The Witch (Narnia x Harry Pot...

By TheHiddenPsycho

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[Book 1 COMPLETED. Book 2 ONGOING] Both Wizarding World and Muggleworld were facing a big chaos. Amaryllis Ro... More

Hello Readers (if there's any)
The Witch : BOOK 2


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By TheHiddenPsycho

Book 2 : Chapter Two - The Forest

"It does not feel right. I think something's wrong in Narnia"

* * *

It's now the first day of Amaryllis in Hogwarts as who she is.

Ron and Hermione kept on telling Amy stories about everything that happened when she was gone until they are inside the DADA classroom. Harry is quiet which made Amy really curious, he isn'tnormallylike that.

"The Order was in the Grimmauld's place most of the time for their meeting," said Hermione as she and Amy sit together on one of the chairs inside the DADA classroom while Ron and Harry sit on the seat just next to them.

"Order?" Amy asked in confusion. "The Order of the Pheonix," Hermione answered but Amy still don't understand. "What's that?" she asked once again. Since Harry and Ron are just sitting near them they could hear her so Harry answered. "It's some kind of a society Dumbledore founded during the last war," he said quietly

"Why didn't I know this?" Amy asks herself.

"Well, it's secret and we didn't know either since the holiday" Hermione responded.

"And oh. Snape is in the order. Right 'mione?" said Ron

"Yes, quite unbelievable," Hermione answered.

"Snape seems okay with Dumbledore," says Amy. It's true, Amaryllis thinks Snape is not as bad as they thought he is if Dumbledore is trusting him that much. But she still cannot trust him that quick. Trusting a Slytherin? she cannot do the same mistake twice.

"No, he's a git. Probably working as a spy for Voldemort," says Harry. Amy cannot help but smirk everytime Harry speak of that name without flinching like others do.

She's about to speak when a paper bird that someone made for fun bursts into flames right above her, its ashes land straight at Patil sisters' table, and everyone became silent.

"Good morning, children," a quirky voice said from behind. All of the students turned their heads to see who spoke and it was none other than Dolores Umbridge. She was introduced by Albus as the new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor last night. She even made an unnecessary speech, it is also obvious the students do not like her immediately. They don't know why, but they just don't.

"Ordinary Wizarding Level examination..." she said walking towards the front as those words started writing themselves on the board. "...O-W-L's more commonly known as OWL's. Study hard and you will be rewarded. Fail to do so, and the consequences may be severe." she flicked her wand and the books from the table flew slowly and magically contributing the books to every student.

"Your previous instruction in this subject has been disturbingly uneven. But you'll be pleased to know, from now on you will be following a carefully structured, Ministry-approved, course of defensive magic," she stated.

That was an understatement. The professor that taught them last year was not really Moody, but a wanted murderer and a death eater.

Amy looked at the said book "Dark Arts Defense: Basics for Beginners" and went through the pages and it was just all about some origin of spells but no instructions on how to use it.

Amy looks at Hermione who also looks at her. Hermione then raised her arms to ask a question.

"Yes?" asks Umbridge after seeing Hermione's arms.

"There's nothing in here about using defensive spells?" said Hermione

"Using spells?" Umbridge laughed "Well, I can't imagine why you would need to use spells in my classroom." She put on a fake kind and almost unapologetic look on her face.

"We're not gonna use magic?" asked Ron.

"You'll be learning about defensive spells in a secure, risk-free way" Umbridge answered

"What use is that? If we're attacked it won't be risk-free" Harry interrupted.

"Students will raise their hands when they speak in my class." The professor said sternly, her back facing them. She then turned with a huge smile and say "It is the view of the ministry that a theoretical knowledge will be sufficient to get you through your examinations which after all, is what school is all about." she said looking at them as if she adores them all

"Then, what is the point of learning if you only do so for examinations and never actually practicr them?" asks Amy some of the students nod in agreement.

"You will when you grow older dear, but for now as I said theoretical knowledge is what you young children need for now." Umbridge responded.

Amy scoffs and she was about to talk when Harry spoke.

"And how does theory supposed to prepare us from what's out there?" he said.

"There's nothing out there, dear," said Umbridge although sounded cheery her face almost burst out in anger. "Who do you imagine attacking children like yourself?" the new professor asked

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe Lord Voldemort," said Harry sarcastically. The students murmured and soon became silent.

Dolores Umbridge looks at Harry trying to contain herself from yelling some curses at the boy who lived. "Now, let's make this quite plain..." Umbridge muttered taking steps towards the students "You have been told that a certain dark wizard is at large once again... This is a lie"

"It's not a lie. I saw him. I fought him!" Harry Potter spat.

"Detention, Mr Potter!" Umbridge yelled.

"So, Cedric Diggory dropped dead from his own accord?!" Harry fought once again.

"Diggory's death was a tragic accident," Umbridge replied.

"It was murder! Voldemort killed him!"

"ENOUGH! Enough." Umbridge shouted.

Amaryllis closed her eyes tightly trying to stop herself from interfering. She wanted to. She feels like she should. But by the looks of it, Umbridge is not someone who will easily put her guards down.

"See me later, Mr Potter, at my office," Umbridge said calmly before giggling.


The whole DADA lesson was awfully quiet as no one has dared to speak. While the other lessons were finished normally as it was supposed to since it was the first day they don't have to use magic yet, which is what Amaryllis is nervous about. She will try to train herself to conceal her Enchantress abilities so she wouldn't let it out unknowingly while using Digory's wand to do witchcraft.

After the last subject was done, It was time for Harry to go to Umbridge detention. Amaryllis, Hermione, and Ron insisted on waiting for him outside her office but harry refused, he said he will be fine and that what else could go wrong.

Hermione and Ron then decide to go to the library to finish some work while Amy decided to go for a walk outside the castle because she hadn't seen it yet in daylight. The sun is about to go down so it's perfect for the walk.

A couple of minutes later, Amy passed by Hagrid's hut. Hagrid did not continue to teach Care for Magical creatures and they wondered why. He seem to not home too.

Amy's eyes automatically drawn to the Forbidden Forest just a few meters away from Hagrid's hut as if something is calling her. She remembers having this feeling before...

She was about to turn to go back to Hogwarts castle when she remembers something that happened in Narnia a few years ago. It was when she and the Pevensies were looking for Mr Tumnus. When she was using her magic to locate him in Narnia she had this feeling of warmth in her chest as if it was pulling her into a certain area which they followed and found the faun.

She looked back at the forest, "Could there be a Narnian in there?" She asked herself.

Without thinking twice she went inside the Forest. This forest is known to house dangerous magical creatures so Hogwarts strictly forbid students from going here without a permit. No one dares to go anyways. They would go here sometimes for study purposes but not that far from Hogwarts ground.

As opposed to the claims that there are full of creatures wandering around, Amy found the forest empty. Which for our Narnian Queen is worse since she doesn't know if they are just hiding somewhere ready to attack.

Gripping her wand tightly, Amy kept walking as she gets closer to the centre of the forest, the darker it gets since almost all the trees such as sycamore, oak, beech, and pine are old therefore they are tall and thick enough to block the sky keeping the light out of the ground making the forest colder and eerie. Even though Amy's mind is telling her to go back, the feeling gets warmer and warmer pushing her to continue walking.

Amaryllis heard something like footsteps from behind, she immediately turned and a few meters from her she saw two, no, three lion-like creatures except its mane, back, and tail are full of thorns or spikes they are about the size of Aslan when she has last seen him. Amy draws her wand towards them while making a purple orb on her right hand ready to stun the creatures any time they decide to attack.

They started stepping forward as Amaryllis stepped backwards, Amy made a protection spell that gave her a magical shield coming from her wand which is supposed to be silver in colour but her's became purple. One of the creatures started running rapidly, Amy conjured her magic on her other hand creating a bright purple orb and quickly shot it towards the creature making it fly back behind the two others.

It didn't take long before it recovers, and she seems to make them furious, growling loudly that its mane expanded and the thorn seems to be sharper. Amaryllis gasped as all three of them runs in her direction.

She runs while throwing orb after orb but the creatures are incredibly fast. "STUPIFY!" She shouted as she points her wand on them a sudden abnormal strong surge of energy flow through the wand making her miss the aim. As the spell shot forward, Amaryllis fell backwards.

Amaryllis cursed in her head. She still cannot control her magic from witchcraft, the wand probably cannot handle that much magic.

Amaryllis was distracted about what just happened and it became the opportunity for the creatures to attack. All of them jumped and Amy is sure they'll land right on top of her, She screamed, and the dark forest lightens up with a flash of purple lights as hundreds of sharp spikes of purple glares appeared and penetrated through the creatures' bodies making them drop dead.

Amy fell on the cold soil of the forest breathing heavily. This is the first time in years since the battle of Beruna that she used her magic intensely like this. Wizarding world sure is not going to be an easy fight.

It was not long until she heard multiple running footsteps and Amy conclude it is not two or three but almost ten creatures. She immediately stands up and points her wand and hand in its direction.

Her heart beats harder and harder as the sound became louder, she was ready to attack when a tall light-haired creature with blue eyes stepped out from behind the large stone and branches. At first, Amy thought it was a man but when he fully stepped out, half of his body is Horse-like. A Centaur. And he wasn't alone a few seconds later eight to then more centaurs appeared behind him.

The light-haired centaur looked behind Amy seeing the three creatures' corpses. Luckily the spikes have disappeared. The centaur then looked at Amy whose wand still pointing at them.

Amy knows the wizarding world's centaurs are wilder than Narnians so she needs to be careful.

"What are you doing here?" The light-haired centaur spoke calmly.

"I got lost" Amy answered lowering her wand since they look genuinely concerned about her well-being.

"Didn't Dumbledore warns you, students, to not go in this very forest?" He said then glance at the creatures behind "But you seem to be confident since you just killed those nundu. You're fortunate they are just a cub" he added

A cub?! Amy thought. If those creatures are just a cub then she doesn't know what will happen if it's full-grown what? Nundu?

Amaryllis was about to speak when another centaur stepped out of the branches. Her eyes widen she will never forget that face.

"Oreius?!" Among the herd of centaurs, she could see how different he is, he has more human-like features. The Centaur seems to immediately recognize the Narnian Queen as he stepped forward and bows. "Your Majesty" he muttered even though he as well looks surprised to see the Queen. The other centaurs watch them curiously.

"Oreius, We've been looking for you all over Narnia." Amy stepped forward to give the centaur an embrace "Why are you here?" she asked looking up. Oreius was about to answer when the light-haired centaur spoke

"Oreius, You should accompany your friend back to Hogwarts. It's not safe for her and us to stay here longer" He said

"Thank you, Firenze. I will explain everything when I come back" Said Oreius bowing a little to the centaur called Firenze who nodded before telling the other centaurs to go.

Oreius offers to carry Amaryllis on his back but she refused "I'd rather walk with you" she said still out of breath.

"As you wish," He said and they started their journey back to Hogwarts.

The Narnian queen together with the Narnian General is walking side by side around the forbidden forest at Hogwarts discussing what they have both gone through going back to the wizarding world isn't what Amaryllis imagined going outside the forest.

"Are you alright? Those creature were not the ones you want to tame" Asks the centaur.

"Yes, I figured that out yes." Amy chuckled

"I'm just exhausted, you know I don't use that much magic anymore after Beruna." She answered "But I'm fine, just a little scratch that's all" she added although it felt like it isn't just a scratch. Probably from when she fell. She might have to go to infirmary for a moment.

"What happened to you? The Pevensies and I were trying to find you but I couldn't locate you. I never thought you'd be here."

"I was on a journey back to Cair Paravel from the south woods of Archenland when suddenly the woods seems to change into a different yet familiar one," Oreius stated Amy listening quietly

"I tried to walk north as I knew it would be the way towards your majesties' home, but instead of seeing the castle of Cair Paravel, it was Hogwarts that I saw. And there I realized I mysteriously went back to the Wizarding World," he explained. "What I don't understand is why are you here your majesty? It isn't just to look for me is it?" He asked

"If I knew you were here I would definitely go back but it happened just like what you experienced. We found the wardrobe and went in and then as if everything went back to the beginning. We are children, again" Oreius chuckled at the disappointment in Amy's voice. Amy smiled but then soon disappeared

"What is it?" The centaur asked noticing the changes in the Enchantress's face.

"It does not feel right. I think something's wrong in Narnia." Amy muttered.

"Why would you say so?" the centaur asked "It has happened before, hasn't it? When we both travelled back to Narnia." Oreius added

"Yes, but it was Aslan's doing. Narnia's border is not that easy to go through. I myself had to use plenty of energy to travel through here before." said The Enchantress looking up to Oreius she continued "Unless Aslan let it happen. But why? I couldn't think of any possible reasons for him to make us leave Narnia and bring us here."

"He probably thinks we could help with the upcoming war here in the wizarding world, we after all grew up in here, this is also our home." Oreius responded.

"You're right, but how about the Pevensies?" Amy Asked once again. The two Narnians stopped walking just outside the forbidden forest where they could see the high castle of Hogwarts beneath the rose hue sunset. "It's getting late, your majesty. We will seek the answers about our homeland when the time comes." Said Oreius before bowing.

"You don't have to bow and call me that you know? In The wizarding world, I am no queen. We're friends, call me Amy just like how you used to" Said Amaryllis nudging Oreius making the centaur chuckle "If you insist."

She cannot wait to finish the year to travel back to England to meet the Pevensies and tell them who she just found. She just hopes nothing wrong will happen to prevent her from doing so, which she knows there will be and truth be told, she is not prepared for it.

Amy bid him goodbye before walking back to the castle. She winced as she felt the sharp pain behind her leg. There must be a gash there.

What a nice start. Really nice.


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