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*Luke's POV*

I walked into school on Monday morning, looking forward to seeing Mr. Clifford after the weekend.

A blonde cheerleader named Angelina came up to me.

"Hey Luke" she smiled, winking at me.

"Hey Angelina." I answered.

"So, umm, wanna go out with me?" She asked, or more like blurted.

"Um, I'm not really looking for a relationship." I lied. She rolled her eyes.

"Ugh, whatever Luke. You're such a fag" she spat at me before strutting away.

I sighed and looked at my hands until I heard Ashton call my name. I looked up at him to see that he was dragging a very exhausted looking Calum behind him.

"Hey Luke!" Ashton exclaimed.

"You're so perky." Calum groaned from behind him.

"Shut up calum. It's not my fault you were up so late." Ashton replied.

"Yes it was, you wouldn't stop calling me!" Calum argued.

"Well you didn't have to answer" Ashton shrugged.

I smiled.

"Cute couple" I commented.

I laughed as they both turned a shade of red.

"Guess what!?" Ashton changed the subject happily.

"What?" I asked.

"I finished the homework!" He announced, smiling. He was being really perky.

"Ash, what drugs are you on?" Calum asked. Ashton rolled his eyes but I laughed.

"You only finished the homework because you called me 500 times last night making me do the math." Calum added. I laughed again.

Ashton glared at him. "Calum, you have one more chance to shut up." he joked. Calum smiled back.

"That's the first time you've smiled today!" Ashton exclaimed.

"Its a Monday morning" Calum reasoned.

Ashton rolled his eyes. "Exactly. You basically slept all weekend." Ashton told him. Calum rolled his eyes.

The bell rang and I walked to first period slowly, not really wanting to actually get there.


Calum, Ashton, and I sat at our regular lunch table

Angelina came up with about seven other cheerleaders, and Angelina was leading.

"Luke" she said, looking right at me as soon as she got to the table. I looked back at her.

"So, basically, you're going out with me. And of you don't, we have connections to the football players." She smirked. Ashton and Calum looked at me.

-Michaels pov-

I sighed as the bell rang, releasing seventh period. I had Luke next period, and that made me smile. But a few minutes later, when he hugged a blonde cheerleader and she kissed his cheek, I began to wonder what was happening. He was gay, or at least I thought he was.

She walked off and he came in, automatically sitting by Ashton and Calum as usual.

I sighed when the bell rang and took role on my stupid computer. Zoey still wasn't present.

I sighed. "You guys are working on your block letters again today. Go." I said. I usually said more than that, but I was really upset.

Everyone went to the back to get their letters and supplies to do them. I just sat on my phone behind my desk.

I could hear Luke, Calum, and Ashton talking. Luke was being quiet, as usual. I didn't care.

But I knew I did.

A couple minutes before the bell rang, everyone started packing. "Luke, I need to talk to you after class." I told him.

"Um, okay" he warily agreed.

He looked a little confused.

After the bell rang, everyone was out pretty quickly. I sighed as luke came up to my desk. He was so attractive.

"What's up?" He asked.

"Angelina? The slut?" I questioned. "You can do way better than her. I thought you were gay anyway." I added.

"I am. She just kinda, made me date her. I'm gay, and I think you're really hot." Luke said, addig a wink to the end. I blushed a little.

"You're hot, luke." I answered.

He blushed a little and looked at the wall. "Okay, you can go." I told him.

"Okay" he nodded, slipping me a folded up piece of paper and quickly leaving.

I unfolded the paper and saw his phone number written on it. I smiled.

I actually got his number. I put it in my phone and tore the paper into small confetti like shreds and threw them away.

Then i grabbed my stuff and walked out.

When I got home, I pulled out a small stack of papers and began grading them. Luke's wasn't here. That's weird, he always does his work. Maybe I overlooked it.

I went back through my stack, twice. No Luke paper.

Whatever. I started grading with a purple pen, marking answers wrong over and over. It was so uninteresting.

Eventually, I finished and got up, stretching. I ate some food and texted luke.

( Bold is luke, italics is michael)

Hey luke



Homework wby

I just finished grading papers

Sounds boring

It was

I gtg Ashton just got here

Okay. Bye



I sighed and put my phone on the bathroom counter, turning on my playlist and getting in the shower.

I was in there for like 45 minutes.

When I got out, I played GTA 5 for about an hour before going to bed.

I love you


Mr. Clifford (Muke)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin