Without You

By R5family_sm

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Laura the new girl at Melrose High School. Her parents got divorced when she was eight but didn't find out un... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 (Auditions)
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 (Romeo and Juliet-Play Day)
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 - Funeral Day
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Last Chapter-26

Chapter 20

165 8 0
By R5family_sm

Today is Vanessa's wedding and she's in her room getting ready. As for me I'm thinking whether I should go or not. I don't want to go cause then the whole wedding will be awkward, well at least me walking down the aisle with Ross since he's gonna be up there and so am I.

Then, I'm still thinking that this whole wedding is fake. Lets face it, she's only getting married to him to put a last name on her daughters. There is no love in between all this.

I was sitting in my bed. My hair and make up done. I wasn't in my dress yet. All I was doing was starring at it.

Vanessa came into my room with her hair and make up done. She was holding one of the babies which was crying.

She saw me and immediately said,"Laura your not changed yet."

"No. Look Ness I don't think I should go." I said looking up to her.

"Why not?"

"First of all I still think this marriage is all fake. I mean there is no love between you two and..." she cut me off.

"Laura. I've been meaning to tell you this. I just I didn't know how."

"And what is it?" I asked.

She sat on my bed. "Remember back when Riker took me to the doctor." I nodded my head."Okay. Since then Riker and I have had something."

My jaw dropped. What did she just say.

"Yeah shocking right. Look that day Riker asked me about Jason and I told him everything. I was in tears. He took me to dinner and then he said 'I'm really really sorry for asking you that' and I said that everything was okay. Then we felt something and we started leaning in and ended up kissing. We said we would never do that again. On the day you escaped to Colorado with Ross everything happened again the feelings and all. We've been seeing each other since then."

"Why didn't you ever tell me?"

"Cause I was embarrassed. Now please get ready."

"No, Vanessa."


"Cause I still have to walk up with Ross"

"Okay what if we change you with Ryland or Rocky."

"I guess maybe. Fine. I'll get ready."

"Okay. Stormie and Rydel will be here any minute now."

I said okay and then she exited. I started changing and then Stormie and Rydel came. Rydel didn't even talk to me. She didn't say hi or hug me. I guess Ross told her everything. Cause by the looks of it he did. She kept giving me a stink eye throughout the time we were in the apartment.

I put on my dress and went outside to the living room where everybody was at except Ross and Riker. Typical he obviously didn't want to see me.

Stormie was holding one of the babies and Mark the other one. Vanessa was coming down the stairs beautifully dressed in her dress wearing sparkly silver high heels and a necklace with its earrings that used to be my mom's. I looked at her dress which was simple. The whole thing was simple (by simple I mean the wedding). It was a short dress like an inch above her knees. Kind of puffy. Her hair was curled with a rose or flower on the side. The dress of course was strapless.

"Oh Vanessa, sweetie you look gorgeous." Stormie said excitedly.

"You really do look beautiful." Rydel told her and went up to hug her.

"I think we should get married Ness. Instead of you and Riker." Rocky said causing all of us to laugh. "I'm kidding, but you do look hot." he walked over to her and hugged her. He gave her a kiss in the cheek as Vanessa whispered him something.

I heard him say okay as he pulled away. He comes to me and says,"So I guess you and I are walking up."

"Oh uh yeah unless you don't want to."

"Well I do but I don't. I think you should go with Ross. I know what happened but that shouldn't affect you in that way."

"Fine I'll go."

We arrived at the chapel. Riker was standing outside waiting for Vanessa. Ross was standing next to him arms crossed. We get out one by one from the truck.

Mark helped Vanessa come out. I look over to Riker who was smiling really big. Ross whispers something in his ear causing him to run inside with his mom. All the guest were inside already.

My heart started beating as I made my way to Ross. I wanted to turn back and tell Rocky I couldn't do this, but I managed to calm myself down and walk over to him as he puts his arm out for me.

"You look beautiful." he said to me. I look down feeling so ashamed.

He looked really nice in his tux. His tux was black except for the shirt and tie. The shirt was white and the tie pink. His hair was pulled back nicely which made him look hotter than he usually is.

I tried not the show my feelings for him. It was too hard. I look up to him as he looks down to me. I tell him,"Not bad yourself." He smiles and looks away.

It was our turn to walk up. I felt like I was going to trip with the heels. I walk over to Vanessa's side and Ross to Riker's.

Throughout the whole ceremony Ross and I kept starring at each other which was awkward. The ceremony ended and they kissed. It was so weird to see that.

We were at the party already. We ate and all. everyone was dancing except for me and a couple of other people. I was sitting taking care of the babies.

While I was sitting I felt someone touch my shoulder. I jumped a little and turned around to see Chris. How does he know what's going on in my life.

"What are you doing here?" I ask trying not to sound rude.

"Well I wanted to be your date to your sisters wedding."

"Oh. Okay just sit." I felt like I needed him here more than ever I don't even know why.

"Don't you want to dance or something?" he asks while pulling out a chair.

"No...Yes but I need to take care of them."

Just then Vanessa came and sat down. "In tired. Why don't you go out and dance?"

"Okay." Chris grabbed my hand as I stood up.

Ross POV
I was talking to Rocky. I don't know what about cause I was starring at Laura. She looked so beautiful in her pink dress.

He caught me not paying attention and said,"Go ask her to dance."

"But she has a new boyfriend." I say trying not to remember it.

"Just tell her as friends. Or just so she's by bored. I'll watch the girls." he said.

"Okay. I am."

I walked confidently to her until I see him with her. I walk back to Rocky.

"Let me borrow your phone." I command frustrated.

"Here." he handed it to me and then asked,"Why?"

"I need to make a call to someone." that someone was the record label who wanted us.

I walk outside and call him.
"Hey, it's Ross."

"Oh yes R5. So you have an answer for me."

"Yes I do. And we accept it. Well go tomorrow morning like 7. I have late start for school."

"Alrighty then see you then."

"Bye." I said hanging up.

It's time to follow my dreams.

Laura POC
We start dancing. I look to my right and see Ross starring. He turns around and leaves.

"Laura can we go outside." Chris says.

"Okay. But you better behave."

We exit the hall and walk to the garden.

He had a worried look in his face. "What's wrong?" I ask.

"I feel like I ruined your life Laura. And I'm going to do the right thing and let you leave."

My eyes widened,"Wait so we are like or you are or what."

"I'm letting you go. I was stupid to do what I did and I just realized that everyone has a soulmate and Ross was yours. I know that in the future I will find mine."

"Thanks Chris. I hope you do find her and look we could always be friends."

I kiss his cheek and hug him. I think he was shocked. He then hugs me curling up his head in my neck. He whispers,"Go back with Ross."

"I don't think he'll ever want me back." I said pulling away.

"Look ill take care of that you just worry about something else."

"Okay. Well bye Chris. I hope you do find the person you can't live without." I go back inside.

I'm so happy he decided to do this and I really do want him to find his "Without You."

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