Mein Sonnenschein.

By liebe_fur_paulchard

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Richard and Paul are the guitarists for Rammstein, a German band. They're also close friends. One day when th... More

Chapter 1 | Ausländer?
Chapter 2 | Show time.
Chapter 3 | The Bus Journey.
Chapter 4 | Uncomfortable Time Alone.
Chapter 5 | Another Day.
Chapter 6 | Eruh? Paul?
Chapter 7 | This Is The Moment.
Chapter 8 | Okay.. So what Now?
Chapter 9 | The Day After.
Chapter 10 || Experiments.
Chapter 11 || More Experiments, Cuddles and Till.
Chapter 12 | Exposed.
Chapter 13 | The meeting.
Chapter 14 | Awkward dinners.
Chapter 15 | Differences on the bus.
Chapter 16 | Arguments.
Chapter 17 | Making up.
Chapter 18 || Friday night, date night.
Chapter 19 || Continued fun and serious words.
Chapter 21 | Responses [Penultimate chapter].
Chapter 22 | Sonnenschein [Final chapter].

Chapter 20 | The interview.

420 14 7
By liebe_fur_paulchard

Richard POV.

"Richard and Paul, you have an interview today together. Then you two are done. There's a flight booked for both of you at 2pm which should get you home for 10pm. It's the earliest I could get you two sorry." Our tour manager told us just before he left the room. Today is the last day of touring. One interview for me and Paul to close the tour, and then we go home. Till and Flake went last night, Oliver and Schneider this morning, me and Paul will be next. I love touring, I really do, but I also love the idea of just being able to sit in my own house, binge watching crap movies and eating junk food. Sleeping in my own bed is the thing I'm looking forward to the most. With Paul by my side a few times hopefully. It's rare we get to do interviews together but it'll be fun. A nice change from being alone in them all the time with some person you don't know and have just met asking you a million questions. It can be a bit uncomfortable at times.

Paul and I where in our hotel room now, passing time by talking and watching tv. Right now we're watching some American comedy show or something like that, admittedly I wasn't paying much real attention to it, just mindlessly watching it. The conversation had died off between me and Paul, becoming comfortable silence. That was until Paul turned to me, smiling like his usual self. Directing my attention from the show to him, he seemed to just be looking at me for a moment, maybe thinking something. Debating whether to say something maybe. I couldn't guess what. I didn't need to guess though because he soon started to say what was on his mind. "Richard, you know we'll be in this interview together today." I nodded my head showing I followed, "Well, I was thinking. And you don't need to agree, it's just an idea. I won't be mad or sad or anything if you don't want to. I won't. But, maybe, if you agree, we could tell people now? Like in the interview. About us dating." I paused for a moment, just thinking over what Paul said. It would be nice. We could act like a normal couple, not have to hide the fact we go on dates. Well, saying that, we actually could go on proper dates finally. Be completely open about our feelings with each other. Free to show them however and whenever we felt. I guess I paused for too long because Paul began talking again, "You know, I just think now would be a really good time Richard. We tell this interviewer then go straight off tour. The interview comes out while we're off and people get used to it. Then we come back when everyone's got over the fact and we can just go around playing music again like usual." I shook my head and chuckled slightly, "You know that as soon as we tell the fans it won't ever be the same completely, they'll always be saying something. I mean they already do now and they don't even know, they just think we have something going. But, you're right. I think now is a good time as well." Paul smile was very wide and bright as he replied almost sounding relieved and maybe even excited, "Really? You think it's a good idea." 
I nodded my head yes again, "Yea, of course I do Paul. Why wouldn't I? I want to tell people, it'll make a change to act like an actual couple and not pretend we're just friends. I want people to know I'm dating you." His smile, no idea how, seemed to grow again and he unexpectedly hugged me tight. I hugged him back and gently rubbed his back. "I'm happy you agreed, as I said I really wouldn't of minded if you wanted to wait, I would have understood, but I don't want to pretend anymore. It gets annoying." Paul said as he moved away from the hug, still smile. I agreed, it's hard to act as if someone is your friend when really you love them. It seems so easy but really its difficult. What friends want to hold hands? Or kiss? Or go on dates? I looked over a the clock and realised what time it was. "Oh we'd actually better set off or we're going to be late." 

We got into the car we'd borrowed from a crew guy and began our drive to the location of the interview. It would only be a ten minute or so drive but we still had to chance to be late. I drove while Paul sat in the passengers seat, smiling to himself watching the world drive by. I told Paul to send a message to the band and crew group chat saying this was happening. We made a chat for everyone for times just like this, when everyone needs to know something. He did so and all the guys saw it pretty quick, most of them saying okay, or sending a simple thumbs up. Flake said a few warning words and so did our manager, but they were just saying be ready for the possible backlash. We knew this could be possible, so we were ready. Soon enough we arrived outside the small area we'd be interview in and Paul leaned forward to get out of the car but before he could I turned to him, "When do you think we should say it?" Paul hesitated for a moment, seeming to sink back into his chair as he thought. "Maybe at the end, get the important interviewing things out of the way, then tell them and go." Paul chuckled as he patted my shoulder gently, "It's okay Reesh. Calm down, it'll all be okay." 

Going into the room a woman greeted us, "Hello. I'm Alice. It's very nice to meet you guys." She held her hand out to shake mine first, so I did with a smile back and introducing myself even though she knows me already, I mean she's interviewing us. "Hello. It's nice to meet you to. I'm Richard." She then shook Pauls hand as well, and Paul also introduced himself. It's just polite. She was blond and just smaller than Paul. Brown eyes. Tanned skin. A very pretty girl. We sat down on a sort of couch which was black and a two seat. She sat next to us but on a separate chair, slightly turned towards us. A camera was place in front of us on a tripod with a man stood behind it, operating it. Then another guy just stood behind him, seemingly watching us quietly. 

Then the interview began. She started off simply asking how we were. How the tour had been. How we feel about it ending. What we're looking forward to when we get home. Then she went onto ask some more things about the music, albums, concerts. It was quickly coming to an end I could tell. And I could feel my stomach begin to turn slightly with the anticipation. My mind never stopped thinking over all the possibilities. How well it could go. How wrong it might go. Then it started. "Okay well guess, it's been awesome talking to yous. Wonderful to meet you guys. But, we have to go. I'm guessing you're wanting to get home after all. Any last remarks before we go." Paul glanced at me and I froze for a moment. How do you go around saying this? "Oh yeah. Actually, we did want to tell the fans something. If that's okay?" Paul asked smiling at Alice, seeming very well put together at this moment. I took a leaf out of his book and took a deep breath, trying to calm down. "Oh yea. Of course guys, take your time." Paul glanced at me, almost asking if it was going to be me or him to say it. I smiled at him. "Oh well. It's something which might not surprise some people, since it's already a rumour. Eruh, me and Paul. We're, dating." It seemed to just role off of my tongue without much thought, seeming almost natural. The interview made a sort of shocked gasp but smiled wide as Paul began, "Yea. We've been going out for a while now, but guessed it'd be best to wait to tell the fans after we knew if it was going to last or not. So the people who saw through our acting, well done." Paul chuckled, not awkwardly, he sounded quite happy actually. And I felt the same. Like a weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. I felt like I could breath freely again. Everyone knows. The woman seemed to make a happy noise, "Oh you guys! That's so cute. I'm sure everyone will like this. It's a good relationship. Never knew anything like this would happen in our interview today." She then laughed slightly.

The interview ended soon after that and we found out the interview would be out in two days. That's quick. But I guess they'd want to push it out now. We left the interview and got back to the hotel. "Do you think I said that okay?" I asked Paul nervously. We hadn't talked about it until now we were back here. Paul smiled at me and approached me, wrapping his hands around my waist. "It was perfect Reesh. You did well. Now everyone knows, we can just be ourselves." 

That's all I wanted.


short chapter, i'm sorry. i just didn't know what else i could really add to this one. the next will be better [:

have a good day

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