Harmless Attraction

By Demonofthefridge18

30K 1K 3.4K

Hinata had an amazing one-night stand with a stranger she met at a bar. Thinking she'd never see him again, f... More

The Lies We Tell
Hidden Emotions
The Boy with Green Eyes
A Surprise Guest
Behind Closed Doors
Our Dirty Little Secret
You and Me
Happy Family
Morning Dew
Mysterious Girl
Birds of a Feather
Sweet Kiss
Problem Solved?
Painter of the Night
Happy Birthday
Silent Night
Eye of the Storm
Shot in th Dark


714 30 86
By Demonofthefridge18

All eyes were on him.

Drawn like moths to a flame.

Secret shatter- that wasn't all that secret- filled the air. Naruto kept his head down a bit as he strolled to class, his path being parted as if he were carrying the plague. He wanted to show up late but early ass Sasuke just had to be on time.

'Take it head on.' Is what the asshole said. Easy for him to say. It wasn't him that was in deep water! Apparently, Ino didn't say anything to anyone. Yet that made it ten times worse. Now everyone was free to assume. Making up wild scenarios about what happened, spreading it around as if it were true.

'I heard this-'

'Someone told me-'

'I was there I heard-'

No one truly knew what happened.

All they had were two blondes alone in a room, one crying and hurt- sounded like the start of a bad joke. Naruto looked to his companion, Sasuke was being avoided just as much as him, no one was brave enough to talk to the pair. People left to wonder why their beloved prince was with a demon.

Naruto sighed, "Sasuke you don't have to walk with me..."

"No this is perfect. No one is bothering me."

Naruto chuckled, "You aren't afraid to lose your fangirls?"

"Whatever will I do." Sasuke deadpanned looking at Naruto as they walked by a group of girls staring at them. Girls that normally flock to the stoic Uchiha, but they huddled closer together in hurried whispers.

"Don't threaten me with a good time."


"The question is what will you do?"

Naruto raised a brow, about to answer the question but then he fell silent. What was he going to do? Did it matter? "I..."

"I think you should apologize. It would make your life harder if everyone thinks you are a woman beater."

"H-Hey! I'm not- that sounds awful what the fuck Sasuke..."

Sasuke shrugged," It is what it is. You gotta make up with Ino. You don't have to kiss her but just be cordial. Be friends again."

Naruto scowled, "You are so annoying when you are on your pedestal."

Sasuke only shook his head, "This is your senior year, if you care about it then get your head out of your ass. Or don't, I'll enjoy the peace and quiet for as long as it last."

"At my expense? Why do I feel like I'm being used." Naruto rolled his eyes as the two made it to class, their teacher already inside. As he followed Sasuke to his desk he waved at Hinata, it was only the three of them so it would be fine if he showed a bit of affection. Only Sasuke and Hinata would be in class this early. They may have been best friends in high school.

Hinata sent him a glare.

Uh oh.

"Goodmorning boys." She called from her desk.

"Mornin." They both replied sitting down. Their class work was already present on their desk. She must have got everything ready for class so she could retreat to her seat. He would have to assume she will try to stay sat all day...

Sasuke continued to talk to him as he looked over his new assignment, "At your expense but remember I'm the one being inconvenienced by you. You're bringing my reputation down."

Naruto scoffed leaning against his fist, he was going to say something smart but his eyes were trained on his teacher. Sasuke was still talking but his mind was drifting to other things, like all the moments he shared with Hinata yesterday. The cuddling, the sex, the talking, the laughing... He couldn't get enough of her as scary as that was. His heart always raced and his body would tingle. She made him feel... something else. Something he couldn't even put into words. Around her he found his light and without her he was sure he would be left in darkness. She was exhilarating and despite everyone at school shunning him he could care less- as long as...

Pale eyes looked up at him, his lips pulling into a bright smile. As long as he had her it didn't matter. He could be burning in hell if it meant he could hold her hand.

Sasuke was seemingly still talking. "Sakura has been blowing up my phone saying I need to talk to you. That's probably the only annoying part."

"Mhm..." Naruto hummed as he moved two fingers to his lips, sticking his tongue out suggestively, his teacher's cheeks turning red. She squinted her eyes at him and made a phone sign with her fingers. Digging his phone out he read her text.

Juicy Bunny: I can't believe you Mr. Uzumaki what am I supposed to do about today?

Naruto snorted, causing Sasuke to turn around. Naruto coughed lightly as he realized he had been caught.

"I see we have already forgotten about your fiscal, has something else caught your attention?"

"I will handle it- don't worry about a thing!" The blonde raised a thumb at him yet this did nothing to quail the other boy.

"Normally when you say that everything goes to shit."

"It won't it won't!"

Sasuke rolled his eyes as he started on his work. "For your sake, you are going to need a miracle."

Naruto returned to his texting. Rereading her text, 'I can't believe you Mr. Uzumaki what am I supposed to do about today?' What was she supposed to do... Oops... He may have been a bit too much yesterday. Could you blame him? It had been weeks since he had seen her! Maybe... he went a bit too far. He just couldn't... stop... he just wanted her, the couch, the counter, shower, it didn't matter where. After what she told him Saturday night- early Sunday morning- he felt his obsession with her grow tenfolds. He couldn't help himself, the poor woman could barely walk. But she surely did not deny him.

Sexy Fox: Roll around in your chair.

Juicy Bunny: Not funny.

Sexy Fox: For you.

Juicy Bunny: So rude

Sexy Fox: apperently im the big bad fox.

There was a pause as the both of them looked up for a moment, a pitiful look coming from Hinata as Naruto gave her a shrug before returning to texting.

Juicy Bunny: How has it been so far?

Truth- annoying. His friends had blown up his phone yesterday asking what happened and he had a few people call him. He told them all the same thing, "It was a misunderstanding." He didn't know what else to say. They weren't satisfied with that answer but he only asked for them to drop it. If he tried to defend himself it would be near impossible and could make it worse. No one would take his side- his fate is in the hands of Ino now. She hasn't decided on the story she would tell, but her silence is a good enough punishment on its own. People were naturally curious and nosey. High schoolers? This was like crack to them. His phone wouldn't stop going off, everyone becoming reporters as they try to get the hottest scoop- so he turned it off. He only turned it on when it was time for him to go to school. Just for this sole purpose.

Texting Hinata.

Sexy Fox: I will be fine.

Ino had not come to class, nor did Sakura.

Honestly, it wasn't at all surprising. She probably needed a mental day, it was her birthday and it was completely ruined. What better than to spend the day off with her best friend? That was all fine and dandy but the classroom was still heavily tense. It was almost as if Naruto was isolated in his corner, especially since Sakura and Ino weren't there. The hushed talking about him continued. They seriously couldn't be any more obvious about it. Hinata had texted him her condolences but he had brushed her off as if it weren't a big deal. She truly felt bad for him. He went from being the most popular boy in school to... well still being the most popular boy in school, just in a negative way.

After class, it got worse. Each block she heard about Naruto. Each one spinning a story more outrageous than the last. But since he wasn't in there it was spoken at great length and without the need to be quiet.

It pissed Hinata off!

Did they have nothing better to do? They were treating Naruto like a monster, the story getting further from the truth by the second. How disgusting! She had to bite her tongue, holding her outrage as these people spoke about her blonde, painting him as something he's not. It was gnawing at her very bones. The very people that claim to be his friends were the same ones that were viciously talking about him.

Hinata inwardly sighed as she rubbed her temples looking at the clock. She was in her last class and it had seemed the day of gossiping had truly drained her. Her phone buzzed, and looking down she saw kissy emoji's from Naruto. She had ranted about the crazy things people were saying about him and how she wanted to yell at them.

Sexy Fox: I'm fine Hinata, No girls are running up to me anymore. this is better than the hickies! ;)

Hinata smiled softly... maybe this was affecting her more than it was affecting Naruto.

"He raped her."

Hinata snapped her eyes up as the class gasped in horror. All eyes on the petite girl in the back of the room. Hinata had no idea what her name was. her curly hair framed her slimmed cheeks. She was just one of the girls that strived for the spotlight.

One of the boys snorted shaking his head in bewilderment, "No way-"

The girl nodded, her curls bouncing with her movement,"Yes! I was outside the door! I heard her yelling at him!"

Hinata dug her nails into her palm nearly piercing her flesh, that was the last straw! She could not simply hold back from this no longer! Naruto was not a fucking rapist! She refused absolutely refused to allow them to go any further!

"That's Enough!"

The words were taken right from Hinata's mouth. Her orbs shifted to the one that spoke them.

Tayuya was standing up looking at the girl with the same anger as Hinata felt. "Stop trying to get attention it's pathetic Cidney, Naruto didn't do that shit so cut it out!"

Cidney scoffed nervously as the others looked at her with a hint of uncertainty. "How the hell are you going to tell me? I was there!"

"No the fuck you weren't, I was there! Ino had tried to come on to Naruto and he denied her."

The class was in an uproar about this info, even Hinata was taken by surprise. How the hell did she know what really happened?

Cidney started laughing, "Oh okay, so you are just going to try to protect your crush. Can't handle it huh?"

Tayuya mocked her laugh, "And you just want this time to finally have the spotlight, sorry you aren't Sakura or Ino ya reject cheerleader, was this your fourth year trying out? Better luck next time... Oh. Wait."

This sent the students into a frenzy, everyone laughing and shouting out "DAMMMMMN!"

Even Hinata secretly applauded Tayuya.

Cidney was at a loss of words as her mouth dropped open, she stood up with fire in her eyes, "You want to go bitch?!"

"Let's go then!" Tayuya threw up her hands ready to rumble as the class yelled "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!"

Hinata caught a little chuckle in her throat as she rang her bell repeatedly with a rapid hand. "That's enough!" Hinata shouted over the commotion, Tayuya and Cidney still standing up as they stared off at one another. "Since you guys love each other so much we can all three sit together for lunch Monday through Friday, now wouldn't that be fun?"

The girls back off from each other sitting down in their respective seats, the class trying to hide their snickers.

Hinata cleared her throat giving everyone a displeasing look,"I am rather displeased with your behavior today. For the rest of the class we will be silent reading and I don't want to hear a peep. If anyone speaks they will be given extra work. Do I make myself clear?"

Everyone really settled down after her threat. They all hummed and nodded their heads with a 'Yes Ms. Hyuga.'

Leaning in her chair she looked at her computer, but at the side of her peripheral vision, she had Tayuya in her sight. Really... Hinata was rather impressed with Tayuya. She had said things she wished she could have said. She stood up for Naruto when no one else would. Maybe all the talk had finally got to her. For someone that like Naruto that would be the most probable thing. They were in the same boat for that- hearing the way people talk about Naruto was upsetting. On the flip side, that meant Tayuya was listening in on Ino and Naruto's conversation. What made her follow them... Was she stalking him? And if so was this going to pose a threat... Does she stalk him often...

The bell rang and the class quickly escaped, eager to talk more about the hottest topic on the block. The two girls glared at each other with hatred. She placed her bets on Tayuya if she and Cidney got into it. Hinata waved her goodbyes content on sitting in her chair. Naruto had really done a number on her, her blonde was a wild animal. Yet she couldn't say she didn't enjoy his overly loving self. Hinata blushed just thinking about all the marks on her body. She had to wear a long sleeve shirt and skirt. Heels were definitely out of the question, flats were her first choice. She didn't need anyone questioning her light limp from her sore limbs. It was like an intense workout session, maybe she should step on the scale to see how much weight she lost from her wild activities.

Hinata giggled picking up her phone as she gently rocked side to side in her chair.

Sexy Fox: Guy hounded me about what happened. Are the teachers just as bad as the students

Well, she sure was nosey but only when it came to a whiskered individual. Everything else she could care less about.

Juicy Bunny: Unfortunately. Did you know your stalker stood up for you?

Sexy Fox: Stalker? Who Sasuke? I knew he loved me.

Hinata laughed heartedly covering her lips with her hand. A shadow passed over causing her to look up from her phone her laugh fell to a state of shock.

"You must be texting someone special." Ino smiled softly thinking her change in expression was due to her bandaged nose- but it was due to her mere presence. She stood before her in a purple hoodie covering her head, her hands in her pockets. She even wore sunglasses, probably covering up her crying eyes.

"Yamanaka..." Hinata spoke her name, her gaze going to her nose.

"I know... looks bad huh..."

Hinata blinked a few times clearing her throat as she collected her thoughts. Anger stabbed her heart but she ignored its pain as she went into full teacher mode. "What happened Yamanaka?"

The girl took a deep breath, releasing the air from her lips, "I... Well..." Ino shook her head softly looking away.

Hinata held her phone in a tight grip. "Ino..." she looked at her with stern orbs, the use of her first name caught the girl off guard, "Ino, did Uzumaki do something to you?"

Ino blinked back her tears, unable to speak. Hinata waited for her to spill her side of the story but her lips were closed off. Slowly Hinata placed her hands on her desk.

"...I know you are scared... but..." Hinata kept her gaze steady, "If he... has done horrible things to you... You need to contact the police. A boy like that should not be around anyone else, If he could do this to his best friend who knows what else he is capable of? Mr. Uchiha also sticks by his side even after hearing what he has done, who knows? Maybe there are more girls. They may be in it together. They could both be taking advantage of other women. Who would be okay with what their friend has done if they aren't into the same disgusting things? We have to get these monsters locked away Ino you have to tell someone, we have to protect others so they don't go through what you have been through. The police will take them both away, they both deserve to be locked away-"

"Stop!" Ino exclaimed, pulling off her glasses trying to stop the tears from streaming down her cheeks. "I-I just- I just-" Ino began to cry, swiftly Hinata got up so she could consult her crying student. She pulled her into her arms as the poor girl sniffled, shushing her with gentle pats. "Shhh... you are so strong Ino. It's all okay he won't ever hurt you again, we can make sure he is far far away from you... a monster like him will always be a monster he won't change and you can't change him-"

"It was me okay!" Ino cried in defeat. "I-I was the one that told him that I liked him- and- and he rejected me so-so I-I kissed him and then he punched me- so-so I was... I was-hiccup- I mean- I just... I just want everything to go back to normal -hiccup- I wish everything went back to how things were junior year- it was so much easier-" Ino sobbed, cradled in Hinata's arms.

Hinata hummed softly staring at nothing in particular as her shirt became wet. "Sweetie..." Hinata pulled Ino back, touching her cheek as she wiped her tears away with a delicate thumb. Her brows furrowed as she looked at her questioningly, worry fixated deep within her eyes, "What do you mean Ino? I'm confused. I thought Uzumaki had...raped you..."

"No! No! He never raped me... he just... I guess he just hit me out of reflex-"

"Ino, no man should lay a hand on any woman!" Hinata looked at her in complete horror.

"I- I know... but he... I feel like it's my fault..."

Hinata shook her head not at all convinced, turning she could yank her bag off the floor, "Ino don't you blame yourself! He had no right to lay his hands on you. How dare that woman beater- I will have Principle Hatake transfer him to another school immediately I swear he won't ever look your way! and what about Mr. Uchiha, does he abuse Sakura?"

"No! They... they are both fine- they are the best thing... that I could have ever asked for... I... I don't... I don't want him to leave... I love him..."

There was silence as Hinata let her words sink in, she slowly leaned against her desk, staring at her student as she kept her gaze on the ground, in complete shame. "Why? Why would you want that demon-"

"Please..." Ino cut her off shaking her head, "Stop calling him that... he's not... a demon..."

Hinata breathed deeply before speaking again. "So what exactly happened..."

Ino had explained the story, as Hinata fed her tissue after tissue. Even after she finished Hinata kept her expression skeptical.

"I understand that you kissed him Ino, but that still doesn't change the fact that he hit you... No one will ever see it as an 'accident' you can't word that in any way to where people won't be asking more questions."

"I know..." Ino sighed dejectedly. "I haven't..." Ino smiled softly wiping a tear from her eye. "I haven't... even told Sakura this... nor my parents... I stayed at Sakura's house all day trying to think of what I wanted to do... I just.. haven't decided on what story I wanted to tell..."

Hinata beamed in her direction with gentle eyes. "You can always talk to me Ino. I'm sorry I blew up on you. A close friend of mine had gone through something similar... and..." Hinata went quiet drifting off as she let her gaze fall.

"What happened...?" Ino questioned with curiosity.

"Well... I didn't say anything... I guess deep down I wish I had... so when I heard what happened I may have put myself back in that situation... wishing that I had said something... that I had protected her better..."

Ino frowned sadly, "I'm so sorry Ms. Hyuga... but don't worry about me... I just hope Naruto can forgive me for being so silent... and trying to kiss him..."

Hinata shook her head, "I've seen the way you and Naruto are. You guys have a beautiful friendship. I think this is just a big misunderstanding... and you guys can go back to being friends again laughing about this after it all blows over, surfing and riding horses."

Ino giggled, "Wow I can't believe you remembered what I wrote ugh!" Ino whined as if this moment was so embarrassing.

Hinata giggled with her," Well I'm still not okay with him hitting you but as punishment do you want me to give Uzumaki more homework?"

"You would do that?" Ino chuckled slapping a hand to her mouth.

"Detention?" Hinata hummed playfully. "Maybe I should secretly fail him..."

"No no Ms. Hyuga, but if he pisses me off hold on to those ideas!"

"Alright alright." Hinata rolled her eyes as if defeated, making Ino smile.

"Thanks, Ms. Hyuga... and please... don't tell anyone that... Naruto punched me... I'm going tell people my drunk ass fell and I was just too embarrassed to tell anyone- Oh, I almost forgot why I came in. Could I get the work from class today?"

Hinata shook her head, "Don't worry about it."

Ino's eyes lit up, "Really?"


Ino bit her lip with happy glee, "You are the best teacher ever Ms. Hyuga, thank you!" Ino there her arms around her making Hinata laugh as she hug her back.

"If Mr. Uzumaki even looks at you funny you let me know okay?"

"I will!" Ino pulled away with a bright smile. "See ya tomorrow!"

"See you tomorrow~" Hinata called after her departing student. After a few minutes went by she reached for her phone and lifted it to her ear.

"Make sure you get her an apology gift."

"How the hell did you, do that..." Naruto spoke in awe.


"Well, Sasuke did say I needed a miracle. Are your perhaps my guardian angel?"

Hinata giggled lightly, hitting the switch on the way out.

Her classroom cascaded in darkness.

Author Note: Manipulative Hinata activated.

Could you imagine how Ino would react if she found out the truth?

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