Chapter 21

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Today I have to announce the theme prom and nominees for king and queen. I was pretty nervous that I would mess up. But I overcame it and went up.

The ASB president started talking and then a little later she introduced me.

"This is your Prom Committee commissioner Laura Marano."

I waved at the camera and then said,"Well thanks for having me Gabriella."

"No Problem. So tell us ye theme of the Prom. Oh and the nominations for king and queen."

"Okay so the committee and I thought of an elegant and simple idea. It's not like simple simple, it's actually really nice. So your prom theme is" I paused for a bit."Under the Stars. Now time to announce Prom king and Queen nominees. These nominees come from teacher election."

"And here they are. For Prom King Nominees are...Frankie Diaz, Hector Garcia, Robert Nunez, Chris Alaya, and..." I paused for the next name."And Ross Lynch. Congrats."

"Now queen. Niomi Rosales, Gabriella Fernandez, Diane Stockton, Sandra Morales and woah Laura Marano. What this is insane thanks what ever teacher did this. Congrats ladies. Now you could vote now and also at prom to double the chance. Also you could now but your tickets from today till the last day before prom."
I was so excited to be nominated for queen until I saw a big picture, like probably four feet tall, of Ross and I hanging from the railings of the stairs. I turn around to my left and I see Ross staring at it too with a surprised face.

It was a picture of him grabbing me by the waist with our foreheads touching and him smiling and me too.

He was starring at me and then back at the picture. I couldn't stop smiling at the picture. Yeah I was surprised but I remember that day like it was yesterday. He stares at me and smiles back then turns around while his smile fades away.

I want to go up to him and just say all this with Chris was fake. That I still really love him so much.

All of a sudden we hear the principal saying something from the speakers.

"All students go to the main building and head to the cafeteria or anywhere in that building, we are officially on lock down. We are on lock down!"

I was already in the main building. It had about 15 classrooms, huge hallways, and one hallway with lockers where mine is or all senior lockers. It also has the indoor cafeteria and the gym, and the library, so basically it's huge enough for 2,000 students to fit.

The principal came in walking up the stairs with a megaphone. There were securities closing and locking the doors to enter the building.

"Can I have your attention please. There has been a shooting close to us and its still going on. We were informed about it be also told to stay indoors. It will take a while so get comfortable."

I walk to the library where obviously no one was at. I sit in a table. It was not loud but there was a lot of talking. I pull out my homework and get started on it.

I hear things falling from my bag. It was envelops which were the either acceptance or rejections for the collages I applied to. I haven't opened them. There was one envelope that was not from a school but was sent to me by someone named Regina Santos.

I got down from my chair and started picking them up with papers from my classes. I see a hand helping my I look up and see Ross. I smile at him but he doesn't back. He had a worried look in his face.

He hands me my things and I say thanks.

"Your welcome." he says turning back.

"Ross, can I ask you something?"

"Sure." he turns around and sits in a chair. "What happened?"

"I want to know why you've been acting so nice with me if I left you on the most horrible way ever."

"Because I still love you. And Chris told me everything that happened."

"I still love you too. Ross I never stopped. There were days where I cried myself to sleep thinking I would never have you back in my arms."

He smiles and says,"I know. Laura at first I knew that was fake but then I thought it was real. Look I'm sorry for what I said and I want us to be together again."

"Me too but we can't."


"Cause we will be heading to college soon or universities. It could be ones far away and its better that we end this now."

"Yeah Laura about that. I'm not going to college. On Monday no Sunday I called the record label that wanted us and I accepted their offer. Well we. My brothers sister and Ell along with me are forming a band. R5."

"But there's six of you and Ellington starts with and E not an R."

He laughs and says,"Ryland won't be in it and we are using Ells last name, Ratliff."

"Oh wow. That's great." I said. "But I still haven't decided what college or University I want to go to."

"Here let me help."

I took them out. There was eight letters. Either they were rejections or acceptance letters. I applied to: NYU, UCLA, USC, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Harvard, UC Berkeley, and a school in Europe"

"Damn Laura you went all out."

That made me laugh. I opened the letters. I read the one for Ann Arbor,"I didn't get in but that's good cause I didn't want to go anyways."

I opened the one for Berkeley. "I got in! Ross I got into Berkeley."

"I'm so happy for you."

I continued opening them.
I got into NYU, UCLA, and the school in Europe. I open the last letter and read it out loud since Ross said.

"Dear Ms. Marano,
We saw your outstanding performance in your school play for Romeo and Juliet. You may have not saw us but I go out to see students performances at their school and if I like them I hire them to be in a movie or a show. Yes it may sound weird but I assure you that it's fantastic. Well I wrote you to say that I loved your performance. I would like you to star in my new show called Life In The Big City. It will take place in New York and will be filmed there as well. If you are interested please do give me a call. Sincerely,
Regina Santos."

"Wow that is amazing."

"Yeah it is, but I can't accept it I want to go to UCLA my dream school. I never thought I'd make it in but I did now we could be together." I got up and so did he and we hugged. I really wanted to accept the offer cause I've always wanted to be an actress.

We'll have to wait and see what happens.

Do you guys think Laura should accept the offer or should she stay in LA with Ross? comment below for her decision.

Laura and Ross are also back together just to make it clear. Oh and the story is gradually coming to its end.
aka R5family_sm

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