DEFIANT • kylo ren (18+)

By opallavender

19.5K 593 282

Months ago, an objective from the Resistance to train new Padawan apprentices brought Luke Skywalker's son, L... More

01 - You know enough.
02 - You need to watch that mouth of yours.
03 - Your thoughts are a distraction.
04 - I'd say that's accurate.
05 - Don't ever lie to me.
06 - I expect you to behave.
07 - Yes.
08 - I'm not aware of what you're referring to.
09 - I'd like to look.
10 - When are you going to learn?
12 - Drink it.
13 - It can be.
14 - Stay away from Vicrul.
15 - No.
16 - Need.
17 - Will you?
18 - What are you doing to me?
19 - Don't worry about that.
20 - Just for you.
21 - You.
22 - An ocean of darkness.
23 - There you are.
24 - Never.
25 - I suppose... I'll have to make do.
26 - Master?
27 - Forgive me.
28 - Filthy, traitorous liar.
29 - Okay.
30 - Subjective.
31 - Finally.
32 - What?
33 - The Force.
34 - You cannot keep this.
35 - Well done.

11 - Not right now.

565 17 1
By opallavender

You're in a different room than you're used to when you wake up.

This isn't Kylo Ren's chambers. This isn't the cell. The floor feels different under your feet. The vibrations surrounding you are disturbing the peace of sleep you had held only moments before.

This is a much smaller starship, and a fast moving one at that. You rub your head, squinting your eyes at the figure in the pilot's seat in front of you. Judging by his stature, size, and cloaks, you know it's him. Is this his command shuttle?

The viewport at the front freezes you as soon as your eyes land on it. It spans across the entire front, revealing the stars streaked through the sky - travelling faster than lightspeed as the ship zooms through space. Hyperdrive is surprisingly... beautiful.

You only notice you're strapped into a seat in a moment of panicked realisation. Where is he taking you? What is he going to do to you when you get there? Are you in trouble for causing a scene? You can't believe the stupidity of your actions.

"Be quiet." The crackle of the voice moderator knocks you from your worries, into entirely different ones. What does he want you to do? Just block him out? He doesn't seem to like it when you do that.

You can feel your shoulders tensing, looking around for clues in a panic. The beating of your heart against your ribcage is becoming increasingly more difficult to ignore.

"Where are we going?" You manage to push the words out, feigning courage.

"Must I repeat myself or are you unable to follow simple orders?" His masked voice scratches at your brain as he hisses his complaint at you. You cock your jaw, irritated at your position and lack of control.

"I'm not your pet." You spit, considering an escape route if he lashes out at you. You're not tied to your chair, just buckled in, but you can tell it wouldn't be wise to get up at such speeds.

Instead, he chuckles, a deep, almost too quiet to be heard, chuckle.

You contemplate his laugh, your brows knitted together. Unfortunately, his lightsaber is in your eye-line. It's tempting you. Calling for you to wield it and slash through his flesh in anger. You consider this violent thought. You've never wanted to do that to a person before.

"Not my pet..." He considers, real deep and slow, driving it out to truly rub it in.

The entire ship begins to halt, jolting you out of hyperdrive and you begin to hover in space. In the distance you spot an ice coloured planet, quite far but you know you'd arrive quickly in this ship.

Kylo turns in his chair, revealing himself to your eyes. You catch yourself staring at him, unable to look away. The mask is particularly menacing, but you try to avert your eyes from the hidden, dark gaze beneath the visor. The black capes sitting over such a large man scare you all the more now that you know what he's truly like. How heartless he is. Your body still burns from his hands. Your throat was manhandled what feels like minutes ago. Your face is still bruised, or feels it.

So, why, after all of this, do you burn inside, begging yourself to please him? Pleading him to let you? Finding such intense passion in your touch?

In this moment, you can feel the swell of pride from him, the Force guiding his feelings to you. He heard that. You're so angry he'd heard, you're determined to do the opposite of what you truly wish for.

"Come here, pet." Kylo beckons you forward, a hand pats his thigh and the other motions you to come.

You hesitate. But ultimately decide to unbuckle yourself, and stand. Though, feeling frustrated with yourself, you stay glued to the floor beneath you.

Kylo's clothes are too big for you, and the sweats almost fall over your hips before you pull them up and tie them back in place in embarrassment. You could scream. He's waiting for you to do as you're told. And you want to.

Why do you want to?

Could it have something to do with the soft, comforting embrace of his clothes over your naked body? Or the reminder of the shared connection you have each time you enter a room together? Maybe it's simply the memory of his body on yours, dominating you in a way you hadn't realised you needed to be.

"No." You blurt, realising how close you were to kneeling for him right there and then. The baggy t-shirt grazes over your nipples and you feel them harden to the touch.

Kylo extends his hand ever so slightly, you can feel his patience nearly breaking as he tries to restrain himself. "Now."

He says your name. He's telling you this is not optional. The air thickens with his order over the Force. The lack of emotion as you stare wide eyed at the metal of his mask is what pushes you to walk forward.

You don't get to sit for yourself, as soon as you reach him his gloved hands are at your body. The large grip practically lifts you as you find yourself sat on his thigh and hoping he'll take off the mask and let you see his face again.

Kylos hand holds you possessively by the back of the neck, his other at your thigh. The cool mask brushes against your jaw as he leans down to your ear.

"Good pet." The smugness is not hidden as he pats your leg ever so slightly. It's worse that you know he's only calling you that to get under your skin, because it's working. The voice modulator keeps a shiver running down your spine, and you find yourself edging away.

Kylos leather hand is at your chin, bringing you back to face him immediately. You gaze into the void of his covered face. You want his hazel eyes back. They were unfeeling but at least they were human.

"Please take off the mask." You ask, anxiously fiddling with your (his) clothes. You're so on edge you hadn't noticed that being on his lap like this had gotten you all worked up. The feeling of his large thigh underneath you, his fingers over your neck and the closeness of his chest... you think you can even feel him digging into your leg under you.

"Not right now." He responds, his fingers are back to your leg and holding on to your thigh a little tighter. "Be good for me, and I'll forget about your little stunt today."

Shame clouds over you.

"I didn't mean t-" You start, genuinely wanting him to know that you hadn't aimed to embarrass him.

"I mean, I-" You clock yourself, correcting your thoughts and straightening up with a frown. You shouldn't care. You're a prisoner.

You decide to go with the easiest route.

"I'll be good." You swallow, as he turns his chair around to face the viewport. His arms easily manoeuvre the controls while you stay seated, feeling surprisingly safe between them. You allow yourself to lean against his chest.

Kylo's hand leaves your neck and holds your waist as the ship takes off toward the nearby planet, his leather glove finding your skin under his t-shirt. You think you hear something low, guttural from under his mask as he notices you're not wearing a bra.

With his other hand still on the controls, you start to feel his free one manoeuvre over your ribs, his thumb teasing over the underside of your breast. You wriggle in his lap, trying to tell him to stop without actually having to say it.

He groans, his hand holding you forcefully still by your hip as it leaves your breast. The erection grows harder underneath you and you understand why he's grabbed you.

"Don't do that." He sounds genuinely angry, but you can feel the arousal in the air, the sparking between the two of you in the Force. You know having you on his lap is very distracting and you're not making it any easier by moving around.

"Don't do what?" Feeling mischievous, you move your arms to wrap around his neck, repositioning your ass over his hard on. You look into the mask with a sultry gaze, despising how anonymous he is in this moment. How covered he gets to be.

Kylo fists your hair at the base of your neck without hesitation, his other hand swiftly untying your sweatpants and before you can object his gloved fingers are sliding over your slit and are knuckles deep inside of you.

Your breathing hitches, two of his leather fingers deep in your pussy as your mouth falls open.

He lets go of your hair to control the ship, and you hadnt even noticed the change of scenery as the ship comes to a halt. You whip your head around, confused, seeing something which makes your eyes widen in shock.

This has to be Starkiller Base. You'd heard the rumours. This place is massive. The largest command centre you'd ever seen lays before your eyes. You'd landed completely in enemy territory, with the Commanders fingers inside of you.

You squirm, fearful, your head turning back to Ren with complete confusion. You try to get off his lap, your hands pushing at his arm, violating you under his sweats. His other hand grips your hair once more, holding you still and completely at his mercy. He forces you to watch, facing you towards where you're unwillingly being pleasured.

You grip his arm, your other hand clinging onto his robes as he begins to move his fingers inside of you, your pussy contracting and you can feel yourself getting slicker by the second despite your fear. You whine, your lips quivering as your walls contract over the smooth leather penetrating you.

"Keep quiet now, I've got a debrief to complete." The mechanical voice of the modulator tickles your ear, and you try to nod but not completely understanding what he means.

He turns in the chair, semi facing the rest of the ship while you face the command centre through the viewport. Barely noticeable through the pulsing of his hand between your legs, you spot stormtroopers out on the control centre, in large quantities, and hundreds of other workers completing their jobs with a background of heavy snow.

"Commander Ren, my name is Jet, it's a pleasure to serve you." A voice sounds out behind you and you nearly scream before Ren's hand snakes round your neck to cover your mouth. This person, whoever they are, is on the ship, and while they can only see your back and not the hand between your thighs - you're still sat on Kylo Ren's lap.

"The engineer." Rens modulated voice would be chilling to anyone but you in this moment, but all you can think about is trying to shrink down further into Kylo's body. You gasp, muffled by his hand, as you feel him curl his fingers inside of you with the next pump. He continues his slaughter, and you drown out the conversation, catching odd bits as you struggle to stay quiet.

"I can return at a more convenient time, Sir?" The poor engineer, Jet, scrambles, clearly uncomfortable with the situation. Kylo orders him to continue, and you hold your moans in your throat trying to pretend his large fingers pushing through you isn't twisting you dangerously close to climax.

You ignore the foreign noise of the engineers words, trying to stop your body from shaking in Kylo's lap. His thumb begins to rub over your sensitive clit, fingers still deep inside, and you almost cry out before he squeezes the hand over your mouth slightly harder.

"Return to your station." Ren tells Jet, the deep voice adding to your arousal and you begin to squirm as you hear Jet departing. When the door shuts and your mouth is free of Ren's hand, you let out a whine - the fingers inside of you pumping harder and your clit being worked over.

"What is wrong with you," you breathe out, gripping over Kylo's black cloak, leaning your head onto his chest as his hand sits leisurely over the back of your neck. "Oh Gods," you pant, lips parted in ecstasy. 

"Come for me, pet." The worlds unravel you and with a final swipe over your clit you're gone, squeezing your thighs together and gasping as you come unraveled in his lap with his hand down your pants.

Pleasure spasms throughout you, and you ride it out with a faint moan, looking up to Kylo at the end. When he removes his fingers, they're at your lips before you could even remind yourself of your surroundings, and he's swiping them over your tongue. You taste yourself, licking them clean and waiting for his response.

After you've caught your breath, Kylo stands up, lifting you in the process and steadying you on your feet. Your knees feel unsteady but you hold yourself still, leaning against the control board to the ship for stability. He's too tall, and it makes you want to back away, but with no where to go you have to stand there and wait for his word.

"Follow me when we depart. Stay close." He holds your jaw to capture your attention, a soft grip that almost sends you spiralling, "If you get lost I will not come and find you, I'll send my men for you. They will not be as lenient with you as I am." The crackle of his voice through the dreadful mask sounds like a training video. You hold in a scoff at the idea of Kylo Ren being 'lenient' with you, and follow after him when he heads for the door.

The cold bites at your skin, your eyes struggling to readjust to the harsh white of the sky. You rub them with your fists, noticing Kylo had already made his way down the ramp without you so you scurry after him - barely able to appreciate the ridiculousness of where you are. The size of this place is truly gigantic, and you feel very much swallowed whole by the base.

You're surrounded by starships, and workers, all who salute or stand to attention at the sight of their Commander. You follow at his heels, sort of worried about these 'men' who are supposedly worse than him. Now that you're off the ramp, the ground - although cleared of snow - is freezing and harsh against your bare feet. You grit your teeth, retying the sweatpants that were just about to fall down again.

You peek ahead at the enormous size of the entrance, opening up to yet another large area for ships to land and be worked on. It was a semi-indoor command centre that seemed unnecessary after the one you'd just walked partially through. Completely overkill and daunting.

When you reach it, you release a bundle of tension in a breath of relief as your feet find the concrete. Less harsh than the outside and certainly less cold. You'd struggled to keep up before but now you're at Kylo's heels again. You hate how it helps you feel protected.

Inside the covered control centre, you notice everyone has come to a standstill of sorts. Where there was once clanging noises and machine whirrs, is now replaced with hesitant whispers. Guards, troopers, engineers, all stood to watch as Kylo enters. You begin to wonder what you must look like to them.

You stop in front of a group of stormtroopers all stood to attention. Kylo nods to them as they begin to tell him something that's probably important. You turn your head from side to side, trying to see if anyone is looking at you. If anyone here is normal. Maybe someone would help you? If you could just-

Shit, you're walking again, Kylo's marched ahead with stormtroopers following behind him. They disappear into a corridor and you follow after, uneasy at the distance between you. Don't get lost. Don't get lost.

As you turn a corner, you're ambushed by a group of marching soldiers. You dart out the way, restless and looking around for the tall dark figure.

Fuck. You're already fucking lost. There's too many hallways. You catch yourself getting too emotional, a bundle of nerves pricking tears in your eyes, and decide to calm yourself down. You centre yourself. It helps to not have shoes on. You connect with the Force and follow your instincts, being led down a familiar looking path - though they mostly all look the same - and eventually you spot Kylo at the end of a passage, conferring with...

Wait, who the fuck?

You're peeking around the corner but you whip your head back when you think one of them has seen you. You can barely breathe.

Trying to slow your heart rate, you think over your discovery. Are these his 'men'? They stood tall, boxy figured, dark midnight cloaks. 5 or 6 of them? You couldn't tell. Each wore a mask not unlike Kylo's. You could tell instantly who was the Leader from a split second glance. The energy of the hallway crackled with Him. Ren's control was a force not to be reckoned with, and you could sense it all within them. They awaited his orders, his respect, and his presence.

But those men scare you in another way. You stop your hands from shaking as you try to figure out what to do. Stormtroopers march by you in a hurry, completely unbothered by you. Everyone here is busy and important.

You need Kylo to know you're not lost, but you really would like to avoid being around those men. Fuck.

It's time to face it. He can probably sense that you're here, leaving you with little choice in the matter. You move around the corner and gingerly walk down the passage - surprised that none of them look your way, but internally grateful. Kylo is facing them, on the left, giving out some sort of monotonous order for training, stood on a platform. They stand grouped, on the right. You hadn't noticed before, but the hallway opens up. The doors must be held open. They stand in a much larger room, lined with weapons.

You definitely should not be here. But Kylo told you to stay close. Fuck. Fuck.

Reaching the doors that are slid fully into the walls, you stop. You'd rather wait for him to address you than risk interrupting something. You hold your elbows, apprehension in the air.

Not one of them looks at you, but you can feel... something. Now that you're here you see there's definitely 6 of them. You notice they're all slightly individual. Different weapons. Masks all changed.

Kylo finishes, then without looking at you, motions you to come with his fingers. You look around, confused by this. What does he want you up there for?

You pad over the changed floor texture, embarrassed at your bare feet and overly aware of how you're dressed. When you reach the platform you stop, hoping he doesn't want you to step up there.

"Up." He beckons, grabbing your t-shirt to pull you to his side. You stumble into him, surprised by his yank on your sleeve, then straighten yourself out trying to maintain some pride.

A few chuckles sound from the crowd. You frown, looking up at Ren as if to ask what this is.

His hand rests on the back of your neck, the leather smoothing over it - reminding you that this hand was inside of you merely 5 minutes ago. It's almost a shock to your skin and you squirm uncomfortably.

"My apprentice." Kylo's robotic voice pierces your body as he announces this. You want to shout, defend your true Master, defy Kylo's claim and state your hatred - but this audience... this army, these men, they are not going to stand for that. You can tell. Kylo certainly didn't when you'd done it originally, you'd left black and blue with a fucked up hand and bruised ribs. You need to be smart.

"You're kidding, right?" One of the men laughs, eyeing you up.

Your anger flares up as Kylo pinches on your neck, you can feel your clenched fists shaking. The black cloaked men murmur to each other.

"Silence." Kylo calls, and all talk is immediately halted. They await his next word like its oxygen. "She will be under the supervision of the Knights of Ren whilst here."

You swallow, hard. The Knights of Ren? Is that them?

"She is..." Ren pauses, squeezing your neck again - in a way that makes you hunch your shoulders up, "a long way from where I want her. She will be training in shared spaces. Not one of you will touch her without my permission."

The last part helps you to breathe properly for the first time since you entered this room.

The Knights nod in acknowledgment, their war gear still intimidating even when you stand on a raise.

You glance around the room to see it's a gym, a training area, similar to the one from before only much larger. Further into the room is a padded floor section, there are training dummies and lines in the wall you know will reveal equipment. A boxing ring. Weapons. Anything you'd need.

You feel an overwhelming crushing of pain, trying not to tear up as you let how truly lost you are settle in. Kylo Ren wants you to embrace the dark side. A prickle in your eyes as you look over where you'll be forced to train for the enemy makes you step back and turn away.

Kylo pulls you back to his side by your neck again, turning to face you for the first time since you got here. He grabs your face, manhandling your cheeks out of frustration. You resist, pushing away from him in a panic, struggling.

He suddenly takes both of his hands away and you fall straight to the floor at the sudden change of pull. You catch yourself on your hands behind you, glaring up at the helmet that can't glare back. He watches over you for a moment before taking a few steps in the opposite direction.

Ren paces slowly to the other side of the platform, his Knights are all stood ready for action at the slightest word. He stops to look at the weapons on the wall. You feel ridiculous, sat on the floor in front of the Knights like a piece of meat Kylo's playing around with.

You mumble curse words under your breath, pulling yourself up from the floor and practically running out of the room. You barely get to the edge of the platform before you're frozen in place - a force choke hold around your neck.

The anger resurges, "let me GO!" you struggle, exasperated. You desperately cling at the air around your neck. The knights are chuckling again and you can feel your body shaking. You want them to hurt the same way you do. You want them to feel this embarrassment.

"Hilarious." You mumble, staring at the door you wish you'd made it out of.

"What was that?" You hear Ren's voice sound out. He's daring you to oppose him, and you feel the Force restraint lift as you body connects properly with the sweet, sweet tug of gravity.

You turn, a sarcastic grin on your face. You find he's still admiring his weapons. You're so unimportant.

"I said, 'hilarious'!" You breathe out, almost laughing at how stupid this is, "it's so fucking funny that you think I would ever call you Master when you treat me like this." You throw your hands up to emphasise the obvious, then they fall back to your sides. A surprised murmur from your goddamn crowd.

"And all of you! Who the fuck do you think think you are?" You're losing it, turning to the men that seem so entitled to witness your unraveling. "You might as well be brainless sheep the way you fall at his feet. It's embarrassing."

You're a hypocrite, but you couldn't care less right now.

A few of the Knights steps forward with a growl, ready to punch you - you're sure of it. You step back, almost eating your words when Kylo holds his hand up to the men to stop them acting on their impulses.

He makes his way back over to you, but you don't allow yourself to cower. Earlier, you'd held a blaster in the air with the Force. You'd actively fought against him at his level, even if it was only for a second. You're getting stronger. And you don't care that it's because you're giving in to your hatred.

"Kneel." He orders once he's towering over you again. He's doing this to demonstrate his control in front of his Knights. Putting on a show to prove who's really in charge, and what happens when you bite back.

You laugh, humourlessly, looking right into the helmets void, "no."

"No? Are you certain?" He warns, taking your chin in between his thumb and finger. You break away from him, freeing your chin and folding your arms.

"No." Your voice is shaky now. Don't lose confidence. You keep your eyes on Kylo so that the group of men don't intimidate you.

Kylo takes a last step towards you to close the space between you, one hand dangerously testing your boundaries as it rests on your ribs - his thumb feeling over your breast in front of all these men. His head dips down to meet your ear in a growling whisper.

"Unless you'd like to show my Knights just how much of a slut you are, I suggest you kneel for me." He warns, a low voice you're sure only you can hear.

He wouldn't. He wouldn't make you do something like that in front of all them.

You hesitate. Be smart. Be smart. He definitely would.

Knees shaking, you lower yourself down to the ground. Your hands are jittery so you squeeze them between your thighs as you kneel with your ass over your ankles.

The Knights laugh, breaking out into conversation as Kylo rests a hand on top of your head. Your cheeks heat up in embarrassment.

The formalities fall and you guess Kylo has given them the nod to stand down as you watch the mens feet fall out of the rigid formation. Two approach Ren, the others wandering further through the gym.

"She's a feisty little one." One of the men laugh, and Kylo's hand rubs through your hair, his large palm resting over the side of your head in a possessive manner. You keep your eyes down. You think you could cry.

"Yes, she is." He agrees, "She's already run off a few times. I would have killed her before she revealed she was force-sensitive." Acid burns in your chest at the way they speak about you like you're not even there.

"She doesn't seem to be taking to the apprentice role too well." A third voice pipes up, "but, at least you've got her under control." he jokes, and Kylo lets out a low, controlled laugh in response.

"She's had some trouble detaching from her old master. He'll be out of the picture soon." He says calmly, tantalisingly stroking over the top of your head.

You go rigid. Out of the picture?

"What do you mean?" You look up for the first time, eyes glazed over in worry. When he doesn't answer you pull your head away from his hand. "What do you mean, Kylo?"

His hand fists your hair, tight. He's mad.

"No. What's my name, first?" He tests you with a hint of anger, actually looking at you now. You hope doing what he wants will get you answers, so you comply.

"Commander." You can't stop yourself from reaching out a hand to hold his leg.

You feel him stiffen, unsure about if he should allow this in front of his Knights.

He allows it and you breathe out in relief.

"He'll be killed, of course." He states matter of factly, before returning to his conversation.

"How far has she come with combat?" One of the men ask, but you drown out the words spoken between them - getting too into your head.

LJ is going to die. He's gifted, but you certainly doubt his ability to hold up in battle against Kylo Ren. Maybe if Luke was with him? They'd stand a chance.

Kylo could die in a fight like that. Your stomach twists. You'd grown strangely attached to the man during your imprisonment. Is this Stockholm syndrome? You feel disgusted with yourself. Despite your hatred, you can't seem to want him dead unless you're in the heat of anger. Even in that case - you want to kill him yourself.

You rub your hands over your knees, trying to warm them with friction. LJ could die. Luke Skywalker could die. Your friends might be there. You can't be left out of a battle like that. You squeeze your eyes shut, focussing on blocking your mind from Kylo at the thoughts you're about to race through.

The only way to protect them is to let Kylo believe you're on his side. He might take you with him. He needs you to prove your loyalty somehow, so he'll most likely want you to fight alongside him. Maybe he'll want you to kill LJ yourself. The thought makes you sick.

You gaze up at him. The man who'd washed you in the shower was never going to reappear. His guard is up too strong and his heart is too black to ever be saved. This man is a monster.

You have to keep a straight head.


some foreshadowing in this chapter...... perhaps

jk theres foreshadowing in EVERY CHAPTER HEHEHEH

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