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chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40

chapter 29

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Chapter Twenty-Nine


I couldn’t look at them anymore, at HER! She just gave herself up willingly to him without question and not only did he tease her about marking her, so did she!

My wolf was furious! Enough that it busted through my skin, we had to get of there and fast or we were both going to go up there and make them pay. I ran faster through the forest until I came across a familiar sent and stopped.

‘Someone’s pissed, but then again when aren’t you these days?’

I turned and saw lying on the floor with her head resting above her paws.

‘Have a point?’

‘Yeah, get over it; she’s not taking you back so just let it go and let me make you happy.’

‘Yeah and how will you do that?’

She slowly got up and made her way over to me, swaying her hips like a bitch in heat… wait… I looked down and then back up again to look at her. I sniffed and growled.

‘You’re in heat.”

‘Full moon.’

I took off running again until I reached her house once again. She wasn’t where I lost saw them last, but I could clearly see him lying on the sofa fast asleep.

I looked around, making my way around the house until I saw her sitting outside our bedroom sitting wrapped in a blanket. I thinking even think before I jumped, making her gasp as I shifted before her eyes. My wolf was in frenzy, scratching away at me to take her.



As soon as his sent hit my, my wolf was ready to pounce, but I held her back and tightened the blanket around me suddenly feeling a chill run down my spine.


I tried to keep my eyes on his, but I couldn’t help but let them fall, making me shift in my seat.

“Think I can get some clothes?”

My eyes darted back up to his and frowned. What was he talking about? Why would he have clothes here?

“I mean unless you threw everything away.”

“I haven’t been here long enough to know.”

He smiled making my heart skip a beat and walked past me into my bedroom.


I jump right after him, stopping him by grabbing arm. Instantly my mind went straight to when we first met, made love for the first time and mated, up until the point he left, that’s when I let go.


He went to touch me, but I backed away only making him reach out further and pull me firmly against him.

“Emma, please just talk to me.”

“About what?”

I looked up at him feeling my body temperature rise as flashbacks of us making love kept repeating themselves in my head over and over again.

“You’re in heat, my love.”

I pulled away from him then and tightened the blanket around me.

“You need to leave.”

“We need to talk.”

“Now is not the time, you need to leave and you need to do it now. Grab whatever things you think you have here and go. I don’t want Quin to see you here, especially like that.”

“Let him, let him see the way you react to me. I’m your mate regardless if you want me or NOT!”

I looked back at him and slapped him as hard as I could.

“Shut up!”

I should have figured it would only trigger his wolf to react and when he grabbed me and kissed me, pinning me against the glass.

My blanket fell with the struggle and dropped to the floor to reveal my bare skin. He growled against  my chest, pressing his lips firmer against mine, sending vibrations straight to places I didn’t want them to go, especially from him, but it was no use regardless of my rejection I still loved him.

When he felt me relax and return the kiss he became gentler in his lips and slowly began caressing my waist.

“I love you.”

He slowly pulled away, but leaving his lower half firmly pressed against me, looked into my eyes as tears began to fall on its own accord.

“I’m sorry… for everything, I’m so sorry.”

I shook my head and looked down. He could say sorry all he wanted, but it wasn’t going to fix anything.

“Please Emma; don’t you feel anything for me anymore?”

He rubbed the spot where my mark was still faint with the tip of his thumb and tried to kiss me again, but I turned.

“I can’t do this, not right now.”

“Then why come back, ha? To torture me? To make my pay for the stupid mistakes I’ve done? WHAT?!”

I tried to push him away, I couldn’t do this right now especially with my wolf begging me to take him, but he pinned my back and it was clear that he wasn’t going to let go, so I did the only thing I could think of and that’s hit him where it hurt. 

I looked up at him, into his eyes, but kept an ear on the person behind him.

“I came back because this is my home and this is where my children are buried.”

“She was mine too.”

I shook my head.

“She wasn’t. As much as I wished for months that she was, she wasn’t.”

He shook his head and finally pulled away from me making me sigh from relief.

“You’re lying.”

“The hospital has the DNA test to prove it, so just leave. You and I don’t have anything left, so just go.”

He looked back at me and then turned to see that Quin was looking right at us.


Quin smirked and leaned against the doorway.

“You and what army?”


He then looked back at me with red eyes, making me gasp and step back, but he only took it as an advantage to pin me back against the glass window.

“That’s right, your dad made me Alpha and if I say he doesn’t come near you then he doesn’t.”

“But dad…”

“You’re dad had no choice, you left and he can no longer take over.”


I shook my head, this can’t be happening, no… no…NO!

“Emma, I have to go.”

I looked up and tried to get to him, but Xavier pulled me back in.

“Leave him.”

“No! Let me go! Quin…!”

“I’m sorry Em, but I have to, I’m really sorry.”

He then walked away and I fell to the floor.

“God just go away, you ruin everything, and I hate you.”

“You’ll get use to it.”

 “GET OUT!!”

I was so angry I shifted and lunged at him, but he shifted before I was able to get to his neck and he knocked me onto my back and against the glass, shattering it into a million pieces. Glass fell everywhere including onto my shoulder. I yelped and felt myself shift back from the pain.


He shifted back, but I forced myself to get up and back away.

“Just leave me alone.”

“Let me help you.”

I shook my head and reluctantly pulled the large piece of glass out of my shoulder making me grunt in pain as I didn’t want to scream or I knew they’d come running.”


“Please just please leave for the love of god just leave me ALONE!”

Suddenly the entire house was surrounded by wolves.

‘Luna, are you alright?”

I looked down and then back to face them.


One of dad’s protectors jumped and shifted before me taking in my sent and growled.

“Step away from her! Emma you need to shift to heal.”

I shook my head and collapsed onto the floor, crying.

“She’s freezing; we need to get her to the hospital!”

“She doesn’t go anywhere unless it’s with me!”

He went to touch me, but he was stopped.

“I’ll take her.”

I looked up to see the guy I met in the airport.

“It’s okay, I’ve got you.”

“Don’t touch her!”

Soon Xavier was surrounded by dad’s enforcers and I was taken in a quick move making it less painful for me.

“Trevor, she’s mine!”

But he wasn’t listening and quickly started towards the hospital.

“Don’t sleep alright?”

I nodded, but couldn’t help it.



I pushed them away and everyone stood there looking at me. I knew what they were all thinking… but I wasn’t going insane and I didn’t just try to kill their Luna. 

I growled at their thoughts and shook my head, relaxing.

“Get back home.”

Slowly everyone started to spread out except for two.

“She’s going to hate you even more.”

“Go home Zander.”

I started picking up the glass, but was stopped.

“We’ve got it.”

I pulled my arm away and shook my head.


“Oh don’t you start Rogering me, what happened to you?! You’ve never hurt a woman before and now you’re out of control!”

“I don’t know what happened ALRIGHT! She just lunged at me and I reacted. She went straight for my jugular, she tried to kill me.”

My whole body was numb, I still couldn’t believe it. Things were getting so out of control and out of hand, now here I was picking up the pieces of something that should have never happened. I needed to sit down, so I made my way over to the bed and hung my head between my legs, shaking my head.

“She hates me more than I thought and now she’ll never forgive me.”

“She’s just hurt… Antonio is getting married, he chose his ex and kid over her.”

I growled, why did it have to be about HIM?!

“Everything is just so fucked up now… AGH!!!”

Then I cried I couldn’t help it anymore.

“Calm down man…”

Roger sat next to me and slapped my back while Zander stood by the broken window.

“Look, you can’t give up now or this will never work, you need her and eventually she will need you. You just have to sick with the plan.”

“Don’t worry she’ll see what you’ve done for this pack for the last three months, she’ll see who you really are and hopefully she’ll give you another chance.”

I looked up at them both, but my eyes landed on Zander.

“Why are you here and now with her?”

He shrugged and looked down at the floor.

“She hates you too ha?”

“Not really, I just haven’t spoken to her in a while and well with everything going on…”


I hung my head and laughed as Roger poked fun at him.

“You guys should go, it’s late and if anything I’ll be at the hospital.”

I left them and went to my room. I did a quick change and headed for the hospital hoping she would let me see her.


When I woke up I knew already were I was and all the bad memories came rushing back. I tried to kill my mate…

“Can’t help, but hate this place too.”

I looked towards the door and saw him standing there.

“How would you know, you didn’t stick around long enough to know.”

Apparently I was still angry even if I felt bad for lunging at him the way that I did.

“Losing her hit me just as hard Emma, so don’t even.”

I smirked.

“Yeah, you didn’t want her; you just wanted her because you thought it would keep me by your side.”

“That’s not true; I loved her just as much as I loved you.”

“You don’t what love is or we would be like this right now.”

“You tried to kill me! What else was I supposed to do?!”


“Is that what you really want, for me to die?”

“What I want is you gone, away from me and forget I ever knew you.”

“And you thought rejecting me would do that?”

“You should have just accepted the rejection.”

“Well sometimes you don’t get what you want in life. Sometimes things, challenges are placed in front of you to test you and I believe you were put in my way for a reason and I don’t plan on giving that up, not now, not ever until I’ve known that I cannot do it anymore. I’m sorry for what happened I reacted to your attack, but I never meant to hurt you, before or after this and I hope someday you will forgive me.”

Then he walked away, leaving me like he’s always left me and I cried. The memories were there, the emotions and mostly the love I felt for him.

By the time I got out from the hospital the next day word had gotten out of what had gone down last night or this morning. I checked myself out of the hospital before anyone took notice and went straight home, locking myself in my room hoping no one took notice of me.


I groaned that didn’t last very long. I covered myself with blankets hoping she would go away and for once leave me alone.

“Emma, I heard you. Please open the door.”

“Get out of my house.”

“Emma please, I just want to…”

“There isn’t any stairs here, so you’re out of luck.”

I knew it was wrong to say and so below the belt, but I really didn’t want her here. I heard her sniff, but I was so numb inside that I couldn’t care less about how she felt.

“I’m sorry.”

I laughed, shaking my head.

“Yeah right.”


I finally had enough and got up, running to the door and opening it.

“Leave…me… ALONE!!!”

Then slammed the door back in her face and slid back into bed.

“Merry Christmas.”

I covered my face again and started crying.


I thought coming up here was a good idea at the time, but I turned out to be the worst. The minute I saw her, it was like looking at a completely different person. The shine in her hair was gone, her skin was pale and she had lost more weight than I could ever imagine. You would clearly see the glow and sparkle she once carried and made everyone smile was gone and it was my fault.

I made it back to the house where everyone was sitting in the dining table eating breakfast.

“She coming?”

I shook my head as I took off my coat and turned around trying not to cry, but I couldn’t help myself.

“She hates me.”

“And you’re surprised?”

“Shut up Xavier.”

“Why because I’m telling the truth? What you thought after months of being away she’s was just going to forget what you said and did to her that day? You really didn’t think she was just going to jump for joy like she’s always done for you did you?”



His father tried to intervene, but Xavier wasn’t having it and all I could do was listen as he was only telling the truth.

 “NO! Look at her trying to make people sorry for her when Emma’s the only one suffering the loss of a child, a child she could have been sharing with us today, but she’s not because of HER! She took her life away from her, the one thing that could have brought us all closer together and you too that away!!!”

“That’s IT! It was an accident and she’s been beating herself about it ever since! If Emma can’t forgive her, then there is nothing we can do! You on the other hand should be groveling at her FEET for what you did to her!”

“Look who’s talking!”

“Xavier, that’s enough!”

“Right no one speak about what Luke did to her, which is worse than I ever did and I’m the bad guy? You know what; screw you all, no wonder Emma is the way she is!”

He then pushes past everyone and takes off.



‘Calm down man, relax, we can feel your agony all the way over here.’


‘Alpha or not you need to listen to me and calm down, we got visitors.’


‘Elders, they want to see Emma.’

I took a deep breath and looked up, I was at the doorstep of our home and I could clearly see Emma sitting on the sofa, looking out into nothing.

‘I’ll let Emma know, but have them go to the main house, I don’t want them here.’

‘Got it… Oh and relax everything is going to be okay.’

I block them off and take each step slowly until I reach the door and open it.


After Cecilia left I ran to the door to stop her, but I couldn’t bring myself to open the door. I felt so helpless, so alone and I didn’t know what to do. I knew I was in deep depression because all my wolf thought about was going away and that only meant one thin.

‘I can’t take this.’

‘I know.’

‘Then do it, end it already.’

I looked down at the knife I had laying in front of me on the coffee table and was about to reach it when the door opened making me pull back.


I hid my face between my knees as my heart started pounding just from his sent that came in. My heart ached for him, god my body wanted him so bad that it hurt.


I was quickly pulled up and fussed over. My heart skipped as his ran his hands through my body searching if I was okay or not.

“Shit Em, you scared me, what’s with the knife?”

I pulled away, reluctantly, feeling the pain in my chest.

“I’m fine, just leave me alone.”

“Emma, the elders are here to see you.”

I snapped my head up and locked my eyes with his.

“For what?”

“I don’t know I was on a run when I was told they were coming through the gates.”

“They’re coming here?”

“No, to the main house.”

I let out a breath of relief. The elders hardly came by and when they did, it wasn’t always good.

“Relax; I don’t think it’s a bad thing, probably just checking up on how you’re doing.”

I took a deep breath letting it out and quickly wiped my tears then I heard footsteps and we both looked towards the front entrance.

“Go, get fixed up, I’ll get it.”

I didn’t argue there and ran up to the room. I quickly changed, threw on a little make up especially around the eyes, ran a brush through my hair and went back down, taking a deep breath before making my way over to the living room to see my parents, his and the elders.


I gulped and let out a breath.

“Hello Emma.”

I bowed as on should when they are spoken to.


I took another breath and looked up to meet my grandfather’s eyes seeing the disappointment in them as he looked at me up and down then back up to my eyes. Grandfather’s or Papa as I call him, became an elder as soon as grandma passed away when I left for college and has stayed away ever since.

The elders consists of three woman and five men, one being Papa. The rest were elders from other packs from around the world, one in which was eyeing me very closely.

“You are Emma?”

I turn my head and bow, never leaving my eyes from hers.

“At your service.”

One think we are taught when we receive our wolves is that you never look away or they’ll know you’re afraid and until this day I have never looked away, that didn’t mean I didn’t see around them or that I wasn’t afraid.

 “Come and sit.”

I so as I’m told and sit in front of all them with my hands in my lap and my head held high, just like I was taught. I could feel the tension in my body as both my mother and mother in law sit beside me to my left while she makes her way beside me to my right and all men begin surround us.

Mom tried to take my hand, but I unnoticeably pull it away, but I knew better than to think Papa wouldn’t have noticed. I felt like looking down, but sucked it up and kept my eyes focused.

“Xavier, come here my grandson.”

I divert my eyes to him and I want to kick him in the ass for not telling me that his grandmother was one of them!

He quickly makes his way over to her, who looks up him and takes his hand, then reaches for mine.

“Take my hand.”

I hesitate, but by the look on my Papa’s face, I stretched it out letting her take it. Suddenly I feel my wolf being pulled away from me. It screams at me and it takes everything from me to keep her in, but then she’s gone and I’m released from her hold, leaving me panting for breath.

“Look up.”

I do as I’m told once again and sit up straight with tears threatening to slip out.

“You took my wolf.”

“It needed to be done.”


I just didn’t understand why they would do that to me, I had done nothing wrong.


I looked away then, letting the tears fall and stand up.

“Don’t you run away from me, sit DOWN!”

I sit, but do not look at him.

“I now have nothing.”

At that moment all I could think about is the knife and ending this, never having to feel pain, loneliness and rejection ever again.

“You will regain your wolf once you’ve recovered yourself and it is made certain that you are ready to become Luna of this pack.”

What?! I look up and turn to Xavier who only looks away with a tightened jaw and I could see he was angry, but Why? Why would he be angry?

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