Outcast Rebelion (bvb fanfic)

Bởi zombiecatninja

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Outcast Rebelion (bvb fanfic)ON HOLD!!!! Most likely permanent
O.R Chapter One
O.R (bvb fanfic) Chapter 2
O.R Chapter 3
O.R Chapter 4 (SHOW TIME!!)
OR Chapter 6 Stores and a Story
Chapter 7 Sand and Shark tooth
Chapter 8 Bags and Bats
Chapter 9 Truth and Tattoos

O.R Chapter 5 Reunion and Goodnight

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Bởi zombiecatninja

Dedicated to my friend blood_lust1 cause i have now known her for a WHOLE YEAR love you girly!!!!

"When did you guys get here?!" Caitlyn nearly lost it when she hugged Mom and Dad. They both laughed hugging her back.

"Didn't Andy tell you?" Dad looked at her as if I was growing another head, "he said he had to go do something else right?"

She turned to her brother and jump hug him. With her legs around his torso and her arms around his neck Caitlyn then "bit" his head as he tried to pry her off, "YOU DIDN'T TELL ME!!!!"

Everyone just laughed, "INCEST!!!"

Caitlyn glared at Piper who just smirked and waved, "oh can it!"

"I knew you loved BVB Caitlyn and your brother is hot and everything but don't you think that THAT was too much?"

Caitlyn jumped off Andy and chased Rosie around the parking lot, "I MIGHT JUST SKIN YOU ALIVE WITH YOUR TEETH!!!"

"Quite the imagination doesn't she," Scarlet asked getting nods and laughs from everyone.

"She is something else," Caitlyn's family said sighing and shook their heads.

Rosie ran and stopped between Jinxx and Jake obviously hiding from Caitlyn who also seemed to disappear. "Damn she is fast," Rosie puffed trying to catch her breath.

"You would think for someone as lazy and eats only junk food she wou-"

"Behind you," Andy interrupted Rick earing a confused glance from everyone but he just watched Rosie.

"GOTCHYA!!!!!" Caitlyn jumped attacked Rosie landing on her back and nearly making the poor blonde fall into the men in front of her.

"Told you," he sighed taking a sip out of his drink rolling his eyes.


"Yes?" She leaned down resting her chin on Rosie's shoulder, "that is my name?"

"Looks like sex is going on over there from here," Ashley said which Piper, CC and Austin agreed to from where they were all standing.

Rosie stood up straight causing Caitlyn to jump off and stand a few feet behind the girl, "you nearly made me fall into these guys!" Then the chase was on again.

"SO! THEY WOULD HAVE CAUGHT YOU OR AT LEAST MADE A SOFTER LANDING!!" Caitlyn ran around until she saw a familiar face, "TYLER SAVE ME!" She jumped over his car and hid behind him.

"Who's that," Ashley asked pointing at the long blonde haired guy who stood all cocky with Caitlyn behind him.

"That is Tyler," Scarlet turned smirking, "Rosie's boyfriend," Piper and Scarlet added in unison.

"Damn it. Guess I have completion," Ashley smirked smugly.

"Good luck," Evan rolled his eyes, "their in puppy love phase."

"Oh," Ashley dragged out the "oh", "never mind then."

Everyone in hearing range laughed. Well until Caitlyn flew by them with Tyler AND Rosie on her tail yelling at her. They watched the three run in and out of lane of parked cars and around people who were just leaving. Caitlyn would occasionally hop over cars' hoods to avoid the two blondes making them run around both ends of the cars to get her but she would already be at the next car. Austin tensed up, "you guys better brace yourselves. She is bound to jump on one of us," he warned as Caitlyn ran towards the group. She finally stopped running and stopped dead center of the group with her hands on her knees and breathing heavy.

Rosie and Tyler finally caught up to her doing the same as Caitlyn, "damn you run fast for a lazy ass!"

Caitlyn smirked, "it helps having a sporty brother with his sporty friends." She stood up, "dang I didn't think I could run THAT much though," she said getting a spark in her eye.

"No!" Tyler caught on quickly, "NO MORE RUNNING! I am tired," he waved his arm.

"Fine," Caitlyn sat on the hood of Austin's car," I guess I'm not as much of a lazy ass. THANK YOU SKYSCRAPER LEGS!" She hugged her legs.

"That IS probably how you got away Noodle," Rosie teased.

"Yeah at least I'm tall enough that I can SEE all the people in the room," Caitlyn shot back.

"Here we go again," sighed Scarlet shaking her head.

"Shut up Goliath!"

"After you, Ant!"







"Go away!"

"My family is here, I can't leave guests." Caitlyn smirked sighing as she shrugged.

"But you leave me in the middle of Walmart!"

"HEY! I thought you were following me! But I guess you were too SHORT to realize I left!"

"WHATEVER! Gazelle!"




Rosie to say something but stopped then both girls just laughed at the random silence. "I AM fun size thank you!"

"You are welcome," Caitlyn bowed dramatically still siting on the car. "Anyway on a normal note," Caitlyn turned her attention back to the friends and family around her.

Tyler wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his chin on her shoulder as he watched everyone in the two bands talk and introduce each other to Caitlyn's parents. "I thought Andy looked familiar but I wasn't sure why, now it makes sense."

"Yeah they do have some similarities."

"So is it like a trait for all Biersacks to be tall and attractive?"

Everyone laughed at Tyler's comment, "sure let's go with that," said Amy, Mrs. Biersack.

Caitlyn and Andy smirked rolling their eyes, "obviously," they say in unison which made everyone laugh.

"They also are full of themselves," Rosie sighed smiling.

"Well I rather be full of me than full of like shit or whatnot!" She smirked, "oh the smirk is another trait!"

"Obviously!" Rosie and Tyler said in unison mocking the two rocker siblings.

"So what are you guys doing here?" Caitlyn turned her attention to her parents.

"We thought we were allowed to see our own daughter but I guess not," her dad said pretending to throw a fit and turn to leave.

"DADA!!!" Caitlyn jumped and landed from the car onto her father's back, "STAY!!!!!! I'M BEING YOUR KITTY!!!"

"Caitlyn I'm a little too old for that," he laughed as Caitlyn got pried off by Andy.

"BAD KITTY BAD!!!" Andy pretended to smack Caitlyn's butt but she just covered it giving Andy a weird look.

She hissed then turned her attention back to her parents, "anyway."

"We just thought we would visit you before the holidays to check up on you and let you know you are always welcome to come back home for the holidays," her mom stated.

Austin and Scarlet exchanged a look of uncertainty then looked back at Caitlyn. "I will think about it for sure! So where are you guys staying?"

"In a hotel not far from here. Andy told us he was staying with you right?"

"Yeah Mummie! Andy is MINE!!" She jumped on Andy hugging his neck. Andy just rolled his eyes while everyone laughed.

"OHK! I don't know about you guys but I'm beat and Caitlyn I'm your ride home so lets get on the move," Austin said in disguise of the TRUE meaning why they had to leave soon. 'Poor Clair been stuck with them all day and its almost midnight. She probably hasn't been able to study all day,' he thought as everyone began to say their good-byes. "It was good seeing you guys again! Maybe you should stop by the parlor sometimes!"

The married couple smiled nodding waving then got into their car driving off. Leaving the young rockers to stand in the nearly empty parking lot. A few fans of both BVB and OR came by asking for autographs which they all did, took photos, gave advice or just talked normally to them. "Well we got to go guys it was really nice talking to you all!"

The fans left and went into their cars leaving the two bands to breath and organize what they were gonna do next. "So how about Rosie and Piper you ride with CC, Jinxx and Ashley since they are all on your way home. Then Jake you can ride with Scarlet, Ricki and Evan then that leaves Andy which we will take him in our car."

"What about our instruments," Ricki asked out of confusion.

"You can just come by whenever or take it now tomorrow," Austin said stretching, "but we really need to go." With that Andy, Caitlyn and Austin got into Austin's car and drove off to pick up Clair.

"Hey guys I'm gonna hang out with Tyler for a little bit then he will drop me off at your house ok?"

"Sure Rosie leave ME with all the GUYS thanks," Piper rolled her eyes and got into the car. Ashley got shotgun, Jinxx was driving and CC and Piper sat in the back. "I'm glad you are driving and not CC," Piper mumbled as she watched CC "drive" giving her a mental image of a crazy driver that goes 100 mph.

Jinxx laughed, "yeah he is a little weird but he is actually a good driver. Just not right now."

Piper smiled and looked out the window watching the scenery rush by.

"So does Rosie often leave you to go out with Tyler?"

Piper didn't turn to look at Ashley she just stared out the window, "I mean I don't want to sound like a clingy bitch but she does tend to leave me behind to go hang out with him. It seems that its her hanging out with Tyler, reading on her kindle, busy at work and/or texting/calling Tyler for hours. After three months you would think it would have died down but I guess not with her."

"Oh," Ashley looked ahead, "I wonder what he likes about her. Her face? Her personality? Her boobs? Her butt?"

"ASHLEY?!" Jinxx laughed shaking his head at his friend, "you have some serious playboy probs!"

"I'm more of a boob person personally," CC said, "Yours are decent. But DAMN Caitlyn's and Scarlet's were boouitful!!"

Piper sighed thanking Heaven that she didn't have large boobs like Caitlyn and Scarlet. "Caitlyn gets that a lot."

"I bet! I mean you would think they are smaller on a chick like her but nope!"

"Ohk CC," Jinxx said trying to hold his laughter, "we get the idea! And I am sure Piper doesn't want to hear you ranting on about her friend's boobs."

"Aw you are such a party pooper!!" Ashley playfully hit Jinxx's arm, "so why aren't you with Sammie?"

"She is out of town so I find no point in going to her house and be lonely because I will be the only one there. Plus," Jinxx looked in the review mirror at Piper, "someone has gotta keep Piper company while Rosie and CC rant."

Piper laughed softly at the truth of Jinxx's comment, "thanks Jinxx."

"Well this is my stop! Later," Ashley said as he got out of the car walking up to his simple looking home.

While they waited for Ashley to get inside his house Piper jumped seats into shotgun seat, "damn Ashley you have a warm ass!" Piper sat getting comfy into the seat as Jinxx and CC laughed at her comment and the shock she had in it.

"So you don't want to sit with me anymore?"

Piper saw CC in the side review mirror pouting with his bottom lip out and his arms folded. "No, just I thought with all that leg you might want to sit along the seats so you would have more leg room."

"Translation; I don't want to watch you drive like a crazy person," Jinxx said making the two laugh then he started the drive towards Piper's house with her directions.

"HOME SWEET HOME!!" Scarlet walked down the hall towards the guest room. "So this is where you will be sleeping. Evan you will be on the couch."

"I love how I am not asked anything its just done," Evan said sarcastically.

Jake laughed and Scarlet rolled her eyes, "well that is because you have the maturity of a fucking 3 year old! Anyway your bathroom is in there," she pointed towards the side of the room that led into another room. "My room is right down the hall on the right. I am gonna take a shower then I will be right back."

"Is Rick usually that quiet?" Jake asked Evan about the boy who was silent the entire ride to his house.

Evan began to take his shirt off, "yeah," yanking the shirt over his head and threw it into the room by Jake which was the laundry room. "He is usually a quiet kid around people, especially new people. Just how that kid is I guess," Evan shrugged.

He walked past Jake grabbing a pair of boxers and a tank top then he got into the shower. Jake wondered down the hall into the living room which was furnished then plopped onto the couch and turned on the TV eyeing the Xbox. He flipped through channels seeing nothing but mainly early morning commercials.

"Who the fuck puts these commercials on? Not even old people are up this early," Jake grunted as he leaned up against the couch glaring at the ceiling. "Damn old people."

"What are you doing?"

Jake snapped his head upright and saw his sister standing in the hallway with her hair up in a towel and in shorts with a loose t shirt. "Wondering why they have morning commercials on instead of like movies or something. For Christ sake! No one! Not even old people are up this early to watch these damn commercials!"

Scarlet smirked nodding, "yeah we wonder that a lot." She noticed Jake taking a quick glance at the Xbox, "do you want to play the Xbox," she asked with hardly any emotion. Jake just gave her a big ass cheesy smile so rolling her eyes she nodded, "go ahead."

"YEAH!!" Jake turned it on and got into one of those Black Ops or whatever games that Evan bought a long time ago. Scarlet got out her phone and laptop and began to check up on Facebook and Twitter. Shortly after Evan walked out in his shorts leaving his upper half exposed to any hungry eyes, though Scarlet was use to seeing this much of him since they lived together for about a year now.

"What are you playing?" Evan completely ignored Scarlet's existence which made her laugh. Evan hardly played the Xbox and now all of a sudden its a big deal to him. Scarlet rolled her eyes and read on their band website all the comments then looked at all the photos they took either of the band or the fans. She noticed her notifications said that someone had commented on her page of the website. Clicking onto her page she saw it was a fan saying how much fun and how great the performance was. This made Scarlet smile even though there were sounds of gun shots and zombies exploding in the background.

"Well I am glad you guys had fun! It was awesome that you came tonight to watch us preform! It really means a lot to us! Hope to hear and see from you later on in the future! ;)"

The fan and Scarlet chatted for a while until she finally couldn't keep her eyes open anymore. She logged off and shut down her laptop then went into her room and crashed on her bed.

"I don't know how much more dancing I can do right now," Tyler sighed over the loud music while Rosie kept on dancing acting like he didn't say anything. "Did you hear me?"

"Yeah," Rosie said looking at him and continuing to dance, "what do you want me to do about it?"

"Well I'm thinking about going home soon," Tyler said wiggling his eyebrows.

"Tyler," Rosie was getting annoyed by his endless requests about going home, "I don't want to go to that level yet! I have only dated you for 3 months! I am not giving you my hooha if that is what you are asking."

"Oh come on! I promise it will be worth." Tyler snaked his arms around her waist pulling her close.

"No Tyler!" She got out of his grasped and walked off the dance floor, "I'm tired and going home!"

"OH why do you have to get all moody all of a sudden?!" Tyler reluctantly followed throwing his arms around as they walked out of the club.

"I'm just tired! We preformed today, it was a long day at work and a lot of stuff happened today! I am allowed to be tired and want to go home!" Rosie pulled out her phone and saw it was 2 in the morning. 'Shit who is awake at this hour after a performance?!'

"Well you are going to have to get a ride from someone else cause I am going home not all over town to drop you off." Tyler got his keys and made his way to the car.

"Well who pissed in your fucking cheerios?! Just because I won't have sleep with you, you decide to pull a fucking hissy fit! Go home I will walk home and if I get killed or something don't be surprised if you get a beating from one of my friends! You selfish jerk," Rosie screamed at Tyler as he got into his car and flicked her off.

As he drove off she called the only person she knew that would pick her up. This friend was the only one with a car and would be bound to be awake since she has a younger one AND a sibling hanging around.

"Not anything great sorry but its all I can afford," Caitlyn said as she dropped her jacket on the hook and took off her shoes waving goodbye to Austin.  Andy did the same as his sister and followed her as she put her son into her room. Andy looked around his sister's room smirking to himself looking at all the photos of her, her friends, family, Zyker or drawings from everyone. When he looked up he nearly laughed seeing the photo of when he was taking a photo of them and she was licking his face while he had a serious look on. Caitlyn looked up from trucking in Zyker to the ceiling so see what her brother was looking at, "its one of my favorites of us."

"You and your tongue," he said shaking his head.

"He is just like me," Caitlyn motioned to Zyker who was sound asleep hugging his mother's stuffed cat.

"You still have that thing?!" Andy's jaw nearly hit the floor when he saw the raggedy black stuffed cat with ice blue eyes. Caitlyn shushed him and gently pushed him out of the room. "Yes," Caitlyn looked at him as if he lost his mind, "why would I get rid of it?! Its the only thing I got that wasn't a damn shirt from you." She playfully hit his arm. "Now you can either sleep here," she pointed towards the living room, "or here, " and she pointed ahead of them which was Zyker's room.

"I'll take his room." Andy followed her into the kitchen as she got something to drink and eat.

"Get whatever you want I am going to the store tomorrow anyway," Caitlyn said shrugging.

When Andy saw the OJ carton he grabbed a bottle of water, "I am guessing you still drink out of the carton?"

"Yep! Why not?! It's my house," Caitlyn said as she jumped onto the counter popping grapes into her mouth.

"So why did you name Zyker, Zyker?" Andy joined her on the counter as she stared off into space.

"Well I liked the name Zyk for about forever and so I named him Zyk but when he was born I would call him Zyker. Soon everyone started doing it so he responds to either one but his birth name is Zyk," Caitlyn explained still deep in thought.

"Oh, I was just wondering since its been a pet peeve of yours that people name their kids "weird" thinks. And well personally Zyker isn't very human sounding," Andy joked. When Caitlyn just huff a smile he knew what she was thinking about, "so when are you gonna tell us about his coming?"

"I don't know," Caitlyn sighed getting down and washing her hands, even there was no reason to she just did. "I will probably tell sometime this week," she said vaguely then turned to see her brother's uncertain face. "I promise," she added to reassure him. Andy smiled softly then got down finishing the water and threw the wrapper from the other half of the sub Caitlyn got today.

Caitlyn walked out into the living room and picked up some of the remaining toys, juice boxes, beer cans and food wrappers that were laying around. The room was hardly messy to begin with but to Caitlyn it was too messy. She discarded the few beer cans into the recycle box, toys went into the mess box and the wrappers and juice boxes went into the trash. Andy laughed shaking his head, "just like at home. We only saw you when a room got too messy for you," Andy plopped onto the couch when Caitlyn walked back into the room.

"Oh can it deer boy," Caitlyn said laying down on the couch and put her head in her brother's lap. " I really did miss you Andy."

"No kidding! When you left we were wondering if it was something we did until we found your letter. You better have a good excuse why you left!" Andy said in a fake angry voice pointing his finger at her accusingly then began to tickle her.

"HAHA!! I WILL!!! STOP!!!!" She fought against him to stop his tickling but the her phone began to ring. Both stopping and staring at the cell phone on the coffee table then look at the clock. "Who is calling me at 1:53 in the morning?!" Caitlyn picked up the phone answering, "hello?"

"Hey Caitlyn its Rosie."

Caitlyn nearly jumped out of her seat! 'Tyler went out with her! She sounds upset! She is calling me! Its early in the morning! What did he do? What happened to them?! Did he hit her? Did they get hit? Who did it? How bad is it?' These were all the thoughts racing through Caitlyn's head, "what's wrong?"

"Tyler and I got into a fight and I was wondering if you could pick me up. I'm at the club."

"Sure," Caitlyn got up heading for the door and motioned Andy to stay put as she got her shoes on. "I will be there in 10."

"Thanks bye."

"Bye bye!" Caitlyn put on her jacket and tighten her shoes, "Rosie and Tyler got into a fight I guess she he left or she ran and she needs a lift. Can you stay here to keep an eye on the house and on Zyker while I'm gone? I might be 20 minutes."

"Sure I will stay." Andy got up and did the classical hero pose, "I WILL DEFEND THIS FORT FOR I AM BATMAN!"

"Yeah keep telling yourself that," Caitlyn laughed and left.

Andy sat down on the couch after he watched her drive away through the kitchen window and turned on the TV. "So many damn commercials," sighed Andy as he continued to flip through channels. Finally getting sick of searching for something to watch he went over to the side of the entertainment center. There he found a boat load of movies all labeled and dusty. "Never was into watching movies and still isn't," Andy smirked as he looked at all of them. He noticed one was a homemade video and on the label it said "TO FLORIDA!" He grabbed the tape and put it in to the VCR player. "Damn she doesn't watch movies at all!" He pressed play and sat down on the couch.

The TV brought up an image of a younger Austin talking to the camera saying something about them going on a trip and that Caitlyn was asleep in the RV. "Say hello to the camera Scarlet!" Austin had turned the camera to a younger Scarlet only she had BRIGHT red hair. She waved and then flicked the camera off making Austin laugh. "So anyways, we are going to Florida for about a week. Why? Well mainly Caitlyn has been dreaming of Tampa's Busch Gardens so we thought 'Eh why not?!' SO! We are on our way TO FLORIDA!!"

"She never wanted to go there because it was so hot," Andy said aloud as he took a sip of his water.

"Austin you have a problem! You need to put that camera down or you are gonna trip on SOMETHING!" Scarlet said as she took the suitcase into the RV.

"Where is Evan?" Austin asked looking around ignoring Scarlet's advice.

"He is inside hogging up the bathroom. Now lets GO!" Scarlet popped her head through the door and grabbed Austin pulling him in by the shirt.

"Ohk ohk ohk!!! Someone is in a rush!" The camera turned to what looked like Caitlyn only she had swallowed half of a basket ball. "Say hi to the camera!"

"Hi camera," Caitlyn sighed not at all energetically.

"Gosh I am the only excited one! Well peace I got to drive now so I will be back shortly!" The screen went black and just then Andy heard the door open and paused the movie to see Caitlyn standing in the doorway.

"What took you so long?"

Caitlyn sighed and plopped on the couch and again used her brother's lap as a pillow looking up at him. "Tyler wanted to go have "fun" at his house and Rosie said no, which is reasonable since they have only dated for 3 months! He got mad and left her so I went to pick her up and she vented and the I dropped her off at her place before I came back home." Caitlyn turned her head to see the frozen scene where younger Austin was looking at a camera in the driver's seat of the RV. "What are you watching?"

"TO FLORIDA!" Andy said fist pumping the air, "that is what the label said."

"Oh, that makes sense," she sat up and pulled her hair up then let it go before she got up. "Well I am beat and I am going to bed so I will say good night and see you later today."

Andy decided that was the best thing to do so he got up and went to Zyker's room and laid down on his bed. Caitlyn laid down on the couch and the few next seconds they were out and off to dream land.

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