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*Luke's POV*

The bell rang for first period and we all quickly sat down before the teacher walked in. I wanted to go to art, but I didn't have it until eighth period.

The teacher started passing out notes for the project we were about to be assigned. I hate language arts projects, they were so uninteresting.

I didn't mind art projects, or even music projects. But I hate projects for required classes like language arts and history.

We went over the requirements sheet. A group project where we take a short story we've read this year and make it into an iMovie on the school iPads.

I automatically looked at Calum and Ashton, knowing they would be my group members. After explaining the project requirements and stuff that wasn't allowed, most of it obvious, some of it stupid, she released us to get into our groups so that we could begin planning.

I got with Calum and Ashton, and we all sat by Ashton's desk. "What story are we doing?" Calum immediately asked. We thought for a second.

"The lottery?" Calum suggested. We agreed.

The lottery is a story where the people live in a small village and on one day out of the year, they all go into the town square and the head of the household goes and picks a card out, without looking. After all the families have gone, they all see who has the card with the black dot. The family that had the black dot has each of the members of that family pick out a card. The member with the other dot "wins" and then gets stoned to death.

(An we actually read this in one of my classes.)

We planned it out and decided that Ashton would make the storyboard, since it had to be hand made. I was the one writing and editing the script, and Calum was going to type the script and put it all together and make it look acceptable.

The bell rang and I got up, walking with the other guys to history.

We all sat in the back, and my mind refocused on my art class.

I longed to go to art, and just sit there and watch Mr. Clifford talk, watch his beautiful pink lips move and hear his voice. I wanted to see his pretty green eyes sparkle.

"Luke!" The teacher demanded. My attention snapped to her.

"What?" I asked.

"The answer please?" She asked rudely, knowing I wasn't paying attention.

"To what?" I asked, causing a few giggles.

"What was the first battle of the Civil War?" She demanded again, clearly annoyed.

"Uum, the battle of Bull Run?" I answered unsure.

She rolled her eyes. "Good" she answered, even more annoyed than before. I smiled. Calum and Ashton laughed.

*Michaels POV*

*8th period*

"Johnny, please stop talking so loudly." I asked my student who was being really loud and dramatic. He was with his friends, and they were working on a project. They had to paint a wooden letter block thing and it had to be more than one color, somewhat reflecting themselves.
Johnny had his partly painted light blue. His friends were a little further than him, but not much. Sad.

I looked over towards a different group to see how much progress they had. Calum Hood, Ashton Irwin, and Luke Hemmings. Luke was my favorite student.

He's quiet and smart, and he almost always does his work. Plus, he's hardly ever absent and he has a lip piercing.

He was really hot. "He's your student michael. You can't think like that about him" my brain reminded me for the billionth time.

But I couldn't help it. Calum said something, making him and Ashton laugh loudly while luke just smiled his cute little smile and continued painting.

Luke's L was black, and he was currently painting silver small dots on it. It actually looked good, especially compared to Johnny's and Johnny's friend's.

Ashton's I was painted red, and he was doing black stripes currently. Calum's H was baby blue, and he was stuck trying to decide how he should decorate it.

I looked at the group of girls. About ten of them, six of them being cheerleaders. All the girls sat together, except Amanda, Lisa, and Sam. Those three sat together. There was a lot of pink and glitter with the girls, and the ones that weren't pink were light purple.

There was a lot of glitter on the floor and all over a lot of things since it was eighth period.

I looked at my computer, remembering to take role. I marked Zoey and Alice absent and sighed, making the next lesson plan.

About ten minutes later, I started to trail off, thinking about Luke. I tried to stop myself, but I couldn't. He was flawless.

"Really Calum!?" Luke demanded, louder than normal for him, and it snapped my attention to him. Calum had run the paintbrush, covered in baby blue paint, down Luke's arm. Ashton and Calum were hysterically laughing.

"Luke, go clean up. Calum, I'm giving you lunch detention" I immediately responded. I didn't usually give detentions or punishments, so almost all the class looked at me in shock.

Especially Calum. He painted lukes arm. He upset luke. It was a natural reflex. I always wanted to defend luke. He was so precious.

Luke walked out of the room. Soon, the normal noise level returned and I got up and went to the boy's bathroom. Luke was trying to scrub his arm with wet paper towels. "Sorry Luke." I said, making him jump.

"Are you OK?" I asked. He nodded. He was shy, and I thought it was cute.

"Here." I said, grabbing paper towels, soaking them, and putting hand soap on them. I started to gently wipe his arm and he smiled as it came off easily.

"There." I said, wiping the excess soap off his arm and throwing away the paper towels.

"Thanks." He smiled shyly, making me smile back.

He was so cute.

"No problem." I answered, looking into his pretty blue eyes. He looked away after about two seconds, blushing lightly.

"We should get back to class." He suggested. I nodded.

We walked into the room and it was chaos. There was paint on the wall, on peoples shirts, in hair, many girls were squealing.

"Oh my god." I gasped.

"Everybody sit down and shut up." I said, pretty loudly, startling them and one dropped a brand new container of purple paint. I sighed and picked it up. Everybody sat down and it was silent, some of them looked scared as I had never yelled at the class before.

They did worksheets for the rest of class.

When the bell rang at the end, people started rushing out.

"Luke, can I talk to you?" I asked him. He nodded shyly, waiting for everyone else to leave.

Mr. Clifford (Muke)Where stories live. Discover now