𝐔 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐈, devantΓ© swing.


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( CHAPTER LXII: back by popular demand! )

𝐓𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐃𝐀𝐘, 𝐅𝐄𝐁𝐑𝐔𝐀𝐑𝐘 𝟐𝟏, 𝟏𝟗𝟗𝟓.  '
the late late show ━━━ los angeles, california !

    AFTER A COMPLETE YEAR, the day Milani was to returned to music had finally arrived, and the fans were eagerly excited. Even though Milani wished that her hiatus could've gone longer, she knew that couldn't be the case due to the fact that she missed the stage, and missed interacting with the fans on stage.

Today, she was airing on The Late Late Show, that was usually hosted by Tom Sydner — but tonight, however, a female was taking over and giving Milani her long anticipated interview, not before she opened the show with an opening of one of her singles, Love Takes Time.

Milani knew a lot was going to be questioned throughout her time on air, and she was more than ready to give her fans all answers. Even if it was too hard to answer, but there was one thing she wasn't answering when she was sure it was going to be asked.

"Alright, you're on in five. And Mrs. Wright, please be careful with what you ask. Don't ask anything pertaining towards—" Calista began to explain to the substituted host, Toni Wright. "Cal, it's fine, she's free to ask me anything." She places a smile on her face before she had grabbed her microphone from Calista's hold.

As the Toni began to follow up on her script, quieting down the audience which were soon to come again after Milani was announced. "It's been a full year since this beautiful, talented artist has released any musical acts, as well as being in the spotlight. She recently made her second to official comeback, preforming at the Superbowl just a few weeks ago. Here to preform and spend the late night with us in LA, give it up for Milani Haynes!"

The instrumental to Milani's Love Takes Time began to play throughout the space, the dim lights flashing onto her canvas and figure. She wore an all white silky dress that pooled around her. Her blonde tresses were curled, in the same pattern, as she paired the attire with a couple pieces of jewelry on her wrists, and fingers.

"I had it all, but I let it slip away. Couldn't see I treated you wrong. Now I wonder around, feeling down and cold. Trying to believe that you're gone . . love, takes time."

Milani felt happiness rush within her as she looked at the new faces she loved seeing. Some she recognized, some she hadn't. She noticed that Nicole was in the audience, making sure to give her a smile. Somehow, Nicole had found a way to give her idol comfort, sending her flowers to Calista to send to her, and letters.

"You might say that it's over, you might say that you don't care, oh. You might say you don't miss me, you don't need me. But I know that you do, and I feel that you do, inside, oh—oh, love takes time."

"To heal when you're hurting so much, couldn't see that I—I was so blind, to let you go. Oh, I can't explain the pain inside, 'cause love takes time, I don't want to be here. I don't wanna be here, alone . ."

After the song had ended, it transcended to Listen which the fans were entirely familiar with, considering the entire crowd was singing along with her lyrics.

The movie was doing its right amount of success being that it's been two weeks since it's release. And not only was Milani able to build a very tight bond with Whitney, but she was able to meet with her character's previous actor from the broadway musical who gave her, her props and flowers for portraying her role so well.

It was also set out to be one of the most expensive films, being $80 million — to ever be made upon an African American film production and starring cast in American Film history. The start of 1995 was already going well in Milani's favor, she hoped it had stayed that way. But knowing how her life was? It was a big hope.

After Milani had wrapped up her small performance, she walked over to the couch, embracing Toni into a warm embrace before she sat down on the cozy sofa. "I'm so happy to be interviewing you today, the fans and everybody else have missed you dearly."

"Thank you, and I missed you all as well. Even though the break was very much needed." She smiled, giving divided attention towards the crowd and Toni. "Now although you had stepped away from the spotlight, how was your life going now that you didn't have to deal with the overwhelming feelings I'm sure you had felt being how successful you are?"

"Well, I knew that I couldn't entirely distance myself from music, you know? So I spend most of my time, filming movies and recording, producing or writing songs for other artists. But it was very enjoyable, nonetheless. I didn't feel under pressure to do certain things, I was in my own time frame." She nodded, placing the loose strands of her behind her ear.

"Before you had let out a statement in regards of your hiatus, you had recently welcomed a daughter into the world with DeVanté Swing from the R&B group, Jodeci. How has entering the chapter of motherhood been for you?" The audience awed as a picture of Milani and Malia, with her face not shown, shown on the big screen behind her. Milani's smile grew wide at the mention of her daughter.

"Motherhood has been the most beautiful thing I have ever experienced. It's not easy, but it's something that I cherish, deeply. She's a very beautiful baby, who just turned one in December, and is growing very fast. She truly helped me find myself." She gushed, before she took her bottom lip in.

"We've also came to realization, entering the new year . . . we haven't heard or seen much of you and DeVante as of lately. Is there somehow trouble in paradise? If so, has somebody else came into the picture?" Milani pulled both her lips inward, debating on whether she should speak on their relationship or not.

"Uhm, no. Unfortunately, me and DeVante are no longer together, but we are very much on the best of terms, co-parenting our daughter, Malia together. He's a very loving father to our daughter, and she is always his number one priority. As of right now, I'm more focused on my music rather than my relationship status." Milani slightly hinted for her to change the subject, which she surely did.

Milani knew the topic was going to somehow run its course sometime during her interview rather it was now or later. She felt it was better left off short and simple, as she always kept it.

As for her and Quik, the two were keeping it low and private for the time being, wanting to enjoy every last bit of peaceful quiet within their mending relationship before the paparazzi and the wildness of their fans began to dig their noses into their business. Her love life was not anybody's business but her own, and she was thankful that majority of her fans respected that.

"Back onto music, we hear you've been in the studio with the legendary producers, Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis on your upcoming album. What would be the title, and what should we expect from this project?"

"Yes, I have! This album is going to much different than the other two I have, most definitely. It's going to be a self titled album, capturing different sides of myself that you all can surely relate to. It'll be in stores next month. March 3rd, to be exact." She beamed of joy at the announcement to her highly anticipated album. The fans were sure to place mental notes in their head.

"There you have it, folks! Make sure you mark your calendars, March 3rd, Milani will be making her official comeback in the stores near you." Toni repeated, before she continued to carry on with the rest of the show.


        "You need to talk to your father, Milani. I'm serious, it's ridiculous how you've both have gone all these months without speaking a single utter to each other." Milani rolled her eyes, shifting the phone that laid between her shoulder and her right ear.

Milani scoffed as she continued to hear her mother ramble on how her father's care. She wanted to act like she didn't care but she knew deep down, she truly had. The two hadn't talked to each other since their argument last November.

When she had told him he was no longer her manager, she sent release papers over to him through Cornell, who brought them forward and back. She couldn't face her father at the moment, he hadn't even mind to call her and check on how she was doing, neither to wish her a happy birthday when she turned twenty one.

She heard through Cornell and Bianca that he was seeing someone and tempted to enjoy his life outside of the business industry. He began managing smaller acts and was also beginning to form his very own restaurant in Corpus Christi.

"I'm not talking to him until he comes to me, and he apologizes. Bee said he was looking for one coming his way from me, but I have absolutely nothing to apologize for. I did what was best and what I felt was right, and what still is right. He just needs to face that." She shrugged, continuing to sweep the floor.

"You know your father is very cocky, baby. Where do you think Cornell gets it? But as much as you try and say that you don't care where your relationship with your father lies at, I can tell you're lying. You love your father more than anything in the world, you can't hide the pain you feel towards him. Allow him to acknowledge that, and you're absolutely right, you have nothing to apologize for. But, he does want to start bonding more with Melly. He feels horrible for that, she asked me about him when she was over last night."

Milani looked over towards the living room, seeing as her daughter was spaced out on the couch. Her legs were spread, one of her arms were over her head while the other clutched onto both her blanket and her Baba. Milani slightly frowned, she hadn't realize she was keeping her daughter away from her grandfather. She had felt horrible.

"I just don't want any bad blood between you two, life is unfair. It's nearly far too short for that. You're both grown ass adults now, act like it. Be the bigger person that you are, baby. I'm gonna let you continue to clean the house while my baby sleeps, kiss her for me, I'll call later. I love you." Milani returned her words before the phone hung up.

The sounds of the soft slow jams playing throughout the downstairs and thunder filled her ears. Milani began to make a mental note to herself that she'd call De'Marcus when she got the chance. She just hoped he'd answer her call — whilst it happened to be a fifty/fifty percent chance.

Milani slightly flinched from the sudden knocks being pressed against the door, placing the broom against the counter. She walked over to the front door, placing her hair into a messy ponytail. Opening the door, she seen DeVante brushed right past her, his hoodie soaked of the pouring rain.

"Why hello to you too, DeVante." She scoffed, closing the door behind her. "Why would you feel the need to do that? Why couldn't you keep this shit private?" He cut to the chase, Milani sighed seeing the magazine in his hand.

"Seriously, I'm not a mind-reader. What the hell are you talking about now? And keep your voice down, our daughter is sleeping right behind you." He walked up to her, slamming the magazine in her hand, Milani looked over it.

R&B Singer and film actress Milani Haynes announces the official split between she and Jodeci member, DeVante Swing. The two were expected to be tie the knot after being engaged back in February of last year."

And more other words went on. "I told them the truth? So, fucking what? You're acting like I told them to real reasons why we broke up, I can go ahead and do so if you'd like." She watched as he mugged his face up the slightest, she huffed before walking back into the kitchen. Devanté followed right behind her, surely on her heels.

"That shit was embarrassing, Milani. You didn't even feel the need to run the shit by me?" He felt disrespected to say the least, he wanted to be prepared if she had ever came out about their relationship. "Are you really about to make an argument out of this? They were going to find out one way or a fucking 'nother, DeVante! You don't think they wouldn't grow suspicious if they see you and Amira in one place and me and Quik in another?"

The man stood quiet quiet, he was soon to be speak but he heard his daughter behind him. "Dada?" He watched as Malia crawled from off the couch, wobbling over to her father's figure. Milani smiled at the sight in front of her, the two had a bond that could not be broken, ever. "Hey, Daddy's twin. You have a good nap? Where's Dy?" He asked, picking her up.

"She still at pre-school, I'm gonna pick her up in an hour, though. You can come with, if you want. I need to put her in daycare soon, so she can start getting comfortable being around other kids rather than just adults, Dy, Justin and her cousins." She informed him, he simply nodded.

She looked at the two, getting a full glimpse of the pair, Malia was really her father's twin, other than the mocha brown skin complexion she carried from her mother. Malia snuggled comfortably into the crook of DeVante's neck, her thumb in her mouth as she attempted to fall back into a fit of sleep.

"Look—I get where you're coming from, I should've came to you first but I had no intentions on even speaking about our relationship. It just happened to slip out. But we couldn't play it safe forever even if we tried to, I know you don't want to be as public with our relation to everybody, but we have to somehow. It's better that I came out with it now rather than the paparazzi catching us with these other people besides each other and they start making assumptions and throwing us questions from all around, you feel me?"

"You need some female friends, man. But yeah, I feel you. Next time, give me the heads up before I read it in a fuc—magazine." Milani nodded before she had wrapped up her cleaning. Milani looked behind her when she heard the door had opened and closed, revealing the three boys she hadn't seen in awhile due to their busy schedules.

"Oh whew, we thought something might've happened in here. Wassup, Milani? You forgot about us?" Dalvin joked, before he embraced her into a tight hug. "No, I didn't. I apologize, I've just been caught up in things. You know I can never forget about you guys."

"We know, we just fuckin' with you. We know you busy and sh—stuff, taking care of these kids and juggling this movie and singing career." K-Ci pulled away before he began to dig in the refrigerator.

"How's that going, M? Seems like ninety five might be your year. Whatchu' got goin' for you this year?" JoJo asked, Malia poked her head up when she heard his voice. Her tiredness being thrown out the window as her mouth turned into an 'O' shape. JoJo laughed before he grabbed her from DeVante's embrace.

"The usual — two albums, the self-titled one and the Christmas album. I'm planning a worldwide tour, award shows, promotional fundraiser concerts. And I'm going to try and start getting into the business side to build up a boutique in Corpus."

The thought had traced her mind a lot. Majority of Milani's time on tours, Milani would her compliments on her concert clothing and sometimes just her regular attire. She was often asked where she'd gotten them, and majority of the time she'd say she made them herself. That's when her mother came up with the idea that she open a clothing store.

"Aw snap, Milani 'bout to be makin' larger moves. She about to have the whole East and West Coast in her clothing." K-Ci chuckled before he had thrown a gummy from the fruit snack pouch into his mouth. "Dy is gonna yell at you for eating all her fruit snacks up, and you're gonna buy her more."

"It ain't no biggie, I'll buy her some more." He shrugged before they all continued to engage in conversations, Milani felt at home whenever the four of them were around.

"Aye, but we proud of you, foreal. You're making huge moves at just twenty one. There ain't no stopping you in this game, whatsoever." Devante nodded, the boys agreeing with him. Milani poked her lip out, feeling herself grow the slightest bit of emotional.

"Thank you, guys. I really hope this all goes well in the future . ." Hopefully.

"She dreamed big and heavy on her boutiques. It's all she ever dreamed about after her success in the music world, and when she got that — she was borderline happy. She was on the high rise of that dream before she died, that should have never been the outcome to her dream. She should've still been here, running her businesses, living her life, man. It's just not fair, it's not f***ing fair." — Dalvin ( 2007. )


authors note.
im back yall. 🤭
i missed yall & this book so
much, about to be back
on my a-game so stay active.
much love <3.

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