The Truth Untold

By Redtailedhero

11.1K 448 43

Ki Yuri and Lee Rang stumble upon a female in danger but she's more than she knows. Parings: Lee Rang x F. OC... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 7

703 33 0
By Redtailedhero

Lee Rang had walked into the house early in the morning. He had just returned from the island after fulfilling his mission. The first thing he noted was that the scent of cake was very subtle in the air. He recalled Eun-ji stating she was making a cake for their vixen friend's birthday. The second thing he noted was that the house was quiet. He was surprised that the wolf wasn’t bouncing around getting ready for work. 

He moved through the place quietly, stopping at Eun-ji’s door only to find her room empty. He assumed she had already headed out for work, missing her by just a few minutes as her scent of azalea and orange blossom was still strong in the air. The fox decided that he would get changed, grab a coffee and head over to her job. Now that he was certain he knew where she worked, it wouldn’t be difficult to check in. 

Upon entering his room, he was slightly shocked to see the she-wolf curled up in his bed. He moved silently, slipped off his suit jacket and walked over to the bed. She looked very peaceful with her head resting on his pillow. To her chest, she clutched the red blanket, while his comforter was wrapped around her frame. 

He stared at her for a few moments, drinking up the sight in his eyes. For a brief second he thought how this must be like to have a special someone. To come home from a long distance trip and find them cozied up in bed, wrapped up in the sheets waiting for their other half to return to them. 

He changed into comfortable clothes before slipping under the comforter with her. At first he was just going to go to bed but the more he laid there the more he wanted her closer. Rolling over, he wrapped his arm around her waist and pressed his chest to her back. Burying his nose into her hair he breathed in her scent almost feeling a little dizzy from it. His body began to relax and he allowed the darkness to consume his mind. 

It wasn’t much longer when a repetitive beeping noise sounded in his room. The warm comfortable pillow in his arms started to move before stilling suddenly. 

“Lee Rang…?” There was a timid and questioning voice that made his eyes crack open. 

“Mm.. yes wolf?” His voice was heavy with sleep, he didn’t realize how tired he was after doing everything he needed to on the island. 

“When did you get home?” Eun-ji asked him as she started to turn in his arms, but he denied her, pulling her body tighter against his before closing his eyes again. 

“This morning.” His lips brushed against the back of her neck. The shiver that ran through her spine could be felt against his chest. He felt his lips curl up at the ends. “Taking a short nap before I have more things to settle today.” 

“I see. Then welcome home, Lee Rang.” She rested her arm over his and smiled. She stayed with him another five minutes before she woke him gently again. “Lee Rang?” His grip on her had loosened which allowed her to finally turn in his arms. “Lee Rang, I need to get ready for work.”

He crackled an eye open and stared at her. "Call out sick. Stay in bed with me, darling." His voice was still heavy with sleep, half of his words were mumbled but he could tell she caught them all. 

Heat spread across her cheeks at his words. She was so very tempted to agree and rest her head against his chest but she fought the urge. "No can do. I have to go to work. Plus you said you have things to do today. Also, it's Ki Yuri’s birthday. I have to go see her when I get off." 

The fox made a noise of disappointment before he moved suddenly, rolling his body on top of hers, resting his upper body on his forearms to hover over her. His legs fell between hers, hips pressed together as he looked down at her. "That sounds boring. We can have much more fun at home." 

She bit her lip as she held back the urge to rock her hips at the pressure of his pelvis against hers. Her eyes bore into his dark ones as she watched his orbs dance across her face before falling in her neck. She knew what he was looking at as soon as the smile graced his lips and she wanted to test the waters. So, she tilted her head a little, giving him a better view of his fading hickey from the other day. 

He intended for this to just be a tease, just something to make the color rush to her cheeks but he felt himself slip and crave something more. "Didn't you miss me sweetheart?" He asked as he moved his head down and paused right over the mark he left her. 

Her body froze, tensing up with anticipation for what she didn't know. She could feel his breath dance across her neck. She needed something, wanted it badly from him, making her almost whine in need. She could feel them playing that fine line again. "I did." She breathed out as she stared at the ceiling. 

Lee Rang didn't think much about it after that. For once he wanted to feel like he was wanted somewhere by someone. He knew that in a few hours he was meeting with Lee Yeon and their meetings never usually go the way he wanted. So he dragged his teeth against her neck before latching back on her fading hickey with the intention of making it darker again. 

Her response was instant - a gasp passed her lips while her neck moved to give him more access. Her hands moved to his upper back, fingers tangling in his shirt as she pulled his body closer. He lapped his tongue at the hickey he darkened, getting drunk on the taste of her skin. 

He nipped and kissed her neck up and down before tugging her shirt at the opening to reveal her collar bone where he worked a second hickey into her skin. He wanted so badly to mark her, claim her as his and his alone. 

His hips responded to hers as she pushed up against him. The fox was living for the noise that escaped her mouth after that. He wanted to hear it over and over again and so he rocked his hips against hers, grinding just right that whimpers and gasps of his name tumbled past her lips. 

It was growing hot in the room but that didn't stop him. He licked the length of her neck before nibbling the skin right behind her ear. Her fingers were digging into his back and her lower back arched off the bed, causing her pelvis to hit against his just right. He needed more. 

Abandoning the work on her neck, he pushed himself up to look down at her. Cheeks flushed, her neck decorated with teeth marks and bruises, panting gently as she stared up at him with eyes blown out with lust. He wanted to devour her. Not once had he felt like this with anyone else. 

He stared at her lips, that she had definitely been biting, and decided they looked rather appetizing. He lifted his hand to cup her face, his thumb dragging across her bottom lip. Swooping down to place his lips on hers, he abruptly stopped just an inch away when the beeping noise blared out in his room again. 

She jumped at the noise, her eyes widened as they cleared up quickly of the lustful stare. She pushed against his shoulders in a panic. "Oh no, I'm gonna be late." 

The mood had obviously been killed and Lee Rang sat up to let her out from under him. She skittered out of his room without another word as he heard her rushing around. The fox felt a little annoyed at the interruption. Maybe more than just a little. There was an uncomfortable tightness in his pants that he really wasn't in the mood of taking care of by himself. Shifting a bit he decided to get up and make himself a coffee.

As he reached the kitchen he watched the wolf grab some pre-packaged items and placed them in a cute little lunch bag. He was having mixed feelings knowing that she was heading out for the day. He wasn't sure if he wanted to stop her and really have her call out or just let her go. He looked down at his coffee while he tried to sort his thoughts. It didn't help that he kept hearing her moans and gasps over and over in his head. 

"Lee Rang, are you going to walk with me today?" She sounded nervous, like she wasn't sure if she should even be talking to him. She twisted her fingers and stared down at her feet. 

It pissed him off. He didn't want her on eggshells around him. He offered her a soft smile. "Of course sweetheart. Give me one minute to get dressed." He abandoned his seat and moved out of the room quickly. 

Eun-ji leaned against the counter, placing her hand over her still rapidly beating heart. The events of the bedroom swirling in her head. She wanted him to kiss her so badly. She wondered if his lips were as soft as they looked. 

She shook her head. Could it be possible that he felt the same for her as she did for him? She honestly couldn't believe anyone could feel anything for her. The wolf felt like crying, she shouldn't have run out like that but she was scared. She wasn't sure exactly what frightened her, Lee Rang isn't like Kyong, so it couldn't be that. Could it? 

"Shall we go?" Lee Rang asked as he stepped back into the kitchen, his sudden appearance made her jump in her spot. He caught it with the corner of his eye and frowned, he was sure things between them were now ruined. 


Lee Rang tried to make the walk normal. His hand rested on the small of her back and he glared at anyone who thought to even glance at her. They didn't talk though, he could tell her thoughts were swirling in her head. He almost wanted to take this morning back and go back to how they were before. He could, a little brainwashing and she'd forget it all. He didn't want to do that though, not to her. Never to her. He didn't regret this morning but he pushed it too far for sure this time. 

They came to a stop out front of the coffee shop where they always parted ways. He was tempted to continue walking with her, but he already changed so much between them this morning. "Have a good day pup." He spoke while he turned to walk back home. 

"Lee Rang…" She caught and tugged on one of his arms, stopping him and causing his body to turn towards her. Pushing up on her toes a little bit she brushed her lips against his cheek leaving a shy and gentle kiss. She pulled back and held his hand while looking down. "I don't know what's going on between us. Let's talk about it more when I get home?"

His chest twinged a little. It didn't sound like it was something good. Instead of letting her know his disappointment, he brought their hands up together to tilt her chin up so her eyes met his. They were filled with sadness and confusion. He forced a small smile and then he pulled her hand toward his face and placed a kiss on the back of her hand. "Okay darling."


The remainder of his morning went uneventfully. He showered at home, took a well deserved nap and headed over to Yuri's house to catch up with her a bit. He had good timing as Yuri's 'father' was starting to question his memories, remembering his daughter dying in an accident. 

A quick refreshing brainwashing and 'pops' was back to normal. The two foxes sat down at the table together and Yuri was very happy to see him again. 

"I assume it went well with the vet." Lee Rang stated as he wiped the wine glass at the table. 

Yuri reached into her small purse and pulled out the necklace she stole before placing it on the table. "He was cuter than I thought. He got so scared when I showed him my gun." She stated rather proudly. 

Rang nodded to the necklace. "You can keep it. He will come to take it back."

Yuri grabbed the jewelry excitedly. "Then what? Can I kill him?" 

"Yuri, do you know when clams taste the best?" He asked, almost making it seem like he was changing the subject as he grabbed a clam on the table. 

"I'm not sure."

"When the peony tree blooms." He turned the calm over and over in his fingertips. "Around then, their shells become thicker and their flesh becomes juicy. If you want high quality ingredients, you must know how to wait."

Yuri understood what he was telling her. 

"You have to play with him properly, sincerely, with all you have, alright? Because Lee Yeon cherishes him." Lee Rang thought for a moment about how Eun-ji also seemed to be close to her boss. He shrugged it off. 

"Are you going somewhere?" 

Lee Rang smirked as he recalled the text from his brother asking to meet. "Lee Yeon must be desperate to see me. I have to go and welcome him."


Eun-ji kept busy at work because everytime she stopped her thoughts would wander back to Lee Rang. It was bad enough that Shin-Joo kept giving her the knowing look as he peeked over toward her second hickey on her neck. Trying to cover the marks up wasn't even on her radar as she rushed around this morning. 

The female was pretty sure that he no longer believed that she wanted to get off early for a friend's birthday. It was the truth though. She had planned to run home and pick up the cake she made before meeting up with her best friend. 

She still had to apologize for not entirely telling the other female the whole story about what happened with Shin-Joo. She knew Yuri was annoyed about her walking home alone but hopefully the cake would make up for it. 

Shin-Joo walked over to her as he watched her organize the files from today's patients. "You know, I'm happy for you."  Before she could say anything back he spoke again. "Whoever he is, he makes you happy. Happier than I've ever seen you."

"I-uh… we're not official or anything." She looked down at the floor. "I asked him if we can talk about it later tonight. I'm nervous." She stated. 


"Because, what if I don't deserve him? What if something goes wrong? What if this is moving too fast and I end up getting hurt in the end again?" The questions tumbled out of her mouth in a rapid fire. 

Shin-Joo frowned as waves of anxiety hit him, the smell of it making the air seem sour. The wolf hadn't said anything this negative in a while. He hoped she wasn't feeling like this all the time. "Eun-ji, you deserve the most happiness in the whole world. I wish you didn't think this way about yourself. As for the rest of it, if you truly feel that it's going too fast maybe you can slow down. I don't want to see you get hurt again. I don't. Plus if he feels the same he will be willing to slow down for you. I'm worried for you." 


"Don't apologize. It's not your fault. Kyong was a trauma to you. Sometimes you'll be fine and other times not so much."


Lee Yeon stood on the roof with his brother. He was tired of the games Rang was playing at and wanted to cut down the unnecessary drama. There was something a little different about his brother. He held himself a little differently, a little more relaxed but cocky instead of confident. When the wind blew Lee Yeon could catch the subtle floral scent around him. 

"Why have you become so twisted?" Lee Yeon asked. 

"You're the one that chose romance and abandoned your roots." 

The older fox couldn't believe this was still the problem. "It's been 600 years."

"I've lived those years despising you." Rang stated, the words rolling off his tongue with ease as he remembered the pain in his heart. 

Yeon was disappointed to hear the response. He took two steps closer to his brother. "What exactly do I need to do?" 

Rang was slightly amused as he also closed the distance by two small steps. There was no fixing how he felt. "There's only one way to stop me." He stared at Leon before pulling out a knife. "Kill me, right now." Rang noticed the pained expression on Yeon's face. "With your own hands." He grabbed Yeon's hand and put it over his own hand that held the knife. 

"I'm telling you to kill me. Just like the day you came to hunt me down." Rang remembered that day. He had finished off a small village of humans. Sure to be murders who set fire to the mountain years before. Rang had been alone for so long that he was thrilled to see his older brother whom he had thought was dead.  

Yeon however, was not as happy. He told Lee Rang that he was to pay for his crimes by death. He pulled out a sword and sliced the younger male across the abdomen. 

Rang felt immense betrayal from the one he loved the most. He fell to his knees as blood started to pool out of his body. He couldn't believe his brother had just abandoned him again. 

After a moment of Yeon not moving on the roof, Rang got annoyed. "You really are a horrible bastard. You abandoned your brother for a woman and betrayed your brother for a promotion? It's all good once that girl reincarnates with all your work, right?" Rang lifted his shirt to show his scar. "I was lucky that you missed the vital spot. If I had died, I guess I'd be rolling around in the fiery pits of hell now."

Yeon looked slightly upset and possibly disappointed. It just pissed Rang off more. "What? Can't you do it twice?" 

Yeon still didn't move. 

"Kill me. It's the only way for your woman to live." Rang started to actually want it. If his brother would kill him then he would accept it this time around. He thought of Eun-ji for a moment and dismissed them quickly. She would be fine with Yuri. 

Yeon could sense the desperation in his brother's emotions. He didn't understand why he was begging for the end. Yeon was sure this was another ploy to whatever plan Rang had. "Alright. Dying early could be better than living recklessly like that." Leon finally stated and twirled the knife in his hand. 

Rang was ready for it as he nodded his head in excitement. His eyes flickered to the knife and back to Yeon. "Try it."

Yeon moved quickly and attacked, stopping close to his brother, the hilt of the sword clashed against the younger foxes chest. Being this close to Rang, Yeon could pick up more of the floral scent on his brother - azaleas and something else. It was subtle and mostly covered by Rang's own scent. Yeon knew it wasn't that female foxes scent, in fact it smelt familiar but also new. He grew suspicious for a moment, wondering if there was someone that Rang was sweet. It could be possible, his brother's emotions lately had been ever changing more than normal. 

Rang was confused, the blunt end of the sword caused a small ache in his chest as he backed up front Lee Yeon. "Why?" He asked furiously. "Why can't you do it?!" First he was unworthy of his brother's love and now he's not even worthy of being killed by him. What was the point of surviving anymore? 

Yeon threw the knife to the ground. "Stop acting like an abandoned child. You're not a child anymore." He walked past his younger brother. 

Rang filled with his anger, swooped down and grabbed the knife before attacking Yeon, cutting him twice. "I can do it. Do you know why I hold back? Because I want to see it. The expression you make when that woman dies again at your feet."

"No matter what fuss you make, I know this isn't who you truly are."

"What?" Lee Rang was so confused. This is not how he thought this interaction was going to go. 

"I'm leaving." Yeon began to walk away. "You should figure out what it is that you truly want and who you should focus your energy on."


Yuri gasped excitedly as she lifted the lid to the cake tray that Eun-ji presented to her. It looked amazing, she couldn't wait to have a slice. "Thank you Eun-ji!" She placed the cake down and gave the wolf a hug. 

"I also brought wine." The wolf pulled the bottle out of her bag and smiled. "It's more of an apology about the other night. Lee Rang was annoyed at me for not calling you to pick me up from my boss's house."

The fox looked at the wolf with a small frown. "Why didn't you call me?" she had a feeling she knew why but she wanted the wolf to say it herself. 

"I felt bad. I already had canceled on you earlier and I didn't want to have you come over all of a sudden again. I figured you'd enjoy your free time doing whatever you planned to do instead." 

The fox was bothered immensely about the things the wolf wasn't saying. "That's not the whole truth is it?"

Eun-ji snapped her eyes up at her friend. "What do you mean?" She sounded a little nervous. 

"You didn't want to be a 'burden' on me."

The wolf's eyes widened. "How-" 

"Because I know what that asshole did to your head and self esteem!" Yuri growled through her teeth. She took a calm breath and turned her attention to the wolf again. "You're never a burden on me. You're my best friend. I adore you. Please never think like that when it comes to me. I want to be around you all the time."

Eun-ji felt her eyes water a little with emotion. "Yuri…." She hugged the other girl tightly, pouring all the thoughts she couldn't say out loud into the embrace.

 "Oh, Eun-ji." Yuri hugged her back, petting the top of her head where her whimsical ears appeared. They sat like that for a few minutes before Yuri pulled back. "Thank you for coming to celebrate my birthday with me."

"Of course. A dessert picnic was a great idea, Yuri. Thank you for letting me celebrate with you." 

There was a small spread of snacks to the side of the blanket they sat on. Cookies, brownies and some fruits matched nicely with the cake and wine. They sat in the middle of a park watching the sunset over the water. 

The two girls had small talk, mostly Eun-ji wanted to know more about Yuri. So the fox gave the story that Lee Rang made for her when she replaced the daughter of the owners of Moze Department store. Yuri wished she could ask more about Eun-ji's life and once again was annoyed that her wolf friend didn't have those precious memories. 

Instead she asked other questions like, where in the entire world would she go on vacation if she could go right now? A tropical island. What's her favorite thing to do when she's alone? Read. Her favorite scent? It used to be the smoky campfire smell that sticks to your clothes after a long night of making smores but more recently it's been sandalwood. 

"Okay, so it's a different kind of question but I'm dying to know annnnd I'm asking it as a birthday request…" Yuri gave a cheeky grin. 

"Hmm, I feel like I'm either not gonna like this or I should be worried. But it is your birthday so I'll go with it." The wolf grimaced, bracing for whatever it was. 

"Good, I want story time about these and I want ALL the juicy details. Leave nothing out." Yuri took another sip of her wine while with her other hand she pointed to the marks on Eun-ji's neck. 

A whine escaped the wolf's lips as she buried her face in her hands. After a moment she tilted the rest of her glass of wine down her throat for some liquid courage. "I knew I wouldn't like it. However, I did tell you I would go with it. So here's the story…" 

What a story I was. Yuri was surprised and extremely giddy with every new detail. Meanwhile, Eun-ji got more flustered with each and every detail she gave, making sure to put it all out there. If she wanted guidance with how to talk with Lee Rang tonight then she wanted to make sure Yuri knew all the facts in her end. 

"Wow, just… I can't believe Lee Rang has that in him. I mean I knew it but just to know he's really acting on those urges. I'm happy for you girl."

"Well, that's the thing. I want to ask for your help on how to approach this all tonight." Eun-ji bit her lower lip nervously. "I'm so very torn about my feelings."

Yuri looked at the wolf seriously and sighed gently. She wanted Lee Rang to be happy, he was number one in her book. She also wanted her new best friend to also be happy. "Okay, what are your exact feelings for him?" 

"That's the hard part. I want to be with him but I'm just so… scared." 

"Why scared? I thought you were afraid of him?" 

"I'm not. I'm scared of it not working out. Losing you both. What if this is all 'in the moment' feelings for both of us? I don't deserve Lee Rang. I don't. But I selfishly want him to be with me." 

"Okay, hold on. First off, you're never gonna lose me. Second, I have never, and I do mean never, have seen Lee Rang act the way he does when with you. And third you do deserve Lee Rang, because you deserve to be happy."

"I don't know. I have mixed feelings - like when I think about him I normally get excited but now I just have anxiety. How am I going to face him tonight?"

Yuri poured the wolf another glass of wine and pushed it to her. "Drink up dear."


'Eun-ji told me you both were gonna talk tonight about some things. I don't know if tonight is a good night for you to talk with her. I might have let her have too many glasses of wine with our cake. I'll be taking her home in a little bit.' 

Lee Rang read over the text before slipping his phone back into his pocket. He turned his attention to the large building in front of him. Maybe it was for the better that Eun-ji was incapacitated at the moment. He had some things to check in on. 

Stepping into the manor he found Kwon Hae-Ryong standing next to the Chinese Lantern tree that the man carefully protected. He was watched closely for a moment.

Kwon Hae-Ryong bowed a little and spoke. "I owe you a lot for what happened on the island." 

Rang shook it off and took a seat on the sofa. "No need to mention that. A long time ago, when I was dying after Lee Yeon slashed me with his sword, the one who saved me - it was you." He then looked at the man's hand, watching the orange ring glow around their fingers. Rang was a little disappointed that the ring was still there, being in debt to someone was rather annoying to him. 

Kwon caught him looking." And that is also fate." 

"How about the child? Doing alright?" He was curious to see the creature, to witness it's greatness. 

"It is sleeping."

The fox looked at the human again and leaned forward. "You are great too. How have you sacrificed your body for 600 years in service?" 

"I… am human. An ordinary human who lives working hard and even though the lifespan is about 100 years."

Rang wasn't stupid as he turned his attention to the Chinese lantern tree. "For a man who's extended his life with help from this world, I haven't seen a lot of good guys." He looked back at the man. "What's your plan now?"

"I need it to grow while feeding it and letting it rest."

Rang nodded in agreement. "I look forward to it." He pushed himself off the couch and smiled as he  walked around. "In the instant that the main character finally finds his lover and falls in love, there will be an exact reenactment of the tragedy of the past." 

Everything was unfolding nicely as planned. It will be over soon. The smile fell from his face, but why didn't it feel as great? He will feel better when it comes to an end. At least that's what he kept telling himself. 


Rang returned home after the funeral. He felt the moment that Lee Yeon departed from the human realm and sought out Nam Ji-Ah. After he talked with her and removed his brother's protective beads from her possession he called Yuri to see what was going on with the girls. 

Yuri had returned Eun-ji home and helped the drunken female to bed. She then planned to visit the veterinarian and see what he would do about his necklace that she took. 

Rang walks down the hallway to catch sight of Eun-ji in her own bed. He walked in to check on her, stepping over the shoes and clothes that were tossed haphazardly in the way. 

She looked peaceful, curled up in a random blanket that was normally a part of her nest. He remembered seeing her red blanket on his bed this morning before heading back out. He brushed his thumb against her cheek and immediately regretted it as she inhaled deeply before cracking open an eye. 

"Lee Rang?" She moved to sit up. 

"Hey sweetheart, it's okay - go back to bed."

She shook her head and looked at him. "Welcome home." 

"Thank you. Sorry I woke you. Go back-" 

"Hold on." She cut him off and started twisting the blanket over her lap with her fingers. "I want to say something while I still have the nerve to do so."

Rang felt the dread coming off of her in thick waves. "Darling?" He questioned her but she wouldn't look at him. 

"The truth is I care about you a whole bunch."

His heart rate increased but he wasn't sure if it was from the confession or the fact that he could sense the 'but' coming along. He winced, bracing for it. He could tell she was getting emotional as her whimsical ears appeared flat on her head with sadness. 

"After talking with Ki Yuri, I realized that this whole thing between us has moved really fast. Too fast. I know I've brought this up to you before, so it's definitely something that worries me. I don't want to stop but I need it to slow down. I need it to or I'm going to go crazy. I'm thankful for everything you have done and what you continue to do for me but I will be taking a small step back to create some distance."

The fox watched her closely before nodding his head. "I agree. He shifted away from the side of the bed a little bit. "I apologize for overstepping or if you felt like I was forcing anything on you."

Her eyes snapped to him. "No it's not that at all." Tears started to brim on her lashes. "I'm so sorry Lee Rang. I promise I didn't hate how things were going with us. I just want to make sure it's right for both of us. This hurts so bad right now." She hugged herself as the tears spilled over her cheeks. 

He was sad to see her so upset. He wanted to comfort her but he wasn't sure if that would be the best idea. He sat down in front of her and had her look at him. "Don't cry dear." 

A sob escaped her lips and he could smell the alcohol on her breath reminding him that they shouldn't be talking about this right now. "It's understandable what you're saying. Now go to bed and get some sleep darling. We can talk more later."

He watched her nod at him before he moved to leave the room. He stopped at the doorway, listening for her to lay down, the gentle cries still leaving her body before he headed down the hallway to his room. Upon entering he got ready for bed and saw the red blanket there. He should have brought it back but instead he grabbed it and pulled it close to him, burying his nose into the fabric. He could smell her all over the blanket and for a moment he almost felt like life was being sucked out of him. Sleep would help. He knew it. 

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