Mcyt oneshots

Glitchesnotfound_ tarafından

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This is just for me to practice writing, if you are uncomfortable, leave. Word count: 37.692 Have fun ~Disco... Daha Fazla

Cuddles (karlnapity)
Jokes (dnf)
Jokes (dnf) part 2
One more night? (Sbi fluff)
Isolation (dnf)
Isolation pt.2 (dnf)
Isolation pt.3 (dnf)
Through the kids (Schlattbur)
Through the kids pt.2 (Schlattbur)
Through the kids pt.3 (Schlattbur)
Through the kids, wedding (Schlattbur)
Through the kids, future (Schlattbur)
Enemy's, or more? (Schlattbur)
Help me (Schlattbur)
Opposites attract (Schlattbur)
Opposites attract pt. 2 (Schlattbur)
Opposites attract pt. 3 (Schlattbur)
Opposites attract pt. 4 (Schlattbur)
Why not? (sbi hero au)
Why not? pt.2 (sbi hero au)
Dont get caught (Wilbur x ???)
Who knew a person could have two faces? (Sbi hero au)
Who knew a person could have two faces? pt. 2 (Sbi hero au)
Who knew a person could have two faces? pt. 3 (Sbi hero au)
Pjo AU
Night time wanders (sbi royal au)
The new kid (Ranboo-centric)
Idea #1 (karlnapity)
Found family 1.0.0 (Sbi)
Found family 1.0.1 (Sbi)
Found family 1.0.2 (Sbi)
Soulmates at last [Karlnap(ity)]
Forbidden (Karlnapity hero au)
Dear Diary (Dream x ???)
The letter (pt. 2 of "Dear Diary") (Dream x ???)
Aux cable (Dreamnoblade)
Aux cable scene 1 (Dreamnoblade)

The new kid pt.2 (Ranboo-centric)

15 2 0
Glitchesnotfound_ tarafından

This story is based of: I was here
By: _HufflepuffGal_

The original story was discontinued, but since I liked it, I am writing a similar story. This will be different than the original story in many ways, but if you like this, or you don't, definitely check out the original one as it probably much better than mine.

Also, I may turn this into an actual book if I want to, I won't delete the chapters in the oneshot book if I do, but if I have enough ideas it will become a lone book.

Anyway on with the story.
(Yes I did copy paste this from the last chapter, I'm lazy)

Edit: this chapter is not getting finished.

Ranboo slowly opened his eyes, not expecting the red and blue lights flashing. It took him a couple of minutes to realise that the light was coming of police cars, which were lined up on both ends of the alley. But as soon as he did realise he jumped to his feet, looking around, desperately trying to find Nadia. Eventually his eyes landed on her and he ran over, once there he could see Tommy, Tubbo and Silly all curled up next to her, obviously scared, he was too. As soon as Nadia saw him she pulled him closer, wrapping her arms around him to protect him, just like the other kids.

"What's happening Nadia?" Ranboo asked, looking up at her
"Somehow someone saw us in here and called the police, I don't know how though" Nadia said, a stern look on her face. She looked tough, but Ranboo knew that deep down she was scared, even though she never showed it
"Where's Wolfy and Purpled?" He asked
"Well, when the sirens came, me, Wolfy and Purpled were the only ones up, you four were asleep, so she and Purpled left to the other alley. She said she'd come back once Purpled was safe" Nadia replied, looking around for her friend anxiously
"What do you think they want?"
"I don't know Ranboo, they probably want to bring us to a foster home though"
"I hope not"
"No matter what happens Ranboo, I'll find a way back to you, I'll find a way back to all of you" Nadia said looking at the other three, who seemed to have calmed down now.

Just then a woman started approaching them, she wasn't wearing a police uniform which told the kids that they were probably going to a foster home. Once she was close enough Ranboo could tell that she didn't have a fake smile on her face, but a genuine and kind one. Still Nadia pushed the four behind them, looking up at the woman with a don't-you-dare-touch-my-kids look. She seemed to get the message and stepped back a bit, but Nadias face and pose didn't change. Suddenly the woman's smile also changed, turning into more of a fake one.

"What do you want?" Nadia spat
"Feisty, okay" the woman said, as if mocking Nadia for wanting to protect them "well I'm here because we got a phone call stating that 7 kids were staying in an alley on their own. Without a parent or guardian to take care of them. Normally you being her is already a problem, you should be in the foster system, it's really great" she said, acting as if the foster system was the best thing in the world, which it wasn't "but you being here alone without a guardian? That's why we're here, to give you a nice and loving family and childhood, not one on the streets, where you suffer everyday just to have a small peace of bread"
"We're not suffering, so you can leave now" a voice called out next to them, they all turned and saw Wolfy and Purpled
"Wolfy!" Nadia had a wave of relief wash over her face
"The one and only. Now, what do you want?" Wolfy and Purpled walked over to them, Wolfy joining Nadia and protecting the kids behind her, while Purpled went to stand next to Ranboo
"So you two are the leaders of this little group of yours?" The woman said while a couple of police officers walked up the alley
"We protect and take care of them. Since your shitty system seems to not even be able to do that!" Nadia shouted
"So you've escaped from the system? That will make everything much easier then. No get away from the little ones, their obviously scared of you" the woman said, trying to make Nadia and Wolfy seem like the villains
"We would rather die" Wolfy said, poison covering her words
"Well then" the woman straightened up "take them for questioning" she said. Two of the officers walked up to them
"Now we can do this the easy way or the hard way" one of them said. No one moved "the hard way it is" him and the other officer walked up and after a bit of struggling managed to put handcuffs on Nadia and Wolfy, bringing them away to one of the police cars
"Stay where you are" Nadia shouted to the four, who were still just stood there, holding onto each other.

The woman came closer, kneeling down in front them.
"So, now that their gone. Why don't you tell me what bad things they did to you?" The woman asked, acting all sympathetic
"They took better care of us then your stupid system did!" Silly said, sounding very annoyed
"Okay, so they brainwashed you in some way" the woman said, standing up and walking over to the officers. Eventually she came back and knelt down again.
"You five will be going to a group home. It will only be you five, those two" she pointed to Nadia and Wolfy "will be going somewhere far far away, where they can't hurt you" she stood up and three officers came, bringing the kids to the two other cars which were there.

The next thing Ranboo knew, he was sitting in the back of the police car, driving along the coast.


About two months after they got taken away from their alley, they still hadn't seen or heard from Nadia and Wolfy. So while they did miss them, the group home wasn't all to bad. Since it was just built, it was nice and clean, it was also only four of them in the group home, so they didn't have to introduce themselves to anyone. Another upside was that it was only about a five minute walk to the beach, and since the two caretakers were really nice compared to the other ones, they usually went about once a week. In the time they were there only one woman had come to adopt one of them, she wanted a boy, so Silly was out of the question, and since she only wanted one, Tommy or Tubbo were also out of the question, because they wouldn't leave each other's side. That left Ranboo and Purpled, but according to her Ranboo was to dumb and short and Purpled had to much of an attitude. So she left empty handed.

Okumaya devam et

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