Chapter 9

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We were looking for Laura. It was already getting dark and I needed to find her before the coyotes or wolf find her. I heard another scream from Laura. It was getting louder and louder. That meant I was close! I heard one more and saw her on the ground holding her foot. "Laura! What happened!" I asked.
"I was running away from you and I tripped over the root of this tree and twisted my ankle." she answered nearly crying her eyes out
"I'm sorry if it wasn't because of my stupidity this wouldn't have happened to you. This is all my fault I'm sorry." I started getting a little teary.
"Ross this isn't partially all your fault it was also mine. I'm sorry I ruined this weekend for you."
"It's okay. Well we better get out of here before the wolves come."
"Shh! They come sooner if you scream."
Her eyes widened "I've been screaming for the past hours Ross."
"Okay look it's barley what 5pm. They don't come out till six."
"Hurry up help me get up."
"Here let me carry you."
I heard footsteps coming towards us then saw some flashlights turn on."
"Ross you guys okay." said Ellington.
"Yeah we're fine but she doesn't let me carry her."
"Here let me help you out." said Rocky lifting her up on her feet. I help her with her right arm."
We were walking back when we heard howling.

"Yeah you know what I'll let Ross carry me." said Laura scared but in a calm voice.
"Alright here." said Rocky.
I carried her as we ran out the woods with Rydel and Ryland holding the flashlights as a guide.

We made it out and started taking deep breaths. We got on the car and drove off to the cabin.
"So your Ross' new girlfriend huh." said Rydel smirking. I could see her through the mirror.
"Yeah." Laura said smiling but in pain.
"Your way prettier then that other one he had." replied Rydel
"Uh thanks."
We arrived to the cabin as I carried Laura inside. I sat her on the couch as I sat next to her. I looked at her leg and it was swollen. "Wow Laura you need ice on that now!"
She looked down and got sort of freaked out.
"Here let me take a look." said Ellington. "Eh yeah Rydel pass me some ice and something to wrap it around her leg. Ross we need to take her to the hospital now."
"Here are the key." said Ryland throwing them to me. He was watching TV. I walked out and sat Laura on the back car seat as Rydel and Ellington got on. Rydel in the back and Ell in the front. I was about to leave when I saw 3 cars pull up. Rocky came out and went towards the cars. Someone came out and towards our car. It was Vanessa. "Now where do you think your going?"
"Uhh take Laura to the hospital because..."
"You got her pregnant!"
"What?!? No, she twisted her ankle."
She went to the back seat and saw Laura's leg as Laura looked away.
"What are you waiting for hurry. We'll follow you guys."
We left to the road and down the mountain.
We finally got to the hospital. I sat Laura down and Vanessa went to sign her in. After a long silence they let Laura in and Vanessa went inside with her.
I looked up to my parents and Riker and they looked really disappointed in me. "Okay could you stop giving me that glare. I didn't know Vanessa didn't let her go. And the reason why I didn't answer the phone is because a highway patrol was next to me the reception went out and my battery died okay."
"Ross, Vanessa was worried sick about her thank god we found you guys. Or else who knows what could have happened to Vanessa." said Riker rolling his eyes.
"You like Vanessa don't you."
"No I don't okay."
"Okay if you say so."
He punched me in the arm. After an hour and a half Laura came out with crutches.
"Okay now let's go home." said Vanessa sort of mad.
"Vanessa why don't you stay here just for the night so that you don't have to drive during the night." said my mom
"No thanks Mrs.Lynch."
"I wasn't asking now let's go."
She looked sort of annoyed. We all exited the room and went into the cars.
It was 10:23pm when we got to the cabin.
"Hey your all back thanks for leaving me Rocky." said Ryland
"No problem bro." said Rocky
"Where can I put Laura's things Mrs.Lynch." asked Vanessa
"Don't call me that call me Stormie and here let me help you."
They went up the stairs and into a room.
"Well I'm guessing your all hungry." asked my dad.
"Yeah" we all said. We were in the living room watching Rocky,Ell, and Ryland play.
"Well here are some Noodle cups cook yourselves some." said my dad.
"Rydel I'm letting Laura stay in your room. The doctor said she needs a lot of space to sleep on." said my mom
"That's alright."replied Rydel
"Well goodnight guys I'm going to sleep Mark you coming. Oh and Vanessa you could sleep with Rydel in one of the rooms."
"I'll be up sweetie." answered my dad.
"Im going to sleep too. Goodnight Laura." said Vanessa.
"Here let me come with you so you could know where to sleep." said Rydel.
"Why are you guys acting like whatever with Ross?" asked Laura. Big mistake I feel coming on.
"Well I don't know we sort of connected again today." said Ryland.
"I want to know the full story of why you guys got into the big fight."
"Well it's a long story." said Rocky
"I've got all night." replied Laura. I was sitting next to her snuggled up.
"Okay." said Riker. They turned off the Xbox and sat down on the couches were they could face Laura. " Well it started when Ross brought Niomi home for the first time. Ross left to the store with my dad and mom. He had left Niomi with us. She started acting all bossy and really mean to Rydel and she put things of my mom's and Rydel's in her bag. She then punched Rydel and we tried taking her away which we did and then she dropped everything off the table and ruined the dinner. She tasted it and she said it tastes horrible. So that's why she dropped it all. We ended up going to eat to this fancy and expensive restaurant. She was acting as if she were the boss all the time she came over. My mom didn't find out until she stayed once when dad and Ross left to get charcoal for the grill. She screamed to my mom to make her food to massage her and to do so many things. My mom never dos anything to her because Ross was deeply in love with her. Then one day we told Ross he didn't believe us and he also said 'who cares what mom feels. she knows I love her and she will do anything as a sacrifice for me to be with her'. That's when I got up and slapped him. I started punching him and then Rocky came in and I thought it was to stop me but no he started kicking him because I had him on the floor. Ryland joined in and Rydel and mom where screaming to stop and Ellington was just watching. He didn't know what to do. Mom finally was able to separate us. Ross had a busted lip and a purple eye. You could say we left him horribly injured. My mom then said to leave and never come back. We ended up coming back for the holiday. Ross had forgiven us and we were pea fully enjoying I forgot what. He then opener the door and saw Niomi come on we all got up and left. Since then we stopped talking to him, but a while later I went back and said sorry to Ross. I was the only one talking to him. Well that's our story."
"Wow that is long. I better go to sleep." said Laura
"Here I'll help you." I told her. I picked her up and took her upstairs as she said goodnight to them.
I got to the room and put her on the bed. I kissed her goodnight, turned off the light and left.
I felt like it was long anyways keep voting for R5 and WE WON GUYS A&A WON LAURA WON AND ROSS WON IM EXTREMELY HAPPY AND EXCITED AND EVERYTHING 😱😭😊 Well I now I'm late and all but I was thinking of what to write for this chapter

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