Jealousy - Iwaoi

By WALK3R105

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Iwaizumi has been in love with his best friend for the majority of his life. When one of his female friends c... More

Fresh start
Afraid of change
Growth and repair
Water fight
How it used to be
Stronger together
Gone away
Perfect pair
Back to normal
A little nudge
What if
Forget me nots


171 2 15
By WALK3R105

Oikawa woke up with a warm feeling. And not just an emotional warm happy feeling, he felt physically warm. Extremely comfortable too. He went to sit up but when he looked down, he panicked.

Underneath his head, laid Iwaizumi's chest. Oikawa didn't know what to do. Iwaizumi was still fast asleep with his mouth wide open. He wanted nothing more than to stay like that but he knew that he couldn't. It was too painful.

Iwaizumi was so close yet he felt so far away. They were touching but it was like they were worlds apart. Two pieces from different puzzles that fit together perfectly.

Oikawa knew he had to move before Iwaizumi woke up but he just wanted to lie there forever. Although it was painful, it was still nice. This was the closest they'd been in a while and Oikawa had missed it.

5 more minutes wouldn't hurt right? Oikawa thought to himself as he laid his head back down onto Iwaizumi's chest, blushing as he felt the heat radiate off of Iwaizumi from underneath. He listened to the calm, soft breaths of Iwaizumi and soon found himself nodding off once again.

A few hours later, Iwaizumi was the one to wake up. He almost jumped when he saw Oikawa on top of him. His face turned bright red, giving him no chance of falling back to sleep again. Soon after, Oikawa woke up for the second time and cursed under his breath at the mistake he'd made of "5 more minutes".

"Oikawa, what time is it?" Iwaizumi asked, groggily. Oikawa leaned over the bed to grab his phone. "10:42"
"We should get up." Iwaizumi said, hinting that he still couldn't move.

"Oh! Right, I'm so sorry Iwa." Oikawa said, completely flustered, scrambling to get up. "Haha it's fine, it's not like you're heavy or anything." The two made their way downstairs for some breakfast.

They decided to make breakfast together, neither of them being particularly good at it. Oikawa almost burned the toast but luckily Iwaizumi reminded him just in time. Iwaizumi was better at cooking than Oikawa but not by much, so he cooked the eggs.

They sat down at the table and began to eat the food they cooked in silence. It was a comfortable silence, one that was in stead filled with sounds of chewing and the occasional "mmm" as opposed to talking. Oikawa played back the events in his head of waking up snuggled up to his crush. The man who was taken, but not for long.

Iwaizumi felt anxious every time he thought about the breakup. He tried to play out what he would say in his head but couldn't form the words. He just hoped they would come to him in the moment.

They soon finished breakfast and decided to walk up to the park they used to go to as kids. It was a sunny day but with a cool breeze that hit the boys as they stepped outside. They started walking while listening to music, one of Oikawa's favourite activities.

Oikawa had his playlist on shuffle which made him slightly anxious as it meant that any song could play, and it could be one of the my little pony soundtracks he had on there. Or it could be a love song, which would be worse.

To Oikawa's embarrassment, line without a hook by Ricky Montgomery was the next song to play which normally he would be excited about because he loved Ricky. But because of his relation to the lyrics, he found himself feeling more than uncomfortable.

Iwaizumi sensed that Oikawa was tense and wasn't entirely sure why but was sure he knew what would make him relax. He held out his arm for Oikawa to link with his own, which Oikawa hesitantly did. They'd never really hold hands much as kids because they knew it was kind of seen as a romantic gesture so instead when they walked through busy crowds, they would link arms.

The crowd they were walking through this time though was absent so there wasn't any need to link arms. But the two boys found comfort in the contact and it made the journey less awkward than it needed to be.

It didn't take long to get to the park since they lived so close to it. It wasn't a very big park but it had enough equipment to keep them entertained for a while. Oikawa stared at the skate ramps, wishing that he knew how to skate. "Hey, last one up there's a rotten egg." Iwaizumi yelled, already taking off towards the skate ramps.

"Hey!" Oikawa raced to catch up as Iwaizumi ran just in front of him. They both scrambled up the ramp, Oikawa slipping in the process while Iwaizumi flawlessly managed to grab onto the ledge and pull himself up. Oikawa managed soon after with Iwaizumi laughing at him.

They sat on the ledge for a while. It wasn't very high but Oikawa felt like he was the king of the world. "So, when are you breaking up with Emiko?" Oikawa asked, looking up at the sky.

"Not sure. I was thinking maybe tomorrow but I'll see how I go." Iwaizumi replied, not liking the sudden reminder of the breakup. "I'll be here for you." Oikawa said, placing his hand on Iwaizumi's knee, making Iwaizumi blush, his anxiety almost completely perishing.

"And this other girl, are you thinking of asking her out any time soon?"
"What other girl?" Iwaizumi asked cluelessly. He'd forgotten about the girl he'd made up the previous day. "The one you told me you had a crush on." Oikawa asked, slightly confused as to how he could forget his own crush.

"Oh right! Her..." Iwaizumi replied, now having remembered what he told Oikawa about his crush on this "girl". "Well no, I don't think he- I mean she likes me back and I don't want to ruin our friendship."
"Wait you guys are friends? How come we've never met."
"Uhhh" Iwaizumi struggled to find an excuse but luckily, Oikawa got distracted by a cute dog.

"Anyway, we should probably head back now, I still have some homework to finish." Oikawa grumbled. "We could have a study date? Uhh I mean, you know, a platonic date?" Iwaizumi suggested, wishing it were a romantic date in stead.

"Y-yeah, that would be nice." Oikawa blushed at the word "date".
"You're shit at maths anyways so you could use my help." Iwaizumi remarked, smirking.
"Hey!" Oikawa yelled, taking off his shoe to throw it at Iwaizumi.

The two squabbled all the way back home, laughing in the process at how stupid they probably looked. They got back to Oikawa's and reluctantly got out their homework, neither of them particularly liking maths.

"Ugh, can we move on to Japanese in stead? My brain hurts from all these numbers." Oikawa whined after about an hour of working on maths problems.
"Yeah, honestly same, I can't even lie my brain hurts too."
"Wow are you actually admitting to struggling at something Iwa-chan?" Oikawa teased.
"Oh shut up!" Iwaizumi yelled, whacking Oikawa on the head with his maths book.

"Actually, can we take a break in stead?" Oikawa asked. Iwaizumi agreed and the two boys went downstairs to get a snack. "So Oikawa, I don't think I've asked you this before but do you like anyone?"

Oikawa's heart stopped for a second. "Uhh nope! No I don't." Oikawa said, his bad attempt at covering up his flushed face not going unnoticed. "You do don't you." Iwaizumi said, teasing Oikawa. He felt slightly hurt as he was just about to break up with his girlfriend. Though Oikawa was under the impression that he liked another girl so he shouldn't have any reason to feel jealous in Oikawa's eyes.

"Well, maybe there is someone..." Oikawa said, looking away. "Well, who is it then?" Iwaizumi asked, almost impatient. He was dying to know who exactly Oikawa had a crush on so he could determine whether they were worthy enough. "I-I can't tell you!"

"Oh come on! I told you mine!" 'Even though mine was a complete lie' Iwaizumi said inside his head. "I know, and I appreciate that. But mine is... different. I'm sorry, I can't describe it but I just can't tell you!" Oikawa rambled, worried he'd said too much that could have given Iwaizumi an idea of who it was.

Iwaizumi sat down. "Ok. You don't have to tell me and I'm not going to pry. I just hope that one day, you'll trust me enough to tell you." There was silence for a moment until Oikawa sat down too. "Iwa, I do trust you. There's a reason I can't tell you."

"Do Makki and Mattsun know?" Oikawa stayed silent, looking at the floor and slowly nodding. "I should get going." Iwaizumi stated, abruptly standing up again. "Wait Iwa-"
"Don't. I just need some time." Iwaizumi quickly stepped outside, the door slamming behind him.

Oikawa felt useless. He'd just got his best friend back and he may have just lost him again. No. He said the same thing that Oikawa had said to him. He just needed time. That was what Oikawa said and then he forgave him. But was Iwa really the type to forgive easily? But then again, what did he really do wrong? He was allowed to not tell him things. But Oikawa could also see why he was upset. If Iwaizumi had told Emiko something and not him, Oikawa would feel very hurt.

Oh god. Thinking about Emiko, Oikawa was reminded of what was to come with her. He felt a stab of guilt when he realised that he should be there for his friend during this difficult time for him. He decided he would make sure to at least comfort him over text once the time of the breakup finally arrived.

Iwaizumi walked back to his house with tears forming in his eyes. If he was honest, he was mainly only upset because Oikawa had a crush on someone that wasn't him. Or so he thought. But the more he thought about it, the more confused he got.

Of course he would never like me back. How stupid would that be! Unless... he said there was a reason he couldn't tell me who his crush is, could it be that- no, Oikawa isn't- is he?

Iwaizumi pondered the chance that Oikawa could have a crush on him. The two had always been extremely close. But there was no way that Oikawa saw him that way right?

No, I'm probably just thinking these things because I want him to like me back. He probably has no interest in me at all. Maybe the reason he won't tell me is because he's gay and has a crush on another guy?

Somehow the thought of Oikawa having a crush on a guy made him feel worse. The fact that Oikawa might like guys but not Iwaizumi made him feel like there was something wrong with him. Like he was broken.

Still, Iwaizumi was also upset that Oikawa had told Makki and Mattsun but not him. Iwaizumi wasn't going to care if he was gay or anything like that. And if that were the case then Iwaizumi would be offended that Oikawa would even consider him to be judgmental of that kind of thing. Because little did Oikawa know, he was also queer. Did Oikawa really not trust him enough to tell him?

Trust. Trust is something Iwaizumi had struggled with his entire life. He had problems with trust issues with everyone else but when it came to Oikawa, he never had that problem. He felt he could trust Oikawa with his life and he'd never felt that way about anyone else before, even his own parents.

He knew that whatever happened between him and his best friend, the bond between them would always be there and the trust they shared for one another would never go away. But why then did Oikawa not tell him? Iwaizumi couldn't let it go. His mind continued to torture him with questions of "why" all the way back to his house.

He slumped down onto his bed once he reached his room, tired. He was desperate to know who Oikawa's crush could be but he knew he couldn't force him to share it.

Iwaizumi could only wish that it were him. But what were the chances? Oh if only he knew.

Heyy!! Ahh I'm so sorry for not updating for a while! No excuses, I'm here now and that's all that matters. I will be going back to college soon so I will try to update at least once or twice before then. Anyways, the angst is back hehehe, hope you enjoy it 😈. Seriously tho, I do hope you enjoy it. There was a while where I couldn't think of where to go from here but then I started typing and found I couldn't stop so sorry if it seems a bit wordy 😅.

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