Chapter 22

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I was driving home, smiling uncontrollably. Today has been awesome. Ross and I got together again. I got accepted to UCLA. And I've been offered a role in a show. How incredible is that!

I enter my house to see Vanessa sitting on the couch with the babies. I then look around the room and see about 10 bouquets of flowers and roses. Along with balloons saying "I Love You". I walk over to the Kitchen and see a big poster that said "I Love You more than you could imagine. I love you infinity times infinity. I'm glad we got back together. I don't know what I'd do without you -Ross"

I couldn't stop smiling that my cheeks started hurting.

I call Vanessa over,"Vanessa when did he come?" still smiling

"Like 20 minutes ago. Why didn't you tell me you and Ross are back together?" she asks almost fangirling her heart out.

"Because it all happened today."

"How? I thought he hated you and that you never loved him."

"You need to sit down for this."

I explain everything that happened. It looked like she was going to go kill some one.

"Well I'm happy your back with him cause really your life was a disaster without him." She says in a harsh tone but not to harsh but it still kinda hurt.

"Oh and guess who is nominated for Prom Queen!"

"Oh my Laura that's awesome."

"And Ross is nominated King."

"This is incredible. Things are finally looking up for you (😏)" she replies.

"Also I was offered a staring role in a show called Life in the Big City-"

"That's great Laura." she interrupted

"You didn't let me finish. Its going to be filmed in New York."

"Oh." she said in a surprised tone.

"I want to accept UCLA but this is also a once in a life time opportunity Vanessa. The downside is that Ross and I have just got back together. I don't want to leave him again."

"Laura just tell him. He is going to be supportive."

"UCLA wants me to answer them by the end of the week, but the studio or whatever it is want me to answer by the end of summer." I said.

"Like I said before talk to him Laura. As for me you should accept it."

"Thanks for being so supportive." We hugged and I was about to leave when Vanessa called me back.

"Laura, I'm going to go to city hall with Riker later. We are officially going to name the babies and add Lynch-Marano to them."

"Oh okay. Do you need me to watch the girls?" I ask.

"No uh I'm taking them. I'm just telling you, so that later your not looking for me."

"Alright I'm gonna go to my room and read." I quickly snapped a picture of the gift Ross left me.

I sent the picture to Ross and then added: Aww thanks for the gift. Love you too.

A minute later he replied: I'm glad you like it just wait till tomorrow! Hey is it okay for me to go over.

I said: Yeah Vanessa is leaving to City Hall with Riker at 3.

Ross: Okay see you in 45 minutes.

Laura: See you then 😉😍

I went to the kitchen and saw Vanessa packing bottles and water for the babies. I take out things to prepare for dinner until Vanessa said,"We are going out to eat when we come back. Riker wants to start this Family night out thing every Friday, and today is dinner."

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