101 Ed Street (On Hiatus)

By HuskOlfCinus

13.7K 141 35

Ed Edd n Eddy have been running away from the angry kids when the scam gone horribly wrong. Double D is nephe... More

Welcome to London Ed-Boys!
Meeting the Dalmatian Family
Authors NOTE + Contest
Getting Along Part 1
Getting Along Part 2
Rent a Dalmatian n' ED
Kids on the run!
An Dalmatian is Born
Winter Funder-ED
Sight Ed-Seeing!
Snow Ed-Day
Perfect Match-ED
Hiatus Mode

Camden Night Rumm-Edging

414 9 1
By HuskOlfCinus

Based on Episode: "A glass of warm Ed"

This happens after the events of episode "Fired up"

Everyone was sleeping in Camden Town, including family in 101 Dalmatian Street and Ed's. It was 2 weeks ago since the fire that happend in neighborhood where Constantine - Deepak's master - lived.

Eds were also sleeping like always in their room, while pups were sleeping in the living room. It was peaceful until...


Both Double D and Eddy woke up with a slight jump. And looked around until their eyes fell on the broken door. It wasn't too hard to put a two and two together, as they both noticed Ed's absence.

"Oh, NOT AGAIN!" Double D exclaimed with a facepalm. He thought that Ed's sleepwalking wouldn't happen in London, but boy how wrong he was.

"Now this is going to get interesting!" Eddy said smiling going to have an exciting moment, while Double D looked annoyed at him.

"This is not the time! Let's wake Dylan and Dolly!"

Double D and Eddy dressed up in their own attire and quietly went to Dylan and Dolly, which they were sleeping with the rest of dalmatian siblings in a living room. Double D with Eddy quietly shooked them.

"Dylan... Dolly...!" Double D said with whisper. "Can you both wake up? This is Emergency!"

"Come on Floppy!" Eddy said trying his best to be quiet.

They both waked up groggily.

"What is it?" Dylan asked yawning. "It's very late-"

"Oh good, you awake!" Double D said quickly as Dolly sit next to him while Dylan is standing up. "Have you seen Ed walking by?"

"No, why do you-" Dolly was about ask as Dylan, Double D and Eddy with her heard something in the kitchen.

They checked and noticed Ed who with his mouth wide open let's all the food inside his stomach. Not to mention he was sleepwalking.

"What the-?" Dylan looked shocked. "W-What is he doing?!"

"Ed's sleepwalking and just ate the whole refrigerator by lifting it and let all food fall into his mouth and digestive system."

"...You know, you're scaring me when you said that." Dolly commented.

"I know the feeling, floppy," Eddy said understanding and then noticed DJ, Da Vinci and Dawkins who were petrified. "What are you doing here?"

"We were just wanted to take a water until-" DJ said before pointing at Ed. "We saw him eating the whole fridge!"

Ed with some food on his arm sleep-walked away from others.

"Come on, guys!" Eddy says with a big smile. "Let's get to see what will Ed do!"

"Right behind you, shorty!" Dolly agreed with a grin as she followed him.

Double D and Dylan looked at each other and sighed.

"Let's go after them." Dylan said following Dolly and Eddy, alongside Double D.

"Wait for us!" Dawkins said going after them, DJ and Da Vinci following suit.

Eddy, Double D, Dylan, Dawkins, Dolly, and DJ followed Ed who was of course in Clarissa's and Hugo's house. Everyone watched Ed eating some stuff through the window, while Dolly and Eddy snickered at that while watching him. Ed was eating food that Clarissa and Hugo had.

"Oh he better not wake, Clarissa or Hugo," Dylan muttered.

"I agree," Dawkins replied with an agreement. "This won't be good when they'll wake up."

Double D also agreed with a nod.

"Relax guys!" Eddy said as he and Dolly brought some beach chairs and popcorn. "This is rich!"

"Yeah!" Dolly agreed, taking a bag of popcorn while Eddy had the other one. "Let's get in the front row and enjoy the greatest show in the world!"

"Seriously?" Dylan asked as they watched Ed eating the food in Clarissa's and Hugo's house. Dylan looked at Dolly and asked:

"...Are you gonna share those?"

While they were watching the spectacle before them, Ed ingests the whole Melon. This is nothing compared to what he does next, however; he eats a whole armful of food. He then uses a piece of bread to wipe his face. Ed tosses the bread in the air and catches it with his mouth.

"That was actually pretty good," Dylan said impressed, while Da Vinci nodded in agreement as she has taken some of the popcorn.

"I can't figure it out, just where he puts this stuff," Dolly commented.

"Wish I knew, Floppy-" Eddy said before he heard something and looked through the window and noticed that Ed was gone. "You've gotta be kidding me!"

"Dog!" DJ exclaimed as he and others went inside the house and looked around in the kitchen. "Where did the big guy go?"

"You think he swallowed himself?" Dawkins asked before everyone heard Clarissa screaming words:


Everyone goes to check where the scream was. Eddy opened the door to the room where Hugo sleeps, but what caught their attention was Ed... Who had Clarissa in his mouth.

"Oh my-" Dylan said before the door to Hugo's room was closed by Eddy.

"Good thing I am a dog of the world..." Dolly commented.

"I'm terrified beyond rational thought. I can't look at it!" Dawkins said covering his eyes.

"Relax there freckles," Eddy said. "I've seen this already. What's gonna be odd is that Ed will spit Clarissa out."

Eddy then opened the door to reveal Clarissa standing as she was shaking with salivia all over her. Dawkins peeked in and as he noticed Clarissa unharmed he sighed in relief:

"Oh thank dog."

"Let's go!" Dolly said going to look for Ed. "I don't wanna miss Ed getting a heartburn!"

"Don't forget about me, Floppy!" Eddy said following her, before the rest followed them suit.

The group followed the trail of food that leads to the park.

"Bow wacka wow, dudes!" Dolly exclaimed as they looked around. "Look at that! Ed must have ate the whole Camden Town!"

"Ooh, what a mess!" Dylan exclaimed not happy. "This is worse than mess from the youngest siblings!"

"I agree with Dylan there," Dawkins said agreeing with him. "Sleepwalking and eating everyone's food is one thing. But LITTERING?"

"Trust me," Double D said rubbing his head. "I know what you mean."

"Check it out, guys!" Eddy said as he and Dolly noticed something and ran towards it. "Ed ate a whole box of bran muffins!"

"Not to mention the box of the whole doggy-treats pack!" Dolly said showing an empty pack of doggy treats from the other box.

"This doesn't make any better!" Dylan responded. "If anyone will realise that Ed stole the food, he will be in jail!"

"Relax there star dog." Eddy said. "As if anyone figured it out. Ed did the same in the Cul-De-Sac and no one figured it out."

"Really?" Da Vinci asked in surprise.

"Yep! We even sold back all the food that Ed stole to the kids, made a few bucks a day."

When Eddy mentioned that Double D shuddered to remember this very clear and it wasn't pretty.

"What do you mean by, 'sold back all the food that Ed stole'?" Dolly asked in confusion.

"You wouldn't want to know." Double D responded.

"Regardless this could be dangerous, everyone," Dawkins said in worry.

"Oh yeah," Dolly said as she and Eddy went following the trail of food as others follow them suit.

"Dog, looking at the food Ed ate makes me hungry." DJ commented.

"Same here." Da Vinci agreed with DJ as they both followed them.

They followed the trail which leads to Dalmatian house backyard A.K.A Dodie's Smith House.

"Looks like we are returning to the square." Double D commented.

"We'll find him no problem," Dolly said. She and Eddy then notices a sausage which started moving. Eddy and Dolly (by her mouth) quickly grabbed it.

"Gotcha!" Eddy exclaimed before he and Dolly were dragged to the room where Ed's sleep.

"Eddy! Dolly!" Double D and Dylan exclaimed quietly with worry. They get up to the window where Double D's room is, using trampoline and notices Eddy lying down rubbing his head as Dolly got up with a part of sausage on her mouth.

"Hey gwuys!" She said muffled by sausage. "Wo wants some sausage?"

"Uh guys." DJ said pointing at something

"What?" Dolly and Eddy asked as she let down a sausage and looks at where DJ points and both her and Eddy started snickering before bursting laughing as they had saw Ed sleeping on Double D's bed. Rest of her siblings were shocked to say at least, their jaws were hanging in shock, while Double D looked deadpan as he put his hand over his face.

"...You humans never cease to surprise us." Dylan said looking in shock.

"How OFTEN does this happens?" Dawkins asked in bewilderment.

"It could happen around two months or so." Double D responded. "Though it can happen randomly mostly."

"Either way it looks like Ed is very happy with all of that food." Da Vinci commented.

"Like a beached whale, no doubt." Dylan commented also as Dolly climped on top of Ed's belly.

"He looks so cute~," Dolly said as she grabs Ed's collar. "Ed. Oh Ed~"

She then shook Ed yelling out:


Ed was quickly woken up in daze as he looked around and upon noticing the 'search group' he smiled saying:

"Hi guys!"

Dolly then jumped from the Ed as Dawkins began to question:

"Ed, did you know that you were sleep-walking and that you have consumed all the food within a five-block radius of your bed?"

"Not only that," Ed responded as he tried to move, but it was difficult due to him being big. "but I feel as though I have consumed all the food within a five-block radius of my bed."

"...Don't you remember anything Ed?" Dylan asked puzzled.

"Trust me, I asked the same thing and definitely can't recall that." Double D responded.

"You were great!" Dolly said. "You've ate everything, including Clarissa!"

When he heard that 'he ate Clarissa' he went into his panic mode as he holds his own big belly saying:


"Say, Double D." DJ said as he took some doggy treats. "What are you usually do when this happens?"

"Well, we usually stay overnight and keep eye on Ed." Double D responded bringing some additional sleeping bags.

"Well then," Dolly said as she goes to the wardrobe and opens it. "We will gonna keep an eye on him. Do you have any blankets there?"

Dolly quickly screamed as she nearly avoided the wave of food Ed stole. You guessed it right, the rest of the food was stored in the wardrobe.

As everyone chuckled at this event, Ed's belly growled a Lil. Ed then patted his belly as he said:

"Come on, Clarissa. It's time for bed."

Double D and Eddy were sleeping on the sleeping bags, while Dolly was sleeping on top of our snoring goof without any bed sheets. The rest of the Dalmatian Siblings were sleeping on the floor. It wasn't long until Ed stood up causing Dolly to fall down to the ground letting out a grunt as she woke up and notices Ed sleepwalking again.

"Guys!" Dolly called out to the group. "Ed's on the run again!"

Everyone woke up as they noticed Ed walking through the door from Double D's Aunt's room. They quickly checked and noticed him he was gone and checked outside to look around for him.

"Dog," DJ said. "How can he be so fast, yet so big?"

"He's jumping over the fence guys!" Da Vinci said pointing at Ed who had managed to climb over the fence.

"Oh my dog!" Dylan exclaimed.

"Kibbles!" Dawkins exclaimed before all went to him. They are seeing Ed perched on a pole attached to a clothesline, as he takes the apple from the tree with his tongue and eats it.

"Haha! Atta boy!" Dolly said with laughing.

Once Ed ate an apple he steps onto the clothesline sliding. As he does so the panties got loose. When he was finally in the middle of the clothesline it acted like a slingshot causing Ed to fly up. As he was leaving the earth he quickly grabbed panties with his teeth and when Ed descends panties acted like a parachute. Ed was flying away for a portion of new food to obtain.

"Dog," Dolly said with a chuckle. "Your big lug cracking me up hehe."

"I know that right?" Eddy said with laughter.

"Now how do we even bring Ed back?" Dylan asked worriedly.

"I know just a thing that could lure Ed back to the house." Double D said.

"Please, filled us in, Edward," Dawkins said as they all want to hear from Double D's plan.

Dr Dolittle was sleeping in his master bedroom. It was tiring for a guy of his age, after all tomorrow needs to be awake for the work that he was making.


That sound quickly made Dolittle to wake up as he looked around. Worried that someone came in he decided to wear his bathrobe and goes to check it out. He sneaks in and the noise that he hears it was in the kitchen.

He peeked in and his jaw dropped in shock as he saw Ed eating the food.

"Ed?!" Marco said in surprise as he comes to him. "What in the name of all Animals are you doing?!"

Ed wasn't responding as he was eating the food.

"...Ed?" Marco asked again as Ed took the cucumber jar and ate the whole cucumbers. "Are you listening?"

Ed then came to Marco. Dolittle quickly brought the cactus from the kitchen and acts as if it was a weapon.

"Don't come any closer!" Dolittle said trying to defend himself. Ed however ate the part of the cactus shocking the Doctor as his eyes widened in size of dinner-plates. "Y-You just ate the cactus! Edward, cactuses are edible for Javelina's! Not to mention it costs 500 pounds!"

Ed then proceed to walk away. Then Dolittle tried to stop him saying:

"HEY! Edward! Stop! What are you doing with my food!? I need them for this!"

After this Ed then took from Dolittle a bitten cactus and went away confusing Doctor further. Ed then got away through the window as he went to the exit, while Dolittle quickly looked from the window and called Ed out:


However his words were deaf to Ed's ears as he continued walking with all the food he had.

"Ed!" Dolittle called out again before sighing. "Ooh, I will have to give these three some talking tommorow."

Few moments later...

Ed was rummaging fridge in someone else's house. However he stopped as he started to sniff the air. He then smiles knowing this smell, before he puts all food and follows the scent. The scent of course leads to House to our heroes.

"The familiar scents of one's personal belongings always makes one long for their natural environment!" Double D said as he was holding the boot with the stick. Double D and everyone else had clothespin on their noses. Thankfully Delilah and Doug were too tired to even realize it.

"You must be riot in the party's Double D." Dolly replied as Ed came closer to the door.

"He is, Floppy." Eddy replied.

Ed was about to enter, however he couldn't as he bumped into it almost loosing the balance turning around. It was perfect opportunity to get him.

"Got him!" Dolly and Eddy said as they both get Ed's legs and pulled them making Ed fall on his belly as he was getting dragged. Soon Double D, Da Vinci, Dylan, Dawkins and DJ joined to help them pull. They both groan as they try to get Ed to the house, however it was nearly not enough.

"Dog!" Da Vinci exclaimed. "He's grown!"

"It's because of the food he ate!" DJ replied.

They were trying until they stopped taking a breath, letting go of Ed's legs.

"Now he won't move anywhere..." Dawkins responded with disappointment.

"Relax freckles." Eddy replied with a smile. "We got him where we want him to be."

Dylan looked at Eddy with a frown and said:

"You know. I sometimes hate when you smile like that..."

"OH MY GOODNESS! WHAT HAPPENED?!" Hugo exclaimed as he saw what happened to the kitchen.

It was a total disaster when you think about it! Salivia one some parts of the furniture, desks. Also, there was a bite mark on a kitchen table which of course Clarissa was laying under there with widened bloodshot eyes muttering 'Can't sleep, the monster will eat me.' over and over. I mean think about it. Wouldn't you be traumatized when someone would try to eat you? Thought so.

Though they did become hungry, they are without food.

"Oooh!" Hugo groaned. "I'm starting to get hungry now. Without any food what are we going to eat-?"

"Fresh food! Cheap prices! Get your groceries at Ed n Dalmatian Mart!"

Hugo and Clarissa perked their ears as they heard Eddy on the megaphone, but they were too hungry to care as Eddy mentioned food. As Hugo and Clarissa went outside, we can all see from the bird's point of view that all animals and humans went to the place where the 'Ed n Dalmatian's Mart' is, which is of course located at 101 Dalmatian Street. Everyone seem to realize that all food was gone. All humans and animals were like zombies, they had spoons, forks and knives on their hands, while dogs or cats had bowls for kibble. They didn't care about the black curtains that covered the main door. They only cared about something to eat. With a stand set up, there was Dolly, Dylan, Eddy and Double D. The first client to show up was some boy with a chihuahua in his arms.

"Hello there, dear customer~," Eddy said with sing a song tone. "How can we help ya?"

"Hey amigo," A boy with a Spanish accent asked. "Do you have any-"

"Cookie chips!?" Eddy exclaimed before composing. "I mean, YOUR favourite Cookie Chips? Yeah! We also get some kibble for the little dude over there. For 50 pounds please."

After he paid, Eddy chuckled before he and Dolly went to find the products behind the curtains.

"Uhm..." Double D started. "They just check the equipment and uhm, they will back momentarily."

"What he said," Dylan responded with a sheepish smile towards the chihuahua.

Eddy and Dolly were looking for those two products.

"Cookie Chips... Cookie chips..." Eddy muttered looking for the Cookie Chips. "Hm.. Ah- Nope that's not it... Aha!"

He finally found it as he pulled out Cookie Chips from Ed's mouth.

"One Cookie Chips served!"

"And one bag of Kibble for dear Chihuahua!" Dolly exclaimed as she found also bag of kibble.

"Here you go," Eddy responded as he and Dolly gave them to the customers.

"Oh, how I missed those Cookie chips..." A Spanish boy responded with relieve.

"Maybe he needs milk for it also," Dolly responded.

"Hey kiddo, wanna free milk?" Eddy said with a smirk.

"Oh yeah! You can't eat a serial with a milk right?"

"You bet!" Eddy said as he left for the milk. Double D and Dylan paused for a minute before gagging.

"I can't believe this is how you return their food..." Dylan whispered to Double D.

"I warned you didn't I?" Double D replied with a whisper to Dylan.


"That's the whole story..." DJ said finishing the explanation to the parents who looked shocked.

"So let me get this straight..." Delilah responded rubbing her head. "Ed, Last night was sleepwalking and ate almost whole Camden Town and then you guys brought him, but because he was too big he was stuck in the main door?"

"...That's pretty much it in a nutshell..." Dawkins responded scratching his head.

Delilah then sighed rubbing her forehead and saying:

"Well, at least we have a bit of free time for ourselves... If not for the main door unavailable to enter..."

"By the way..." Doug asked with some hesitation. "HOW do they plan to give back all the food Ed stole?"

Upon the question dad gave, three of them gagged in disgust as Da Vinci said:

"You don't really want to know."

Authors Note:

HOOOOOOOOO BOI! This was tough to write! Especially when it comes to writing the characters. Seriously if Disney ever going to renew the show I hope they will give much depth to the Dalmatians and so on. I honestly wish there was second season of it already. I wish Disney could have some interest in it more. Either way it was tough to write as I had to use EEnE Episode script that was based from.

But Also I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Feel free to comment what you think about it, Follow it for more and see you guys later!

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