Nakiri & Scarlet: Road to Shi...

By UltraMikeTechno

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Reed and Roy, After convincing Mike Techno wen to a now world to find motivation, motivation to train and gro... More

Story notes & Bios
Part 1: Please Mike Please~~
Part 2: Hanzō academy 1st years
Part 8: Tales of Techno
Part 9: More training? Gimme a break
Part 10: Reed and Roy of the D.V universe
Part 3 "Sparring" Match
Part 11: Power exhibition match
Part 12: Road to strongest
Part 13: Reed & Roy: Awakening
Part 4: Family talk and lurking evil
Part 14: Reed and Roy: Drums of Dawn
Part 15: Call of Liberation!
Part 15.5: 2nd unexpected crossover
Part 5: Training in Tandem
Part 16: Secrets of the Sage
Part 17: Senjutsu Village
Part 17.5: "Walk" to Hanzō National Academy
Part 6: Legendary Meetup
Part 18: Inevitable meetup
Part 19: Allies or newfound enemies?
Part 20: Traitor?
Part 7: Unorthodox meetup
Part 21: Techno's Training: Discussion
Part 22: Techno Training: Limit Breaker
Part 23: Hebijo Academy Raid: Countdown
Part 24: Hebijo Academy Raid: Confrontation
Part 25: Hebijo Academy Raid: Climax
Part 26: Hebijo Academy Raid: Ashes of Orochi
Part 27: Orochi's Fall
Part 27.5: Hold off the reinforcements!
Part 28: Ally forces.
Part 29: More Good Shinobi- wait wha?
Part 30: Shinobi battle Royale: Preparation
Part 31: Shinobi Battle Royale: Training
Part 32: Shinobi Battle Royale: Last minute preperation
Part 33: Shinobi Battle Royale: Shambles!
Part 34: Apologies Hanzō Academy.
Part 34.5: 3 Months
Part 35: Tokyo City
Part 36: Not so(?) Prominent Trouble
Part 37: We need- A distraction(?)
Part 38: Operation: Pool Party
Part 39: Reality is Harsh, but giving up is Worse
Part 40: Foes to Friends.
Part 41: Friends to Foes
Part 42: Complete to Broken, Broken to Complete
Part 43: Shinobi Masters: Countdown
Part 44: Shinobi Masters: Beggining
Part 45 Shinobi Masters: Start of the match
Part 46: Shinobi Masters: Early Finale?
Part 47: Team Hanzō is back.
Part 48: The defeat of the Twins.
Part 49: Untimely end.
Part 50: Declaration of War
Part 51: Clashing fates & truths.
Part 52: There's Yōma, and a lot of them
Part 53: Let's finish these Yōma!
Part 54: Secrets unfolded
Part 55: Hot springs to the other world?
Part 56: The beggining of the end
Part 57: Battle against time
Part 58: Why, just why?
Part 60: Let's end this.
Part 61: Techno's Demonstration
Part 62: Confronting God
Part 63: Hospitalization
Part 64: Rest before the Test
Part 65: Room for Improvement
Part 65.5: Meanwhile...
Part 66: Training Montage (Which I still dunno how to properly do lol)
Part 67: Extended Training Montage
Part 68: ...
Part 69 (Nice): The End.

Part 59: Our True Power

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By UltraMikeTechno

Reed: Eh, what's this? *Picks up the pin*

Roy: Uh, Reed, we may have another situation at our hands.

Reed: Wait, what happened in the few seconds we had?

Roy: Yumi's down for the count. Literally down right here and I was counting. Looks like it's up to us now.

Reed: Yeah thought so. Yumi, take this pin. *Gives her the pin* We may or may not need it.

Yumi: *Takes the pin* I understand. What's your plan now?

Reed: Our plan is to fight Fubuki. Unfortunately without our full power. We can't risk damaging the area.

Roy: We don't have anyone to restore the damage anyway.

Fubuki: What are you doing? Have you finally accepted defeat? Why are you just standing there?

Reed: If we do die, which probably won't happen. I want some bamboo by my grave.

Roy: And I want food on mine.

Fubuki: Reed, Roy?

Reed & Roy: Let's end this shall we?

Reed: *Summons 3 katanas*

Roy: *Summons his trident*

Reed: No killing remember?

Roy: I do now.

Fubuki: *Dashes towards the duo*

Reed & Roy: *Sidestep away* Too slow! *Dashes towards Fubuki*

Fubuki: *Blocks their blows*

Reed & Roy: *Looks at each other* *Nods at each other*

Roy: I'll leave her to you partner! *Vanishes*

Reed: I'll be more than enough! *Kicks Fubuki away*

Fubuki: Where did the other one go?

Reed: You don't have to know. Your battle is with me. One on one.

*With Roy*

Rasetsu: *Walks towards Asuka*

Homura: Asuka...

Miyabi: Even when she's that injured we're still no match.

Asuka: *Weakly stands up*

*The rest of the Hanzō students show up*

Red: Your not getting anywhere near her!

Green: Even if it means losing our lives!

Orange: We are not going that far.

Chosen one: Agreed.

Hibari: We'll never let you harm Asuka!

Blue: Especially cuz your surrounded!

Yellow: Everyone is in formation!

Rasetsu: What? *Looks around* Doesn't matter how injured I am nor how many of you there are. I will eliminate all the Shinobi. For Fubuki's sake, even if I lose my life!

Roy: *Jumps up* Heads up then! Gear 2nd! *Goes gear 2nd*

Asuka: Atleast tell me one thing. Why are you willing to risk you life for Fubuki?

Roy: Back up. She's your target. Atleast until Archon comes back. Which will be in a few minutes.

Rasetsu: Excuse me if you must know it's because her mother once saved my life. You find that bizarre don't you?

Roy: Eh... Sometimes it's a normal thing where I live. So it's believable.

Asuka: Nope. It's admirable to be honest. Knowing where you come from. But, I can't let you destroy the Shinobi!

Rasetsu: So, what do You-

Roy: Activate you Haki now before we get wrecked.

Rasetsu: Haki?

*Everyone activate their Haki*

Asuka: And to answer your question, it's simple. We're just going to seal you.

Roy: Exactly. Looks like you know what to do. Hold out till Archon arrives!

*All the Shinobi girls transform*

Roy: Still rather unpractical but okay.

*With the Gessen girls*

Shiki: Are you sure this is the right way?

Yozakura: Yes. Last time I saw her she was going this way.

Minori: I'm just worried about her.

Murakumo: Don't worry. She's got us!

Shiki: And the two powerhouses too.

Yozakura: Over there!

*The girls jump to Yumi's location*

*With Everyone else*

Rasetsu: *Throws Ikaruga*

Ikagura: Whoa-

Roy: *Catches her* You good? *Drops her down* Doesn't matter right now. Just keep holding her back!

Yagyū: Got it! Alright everyone! Begin attacking!

Rasetsu: *Get cut up* Where did that-

Roy: Overhead! *Slams his foot on Rasetsu's head* Now's your chance!

Haruka: Got it! *Sends her puppets*

*The puppets rapidly attack Rasetsu*

Chosen one: *Binds her* She's stuck!

Blue: *Fires multiple arrows*

Red: *Grabs Orange* Ready!

Orange: Or not!

Katsuragi: Here we come! *Kicks Hikage toward Rasetsu*

Red: Let's go! *Throws Orange toward Rasetsu*

Orange & Hikage: *Rapidly cut through Rasetsu* Nice job! *Gives each other a thumbs up*

Hibari: *Bumps Rasetsu on the head*

Yagyū: *Rapidly cuts Rasetsu*

Roy & Red: Jet Bazooka! *Punches Rasetsu's back*

Homura & Miyabi: Move outta the way! *Cuts through Rasetsu*

Rasetsu: *Stumbles down*

Roy: You good Red?

Red: Of course I am! Who do you think I am!?

Roy: Asuka! Rasetsu is in position! Take her down!

Asuka: Heard it! *Jumps up* *Pulls out a sword*

Orange: What the- *Looks at his hand* Why is it with-

Asuka: One Sword Style: Yōma slayer! *Slashes in Rasetsu*

Roy: Direct hit!

Rasetsu: *Screams in pain*

Asuka: *Jumps up* It's over. Now we just have to wait for the others and thus can all end.

Rasetsu: Power... I need a little more power... Just a bit more... Even if... *Sighs* Goodbye, Fubuki. *Eyes go blank*

Roy: Is it me or is something going wrong?

*Rasetsu's size increases to an enormous scale*

Roy: *Looks up* That's not good- *Swatted away*


Homura: What the hell!?

Asuka: This isn't good at all!

Rasetsu: *Roars loudly* *Swipes the ground*

Roy: She's completely lost control...

Miyabi: About time you showed us who you really are!

Green: *Makes a large hammer* Slammer! *Slams it in Rasetsu's head*

Roy: Green wait-

Green: *Lifted up* Wait a minute what the- *Thrown away* This is gonna hurt! *Slams into a wall*

Miyabi: Take this- *Grabbed by her tail*

Roy: Miyabi!

Miyabi: *Thrown away* Damn it! *Slams to the floor*

Roy: Where is he!?

*With Reed*

Reed: *Smirks* You seem to be out of breath. Are you losing steam?

Fubuki: Not a chance!

Yumi: Reed! Don't kill her!

Reed: Understood! *Jumps up*

Fubuki: Your not getting away! *Jumps up*

*With Roy*

Roy POV: Things are getting desperate. Looks like we have no choice but to use this card. *Vanishes*

Orange: This is bad! Really bad!

Green: Barrier blasters! *Fires multiple barriers* This'll give us a moment at least!

Blue: Most of us are down for the count!

Asuka: Looks like it's just us now.

Homura: This feels kinda familiar not gonna lie!

Orange: But that time we were on opposing sides!

Asuka: But this time, we're allies!

Orange: Stick to the plan. We have to keep Rasetsu at bay.

Yellow: Archon doesn't seem to be getting much rest! We may need to use that Fuma Korin thing!

Blue: That won't be necessary! And plus, we won't allow it!

Yellow: But it's not like I want it too!

Roy: No need to worry cuz I'm here to help!

Red: Roy? Where are you? We don't see you anywhere!

Roy: Look up idiots!

Red: Oooooohhhh I see. Where'd ya get the change of clothes?

Roy: Doesn't matter! Buy me 20 seconds!

Homura: Gimme a challenge! This'll be a piece of cake!

Roy: Got it! *Vanishes*

Homura: Let's go ham on it then!

Orange: Team, move out!

*Everyone remaining begins to battle Rasetsu*

Homura & Asuka: *Slice through Rasetsu*

Homura: That should be enough!

Yellow: Warning! A large object is crashing straight towards our location!

Homura: Back off! It's Roy!

Roy: Thanks for the extra time! Bajrang Gun! *Slams his giant fist into Rasetsu*

Rasetsu: *Slammed to the ground*

Roy: Giant Bazooka Punch! *Sends Rasetsu flying*

Rasetsu: *Crashes into a wall*

Roy: Here it comes! *Shrinks*

*A Red sword flies rapidly towards Rasetsu*

Rasetsu: *Roars loudly* *Cut in the neck*

Archon: Harbinger, Seal. *Seals Rasetsu*

Roy: We did it? We did it!!!

Asuka: Oh thank heavens!

Homura: Yeah!!!

Roy: Thank goodness that's over. *Lies on the ground*

Orange: Is everyone else okay is the question now.

Asuka: I think they're just fine.

Chosen one: Yeah. Pretty confident on that one.

*With Reed*

Reed POV: *Rapidly attacking Fubuki*  Can't stop won't stop! That's how This'll end!

Fubuki: *Dashes under Reed*

Reed POV: Tch. Didn't think I'd know you'd do this!? *Vanishes*

Fubuki POV: What the-

Reed: *Pulls out a thunder bolt* Gamma Knife! *Stabs the ground*

*An electric current flows through the ground*

Reed: That should do the trick-

*The ground begins to shatter*

Reed: Sh-

*The ground shatters*

Reed: *Jumps up* Darn it!

Fubuki: *Jumps up* You think you can escape!?

Reed: Yumi! *Jumps in the water* Where are you!?

Fubuki: *Lands down* ... *Sighs* It's you two again. What do you want?

Gekkō: To save somebody.

Fubuki: In that case I think your too late. Yumi has most likely sank to the bottom-

Reed: Roo- Wait- *Loses his energy* [REDACTED]... I'm losing... My... Energy... It can't end like this... Room...

Fubuki: Oh, he's trying to resist.

Senkō: Reed and Yumi aren't ones who give up that easily after all.

Gekkō: We're not trying to save Yumi or Reed.

Reed POV: I actually need help right about now!!

Senkō: We're trying to help you.

Fubuki: You? Help me? You must be joking.

Senkō: Sorry, we're not.

Fubuki: Hmph, go on then. Don't stand there. Or should I make the first move?


Senkō: *Grabs Fubuki's hand* This is a technique Yumi taught us.

Gekkō: This is the justice of master Kurokage. She called it warmth.

Reed POV: Mike... If your out there... Please... Help me... Or just Yumi. But I can't just rely on others anymore. *Slowly swims to Yumi*

Fubuki: *Enraged* Unhand me! *Burst her energy* I had warmth but who was the one who removed it!? It was the Shinobi!

Senko: But if you want, you can have that warmth again!

Gekkō: That's right because we still care about you!

Fubuki: I have the blood of a Yōma! Human warmth will never reach me! It'll never be able to! Let go! If you don't you'll die!

Senkō: No! We won't abandon you!

Gekkō: Not now, or ever! We'll always be here!

*The Gessen girls arrive*

Fubuki: What are you doing here? Your too late. Yumi is dead. I killed her.

Reed POV: *Panting* Your capping. Surgery of Life! 98% completed!


E: Reed was able to use his devil fruit as he had a few Senzu beans in his pocket just Incase of emergencies. And after using them, the energy drain became slower so he was able to use his devil fruit and do the surgery of Life.

*Time resume*

*The Gessen girls smile*

Fubuki: There is no need to beg for your life you know. There's no point. There's no point in fighting either.

Yozakura: We don't have to fight you.

Minori: Yeah! That's someone else's job!

Shiki: It's most definitely gotta be Yumi!

Fubuki: Are you deaf-

Reed POV: 100% Get her Yumi!

*A large pillar of light shines through the lake*

Reed POV: There we go... A life was lost but a life was saved- *Dragged up* Huh?

Fubuki: Impossible!

Reed: *Looks up* Hey Yumi... Nice to see the surgery worked...

Yumi: And I'm glad it did.

Reed: Let's do this.

Yumi: Right!

----------To be continued...

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