Chapter 11

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Laura POV
Today I finally got to get rid of this annoying cast and crutches. I also went with Vanessa to see how the baby is doing. She is 5 months pregnant and the baby's gender will be identified today as well. I really hope she has a boy, but she wants a girl. Ugh Vanessa why? The doctor came back inside the room and asked Vanessa if she wanted to know the baby's gender. She said yes.
"Okay the gender of the baby is...drum roll please." he stayed quiet for like 5 seconds and finally said,"Its a...girl! Congratulations Ms.Marano."
She stayed stunned and finally said "Thank you very much Ahh I can't wait to see her."
The ride back home from the doctors was quiet. I tried making conversation but all she did was shrug. I finally asked her a question that would probably make her me or something or maybe she won't answer either. I opened my mouth and said,"Are you gonna tell Jason?" I looked over to her and her face got mad, but I knew inside she was hurt badly after my stupidity.
"No. He doesn't need to know."
"But he is the dad Vanessa." I said calmly.
"Well he sure didn't act like one when I told him.You know I don't want to talk about this right now or ever okay. And more when I'm driving."
"Okay." I turned to the window and saw the blue sky with many clouds. The cars passing us as we turn into the apartment building.
We entered into the lobby and went up the elevators. When we went inside the apartment Vanessa quickly went up to her room and locked her door. I left do what she wanted which was cry.
I went into the kitchen and cooked myself a grilled cheese sandwich which I could never do right, they are so hard to make. I sat in our round table to eat. I was thinking about my mom if she was gonna come home for the holidays. I was alone with Vanessa. She didn't want to go with the Lynch's because she felt that she was going to be a distraction. So my boyfriend is in miles away from me in Colorado. He said he'd be here by New Years, I really do that's gonna be our first kiss for 2015. And it's in 6 days.
Anyways my phone rang. It was my mom. I picked up my phone and answered.
"Hey Mom."
"Hi uh I'm sorry I can't make it home for the holiday's."
"awe why?"
"Well your grandma got sick."
"Oh well it's...," I heard a knock on the door,"Hey mom can you wait a bit someone's at the door."
"Yeah you go answer."
I walked over to the door and saw through the hole.I couldn't see the person because he or she was carrying flowers.
The first person to enter my mind was Ross. I opened the door fast and saw that it was Kimberly carrying the flowers.
"Hey Laura. These are for your.Someone have them to me right now when I was coming down the hallway. They are from Ross." she said.
I grabbed them and took them to the table as Kimberly followed.
"What does it say?"
"Uh hold up I can't find the note."
We looked for it. Finally Kimberly found it,"Here it is.Read it."
I first read it in my head I didn't cry, but I cried when I read it out loud. "I'm sorry I can't make it back home for New Years. This is your gift don't worry I got you a better one.Also there's chocolate kisses in there. I love YOU so much. You are my life. There's no one compares to you my love. I LOVE YOU ❤️."
"Aww that's so cute but I'm sorry that he won't be here." said Kim,"Come here." She extended her arms out and I went towards her and hugged her.
"You're gonna be okay right?"
"Yeah I am. It's just a week and 3 days. I could handle that. Thanks for being here."
"Your welcome."
"Oh shoot! My mom is still on the phone." I picked upy phone and saw that she hung up. Never mind she hung up anyways wanna watch a movie?"
"Uhm yes. Which ones do you have?"
"These." She looked through the pile as I went to make popcorn.
"Oh this one. Its The Game Plan. I love this movie the part where the girl ate the pie or cake and he has to rush to the hospital always makes me cry."
"No way! Me too! I love that movie. Put it on."
We sat down as the movie starts. I brought a blanket cause it was getting a little chilly.
The movie ended and Kim and I were wiping the tears away. I turned to see Kim and told her if she was hungry. "No I'm not hungry, but I do have to go home before its gets any later."
She got up the couch and walked on over to the door. I followed her. "Well see you back in school or sooner." she said.
"Yeah we'll see you." I hugged her and then let go. As she walked down the hall I waved goodbye. I closed the door and walked over to my computer. I went on Skype to see if Ross called which he did. He said he'd call when he went down the mountain and to his house. I tried calling back but he didn't answer.Damn it. I went on my Facebook and saw 13 messages from Ross. All of them saying to answer or to call back. I then went to my Instagram and saw that Ross tagged me in a picture. I saw the picture. It was of him and his family sitting in their dinner table I saw that there was an empty table. I saw that Ross tagged me in an empty picture. I saw the caption and it said "Family dinner for Christmas today, just missing my girl today. I'll see you in exactly 1 week and 3 days. Miss you love you my love and my life ❤️😘"
I turned off my phone and threw it across the room. I grabbed my hair in stress because I was mad. I wanted to be with Ross. I haven't seen him in 2 weeks. I started crying a bit, but then I went up to see how Vanessa was doing. I knocked the door and called for her. She didn't answer probably because it was already 10:00pm. I walked over to my room and went into my bed and fell asleep.
It was New Years Eve. Vanessa had already came out of her room. She still wasn't talking. I went up to her room and knocked.
"Vanessa can I come in?"
"Sure." First time she talked, besides asking what I want to eat and how mom is doing.
"Hey Nessa. How you doing?"
"Good I guess." she said shrugging. She was sitting on her bed with her knees grabbing her belly.
"Well why have you been shutting me out."
"I've been thinking."
"For the past 6 days." I said surprised
"Yeah it's all because of what you said about telling Jason. Also I think I might give my baby on adoption."
"Vanessa but why? I know you could raise this baby by yourself." I sat on her bed.
"Look Laura I just can't."
"Then just tell Jason or I'll help out and you could also get help from the government."
"Laura you don't understand! You weren't there when Jason walked out of my life."
"What did he do?" I asked so confused.
"When found out I called Jason to come over so I could tell him. He came over and I was smiling so hard. I told him and when I looked up to see him he looked frustrated and he got up the couch turned around looked at me then my stomach then to the pregnancy test. He didn't say anything. He just turned and looked at the door back at me and left out slamming the door. I started crying. He never called or even texted. One day he called and said he didn't want anything to do with me or the child. Then he said that it wasn't his that probably I was with someone else. I just hung up and started crying. Dad then came in and asked what was wrong. I told him everything and he said he didn't want me there. Could you believe it my own dad even shut me out Laura!" She started crying "I spent one whole month out in the street because I was embarrassed to tell mom and ask for help after how I treated her. I had to come."
"Vanessa I'm so sorry. Just please keep your baby. I promise to help you with everything when the baby is born." I kinda wanted to cry because I felt so bad for her.
"Thanks Laura for being so supportive with everything. I love you so much. I can't imagine what I would do with out you." I went over and hugged her."I'll keep her I promise. Also happy New Year's Eve. What time is Ross coming over?"
"He's not coming. He is gonna be stuck there for another 3 days. I've tried calling him but no reception or response." I started tearing up a little.
"Hey why don't you call over a couple of your friends and we'll have a small party."
"Uh I really don't want to do anything today and plus Kimberly left Minnesota and Ashley left to Toronto and Larry is spending his New Years with his girlfriend and their families."
"Well then let's got to the Red Box downstairs rent a couple of movies and have a little party together."
"Sounds pretty good."
"You head downstairs I'll be there in a little while. Just gotta make a call."
I left and Vanessa stayed making a call and putting her robe and slippers on.

Vanessa POV
I grabbed my phone and called Riker.
"Hey Riker she is really feeling sad and all so the surprise is going to be amazing."
"I don't think we are gonna be able to make it in time."
"It started snowing like 2 hours ago it hasn't stopped. They said that if it doesn't stop snowing in another hour that they are gonna cancel all flights out or in of Colorado. Ross has gone like 20 times to ask if they are gonna let them in or not. Everyone is out of control. Ross is determined to drive all the way to California."
"Oh gosh lets just hope it stops snowing."
"Yeah." he screamed over to Ross "Ross could you stop bothering the people damn it just wait.-Sorry Nessa. This kid is getting on my nerves badly. He doesn't stop walking around he doesn't want to eat and he doesn't want to stop asking the people (he said that part kinda loud)."
"It's okay." I heard Ross from the other end saying," The call finally went through. Let me talk to Laura. I haven't talked to her the past 2-3 weeks." I then heard Rocky say, "Dude you'll talk to her when we get there." Ross screamed," Ae you kidding me! We will never get out of here! We've been waiting for 2 freaking hours idiot!" I stayed stunned at Ross' reaction to everything. i then heard Riker talk, "Hey Ness I'll call you if we are able to board the plane. Ross and Rocky are fighting yeah uh bye."
He hung up.

Laura's POV
Vanessa and I have watched 6 movies in a row I looked at the time it was 11:57pm. Ross is supposed to be here but he can't.Why? Because I don't know! I was receiving a Skype call. I saw who it was and it was Ross. I closed my mouth and told Vanessa to shut up. I answered and saw Ross' hot face.
"OMG. Ross!"
"I haven't seen your sexy face in weeks."
"I miss you."
"I miss you too." I said nearly tearing up.
"Hey Laur go outside so we could see the fireworks together."
"Okay. Okay wait let me put my sweater on."
"Alright just hurry we have 2 minutes left."
I ran to my room and got my sweater quickly. I ran out the balcony and turned on the lights. "I just wish you could be here. Lets countdown together."
"Alright Riker said 30 seconds left."
"okay now we'll start at 20."

"20...19...18...17...16...15...14...13...12...11...10...9...8...7...6....5" he stopped counting but I continued. "4...3...2...1"
"Turn around. " I turned around and saw Ross. I started crying and I hugged him and then had our New Years Kiss. It was so passionate. I then saw everyone come in and heard them say "awww". I started smiling uncontrollably. I the looked up to Ross which he eventually started crying. "I missed you." he said.
"I missed you too." I tippy toed and wrapped my as around his neck and him around my waist. He then again kissed me. I heard Vanessa say "Okay everyone get out let them have their moment."
They left and Ross and I just turned and looked up to the sky where many fireworks fired and the stars brighten. I heard Ross say something. "No star or firework or anything is as beautiful as you."
I sort of blushed and said,"No fire is hotter than you. Sorry I just needed to say man you look hot today. That V-Neck shirt with those ripped jeans and jean jacket with converse totally look good on you."
"Gotta look presentable to my girl. And you look hella sexy man. Look at them short shorts and tank top. Man Laur your beautiful."
"Thanks. Lets go inside I'm getting cold."
We went inside and I lay down on my bed as Ross takes his jacket off and his shirt. Damn he had a nice six pack and v line. Ross went on over next to me. I snuggled up into his chest which gave me warmth. He is so warm. I put my right hand on his chest which I didn't mean to it just wanted to go there. Who knows why? Ross then said,"Touch 'em." he was referring to his pack. I ran my fingers through them and they were rock solid. Just exaggerating there. I was getting a little tired and cold so I grabbed the blanket and Ross picked it up so I could go in he then did to. "I love you Ross."
"Love you too. Goodnight."
"Goodnight." He kissed my forehead and a while later we fell asleep.
Done with 2 chapters I hope you guys like them and also sort I don't update so soon but it's cause I gotta think of to do next and how much Raura to put in and so on. it's 1:15am here in California ha it's so late anyways I hope you guys like it so far. I'm not even sure I'm halfway done with my story I think I still need 10 more till half way anyways Goodnight or Good Morning depending on where you live 🌙☀️

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