards where their gondola ride had originally started, "They're about to cut the line!"

Azula looked down at the soldiers cutting the line to look in front of her to see a different gondola coming from a different direction, "Then it's time to leave." She and her two soldiers used their bending to get off of the doomed gondola and onto the safe one. 

The four teenagers that were left standing quickly got into the gondola for Zuko to warn the rest of the group, "They're cutting the line! The gondola's about to go!"

Chit Sang looked down at the water, "I hope that this thing floats."

The group watched as the soldiers cutting the line were stopped by Mai. Mai Fought off all of the soldiers on the Gondola's stop.

Sokka looked impressed, "Who is that?"

Zuko looked surprised, "That's Mai. What is she doing?"

Mai continued fending off all of the soldiers that came to try and stop the escaping group. 

The gondola reached the it's stop on top of the volcano. Everyone started running out for Ty Lee to look down at Mai as she was pinned down, "We can't just leave her behind."

(Y/N) watched as Mai was forced to stand up as she was being taken away by some guards, "I don't want to. But if we don't leave now then her sacrifice will be in vain."

Ty Lee looked away to follow the others as they were heading towards the edge of the volcano with (Y/N) following her. Sokka's dad followed suite as he locked the warden in the gondola, "Sorry, warden. Your record is officially broken."

As they ran Suki looked around, "Well, we made it out. Now what?"

Zuko had stopped for (Y/N) to stop and look at him, "Zuko, what are you doing?"

Zuko looked at his brother, "Our sister was on that island."

Everyone else had stopped as (Y/N) stepped forward, "Yeah, and she's probably right behind us, so let's..." (Y/N) then understood what Zuko was getting at, "She must of gotten here somehow."

Zuko ran up a hill, "Exactly." When he reached the top of the hill he looked down to see a Fire Nation war ship docked on the water, "That's our way out of here."

Later at Night

The war ship docked next to the air temple for Zuko, (Y/N), Ty Lee, and Sokka to be the first ones off. Aang, Toph, and Katara were waiting for them. Aang looked at the war ship, "Where did you guys get this thing? What happened to the war balloon?"

Zuko smirked, "It kinda got destroyed."

This made Aang chuckle a little, "Sounds like a crazy fishing trip."

Toph stared blankly at the two, "Did you at least get some good meat?"

Sokka nodded, "I did, I got the best meat of all... The meat of friendship and fatherhood."

Suki, Hakoda, and Chit Sang walked out of the ship for Katara's eyes to become watery as she ran towards her father, "Dad!"

Hakoda embraced his daughter, "Hi, Katara."

Katara looked up at her dad, "How are you doing?" She then looked at her brother, "What is going on? Where did you go?"

Sokka smirked, "We kind of went to a Fire Nation prison." Katara then grabbed his wrist as she brought him into a hug with their father.

As they hugged Toph looked at the escapees' direction, "You guys seriously didn't bring any meat."

(Y/N) shook his head, "Nope, sorry." Toph groaned as she went to go back to sleep."

After a while everyone found some more blankets for everyone to use. Ty Lee was getting ready to sleep until she saw Suki and Sokka sleeping together as they were sharing a blanket. She looked over at (Y/N) as he was getting ready for bed. He laid down for Ty Lee to walk up to him with her pillow, "Hey (Y/N)." 

(Y/N) sat up as he smiled, "What's up?"

Ty Lee started fidgeting, "W- Well I though that since it may get a bit cold tonight we could share a blanket." Her face started turning red, "J- Just to keep w- warm."

(Y/N)'s started turning red as well as he had no response for a while blanked out. He quickly came back to reality to hold up his blanket, "U- Uhm, sure." 

Ty Lee got under the same blanket as (Y/N) for the two to lay down facing away from each other and their heads on their pillows. Ty Lee was still a little flustered, but she rolled onto her other side to be facing (Y/N)'s back. The teenage girl did not know what to do as she wanted to hug him, but did not know if she should. (Y/N) rolled over facing Ty Lee to hug her and bring her in close. Ty Lee's face became red as she smiled, for her to hug him back as she snuggled her head under her boyfriend's neck.

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