
By xo_angels

265K 4.6K 1.8K

I don't remember what I wrote so... one day a man met a woman and they did stuff and stuff... Fuck it I can't... More

1st Day
She's a Virgin???
I'm blocked?
Losing it.
I'm coming home.
Meeting new people?
Waiting for her.
Back to the living.
Helping Children
No it's not okay
Family ties.
Yellow Ledbetter
Dangerous Liaisons.
The Call.
The Trade
Bring her Home.
Welcome to my home
All settled in.
Lei รจ con il bambino
The Ball
Two Steps at a Time
Unfolding Truths
Emmett and Amara
Night Changes
Night Changes II
Old friends & Back to Work
Bad Energy Rising
I came back with hell
Reigning Pain
We All Become Killers Sometimes
I Understand This Time
Un Altro Bambino in Arrivo
New Orleans
Peace Reigns in New Orleans
This Time It Will Be Me II
This Time It Will Be Me III
It Is Done, No More.
Fidanzamento Tanto Atteso
This Is Our Happily Ever After
Last Note

This Time It Will Be Me

1.3K 41 16
By xo_angels

2 months later

6 am

Emilio's Pov

My brother was leaving for his vacation and guess who plays babysit to smart mouth and the other one?


" So you wake them up at 8. You give them a warm bath, 38 degrees. Use their soap and massage the shampoo in their hair. You probably have to let Scarlett give Amara a bath, you know because of the " Ezio said and I nod.

" Only one piece of candy a day "

" No cursing around my kids "

" Lights out at 8 "

" A cooked meal. No take outs. " he said and I just stared at him.

" What other dreadful detailed tasks you'd like to tell me? Better yet add to this list " I said waving around a long ass list that my brother gave me.

" I'll call you if I remember anything " he said as he took up his phone and his keys.

I followed him out the door Valicity was already in the car.

I watched my brother go around to his side and opened the door.

" Oh my most important rule. My kids and your-

" Are not allowed to leave the mansion walls " him and I both said.

" Yeah I know I know " I said.

We made eye contact as he got into his car.

He drove off and I waited for the car to go out of site.

I went back inside and sat on the couch. I looked at my watch.


" I'm just gonna take a quick nap until 8. " I said to myself as I positioned myself on the couch.

5 hours later

I felt something going back and forth on my lips.

I scrunched up my nose and turned my head away.

Then my eyes shot open.

" Shit " I said then turned my head back.

" Hi " Amara said as she quickly shoved her two hands behind her back.

" What's behind your back? " I asked.

" Nothing " she said.

I squinted.

I looked at all the couches and they were covered in red squiggly lines.

" You have until the count of three to run " I said.

" 1 " I said and she ran off.

" 3 " I said then got off the couch. I walked around to the couch and there she was

' hiding '

I gently grabbed her by the back of her Pj top and lifted her in the air.

" Why " was the only thing I said.

" I just wanted to play makeup " she said.

" So you played on the couches? " I asked.

" And the walls " she said and I looked at the makeup covered walls.

I could just throw her through the window right now.

" Where's the other one? " I asked her.

" Alistair left with his daddy " she said.

" Not Alistair the smart one " I said getting a bit irritated.

" But you're holding me " she giggled.

" No you're not the smart one you're the dumb one " I yelled.

" Put me down " she said acting like she's hurt and I put her down.

I put her down and she ran upstairs.

" I don't give a fuck " I said to myself.

" You're an asshole " someone said from the kitchen.

I walked over there to see Emmett on the floor cutting up sausages with a butter knife.

"And you're a brat. Put that shit down. Don't you know you're not supposed to play with knives? " I said to him.

" If you made us breakfast. I wouldn't have to be doing this. " he said as he continued to cut the sausage up.

" Hey I said stop. You stop " I said then grabbed his arm and pulled him away.

" Don't touch me " he said as he pulled away from my grip.

I watched as he stormed upstairs.

" Why do kids have to be so stupid? " I said.

Night Fall

9 pm

I was on the couch watching the avengers and eating popcorn.

I was laughing and enjoying the movie.

Then my phone rang.

I sighed and looked over at it.

* Ezio Diaz. FaceTime Video *

" Shit " I yelled then jumped out of the couch.

I ran upstairs and searched the kids room as the phone rang.

They weren't there.

" Where the fuck are they? " I shouted through the house.

I have no choice but to answer the phone.

" Hey Brother " I said with confidence.

" Hey, How's everything going so far? " he asked.

" It's going fine " I said.

" Well, let me see my kids " Ezio said with a smile.

" We are actually playing hide and seek right now so after I find them. I'll call you back " I said.

" What? No Emilio I specifically said lights out at 8. Why are the still up? It's 9 pm in Italy " he said.

" Relax brother we are just having fun " I said.

" I heard Emmett. I'll call you back brother " I said then hung up.

I began looking through all the rooms in the house but the kids were just not here.

I went back downstairs, grabbed a glass and poured myself a drink.

I quickly downed the shot.

I yelled as I flung the glass. It smashed into pieces as it hit the wall.

" Where the fuck are they " I yelled.

" Calm down cowboy " Rage said and I looked at the top of the stairs.

" Can't find the kids? " he asked as he walked down the stairs.

" This is typical of you. You care about nothing but yourself, it's always been like that. You only care about yourself and Ezio might have forgotten who you are but I didn't forget. I didn't forget one bit. " Rage said as he poured him self a drink.

He took a sip.

" I remember all the times when you did messed up shit and Ezio had your back " he said.

" And you CAN'T WATCH HIS KIDS FOR TWO FUCKING WEEKS? " he yelled at me.

" How on earth are you gonna call Amara dumb? She's a child for fucks sake. You don't understand how much you've hurt her feelings. "

" Ezio would have never done this to Kade. When you were gone for the first 6 years of your sons life. It was Ezio that did everything. And not once did he yell or curse around your son " Rage said.

I kept my gaze on Rage but I could see there's other people in the room.

" I wouldn't have missed those years if it wasn't for father-

" Don't blame Michael for how you're treating Ezio's kids. "

" You were supposed to wake them up at 8. Give them a warm bath. Make them breakfast. Give them a snack. Then make them dinner. It's not that fucking hard " Rage said.

" Guys tell me if I'm wrong " he said as he turned to look at Kai, Charlotte, Ava and Owen.

" Emilio has been so careless, Emmett and Amara left the house, walked all the way to warehouse. I almost lost it when a guard told me they were outside. They were hungry and dirty " Rage said.

Everyone nod and agreed with him.

" Whatever I don't even care. Since y'all are pro's you watch them " I said then walked out the door and slammed it shut.

Ezio's POV

Isabella and I saw and heard everything that just happened.

We stared at the laptop as Rage, Owen, Kai, Charlotte and Ava. Stood there.

I shut down the laptop and just stared into space.

" I know we already paid for this trip. But I want to go home to my kids " she said.

I've never heard a better idea.

" A flight leaves at 2 am " I said and she laughed.

" How do you know that? " she asked.

" I know we weren't staying here for more than a day. Home is broken without me " I said.

Then the baby started kicking.

I rubbed a finger over where the kick was and smiled.

2 am

Isabella and I boarded the flight and it was now taking off.

" I've never traveled on a normal plane before its always jets " I said.

" Well we are in first class so it's almost like a private jet " she said.

We didn't tell anyone we were coming home. We just wanted to pop in.

" Are you mad at Emilio? " Isabella asked me.

" Actually no " I said.

Emilio's POV

8 am

Since everyone hates me. I decided that I would do the right thing.

I went up to the twins room.

I knocked on their door and went in.

They were still asleep.

I walked over to Emmett first and gently shaked him.

His eyes opened.

" Good morning. It's your bath time " I said and he rubbed his eyes then got up and left the room.

I walked over to Amara. I gently shaked her, with a few shakes she was up.

" Wake up princess. It's your bath time " I said.

" I'm sorry that I called you dumb. You're a princess, princesses are smart and beautiful " I said to her and she smiled.

She got up from her bed and I beg to walk away.

" Scarlett will give you a bath, okay? " I said.

" Okay " she said and I left the room.

I went downstairs and met Scarlett at the bottom.

" Good morning " I said then kissed her on her cheek.

" They are upstairs. The water should be 38 degrees " I said and she walked away.

I walked to the kitchen and Kade was sitting on a stool around the island.

" Okay breakfast " I said as I walked over to the cabinets.

I opened it. I took out the pancake mix. I went over to the fridge and took out eggs, bacon and cheese.

" Okay you can do this " I said to myself.

" Do you need help? " Kade asked me.

" You can't cook " I said to him.

" Who made the twins breakfast yesterday? " he said as he walked over to me.

He grabbed the waffle iron.

Kade helped me to cook.

The twins came down right on time. Everything was all set.

Lunch Time

Scarlett wasn't here so it was just me and the kids.

Ezio said not to leave the house but who cares.

I strapped the twins in the back, Kade and I were upfront.

" Gimme those " I said as I took rings off the twins fingers.

I placed them in the flower pot and got back into the car.

I drove off and within no time we were off the property.

My brother always brags about the food at Rage's restaurant, so that's where we are heading.

I parked the car, put my shades on then went around the back to unstrap the twins.

We went up the stairs and a skinny tall boy stood there.

" Good afternoon, reservation? " he said.

" This is my uncle's place " Amara said.

" Who's your uncle? " the boy said as he stoop down to her.

" Rage. My daddy is Ezio " Amara spoke to the boy.

He looked up at me.

" Sir " he said.

" Nope " I said.

" I'm just the twin " I said then took my shades off.

" How old are you son? " I asked him.

" 16 sir " he said and Kade touched my arm.

" Dad, uncle Ez normally tip these ones " Kade said.

I dug into my pockets and pulled out five one hundred dollar bills.

" Here kid. Don't buy drugs " I said then walked past him with the kids behind me.

We were now sitting in our private Booth.

Our waitress came back with our lunches.

She took the kids orders off the tray.

As she was handing me my spaghetti she tripped and the plate landed on my white shirt.

The kids laughed as the woman panicked.

" Darling relax, it okay. Just escort me to a bathroom " I said.

" Right this way " she said and I followed her.

Naomi's POV

I was walking pass the tables dressed in a black dress that hugged my body perfectly and my hair was in a bun, wearing the brightest red lipstick.

All the men seated eyes were glued to my every move.

I walked up to that private booth.

" I'm sorry ma'am this booth is private " a girl said to me.

" Honey that booth is only for family. I'm Francesca Diaz " I said.

" Right this way " she walked off and I had a sinister grin on my face.

She moved the curtains and I stepped into the booth.

I stood there looking at the kids in shock.

I stared at the twins especially.

" Hello, can we help you? " the grown boy asked and my Starr broke from the twins.

" Hi sweethearts, I'm Naomi Emilio sent me to get you guys " I said and they got up. They walked out of the booth.

That was too easy.

" Good job Daisy " I said as I handed her two hundred dollars.

I walked from behind the booth and followed the kids outside.


Daisy was the waitress that took the orders.

She's the one that spilled the spaghetti over Emilio's shirt.

She texted me that the job was done.

End of Flashback

16 year old Valet POV

The restaurant door opened and I saw the kids leaving the restaurant with a woman.

Something's off.

" Hey guys leaving so soon? " I asked hoping they would get what I was trying to do.

" Yeah see you later " the little girl said.

It seems everything is fine then.

" Ma'am I didn't get your name. I have to write down the names of everyone that leaves the restaurant " I lied.

" It's Francesca, Francesca Diaz " she said and I pretended to wrote it down.

Well she's family so everything is fine.

" Wait a minute " I said under my breath then pulled out my phone.

I opened Instagram and typed in ' Rena.xoxo '

It was her.

I looked up and she along with the kids were gone.

" No, no no no no no no " I chanted as I ran into the restaurant.

Everyone was looking at me.

I looked at the far end of the restaurant and I saw the booth only for family. I ran down there.

" Where's sir? " I panicked.

" Hey relax " the girl said.

" It's fucking important. Where is he? " I yelled.

I pushed her out the way and ran into the booth.

He wasn't there.

" SIR " I yelled through the booth.

Emilio's POV

I heard someone yelling sir as I was washing my hands.

I turned the water off to make sure.

Then I heard it again.

" SIR "

I rushed out of the bathroom and my eyes scanned the booth.

The kids.

They were gone.

" They're not here sir " the boy said and I grabbed him by his collars.


" They were taken sir " he said in a shakey voice.

" By this woman " he said and my gaze broke from him as he held up his phone.

" Who is this? " I asked as I let go of his collars and took his phone.

" She said her name was Francesca Diaz " the boy said.

" That's not my sister " I said.

I walked out of the booth fuming as the boy walked behind me.

We were now out of the restaurant and standing by my car.

I dialed Rage's number.

" Emilio " he answered.

" Look you were right. I am careless. I messed up. Now the kids are gone " I said.

" Have you been drinking? You guys are still on the property " he said.

" FUCKING listen to me. I took the kids off the property and now they're gone. This woman took them " I said.

" Milio but the kids rings says that they're still here. I'm coming over there " Rage said.

" How the fuck are gonna come over if they aren't there Rage? For fucks sake I took the rings off the kids. We went for lunch at your restaurant and now they're gone " I said.

" Get home now I'll run the surveillance video " Rage said then hung up.

I got in the car.

" Can I come? " the kid asked.

" Come on " I said and he jumped in.

I sped off like a crazy person.

To Be Continued...

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