Spider-Man: No Way Home... Wi...

Par fictionalstoriesbyme

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Peter Parker's identity has been revealed to the entire world! What will he do? How will the lives of Dani, N... Plus

The Beginning
"I'm a really good lawyer"
"How are you feeling?"
"If you expect disappointment, then you can never really be disappointed."
"Ok... Stephen..."
"Stop tampering with the spell!"
"Hello, Peter"
"You're not Peter Parker"
"Leave me alone..."
"No, seriously. What's your actual name?"
"I got my body back!"
"It wasn't crazy, Max!"
"You know, I'm something of a scientist myself."
"Well played, Osborn... well played, indeed"
"So, did you see that coming or-"
"I could go for a burrito"
"It's just me and you..."
"I'm Spider-Man..."
"Uncle Ben said it"
"You have someone?"
"I wanna fight an alien!"
"I love you guys!"
"Miss me?"
"Are you ok?"
"My three boys..."
The End
"Spider-Man... With Cimorelli"
"Remember Me"
"I'm The Ultimate Spider-Man... And We're Cimorelli"
"The Big Guy"
THANK YOU!!!!!!!

"Norman's on sabbatical, honey"

33 2 20
Par fictionalstoriesbyme

"Peter?" asked Norman and Otto, simultaneously. "What's wrong?"

"I don't know..." said Peter, cautiously, as he walked into the living room. 


"May?" he called.

"What is it, Peter?" asked a worried May.

Looking around the entire room, Peter kept his gaze on Max for a few seconds.

"Why you looking at me like that?" asked the nearly cured villain.

After honing in on his senses, Peter webbed Norman's wrist to the window he was standing behind. In that very moment, Norman Osborn was subdued, locked away, gone.

"...That's some neat trick... that sense of yours..."

"Norman?" asked a concerned Otto.

"The hell?" asked Max.

"The Goblin!" Peter realized, not taking his eyes off of the maniac.

"'No more darker half,' did you really think... that I'd let that happen?" asked Goblin. "That I'd let you take away my power, just because you're blind to what true power can bring you?"

"You don't know me," Peter told him, sternly.

The Goblin quirked Norman's eyebrow and smirked at the teenager.

"Don't I?"


Meanwhile, May snuck her way into the little lab area and grabbed the "Goblin Cure." After hiding it in a bag, she slowly made her way out of the room.


"I saw how she trapped you..." said the Goblin, referring to May. "Fighting her... holy, moral mission... We don't need you to save us, we don't need to be fixed!..."

Goblin looked over to face Max.

"These are not curses..."

Max looked down at the cure/device on his chest. It had multiple green lights going around the outer edge. Whenever all of the lights would fully turn on, Max would be permanently cured. Max only had two more lights to turn on, now.

"They're gifts!" chuckled Goblin.

"Norman, no!" pleaded Otto.

"Quiet, lapdog!"

"You don't know what you're talking about," interjected Peter.

"I've watched you from deep behind Norman's cowardly eyes..." spoke the Goblin. "...Struggling... to have everything you want, while the world tries to make you choose."

Max now had one light left to blink green.

"Men like us don't have to choose..." smiled the demon from inside Norman's body. "We take."

"May? Run!" Peter told his aunt.


After breaking free of the webbing, Norman started to punch Peter through walls and floors.

"Strong enough to have it all... TOO WEAK TO TAKE IT!" he taunted.


After throwing Peter through multiple floors and into the lobby, Goblin jumped down though the same hole that Peter fell through. When May ran down into the lobby, Goblin looked at her, then back at the heavily injured teenager.

"Now..." Goblin smiled, maniacally. "Now, you can be free... you can thank me later..."

Within the blink of an eye, Goblin called his glider to him, flying it right into May's back.

"MAY!" cried Peter, before the villain punched him out of the way.

"See you in hell, Parker!" laughed Goblin, as he flew away, throwing pumpkin bombs behind him.

Continuer la Lecture

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