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*Luke's POV*

We eventually got to eighth period and I sat down.

"Where's the teacher?" Ashton asked me. I shrugged before looking around the room. He wasn't in there.

"I don't know." I answered.

Calum came in and sat right next to Ashton.

"Where were you?" Ashton wondered.

"My seventh period teacher held us late." Calum explained. Ashton nodded.

"Hey Luke, where's Mr. Clifford?" Calum asked me.

"How would I know!?" I demanded.

"You're the one that likes him." Ashton laughed.

"So?" I replied. They sighed and rolled their eyes.


I was in my bedroom when my mom quietly knocked on my door.

"Ashton's here." She said.

Ashton came in and my mom closed the door.

"What do you want Ashton!?" I snapped.

He flinched and stared at me for a second.

"Never mind." He mumbled.

"Ashton, I'm sorry. It's not your fault I'm upset. What's up?" I asked. I patted the bed next to me so he could sit down.

He hesitantly sat down and I sighed.

"Luke, can I talk to you?" He asked after a second.

"Yeah." I answered.

He sighed before starting.

"I like Calum. I really, really like him." He blurted out. I smiled.

"That's cute." I answered.

"What should I do?" He asked me.

"You should tell him. I know that he likes you, Ashton." I responded.

"What if you're wrong?" He worried.

"I'm not wrong. I know everything." I joked.

He laughed.

"Ugh. What do I even say to him?" He sighed.

"Just tell him exactly how you feel. And the like ask him out." I suggested.

He shrugged.

"Ashton, I promise that it won't go bad. He really likes you, as much as you like him. Maybe even more." I told him.

"How do you know?" He demanded.

"Because one, it's really obvious. Two, he talked to me about it like a week or so ago." I responded.

"And you didn't tell me!?" He gasped.

"I promised not to. Not until you admitted your feelings first." I stated.

Filler oops sorry

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