I Don't Belong (Discontinued...

By Mimicrycakes

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He doesn't belong anywhere. But where does he? This story for now is discontinued. I will continue it once I... More

Chapter 1: Cold outside
Chapter 2: He sees a Village
Chapter 3: Three idiots
Chapter 4: The Little boy and the cart
Chapter 5: The Past (Part 1)
Chapter 6: The Past Part 2
Chapter 7: The Past Part 3
Chapter 8: The Past Part 4
Chapter 9: The Past Part 5
Chapter 11: The Lady With Red Hair Part 1
Chapter: ??? (Filler)
Chapter 12: The Lady With Red Hair Part 2
Chapter 13: The Lady With Red Hair Part 3
Chapter:!!! (Filler)
Chapter 14: Wandering Still But I Found A Kingdom Part 1
Chapter 15: The Past Part 8
Chapter:!?!?!!? Short and Sweet
A/N (Update)
Chapter 16: Wandering Still But I Found A Kingdom Part 2

Chapter 10: The Past Part 6

90 1 2
By Mimicrycakes

(A/N: For now, the past will end. It will come back in later chapters. Don't want to keep prolonging it.) 

"What the Chrysallis? I thought you said I could have a turn?" Swallowtail said in anger. "Do you think that Mom and dad would allow me to let you play with these scissors?" Holds the scissors up in her pale hand. "They won't know though," Swallowtail says quietly. Affogato came into the room a bit drowsy. Swallowtail rolled his eyes at him, without Affogato noticing. "What is going on?" Affogato asked. "Well, I am holding a pair of scissors that Swallowtail wants to play with." She gave him a look that told him not to push his luck. He looked down at the ground in fear. His sister had a stare that could kill a cookie. "Anyway, I am hungry right now. I want something made." Swallowtail told his sister. "Um, you can fix your own food??? You're 13 years old. Not five." She got up from the chair so, she can put the scissors away. Affogato sat on the couch adjacent to Swallowtail who is sitting on a chair. Swallowtail rolled his eyes and crossed his arms staring right into Affogato's face. "Do you  honestly think,  you can have my sister save your ass every time?" He scoffed. "N-no? Why do you even say that? Why would I want her to save me?" Affogato looked him directly in the eye this time around. "Because seem to me you're a little bitch that's why." Affogato felt heat rise within him on the inside, he stood up from the catch and tackles Swallowtail to the ground. "Fuck! Get off of me! Get off!" Yes, he was getting his ass beat for being all talk, and no action. Chrysallis Cookie came inside the living room finding Affogato on top of Swallowtail, wailing on him. "Hey! Hey! Break it up you two!" She breaks them apart and sets them both down. "What the heck was that all about!? Why were you two fighting!?" She sits by Affogato. "He started this bullshit! He is always speaking ill of me!" Affogato said in anger. He was beyond pissed. "No, you attacked me for no reason! Why would you do that to me, Affogato? I thought we were friends. I was being nice to you and a-" Swallowtail begins to fake cry. Chrysallis looked at Affogato in shame. "Affogato, why did you beat him up, when he was being nice to you?" She asked. "But I- But he is the one that started talking shit!" Swallowtail keeps fake crying crying garnering sympathy from his sister. "I never would be mean to you Affogato." He was lying, he hid his smirk with his sleeve. Chrysallis walks over to comfort her little brother. "Affogato, I am ashamed at the fact you are mean to someone who did nothing but be kind to you." Affogato got up from the couch to the guest bedroom. Once he got there, he slammed the door to let cookies know he is beyond heated.

(End of Flashback for now.)

Affogato balled his hands into a fist and squeezed the heck out of the last jelly he was about to eat. God darn the past! That darn Swallowtail who hurt him 20 years ago! He wiped the jelly from his hand with a handkerchief and got up from the ground to go elsewhere. "Swallowtail, I remember that idiot, hope he is burning in hell right now." He smirks, as he begins to walk away from his spot.

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!WARNING!: discontinued! This story is discontinued, read if you want to but there will be no more updates.
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Nothing just read if ya want and tell me what u think about and vote pls .... Hope you enjoye the story ♥
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