The USM enters a fantasy world

By AHT08FriendlyLogi

860 8 5

Hello there. 'General Kenobi' Jokes aside, this is my first attempt at writing. Let me know if I do something... More

Prolonged Exposure.
Crimson Light 091 has arrived, where are we heading commander.
Cover blown, OCL Enforcers activated.
USM deployment authorized
USM/OCL current FOB's
OCL logistical work
The shattering of reality begins, all hell soon breaks loose.
Air assault in progress.
The Mega Corp's arrives.
Intermission I
Intermission II 'The beginning, is not the end'
First actual contact
Wait, the UNF exists?
To defend our Mother Earth from any alien attack...
Orbital Defense Satellite uplink established.
Hippity hoppity this city is now AB property.
Reality destabilized, extract. (Final chapter?)
The reworking has begun.
it has been done.

Special Response Team

32 1 0
By AHT08FriendlyLogi

"Firestorm 1-1 taking arrow fire, looks like a burning city is being siege'd, orders? Yes sir....gunner, target the one's outside. Loader, load SERM!"
"SLERM loaded."
"On the way!" A 130mm SERM slug blasts through the air at mach 7, vaporizing a few siege towers along with a battering ram.
"Target's been killed, Firestorm Company move into assualt position's! Don't even think about turning back. Loader, load LEIAR!" 23 M3A0's and a single Ace M3A1 drove to the forest edge, leading the formation.

"Enemy magic AT infantry, 455 meters front."
"On the way!" Firestorm 1-2 fired an LEI shell, turned out the barrel could fire both conventional ammunition along with railgun ammunition....the mage was also reduced to molten flesh.

"Enemy infantry squads closing! GET THE MG ONLINE NOW!" 14.7mm sentry turrets activated, and absolutely massacared the infantry.
"Enemy HVT inside gate, seems to be fighting a loli? Anyways, clear engagement."
"On the way!" The LEIAR shell first and most noticeably erupted into flames upon hitting the man due to a set fuze, the second effect was the lower explosion radius, the third was the absolute destruction of the man's armor, literally shattering.
"HVT is confirmed to be KIA on thermals, loader switch to LEI, gunner, assistant gunner, focus on infantry outside."

"Firestorm 1-3 taking heavy mage fire! Retreating, hull is overheating!" One of the M3A0's were in fact about to catch fire due to being hit over and over again by fireballs, which, were surprisingly effective due to them not having heat absorbers.

"Baseplate to all Firestorm elements, mages are now priority targets! Focus on any seen, Baseplate out."

"Firestorm Actual acknowledges orders."

"Firestorm element's prepare to move forward, hostile combat strength has decreased by 47% effectiveness, however that ain't enough. Move in marine's! Make em pay for living near a FOB and raiding innocents!" The Ace M3A1 fired off 4 consecutive SERM railgun shots, which ripped apart many, MANY, people with overpenatriation.

"Firestorm 2 element's trickling in, dismounting infantry by the gate to provide additional support. Cover deployment." 8 M3A0's rushed to the gate, spraying 14.7mm HE along with LEI shell's.

"Ultima Actual and the HQ squad is surrounded by hostile heavy infantry! Air support danger close needed, priority message. Our ammunition is about to go red!" 4 M3A0's along with a few squads of USM Marine's were holding out in a trench network, wait, did they get here a few days ago?

"Baseplate to Firestorm Actual be advised, outdated fixed wing aircraft, 'Fighter4', type fighter-bomber approaching the air space. IFF signal suggests it is JSDF aircraft, we've also got UH-90's about to take off in our FOB so you won't have to manually take out all urban zone's without air assualt advised, additional aircraft detected by RADAR. Outdated american UH-1 Huey's with IFF the same as JSDF Fighter4's."

"This world is pretty, violence is....meh." A certain goddess of death said.
"Miss that's a nice oversized 23 foot long red scythe you got there."
"Why thank you sir."
"Also a pleasure to meet you miss."
"The pleasure is mine, mercenary."
"I don't feel safe anymore...."

(A/N: Uh oh, look's like some deity is gonna curbstomp GATE. Wait, aren't we already doing that with what i call 'mortal' beings?)
(The Auditor: YOU. SUCK. AT. THIS.)
(A/N: At least i try you compressed pieces of mist.)

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