Chapter 4

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Laura POV
I walked up to my room after the interrogation finished. My mom is such a protective mother. Vanessa was following me upstairs. I entered my room leaving it open so she could come in.
"Laura you left us very worried where were you really? Cause I don't believe that story at all." she said in a very disappointed tone. She expected more from me because she didn't want what happened to her happen to me.
"Look Vanessa it's a really long story and it is very sad to me." A knot created in my throat as a tear rolled down my cheek.
She walked to me and hugged me as I squeezed her hard. "Did a boy try to rape you?"
"No, not in that way. He tried to forcefully try and kiss me."
"What's the whole story? Please tell me I need to know so I could go and give him a piece of my mind!"
I told her everything as her face grew frustrated and raged. "Laura that's like abusing you."
"No it's not, sh, look if I go and tell whoever word is going to spread out that I am a slut because I kissed that guy."
"Fine whatever. Was the guy cute what is his name? Does he have any brothers?"
"Well he is and I sort of have had a crush on him since school started, but he has a girlfriend His name is Ross Lynch and yes he does have brothers. 3 brothers and 1 sister who I have to mention in and a family friend."
"Wait but he kissed you back so that means he likes you."
I stood up quickly and said, "What really? No he has a girlfriend."
"Yeah but he kissed you back and passionately right, I nodded my head and covered my mouth in excitement,"so he is into you. Bam problem solved and you two got the part so good luck kissing him."
I suddenly heard my phone ringing. I check it. Ross. "Who is it?" Vanessa said whispering.
"Answer it now!" but in a low voice.
"Yeah I'm looking for Laura."
"Oh your speaking to her"
"Oh hey Laura I just wanted to check how you were after what happened today after school"
"well I appreciate for calling me. I'm doing good and it's okay it was stupid that we kissed that will only happen once and that's for the play."
"Oh well I was talking about the thing that happened with Chris."
My face turned surprised and I turned to Vanessa to see what she would say, but all she did was face palm herself. I awkwardly answered.
"Oh...uh... yeah I meant that to well I'm fine."
"Okay well anyways about the kiss."
I looked back to Vanessa. "What do I do Vanessa? I don't want him to figure out I like him."
"Uh Laura I think he just did. You spoke straight into the phone."
Oh god please no.I heard laughing from the other end.
"Uhm. So good-bye Ross."
"Wait Laura. I have to say that I like like you too."
"Yeah well goodnight. See you Monday."
"Goodnight, see you Monday."
We hung up and I started squealing and so was Vanessa.
"Wait! Oh no it's gonna be super awkward on Monday." I said in a depressed manner.
"Oh, well let's forget about that and let's just talk. I really need to talk to you."
Her face suddenly saddened. A year fell down her face.
"Vanessa, does this have to do with the divorce or Jason?", I felt that my face expression changed.
"Well, it had to do with both of them and something else."
"Tell me don't worry I won't tell mom if it's something you don't want her to know."
"She is going to end up knowing in a couple of months!" She started crying nearly pouring her eyes out. I grabbed her in and hugged her. Her tears suddenly went through my shirt.
"Vanessa tell me what's wrong."
"Well dad found someone new, but I guess that's the best for him. He cried for mom everyday until he found that other lady. Her name is Rachel."
"I guess I'm happy for him, but I wish he had told me you know. And about Jason."
"Laura, I'm pregnant."
My eyes widened at the thought of my sister being pregnant. "Wow, Congrats sis."
"No," sh shook her head at the same time,"its not okay. Jason left me when I told him. I'm going to raise him/her by myself. And I can't abort the child because it's a life inside of me. I also really want it." she smiled and rubbed her stomach. "I really want a girl or boy running around my apartment that I got here."
"Wait your staying." I was shocked.
"Yeah, I only stayed in Florida because of Jason, but now that, that's all done I've got to think for myself and my child. Don't you think?" she waited for my response.
"Laura?" she waved my hand in front of me.
"Well I'm shocked and really happy your staying and I'm going to be an aunt!"
"Sh! Not so loud. I'm hearing footsteps. Laura do you want to come see my apartment tomorrow and the doctor."
"Well I'll let you rest. Just make sure you wake up at 8:30."
"Okay. Bye." Before she left my room I ran to her and hugged her. "I'm so glad your staying."
She left my room.
I had gotten out of the shower. It was 12:37 am. I couldn't sleep so I got up to shower. I checked my phone. One missed call from dad. I ignored it and got my bed ready.
Before I could lay down a I was receiving a phone call. I thought it was dad again, so I ignored again. I felt something telling me to answer the call. I got up and saw that Ross was calling. I thought to myself "Shouldn't he be asleep by now." I answered.
"Uh hello"
"Hey Laura, I couldn't sleep so I called I hope I didn't wake you"
"No you didn't I couldn't sleep either. I was thinking to much."
"Uhm some family things and what went down earlier."
"Yeah me too well the part about what went down earlier. Oh god I lost my friend..."
"And all because of me."
"No! Laura it wasn't you."
"Then who was it Ross? Who? I want to know all I did was come and destroy a friendship."
"Laura don't blame yourself anyways it was a friendship that slowly was dying."
"What do you mean?" I was crying.
"Niomi cheated on me with Chris a couple weeks ago. I saw a text on Niomi's phone telling Chris to meet her after school and other really painful things."
"Oh god Ross I'm sorry. Then why don't you break up with her."
"I did today. Laura look out your window."
I went to my balcony and saw Ross in the ground. "Ross what are you doing here?"
I had realized that we were still talking through the phone. He started climbing a tree. "I wanted to see you."

He went got off the tree and into my balcony. Once he was on it he reached to me grabbing my face and kissed me. It went from a kiss to a make-out. I felt so many butterflies in my stomach. It was so beautiful so amazing things you can't describe. We slowly ended up walking backwards until I hit the door. I grabbed the handle and opened the door. We fell onto the bed. Me being on the bottom and him on the top.
"Ross no I can't." I interrupted this beautiful moment. "Ross we can't have this right now."
"We can't make out?"
"Oh sure, but not now my mom is here and she comes up to check me when she wakes up."
"Lock your door. I want to stay here with you tonight not having you know sex."
My face grew red of embarrassment. I went locked the door and lied next to Ross.
It was 7:54am. Ross put on his shirt and shoes and started heading to the balcony door.
"Hey beautiful. See you Monday."
"See you Monday." I said winking and trying to be a flirt.
"I love you." He reached down and I reached up and kissed him. He slowly left and threw a kiss.
Now time to get ready to leave with Vanessa.
Hope you guys liked it
I feel like you did

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