Six the Musical Oneshots (Not...

By lonely_Lesbean_

23.4K 473 1K

I don't post frequently anymore, but I do post, just please stick around Alright, I'm trying. It gets better... More

Katanna (+Some Parrmour)
Parrward And Aralyn
Anne And Catalina
Aralyn p1
Aralyn p3
Aralyn p4
Parrward, Aralyn, Clevemour
Parrlyn? Idk
Catalina And Jane (+some Indirect Parrlyn)
I can't write

Aralyn p2

227 6 5
By lonely_Lesbean_

part twoooooo

- - - - - - -Day 1- - - - - - -

"Ughhh..." Catalina stretched, an unusual surface to lay on immediately making itself known to her. Right after figuring out that she wasn't in her bed, she felt backpain.

"Anne?" a soothing voice asked softly.

Catalina's eyes shot wide open, not recognizing the name or voice.

She scooted away from the stranger that stood just close enough to her to scare her.

"Who are you?" she asked regaining her strength, "where am I?!"

She cleared her throat, "why does my voice sound like that?!"

The girl in front of her looked more than concerned, "it's okay. It's okay. Did you have a nightmare?"

Catalina started looking around the room, seeing too many things at once.

"Anne, breathe," the girl instructed moving a bit further away.

Catalina still didn't know who this Anne was, but took the advice. Her breathing calmed, "I don't know who you are."

The girl in front of her had a flash of hurt in her eyes, "Anne-"

"I also don't know who Anne is, but I can guarantee you, that is not me," Catalina cut her off.

Then the look of hurt was replaced by realisation, "I think know what's going on."

Catalina motioned for her to go on.

"You're her soulmate," Jane concluded.

Ohh, that'd make sense, "okay," Catalina sighed, "my name is Catherine or Catalina. It depends on what you want to call me."

"Okay, I'll call you Catalina, considering we already have a Katherine in the house," the girl smiled, "I'm Jane. Jane Seymour."

Catalina slowly got up, seeing that she had indeed slept on the floor in what looked like a living room.

"Why did she have to sleep on the floor," Catalina groaned.

Jane chuckled, "that's Anne for you. Would you like to drink something?"

Unbeknownst to Catalina, Jane was thrilled when Catalina asked for tea and not monster energy like Anne always did. (She may have always asked for it, but rarely ever got it.)

They sat together at the breakfast table chatting about anything possible, they were happy to figure out they went to the same school, but that didn't last when it turned out that their assigned break areas their school gave were too far away from each other, apparently Anne and Catalina didn't even share classes.

"Morning Jane, morning Anne," a girl walked into the kitchen. Upon a further inspection the girl snorted a laugh, "since when do you drink tea?"

Catalina looked at Jane for help.

Jane sat the younger girl down, "Kat, Anne isn't really joining us today."

"Huh? Jane, you're being silly, she's right here," the girl giggled, thinking she was stating the obvious.

"That's not Anne, it's her soulmate," Jane explained.

"Sweet," Kat grinned, "so Anne's soulmate likes tea.. That's fun."

Catalina raised an eyebrow, "is that so weird?"

Kat shook her head, "not necessarily, it's just that Anne would never."

Catalina still didn't fully understand, but decided to let it go.

"Hmm, I don't even know how I currently look," Catalina noticed.

Kat beamed, "CAN I DO YOUR HAIR?!"

Catalina was so taken aback by the yelling, she just nodded.

Jane smiled softly, "I'll find you an appropriate outfit that Anne would wear."

Catalina thanked them as she let Kat lead her to the bathroom, where she could look at Anne before anything else happened.

Catalina felt her heart skip a beat when she looked in the mirror.

Kat left for a bit to dig the needed stuff out of Anne's room.

Catalina was starting to stare at the girl's body, the body she was in. Weirdly enough she felt her face heat up and the look of that made her even more flustered.

Kat returned minutes later, holding her laughs back when she saw the blushing mess that was staring at the mirror.

"Girl, calm down," she stood behind her in the mirror.

"O-oh- sorry," Catalina fumbled with her hands, "I haven't told you my name, have I?"

Kat shrugged, "just tell me now, before it gets awkward. I'm Katherine Howard, but mainly respond to Kat."

"My name's Catherine of Aragon- Or Catalina, people call me Lina a lot."

Kat cracked up laughing and petted Lina's, or technically speaking Anne's, head, "name twins," she whispered.

"Anne never lets me do this," Kat mumbled as she picked up a brush and carefully started getting to work.


"Are you sure it's supposed to be like this?" Catalina asked, confused as Kat tried the eight hair style.

Kat hummed, "this is the one."

Jane walked into the bathroom, "Kat, what are you doing? You've been here for almost an hour."

Kat moved to the side, presenting Catalina with cat ears made out of hair.

Jane grinned, "great! That fits to the outfit I picked out forty minutes ago."

"Whoops," Kat grinned sheepishly, "sorry mum."

Catalina looked at herself in the mirror, "this looks cute," she chuckled.

She started staring at the mirror, "thank you."

Jane led Catalina towards Anne's room, "let me warn you, Anne's room is pure chaos."

Catalina didn't really know what to expect, but definitely not that many energy cans. To her it was horrifying, but that only for a second.

It did make sense, Catalina herself wouldn't lay a finger on an energy drink, but it kind of fit Anne's vibe. Sleeping on the living room floor while there's a perfectly fine bed in her giant room, sleeping in an oversized worn out My Chemical Romance shirt, not drinking tea.

It fit.

Surprisingly it felt comfortable after looking around for a few seconds.

"This is nice," Catalina decided happily.

Jane was slightly baffled at the positive reaction, but glad that Catalina liked her cousin's room.

"The clothes are on the bed, make yourself at home," Jane left the room, probably to talk to Kat for a little while.

Catalina got dressed and looked around the room. She saw unfinished art projects, half filled notebooks and finally she found a pencil that she could use.

Then Catalina pulled out a rather big sticky note from a desk drawer with all sorts of things inside.

She started writing,
'Hi Anne, I'm Catalina, your soulmate. <3
I really like your room! Not what I would have expected, but I like it.
P.S. Your cousins are really nice :D

Satisfied with the message she sat it on the table, where she would be able to find it later.

Catalina laid down on the bed, finding Anne's phone.

It was locked and almost dead, Catalina sighed, deciding to make a good impression on the person she was going to spend eternity with.

She plugged in Anne's phone, picked up clothes and put them in a laundry basket in Anne's room that looked like it had been used exactly twice.

After that was done, she plopped down on the bed again, but this time she found the one thing that she had forgotten to put on.

A choker with a B on it, "what's this?"

She turned to a mirror that had stickers on it, and noticed a clean line horizontally across her soulmate's neck, she dragged a finger across the line. "Oh. That's not.. what I would have expected.."

With the choker, the outfit looked complete and while Catalina never saw how Anne normally dressed, this felt right.


When she went downstairs, she saw Kat retelling a story excitedly.

"I'm not going to stop talking! Sit down and listen," commanded Kat. (Catalina had to admit, for the youngest girl there she had everyone well under control.)

Obviously Catalina did as she was told, and Kat started summing up what she missed, "I went to a Starbucks and saw a friend who had just not enough to pay, so I payed for her. And then this absolutely shriveled up angry lady tried to convince me to pay for her as well."

Kat returned to her place, standing tall, "I was getting nervous, trying to tell her to leave me alone and I didn't quite manage to get her to go away. At that point I was really getting uncomfortable and scared, but just as I was about to crack..." she paused dramatically.

"My knight in shining armor appeared! Well, not all that shining, but rather casual with sparkly accessories.. But she saved the day! She went off on the woman and got her to leave me in peace."

Kat squealed and bit her lip, "she was so pretty! And we talked! For like thirty minutes! But then I was so distracted by talking to her that I didn't catch her name! Or number! She was literally the personification of beauty, and she had this adorable German accent!"

Catalina bit the inside of her cheek, "sparkly accessories and German accent?"

Kat nodded.

"Did she mention where she grew up?"

"Dusseldorf, I think," Kat responded after a long moment.

"Interesting, I know someone who that description fits.."

"Do you know how I could contact her?"

"I guess I could help with that, I'll try to get it done by Friday," Catalina smiled.

"Omg thank you so much!" Kat hugged her tightly.


About an hour later, Jane had left to go on a walk and Kat took the opportunity to teach Catalina a few things about Anne.

"Now an important lesson. If anyone does as much as looks funny at Janey or I, Anne will come up with the most random threat like 'I'll eat your lungs!' or 'watch your fridge this week, if you don't quit this bullshit you'll find a missing person's body and the police at your door.' Stuff like that," Kat explained.

Suspiciously specific, Catalina thought.

Catalina looked hesitant, but attempted to say a thing herself, "would she say something like 'I'll bite your legs off'?"

Kat squeezed Catalina in a brief hug, "perfect! Now there's only one more important thing!"

Catalina readied herself.

"If she sees Henry Tudor, she attacks," Kat clasped her hands together.

"I'd do that any day," Catalina smiled, kind of forgetting about her usual life for a moment. Forgetting about herself, forgetting how she had an own life, forgetting how she swore to herself to never show hatred or disliking to anyone (that could get her in trouble).

"I'm glad that you are Anne's soulmate," Kat said after a short comfortable quiet, "tell me about yourself."

"Hmm," Catalina hummed, flopping down onto the sofa.

"My name is Catalina.. I live with my cousin, her name is Cathy. My favourite colour is yellow, and if you saw my room, you'd instantly know that."

Catalina paused to think a bit, "I have never touched an energy drink in my life. But I'm not sure that'll stay that way. My cousin has been hiding a lot of energy drinks for a few months, thinking I wouldn't notice. Of course I know, I do her laundry and help her out with cleaning."

Kat giggled, "that's awesome. What kind of music do you like?"

Catalina sighed, "okay... Don't tell anyone. Do you know Heathers?"

Kat gasped, "YES! Oh, I am so happy you are Anne's soulmate. I love Heathers! Who's your favourite?"

"Chandler," Catalina grinned.

Kat hopped up and ran through the entire house.

When she was back, she was dressed up as Heather McNamara and shoved Chandler's costume in her face.

"It's sing or die in this household!" Kat held a loaded water gun to Catalina's head.

"Okay, okay!" she hastily went to get dressed before she could get attacked.

It took Catalina embarrassingly long to get ready, she tried to not look at Anne's body, as that would be disrespectful, so she had some trouble getting dressed.

Overall, their day was great though.

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