In Love With a Serial Killer


599K 20.9K 3.4K

Impressionable Savannah "Vannah" has had a rough life. Neglected, forced to grow up young, and distant from h... Еще

Chapter 1- A Rainy Night
Chapter Two- First Aid
Chapter Three- Revoked Innocence
Chapter Four- Protective Instinct
Chapter Five- Light Up
Chapter Six- Edge of the World
Chapter Seven- Holding it All Inside
Chapter Eight- Protection and New Improvements
Chapter Nine- Discovery
Chapter Ten- The Scene Before Her
Chapter Eleven- Doubt
Chapter Twelve- The Examination
Chapter Thirteen- By the Light of the Fire
Chapter Fourteen- A Perfect Week
Chapter Fifteen- One Night
Chapter Sixteen- Dirty Dancing
Chapter Seventeen- Confrontation
Chapter Eighteen- The Diner
Chapter Nineteen- What About Now?
Chapter Twenty- Evidence
Chapter Twenty One- Secrets Best Kept to One's self
Chapter Twenty Two- Guilt
Chapter Twenty Three- Mourning
Chapter Twenty Four- Custody
Chapter Twenty Five- New Adjustments
Chapter Twenty Six- Confessions of a Dead Woman
Chapter Twenty Seven- Missing Literature
Chapter Twenty Eight- Play. Pause. Repeat.
Chapter Twenty Nine- Inheritance
Chapter Thirty- Caveat
Chapter Thirty One- Dinner with Father
Chapter Thirty Two- Bird in a Cage
Chapter Thirty Three- Opportunity Knocks to Those Who Listen
Chapter Thirty Four- Truth
Chapter Thirty Five- Truth of the Situation
Chapter Thirty Six- A Visitor of the Unsweetened Variety
Chapter Thirty Seven- Aftermath
Chapter Thirty Eight- Suspect
Chapter Thirty Nine- Too Much
Chapter Forty- Alone in One's Thoughts
Chapter Forty One- Conclusions
Chapter Forty Two- A New Day
Chapter Forty Three- The Story of Nicholas Beck
Chapter Forty Four- His Thrall and Her Weaknesses
Chapter Forty Five- Heat of the Moment
Chapter Forty Six- Cloud Nine
Chapter Forty Seven- Dangerous Threats
Chapter Forty Eight- A New Addition
Chapter Forty Nine- Change in Heart
Chapter Fifty- Parental Guidance
Chapter Fifty One- Immaturity
Chapter Fifty Two- Arguments Between Lovers
Chapter Fifty Three- Sisterly Love
Chapter Fifty Four- Breaking Down
Chapter Fifty Five- Words From the Heart, Heard by the Brokenhearted
Chapter Fifty Six- Suspicions
Chapter Fifty Seven- Reaction and Emotion
Answers of the Psychotic Mind
BONUS CHAPTER: Five Years Later

Chapter Fifty Eight- Visitor of an Unwanted Kind

5.4K 205 130

I sat behind those bars contemplating the events. How could he do this to me? Why not just run? Even with Maya-just leave! It didn't make sense. I closed my eyes and it came to me in flashes. The visions of the bodies and Nick standing over them.

"Visitor!" An officer yelled as a buzzer went off which opened the door so someone could see me. I was desperate for it to be Lea, but it was Nick. He wore a sad expression as if he cared.

"Get out of here!" I screamed to him before I saw him with my mother's file. "Are you going to gloat on how you killed her? Framed me for it?"

"We need to talk. Calmly."

"I am put in prison because of YOUR crimes! YOU killed Peter, my mom....Ethan! You killed them all!"

He put his head down before opening the file. "Look at this..." He said handing me my statement I made to the police.

"I didn't say this..."

The interview looked more like random words on a page. They were fragmented much like my memories at his point.

"Do you remember that night?"

"Which one?"

"The night she died?"

"I was asleep. Did homework-"

"Think harder."

I sat there and my mind became empty. No thoughts. Then it hit me, rushing like a flood. Wiping all my sanity away. The thing I tried to hide most.

"You killed her, Savannah. You killed your mom..."

I have him a wicked grin.

"You think I did this! You think I would hurt her! Huh? Maybe I could kill you!" I said leaping forward, grabbing the collar of his shirt and pushing him against the bars. He held onto them and pushed away. "You won't get away with blaming this on me! Never!"

"Savannah...the last few weeks you have done some odd things. I thought it was just because everything was sinking into you. But I realized something was wrong. I tried to tell myself it was my imagination. But I talked to a psychiatrist."

"You should, you're nuts!"

"No..." He brought the laptop with mom's video and paused it. It was a frame where mother was holding the camera and it passed a mirrored surface. There I saw a reflection of a girl with dark hair.

The girl was me.

I froze as I fell to the floor.

"No! NO! You altered it!" I said tears full in my eyes.

"No. I haven't touched it."

"You had Maya do it!"

"Nobody altered it. I thought maybe you were just helping her. But then I saw something else..." He let the video play and I noticed how in the end my mother appeared again. Her words still haunt my mind as I sit here.

"I see you made it this far. I hope she hasn't hurt anybody. I have tried to keep her guarded-or should I say guard others from her. My daughter had been battling schizophrenia since she was ten. If not before. I beg whoever sees this help her. Whatever that entails. Asylum...medication....isolation-whatever. I just do not want to see her hurt. She has many different personalities. This is no figure of speech. The worst one she hasn't given a name-but you'll know when she's out-you'll know..."

The file ended. The black screen sat before me as I froze with fear. I remembered. I felt nothing. I was cold and angry at her. We had gotten into a fight the night after the gentleman left. I think it was Peter she was with that night.

"How did I do it?"

"You were outside with her telling her how she needed to get an actual job. Not be an escort and she defended herself. Not before you took the barbecue fork and stabbed her with it." His eyes became glossy as he held back the tears he so desperately wanted to release. "You waited until she was dead and placed her back in bed, changing her clothes even so they weren't stained. I am guessing you threw them away or burned them-I don't know. She was the first."

"First? You killed Ethan and Peter!"

"No...Ethan was an accident for you. You enjoyed his attention before me. But then you found my feelings for you and had to rid him. The moment he tried to hurt you, you defended yourself and used a rock to fight him off. It killed him instantly. You kept it going thought until you were released of that anger you had toward him..."

"No! This isn't right!"

"I found you that night thinking you were covered in your blood! I didn't see any blood on him and since he did hit you-it didn't cross my mind..."

"No! You're lying!"

"The third was peter!"

"No! I saw you kill him!"

"He had you by the neck and tried to hurt you. I knocked him to the ground but you took the gun and shot him. I took the gun from you then threw it in the water so you weren't blamed....Because despite that, I thought I was protecting you and I loved you..."

"Maya was an attempted forth. You came in the house after we had our night and tried to attack her. I am guessing it was because you caught her trying to kiss me. I begged her to tell you it was an intruder so I could try to help you get better..."

"Better? I'm psycho according to you!"

"No. You are sick...mentally..."

"I know perfectly well what I am!" Then I lost it. Darkness and guilt consumed my mind and I remembered everything fully. The barbecue fork going into her skin, the rock hitting his head, the gun going off in my hand, and the punching I delivered to her."

I raised my eyes and looked at him. "Why did you stay if you knew I was crazed?" Now I felt more like myself. Not having to hide behind an innocent wall.

"I love you. I wanted to help and protect you....but you came out of control. The night you attacked Maya was my last chance. You started going off on both of us. Swearing, hitting, even throwing stuff and us. Listen," He put his hands up against the bars where he made me put mine. "You are the Delilah to my Sampson, the Bonnie to my Clyde, the poison in my drink. Although I know the danger is there. I can not stop myself from indulging in the sweet bitterness that is you..."

"How poetic! Yak!" I said laughing in his face.

"I will come back everyday until you are the Savannah I love. The one I want to spend my life with. The girl who helped me in the barn. I will not give up on you-or us...."

As he walked away I laughed. Did he think he can heal the sick? Did he think he could keep me so I only had one personality? Ha! Impossible! After all....he fell in love with a serial killer...

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