
By 1-800-suck-my-P

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When a guy is forced into finding the next heir to his mafia by his dad, he impregnates a random girl he met... More



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By 1-800-suck-my-P

"Ma!" I shout at Mamà.

Maria and I were already fully dressed and ready for school. Ma made us food then sent us to the living room to eat while she checked on Zia Lor. But now we're getting late for school.

I haven't seen Zia Lori since I left for Tia Ath's house two weeks ago. I wonder what changed her. She seemed perfectly fine that day. Maybe it's the baby boy growing inside of her.

Okay, I don't actually know if it's a boy but I don't want Ria to have a sister. We're a duo, not a trio. And I feel like she'll only drift away from me. Ria and I are supposed to be together forever. Just like Ma and Zia.

"Yes, Sy?" Ma comes rushing down the stairs.

"It's time to go!"

She sighs and tilts her head to the side. "Only scream like that if you're in pain."

I giggle.

"Is Mamma coming, Tia?" Ria looks at Ma hopefully.

She purses her lips and replies, "not today, no."

Ria pouts but shrugs it off, "okay."

Ria walks off into the hall. I didn't realize it would be hard for Ria not to see her Ma. They've never been separated for this long.

"Is Zia dying?" I whisper.

Ma bends down to talk to me and hold my hands. "Physically, no. Mentally, yes."

"What does that even mean."

She chuckles quietly and answers my question with a lingering smile. "She's dying inside, but she's not going to heaven." She watches my confused expression and shakes her head. "You'll understand when you're older."

"I want to understand now!" I demand.

"Life doesn't work that way." She pinches my cheek. "Let's go now."

I roll my eyes. "Fine."

The three of us leave the house and start the very long ride to school. Ria and I watch the new Disney movie on Ma's phone but it's not the same as how it usually is. She's not making funny comments and I'm the only one who seems to actually be paying attention.

Ma gets a call from Carina. Little does she know that's Carlo. She forces me to pause the movie and give her the phone back. "Hola."

Ma presses the button that puts him on speaker then gives me the phone back. "There might be a small issue."

"When is there not?" She asks dryly.

"Such lovely humor, boss." He chuckles nervously. "Well... we might've burned down the photocopy room."

Ma sighs deeply. "You know what? I won't even ask. I'll be there in under an hour."

"Got it."

Ma hangs up by clicking another button. I can't wait until I and Maria are driving everywhere together, it's going to be so much fun. We're going to get fast food and see the ocean because Maria loves the ocean, and I'll paint our view because I love to paint.

We arrive at school and hop out of the car, Ma walks us to the door and drops down to crouch in front of us. "Okay girls, I have to go but I want you to be good and nice. Nobody likes a bully."

"Okay, Mama." I nod and Ria gives her a thumbs up.

Ma walks away and we pretend to be waiting for her to leave, waving every time she looks back. Soon she drives off and we begin our search for Pa.

We spot Papa parked in the distance and walk toward him. "Hi." Ria greets.

"Hey, little monster." He pinches her cheek.

"Can I get water from inside quickly?" She asks.


Ria walks into the building and I turn toward Pa. "Hi, Pa!" I exclaim. "How are you?"

"I'm good, Principessa." He grins. "What about you two?"

"Great!" I smile then whisper. "Ria's a little quiet, though. She misses her Mamma."

Pa looks toward Ria for a second then back to me. "Well, Zia Lori is going through a lot right now."

I nod.

"Parent-teacher interviews are coming up." He hands me a folder. "Here's your report card, my soldier is still an undercover teacher here. Our cover is still up."

"Good," I say then open the folder to see my report. "I'm an all-excellent student!"

"You've been progressing well, Principessa." He messes with my hair.

"Okay, I got my water, let's go." Ria pops up out of nowhere and I jump.

Pa furrows his brows. "We need to work on straining your ears. If someone's approaching you, you should be aware." Then he hands Ria her folder. "That's your report card, let's go."

I skip toward the car in excitement. Maria only walks beside my dad. She still isn't cheered up and it's concerning. I wish she'd talk to me. Her mom isn't dying so why is she sad?

We get inside the car and drive off. Pa's house is super far. He lives in a private area that nobody ever wanders to or they pay the consequences.

I can't wait to see all my Zia's and Zio's and especially Nanna and Nanno! Alessandro, Vince, and Carlo won't come until later because they're working with my Ma, but I could still hang out with Sergio and Valentino for a little.

Zia Riyah was telling me about how their relationship was complicated, they did some adult stuff but she doesn't know if she wants to be boyfriend and girlfriend. I'm still stuck on the adult stuff, what did they do together?

"What do you have planned for us today?" I ask.

"We're going to watch my siblings fight so you could see what everything I taught you looks like being played out, then we're going to spend two hours with the commanders so that you learn how to be a leader, we'll spend an hour with Sergio for the same reason, then we'll have a lunch break with la famiglia." He adds, "after that, you'll be brought back to school by Carlo, Al, and V. I won't be able to make it, we have a mission coming up and I need to sort a few things out."

"Sounds like a good day!"

"Who's picking you guys up from school?"

"Hopefully Tia Lan," Ria answers. "I want to go home right away."

When we get to the house, Pa brings us into the training room and we wait for la famiglia to arrive while Ria and I change in the girl's locker room. She's super quiet, normally we joke around in here but she won't talk to me.

I change into white tight shorts and a matching cropped T with cute white sneakers, Maria wears the same thing in baby blue.

After we're done, we leave the room and find la famiglia is here- finally- and Pa has changed out of his black suit into workout shorts. He's shirtless though, I've always loved Papa's tattoos.

"Oh! Girls, you're done." Pa motions us forward. "Come, Mariah and Romano are going first." Once we approach them, he crouches in front of us to whisper. "They love to fight so I'm sure you'll enjoy this."

Pa stands up to face Zia Ryah and Zio Ro. "The winner of this round will go into the finals. I'll be judging, whoever falls to the ground first for longer than five seconds loses. If you both fall, it's whoever's on top who wins."

Zia Riyah and Zio Rome circle each other on the mat for a while before Zia throws the first punch.

Zio blocks her hit with his arm- a move Pa taught us which is very useful- and counter-punches his sister.

Zia Riyah blocks him and knees him in the south, Zio groans in pain for some reason and takes a step back before lunging for Zia and pushing her to the ground. Everyone in the room begins counting down from five.

Zia Riyah manages to flip them over and starts beating his face. At three seconds left on the countdown, Zio Ro throws her off of him and stands up. Zia gets up last second and lets out a breath punching him in the jaw.

Zio falls back a few steps and rubs where she got him good. Zia lunges for him and they both fall to the ground once again. The countdown begins and I hold my breath.

Zia stays on top, throwing punches at his face. At three seconds, Zio manages to flip the script and get on top. Zia Ri moans in pain and tries to get Zio off of her. She gets him off her in less than a second and stands up to kick him a few times before Pa beams, "We have a winner!"

"Yes!" Zia shouts. "Loser!"

"Alright, get up, Ro," Pa says. "Next is Dominic and Adriana."

Zio Dom and Zia Ana make their way onto the mats and begin circling each other. Zio Dom swings for her jaw but Zia Ana lifts her arm just in time to block it then the fight begins. Zia throws a counter-punch causing Zio to falter from the blow before coming back with a jab to her side.

Zia falls to the ground and her face smacks against the mat, she groans loudly and tries to get back up but Zio is on her already and flips her over so he's straddling her face to face. So far, this fight isn't looking too good for Zia Ana.

Zia lifts her hips to throw him off of her and it works, she gains the upper hand and gets on Zio with three seconds left on the clock. Zia throws a few punches and gets him in the face good before he throws her off and gets back up. Zia quickly follows after him before the timer runs out.

They're circling each other again, watching and waiting for the opposite to make the first move. Dom lunges her again but she knees him in the lower areas causing him to fall over and grab his shorts for some reason.

Zia Ana gets on top of him as the timer begins. They roll around on the ground, first Zia's on top then Zio then Zia again but it keeps changing all in under five seconds. They have speed, something Papà has been trying to teach Ria and me. They move so fast that I'm probably missing a few details about the fight.

All I know is Zia Ana ended up winning by the end of the match.

"Welcome to the finals! We have the winner of our first round, Mariah Darina De Santis, going against the winner of our second round, Adriana Farida De Santis." Pa announces. "Let the strongest and smartest win!"

Zio stays on the mat for a second while Zia Ana goes to get some water. After Zio Dom leaves the mat, Zia Riyah makes her way on and they start circling each other.

This time Zia Ana throws the first punch causing Zia Riyah to fall back a few steps. Zia Ana lunges for her as if she's more confident this round or maybe she knows the smartest ways to fight her siblings.

Zia Riyah knees her before Zia Adriana can even get one hit in and she falls back with a grunt. Zia Riyah hits her with one of the combos we've been learning and Zia Adriana blocks them before swiping her legs so she'd fall to the ground.

Zia Ana gets on top of her as the countdown begins. Zia Mariah bucks her hips to throw Zia Ana off and gets on top before throwing a few blows to her face.

"I'm not ready for this to end yet." Zia Riyah grins as we get to two seconds left. She stands up, and Zia Ana quickly follows her before they circle each other again.

Zia Ana is playing smarter this time, it's not often I see them fight. She normally goes for her brother's so she's probably a little rusty.

Zia Riyah goes for the punch and would've gotten her good in the jaw if Zia Ana didn't move away. Zia Mariah is running too fast to stop and time and she face-plants with the mat.

Zio Dom snorts while Zio Ro snickers. Zia Ana gets on top of her and pushes her face down.






"Adriana wins!" Pa announces excitedly.

My Zia's shake hands then go to get some water and clean their cuts where my Zio's are standing.

"Now I want you girls to just practice on each other, think of the fights you saw on the mat and try your best," Pa says. "I'll be back in twenty minutes but my siblings will stay here."

"Okay!" I grin.

Ria and I rush off before Pa could say anything more. We slide on the boxing gloves after Zia Ana wraps our hands for us and begin doing our combos. This is probably always the most boring part of the day, Papà always says practice makes perfect but that's not true. Beginner's luck is a thing.

Ria always rolls her eyes every time I counter with that.

Papa returns right on time and we head to Gianna's office. Zio Dommy follows a few steps short of us so he can come to say hi to his friend, Emi. Zio cleaned up from his fight, the only clue that he was in a fight at all are the cuts on his face.

Gianna has a daughter named Vinita, she found her three months ago and took her in. I don't completely understand it but a bunch of papers was signed for it. Papa told me she was lonely so when he saw Vinita- the girl who was in need of a home- he gave her to Gigi and they loved each other. It felt right since Emi is starting a family of his own and Gigi has nobody.

We reach the room and Emi's wife, Amira, is there. Zio Dominic goes forward to say hi and Ria and I take a seat on the couch after giving them all a wave. "Gianna and Emiliano are going to teach you more about leadership. It's good her daughter is here as well so you guys can become better friends, especially since Vinita will become commander one day."

Vinita is our age and the girls and I have tried to invite her to fun things we do but she's always busy learning about being a commander. I get it, she just got her three months ago. I hope she adapts and learns to trust us. We mean well.

"I have to go through some things with Nanno but I'll be back to take you guys to Sergio's," Pa says.

We bid him goodbye and turn our heads toward Emi and Gigi.

"Alright, you girls are finally here, let's go over the plan for today." Gianna starts. "First, we're going to check out my soldiers, then we'll head to the armoury and we'll teach you all about weapons, then we'll go to the basement and we'll show you the best ways to torture."

Ria and I nod to show we're listening.

"Are you guys ready to see some big girl stuff or not yet?" Emi asks. "There's blood and screaming and you're going to see someone being put through pain. If you're not ready, we can do it another time. You just need to know about it if you want to be a good leader someday."

"Okay." I shrug. "Not today, though. Maybe next year when I'm six."

I said the same thing when I was four. Maybe next year when I'm five. But it's not that I don't want to learn about it, it's that I don't know if I'm ready to torture people. I'm already too advanced for my age. How many five-year-olds do you know that are learning how to kill and fight? I'm eager to learn but I'll save it for next year.

I'm turning six in nine or so months anyway, it shouldn't be too long of a wait.

"It's nice to see you girls but I'm going to leave you to your journey with the commanders." Amira stands and kisses Emi. Yuck. "Bye, everyone!"

We hug her goodbye- Ria and I- then Gigi and Emi lead us to their soldiers. Zio Dom follows us and talks to Emi the whole time. Emi makes fun of him for losing against his sister and Zio just rolls his eyes and attacks him for being the loser commander. Apparently, when people think of the commanders and who to call first, they go to Gigi.

We reach the first house where all the important soldiers are staying and go to their training room. Romeo and Bianca are the first to greet us.

Gianna nods in appreciation and Emi gives a wave. I grin and Ria's face stays bored and emotionless. I need to talk to her as soon as we're alone.

Romeo and Bi look at Ria cautiously, probably unsure of how to react because she's usually more energetic than I am. She's Zia Lori's daughter, if she wasn't obnoxious I'd be concerned.

"Seriyah, I heard you got reports today. How was it?" Bi asks.

"All E's!" I exclaim.

"Wow, look at you!" Romeo praises.

"I know right?" I shake my head. "I was expecting way worse. I'm also all A's as well. Maybe Pa's just being biased?"

"Ask if your mom was saying words like biased at your age and you'll stop doubting yourself." Bianca fist-bumps my shoulder then they both look to their commanders.

"How are the kids?" Emiliano asks.

"They're good," Romeo answers. Why do I keep forgetting they're married? "Gabriel is turning four in a bit, just learned how to handle a gun. And Jessica-"

"Handle a gun?" Bianca glares at her husband.

"Oh... you didn't know that. Right." He nods. "See y'all later, commanders."

Romeo makes a fast retreat and Bianca doesn't stop glaring. "I'll see y'all later too. My husband's in trouble."

Gianna nods understandingly and waves her off. We spot Ricardo and Niccolò sitting on a couch and drinking a bottle of water while typing on their phones. They aren't even sweating.

"Both of you, get back to combat." Gianna orders.

They both jump and get back onto the mats in a heartbeat. "You must be scary, Gigi, they listen to everything you say without fighting." I state.

"What about me?" Emiliano asks. "Aren't I scary?"

I raise an eyebrow.

"It's not about fear, it's about respect." Gigi ignores Emiliano. "You'll have to earn your respect as well, Seriyah, they won't just accept a new leader. I know some people who still think your Nanno should still be boss, he and Farida were amazing for this empire but your Pa is still good."

I smile determined. "I'll earn that respect, trust me."

"I have all my faith in you." She gives me a warm motherly look. Vinita will be raised greatly, then I'll make her my commander, then we'll all be leaders together. I don't know about tech though, if Valentino or Sergio want to start making babies, that'd be useful.



"Why aren't you married?"

Emiliano furrows his brows as if he were wondering the same thing. It's not like Gigi's ugly, all guys want her. She can fight, she can cook, she's independent, and she's funny. You're hitting the jackpot with her.

She sighs. "Let's talk and walk. Everything looks good in here."

I nod and we begin our journey to the armoury. Ria's still silent, Emiliano and Dominic are still talking, and Gigi and I lead the group.

"So, I fell in love a while back. This person was, mesmerizing. A CEO, like your mom's. And they were in our world, not an outsider." She bites her lip before continuing. "I was too scared to shoot my shot when I had the chance and now they're married with a beautiful child. I hold nothing against their wife, I was a coward."

I pout. "Are you still in love with him?"

She chuckles. "Yes, I'm in love with them. We were friends for ages, I know them as I know myself. I missed out on the chance and it used to bother me every day, weighing me down, until I met Vinita." She smiles adoringly. "I haven't known her for long but she's mine. I love her."

"I love Vinita too, she should talk to us more often." I grin. "And I love your story, who was he? The boy you love?"

"I don't think I'm ready to say that. Especially since nobody knows they're married with a child. They won't tell their family." She nudges me. "I only know because I'm their best friend, they trust me with everything. It's like what you and Maria have."

We enter the armoury a few moments later, the conversation ending on that note.

"Ready to learn about pew pews and slices?" Emiliano beams.

"Gosh." Gianna rolls her eyes. "How are we related?"

"You tell me, my wonderful sissy, though I know you love me."

"What do you girls want to do first, blades or guns?" Dom asks.

"Blades," I answer because Ria still chooses to be mute.

"Alright... let's just go through this four," Emiliano says. "These small-ish knives are for throwing. If you're ever in a situation where your attacker isn't close enough for combat and you don't have a gun, use these. Or use any other knives or blades you have on you, which brings me to my next blade, katanas."

"Katanas come in pairs of two, they're strapped onto your back and you take them out of their sockets when you want to fight. We haven't gotten to blade training yet so I don't want to get into working with katanas. We haven't even done gun control." Gianna explains.

"These are bowie knives, you should only have one strapped onto you at all times. Also, you guys need to learn how to put on a strap." Emiliano says.

Dominic snorts. "Strap."

Gianna rolls her eyes. "This is a machete, not too big and not too hard to handle when you know about blades. Next time Angelo gives you guys to us, I should start with gun control, then blades, then you'll learn how to strap yourself. After that, you're done. Put everything together and practice. We'll give tests per usual and see how you fight against an attacker."

"Guns!" Dominic shouts. "This is a pistol, very basic, everyone uses these. This is a rifle, sometimes comes with copes like that one on the wall, or it's like this one without one. This is a machine gun, it's automatic, hold the trigger down and it'll empty out. Here's a shotgun, more for a short distance, not good for battles. Done."

"It wasn't a race." Emiliano frowns.

"Well, I win anyway. Kept it short, easy, and simple." Dom smiles. "Now let's go to the basement."

We arrive in the basement shortly after, they keep the prisoners in the first house. It's like a dungeon in a fairytale, they definitely don't try to keep it clean. Blood stains decorate the floors and ceilings and I grimace every time I step into a wet puddle, not knowing whether it's pee, blood, or just some water.

"What's the most effective way to torture?" I ask.

"I like a nice blow torch, set them on fire and say you won't blow them-" Dom snorts. Gianna rolls her eyes and continues. "Out unless they tell the secrets. It works better if you've already sliced them up good- oh and if you poured salt on them."

"Or just keep it simple and starve them, they'll eventually get desperate for food and will spill everything for a warm meal," Dom explains. "Of course, we'll feed them and pretend to let them go but then right when they leave, we'll shoot them dead."

"Time-consuming. Starvation takes too long." Emi shakes his head.

"Then what's your big idea?" Dom asks.

"Just threaten their family or something." Emiliano shrugs. "No blood. Doesn't take time at all."

"We wouldn't hurt children and our enemies are aware of that." Gianna raises a brow.

"If they think I'm bluffing, I'll bring in their family and pretend to start torturing them. Every man's weakness is not being able to protect their loved ones. He'll crack in seconds. I'll kill him afterward-"

"Didn't you say no blood?" Gigi asks dryly.

"Shut up." Emi raises a hand. "Anyway, they're dead, their family gets let off the hook, we probably create more enemies, then we're done."

I sigh as they continue bickering.

Hours fly by, I met with Sergio already, Valentino and he wouldn't stop arguing. Val kept giving snarky replies and Sergio is never having it. But he seemed less tense, maybe because of his new girlfriend. Wait- they're not dating. She got promoted recently though so now she hangs out with them in their office all day.

Sergio and Azalea would make a good couple though.

After that, I ate lunch with the family. Nanno and Nanno kept bothering Zia Adriana about how she should hurry up and make babies, Zio Ro and Zia Riyah kept arguing about the fight between them earlier and if she won fairly or not, and Zio Dom and Pa talked about politics and how stupid they were.

Then Carlo, Alessandro, and Vince returned... or should I say, Carina, Alessia, and Victoria. Yup, full work attire. They probably just came back from work with mom.

Then Pa drove us back to school. He dropped us off, kissed us goodbye, and left claiming he had a lot of work to do. I talked to Ria while we waited for mom and she told me she didn't want to discuss it. She just wants to see her Mamma and hang out with her for a week. Or two.

Then mom arrived and we went home, done with the day. Zia Lori still hasn't left her room and Ria still isn't comfortable talking to people yet. I'll let her take her time. She'll come to me when she wants to.


Word count: 4335


This chapter took so long to write for no reason.

How are u all my lovelies?

I been watching obx s3!!! Came out yesterday.

Anyways bye bye !!



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