smooth sailing ~ paul mccartn...

By purplehqze

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but it certainly wasn't smooth sailing for them. paul mccartney ~ 50s story More

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76 3 0
By purplehqze


the band were rehearsing in george's living room on sunday morning. they had a gig approaching in december for the christmas fate down at the docklands. whilst it wasn't exactly a very rock 'n' roll gig, they were taking all they could get.

they ran through little richard, chuck berry and elvis presley tunes as well as a few of their own originals. paul and john in particular had been writing songs eagerly in their spare time, but this particular song they were doing was written by paul and george.

"in spite of all the danger," the three sung, attempting to find the best way to harmonise, whilst pete drummed on a couple pots and pans from the kitchen.

"no, no, this one won't work," john said, cutting the others off from playing, "we can't do it with the drums it doesn't sound right." 

"why not?" paul said rolling his eyes.

"he's right paul," george said, "we're singing it like a buddy holly song, the drums are too overpowering."

"that's 'cause he's using bloody pots and pans right now," paul rolled his eyes, "when he's got his proper drum set.... not some kitchen utensils we can work it out. it'll sound fine with some bass drum."

"well we can't practise it properly so it's too risky to put on the set list, we'll scrap it," john said.

"just 'cause you didn't write it," paul muttered.

"what's that paul? you think i'm saying this because i'm being jealous, you really think i'm like that?" john began to raise his voice.

"hey, hey guys," pete said, standing up. "there's no need to fight over this." john and paul both nodded meagrely in response.

"sorry mate, i didn't mean to offend you," paul mumbled.

"right, well let's get on with it. not long till lunch now and then you guys are out of here," george said.


the group finished off before lunch and paul began to walk home but was quickly stopped in his tracks by someone calling out to him.

"paul!" the male voice yelled out and paul turned around to see oscar standing outside the front door of what must be his home. paul scowled slightly as oscar crossed the street to meet him.

"what do you want?" paul asked impatiently as oscar moved the blonde hair that had fallen into his face back away from his forehead.

"i wanted to apologise to you," oscar began. "for our fight and all."

"what do you mean? i started it," paul responded flatly.

"yeah but i was asking for it."

"i suppose you were," paul said, again with little emotion. oscar nodded cautiously.

"well yeah i just felt i owe it to you... to say sorry and louisa-"

"yeah well she's who you really should be apologising to, starting that nasty rumour," paul said, folding his arms.

"yeah that was..." he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, "...i don't know why i did that, it was stupid of me and i was just acting out 'cause she rejected me."

"it's not me who you owe an explanation to," paul said chuckling slightly.

"sorry, thought you guys were a thing?"

"no!" paul said defensively.

"right well... do you think lou would talk to me? i want to apologise to her for what happened but do you think she'll be ready to listen to me?"

paul felt a slight pang of jealousy in his chest as his mind raced with thoughts of louisa forgiving oscar and falling back into his arms again and leaving paul by the wayside. "give her a little more time," he said, "she's more likely to forgive you if you give it a bit longer, it's not been that long." his response was based off a mixture of rationality and partially the jealousy he felt.

oscar nodded. "anyways i've got to get going now," paul said.

"sure," oscar replied, "thanks mate." paul nodded once and managed to offer half a smile before walking off towards his house. he did feel slightly bad about his persisting hostility towards oscar after the boy had just apologised to him with seemingly large sincerity however the nasty rumour he has spread about louisa still loomed heavy on his mind.

he dug his hands into his jacket pocket and continued on his way home, humming along to himself as he went.


louisa, jade and chloe walked along the dock, still wearing their sunday bests from church earlier that morning. they soon settled down on a bench. jade pulled up her skirt on one side to retrieve a pack of cigarettes she had placed in her left stocking along with some matches. she handed a cigarette to both louisa and chloe before placing one between her own lips, striking up a match and proceeding to light all three.

"what a lovely day!" louisa said sarcastically after she had taken a drag, looking out at the grey haze that hung over the river.

"autumn in liverpool - just brilliant," chloe added and the three chuckled.

"so louisa," jade began, "you and paul seemed pretty cosy together the other night. i take it everything is going well?"

chloe squirmed slightly and looked out over the dock agitatedly. "yeah things are good so far. i hope they stay that way," louisa responded, "i'm just so surprised with how lovely he's been to me."

"almost too good to be true," chloe muttered.

louisa turned to her and frowned slightly. "yeah, that's where my head's been at some of the time-"

"hey, hey, no," jade interrupted her. "don't think so negatively. obviously it makes sense to be wary but i seriously don't think he's mucking you about. not being funny but if he just wanted you for sex he would've given up with you bloody months ago given the hard time you've let him have."

louisa nodded and then chuckled. "you sound just like john," she said, "he was telling me all the same stuff."

"as much as i hate to be compared to john lennon i'd say that makes my advice even more sound, so maybe stop being so stubborn and just enjoy yourself with him alright," jade said. "and i mean really enjoy yourself." she said wriggling her brows.

"ugh gross," chloe said with a subtle eye roll.

"oi since when did you become a prude towards anything suggestive of sex?" jade asked with a chuckle.

"yeah, did this morning's church service manage to convert you to become a nun? it must've done given just a couple days ago you were letting us know all about your steamy snog with ralphie brown," louisa retorted and her and jade both chuckled.

chloe tried to avoid rolling her eyes again. "sorry, just not used to talking about you regarding sex, lou. you know, you aren't a very sexual person - you and oscar never did anything."

"i wouldn't say i'm not a sexual person," louisa responded, "yeah i wasn't really interested in that with oscar but with paul.... well it's different."

chloe felt a sharp pang of jealousy and jade squealed slightly. "you better tell us all the juicy details when something happens with you two!"

louisa grinned and finished her cigarette, whilst chloe sat beside her, staring out at the water trying to hide the fact she was bothered.


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