Mr. Clifford (Muke)

By ostricheatingcheese

76.3K 3.3K 807

Luke is a high school student. He's pretty normal, and he's gay. But not many people know he's gay. Just his... More



3.4K 136 43
By ostricheatingcheese

-Michaels pov-

I woke up, rolled over and opened my eyes. I didn't wanna get up today. I didn't wanna do anything. I sighed deeply and stretched out for a few minutes.

Then I opened my eyes and blinked a few times before calling this substitute teacher on the list the school provided us. There was no way I was going to work.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Hello. Is this Ms. Baker?" I asked.

"Yes. Who is this?" She questioned.

"This is Michael Clifford. I'm an art teacher at the high school. I was wondering if you were available today? I'm kind of sick and I can't be in today?" I asked hopefully, adding a fake cough.

"Oh yes. Sure. I'll get ready now. And I hope you get better soon." She wished in an annoying voice, making me roll my eyes.

"Thanks" I said. "Bye" I added and hung up.

I sighed and leaned against the wall. At least I didn't have to go teach a bunch of students who didn't really care anyway.

I fell back asleep a few minutes later. I was really tired.

When I woke up a few hours later, I took a long shower and went to the kitchen to get food. I pulled some pizza out of the fridge and put it in the microwave. I set the time for a minute and a half.

While the microwave heated my food, I went in the living room and turned on the TV, flipping through channels until I found an interesting show. Family guy.
It was the episode where they all go to the big ass house and there's a murderer and nobody can figure out who the killer is.

I smiled at something that the show said and the microwave beeped. I got up and dragged myself to the kitchen, opened the microwave, pulled out my food, and closed it with a loud push. I walked back to the living room and plopped onto the couch again, snuggling up under a blanket and eating my pizza.

It was warm and I decided to turn on Netflix and watch a bunch of episodes of family guy, starting with the first episode of the fourth season.

Before I knew it, I had watched ten episodes and I got up, stretching and going to take my plate to the kitchen.

I put the glass plate in the sink and opened the fridge, trying to figure out what to drink. I looked around the fridge for a minute before finally deciding on a Dr. Pepper.

I pulled one out and kicked the fridge closed, walking back in the living room and turning on american dad instead.

-Luke's pov-

I got up and began walking to eighth period after the bell rang. I was anxious. I didn't see Michael this morning, and i was hoping that he was here and that I had just missed him.

I walked in the classroom and only a few other people were in there, no adult included. Ashton was one of the couple people there and he was sitting in his regular spot. "Hi Luke" he smiled.

"Hey Ashton." I answered.

"Where's the teacher?" I asked as I sat down by him.

He smiled. "She's in the bathroom." He told me.

"She?" I checked. So he really wasn't here, and that made my heart sink a little bit. Maybe he was avoiding me after what happened?

"Yeah. We have a sub. She's in the bathroom, and she's really quite annoying." He explained.

"Where's Mi- Mr. Clifford?" I asked.

"I don't know. Probably sick." Ashton answered.

I sighed. I really hoped he was okay.

The substitute teacher walked in. She had dull brown hair and she was really chubby. Not quite fat, but really chubby. She had dark brown eyes that looked almost bored.

The blue shirt she was wearing clung to her fat and the loose black pants went all the way down to her purple sandals.

She looked awful. "My name is Ms. Baker" she announced in an annoying voice.

"Hiiii" part of the class said. She smiled. Her teeth were yellowed a little. "You guys are working on your block letters. They're due on Friday." She told us.

We went to work as she sat at the teachers desk and began scrolling through her phone. I began to paint and realized I was almost done. Calum had finally finished the baby blue paint all over his and was currently painting yellowish orange stars all over it. Everyone's looked good except mine. Oops.

I sighed and finished up the dots on mine and set it aside to dry. Ashton was done, so I turned and started talking to him.

"Hey Ash" I said.

"Hi Luke. Are you done?" He asked. I nodded.

"Cool" he answered. We ended up talking about video games and TV shows for the rest of class.

-Michael's pov-

I looked at the clock and realized that there was 2 minutes until school got out. I sighed. I was so glad I didn't go today. It was a long day anyway, and I didn't even do anything.

I hit yes on the remote, answering Netflix that I still wanted to watch Spongebob Squarepants. Immature, I know. I was eating a big bag of chips and cuddled up under my Star Wars blanket. It was a soft, fluffy blanket and it was very comfortable.

It wasn't exactly cold, but it wasn't warm. It was a comfortable temperature, but I liked having the blanket because it was comfortable. And it was warm under the blanket, but not too warm.

The next episode of Spongebob came on and I sighed, starting to watch it. The microwave went off and I got up and walked into the kitchen, opened the microwave, and pulled the bag of popcorn out. I opened it, feeling all the steam come onto my face, heating it up and dragging the smell of popcorn with it.

After all the air had gone, I poured the popcorn from the bag to a bowl and put salt on it. Then I threw the bag away, closed the microwave, and walked back to my spot on the couch, curling back up under my blanket.

I checked the time again. School had been out for a whole 5 minutes. I took some popcorn and put it in my mouth as I focused my attention back on Spongebob.

I knew that soon, I would start thinking of Luke and not be able to stop. I knew that he was the real reason I didn't wanna wanna to work. I didn't want to have to see him with Angelina, or fall more in love with him.

No, I don't love luke. He's my student. I can't love him. Its not even legal. I can't. Its not like he likes me anyway. Of course he doesn't. He has a girlfriend. God damn Angelina. But I don't love him. I can't.

I tried to tell myself over again, trying to convince myself, because I knew that I did love him. Of course I loved him. He was perfect, how could I not?

He had beautiful, almost inhumane peircing blue eyes and pretty, soft blonde hair that was styled in a quiff. He had a great body and he was tall, taller than me. His legs were long and he was so beautiful.

His voice was kinda deep. It was the perfect mix of deep and not deep. His lips were a pretty shade of pink. And that lip ring...

I tried to stop myself from thinking about him, but I couldn't. His black skinny jeans were always clinging to his long ass legs in a really attractive way and he was always so precious. He always had on a cool shirt that was usually a great band.

I loved him, and I knew I loved him. School had been out for fifteen minutes, and I wondered if he was home yet. Had he even showed up to school today? I hoped he was okay.

Of course he was okay. He was fine yesterday, he'd be okay today. And I could just text him. But what if he doesn't answer? What if he hates me? He never liked me, he doesn't.

I tried to tell myself over and over that he had no interest in me whatsoever.

Then there was a knock on the door.

Thank you all for reading my horrible book. Ily all

Stay gorgeous xx

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