The Final Amendment Of Our De...

By ZennyMbovu

13.2K 1K 33

Life seemed peaceful and quiet before him started with one dream that changed a whole journey of two peo... More

chapter 1:first day
chapter 2 : high school
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
Chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44

chapter 16.

312 25 0
By ZennyMbovu

Zenande's POV

I woke up took a shower and picked a chilled Monday morning  outfit I decided to wear black suit pants and a black body suit with black pencil heels and black jacket I had no case this week so I can wear casual clothes I took my keys for my BMW X2

On the way I was jamming to slow jams singing along as usual I stopped at Canal walk to Pass by Starbucks this has been my routine every Monday morning

I parked my car and sashayed to Starbucks with my confidence rich walk there were less people than before I went to the counter

Me:"hey can I please have a takeaway cinnamon blonde latte"

Server:"I'm sorry ma'am but there's only pumpkin spice latte for now  are you willing to wait?"

?:"hey can I get my cinnamon blonde latte takeaway "

Server :"ohh sorry sir coming right up "

I looked beside me and the guy had his back on me talking on his phone

?:"I'm still at Starbucks"


?:"yeah I came to get my order "

The server came back

Me:"hey I thought you said there was none how come I didn't get it I came here before him and right now I'm pretty much late "

?:"because I ordered before coming here "

The voice sounded so familiar raising goosebumps in my skin I couldn't put it out I turned to face him his eyes met mine shock written on his face and confusion



All those mixed emotions came back in a rush clouding me all together I promised myself that I was never gonna have feelings for him again I deleted him in my mind Im sure he doesn't remember me

Nkosiyabo:" ummmh you can --"

Me:"I'm sorry but I'm late for work it's fine I'm just gonna grab coffee later nice bumping into you "

I forced a smile and walked out of the restaurant I got into my car and drove of to the firm

Nkosiyabo's POV

When she turned my heart started beating so fast I got lost in her love all over again she looked so beautiful with her weave no make up and suit pant and jacket she looked so sexy and beautiful I think gorgeous is the word I was looking for I contained myself and focused

I greeted her and offered her coffee she just refused and walked out of the restaurant with me behind her checking her out its been so long I had lost any hope I had of ever telling her after so many years my heart is still hers

I took the coffee and went out the store to my Audi R8 Spyder I got into the car and sped of my mind conquered by her including my heart

I arrived at my company 'Mapholoba major'

I entered and signed at the front desk women kept staring at turning their heads I know everybody wants to be hooked with the boss but unfortunately I wasn't at all interested in them

My secretary who I have known to be Tasha welcomed me with a smile

Tasha:"welcome back Mr ngcobo"

Me:"it's good to be back Tasha how are you doing "

Tasha :"good actually the sun is shining the birds are chirping it's a Monday morning new spirit"

Me:"that's it up top girl"

We high fived and she blushed I took my personal elevator up to my floor which I shared with my personal assistant Amanda she was good at her job

I found files on my desk and schedules Amanda had already arrived I scrolled on my Instagram account checking things around the world and started working

I got a call from the manager I had appointed at the waterfront hotel which I own

Greg:"good day sir"

Me:"yes Greg is there any problem?"

Greg :"ummh sir if you not busy could you please come down to the hotel the books are not up to date and the accountant is still on maternity leave "

Me:"what do u mean they are not up to date "

Greg :"sir I mean they were last updated 4 weeks ago "

Me:"whattt that's sicko so that's a month why didnt you tell me as the owner the inspectors are gonna want to check the books"

Greg:"you said you were coming every week but you didn't sir I tried to reach out I thought you knew "

Me:"okay give me about 39 min I will be there "

I stood up packed my stuff took my iPhone 12.and went out .I arrived at the parking lot got into my car and sped off

Zenande's POV

I haven't been able to focus ever since I met nkosi I haven't stopped thinking about him since I saw him I'm the morning I feel my stomach flutter with butterflies just by looking at him to him I'm just a girl that was once obsessed about him

Currently I was working on a theft case working for the good team this time I got a call from my client the accused Mandla ndaba

Me:"hey "

Mandla:"hey miss lawyer I have a new update about the case "

Me:"ohhh ouk what is it can we meet I'm dying to know that could be the missing piece of our puzzle"

Mandla:"umm how about at 13:30 at waterfront hotel"

Me:"ummh it's 12:45 thats enough time "

My day changed from bad to good things were finally working out for my case I was convinced he might be sentenced which could be bad for reputation.

I packed my things from my desk I took my black Chanel bag and went to the waterfront hotel

I parked in the lot and renewed my lip therapy while staying at my rearview mirror I hopped out of the car my phone and purse in my hand I checked the time and it was still 13:15 I still had 15 minutes I went to find a table in the restaurant.

I heard chattering in the background people were staring at someone girls kept squealing around me I glanced at the door and saw nkosiyabo coming from one of the staff doors smiling  clearly enjoying the comments from the girls around him he shifted his gaze from the people to me   I turned my gaze from him to my phone I saw him approaching my table

Him:"you also here to see the famous ngcobo mazwi "

Me:"nop not at all "

Him:"if I didn't know any better I would say you are stalking me "

Me:"puhlease don't flatter yourself I'm waiting for someone and you ain't it "

Him :"wassup angsakwaz zee"

Me:"please ungakhulumi nam as if mina nawe have ever been friends never have we I loved you you knew we moved in from that it's over from that phase "

Him:"well I'm sorry for what I did to you "

Me:"well I forgive you, you done now ?"

Mandla approached my table I rose up to hug like we always do he looked at Mandla and then at me


He shook his hand

Me:"Mandla this is nkosiyabo ngcobo I'm sure you know him tho"

Mandla:"know him are you kidding me ?this guy right here is my idol "

I just rolled my eyes and cleared my throat

Me:"nkosi you can't be present this is a private set up "

Nkosi:"it's okay I understand "

He walked away to the bar

Mandla:"who is he?"

Me:"please let's not mind him let's get down to business what's the piece ?"

Mandla told me everything he had discovered which turned out to be relevant we could manipulate the loophole

Mandla bid farewell and left because he had to be with his wife ncoaaah how cute I sat at the restaurant while chatting with my friends

Nkosi:"wheres the guy that idolises me ?"

I just chuckled

Me:"are you bored or something why are all the girls taken ?"


Me:"please don't be silent I need answers why are you so keen at speaking to me what's different now ?"

Nkosi:"you still the same but maybe one day I'm gonna help you understand but you not ready "

I just chuckled louder

Me:"heeeee what do you know about what right or wrong for me I shouldn't even be talking to you "

Nkosi :"zenande' I just wanted to apologize for everything I have done or said to you can I please buy you coffee tomorrow?

Me:"I'm busy tomorrow"

Nkosi:"how about dinner ?"

Me:"I thought it was only coffee?"

Nkosi :"and I thought you were busy "

I just smirked at his statement

Me:"let me think about it next time we bump into each other if you still want to then we'll go "

Nkosi:"that's tricky what if we never bump into each other"

Me:"well that's good too to me at least personally right now I think you are high on drugs this is the first conversation we have ever had you never initiated any conversation with me in high school why now ?"

Nkosi:"next time we meet I'm willing to answer your questions"

Me:"I'm not saying stalk me "

Nkosi:"I think it's fate "

Me:"oh my god who is this and what have you done with the old nkosi "

Nkosi just smirked while looking deep into my eyes

Me:"I have to go back to the office "

Nkosi :" can I take you ?"

Me:"and what makes you think I don't have a car ?"

Nkosi:" you can just leave it here I promise you it' will be safe just give me your address and your keys and I will deliver it to you in the afternoon "

Me:"wow are you seriously looking for ways for us to purposely meet again"

Nkosi:"I guess you can't blame a guy for trying it was worth the shot"

Me:"bye nkosi "

I walked out of the restaurant doing my confidence walk and over the moon I just talked to my high school crush !!!

Naledi's POV

I am naledi nandisa ngubane 25 years of age I am one of zenande's friends well best friends my 4 lifer

I am currently a successful dermatologist I own 4 major clinics around south Africa I reside in saddle brook estate in Midrand

I have no children single and not ready to mingle I'm more focused on my career love will just come along the way

I woke up ,showered and went to pick out an outfit I decided to go with a tie camie top with pants and nude pencil heels with my 32 inch peruvian weave I was going to meet with Chandra my assistant at kream in mall of Africa

I hopped into my Mercedes Benz c class and went straight to mall of Africa

When I arrived Chandra welcomed me with a smile

I am also an Instagram influencer

Me:"Chandra how are you darling?"

Chandra:"well I'm good "

Me:"how are the numbers ?"

Chandra:"well your followers want more than what you giving them I mean some want you in a relationship they want to know about your dating life"

Me:"I'm not ready for a relationship no scratch that a relationship is not ready for me "

We laughed , the waitress came to take our order we kept brainstorming ideas so the numbers would rise up our orders arrived we chatted here and there while we indulged in the food 30 min later Chandra left .

I stood up and went to the restroom to fix my makeup while I was still renewing my lip stick the door opened a cute girl entered


Me:"hey baby "

Damn she looked so cute with her afro ponytail

Me:"what's your name ?"

Cutie:"well my name is.....buhle "

Me:"you look so cute baby where is your mommy why didn't she come in with you "

Cutie:"I came with daddy and I told daddy I'm a big girl"

Me:"well for your sake and your cuteness I'm gonna help you it's not safe to enter the toilets alone especially for a cute girl like you "

She is very bubbly she kept blabbing about her dad that's when I came to a conclusion that she likes her dad more

She washed her hands and dryed them then she held my hands entering them with her little cute hands

Me:"well buhle how old are you "

I picked her up and we stepped out

Buhle:"5 "

She raised her palms and showed me with her hands

Me:"you are so grown "

Buhle shifter her gaze from me to somebody else

Buhle:"My daddddddddyyyyyyy"

She quickly slipped out of my hands to her daddy

Dad:"hey princess you back I have been waiting for so long "

Buhle :"stop lying dad It wasn't that long "

I took my things and I attempted to leave

Buhle pulled her dad's hands and came closer

Buhle:"daddy this is my 2nd mother "

I just chuckled and laughed at her I couldn't believe she called me her mother

Her dad looked at me shock confusion written on both our faces I knew the guy very well my heart skipped a beat he  is still  handsome like always
Her dad :"hi Naledi "

He still remembers me we dated during the last year's of matric but he broke my heart cheated with a dozen girls


Buhle:"daddy you know mom here "

He smirked

Sanele:"how are you ?"

Me:"well I'm good what about you I already know you happy seeing you have this beautiful soul right here "

Sanele scratched his head

Nobody ever told me it was this awkward to meet your ex when you living the good life

Sanele:"you look breathtaking as always"

Me:"I doubt you know what that means if I was really breathtaking you wouldn't have cheated "

Sanele:"yeah ...I messed up right "

Me:"no you didn't you set me free from your lies "

I was so chilled

Buhle:"naleee mommy can you please join us me and my dad here? "

Me:"oh no I can't baby maybe next time when we meet "

Sanele:"please nale "

This dude was honestly enjoying this he looked at me with a smirk

Sanele:"we could catch up "

Me:"I guess I could but not for long "

We went to the table they were sitting at I just ordered a beverage no food since I had already ate we kept listening to buhle talk I got know more about them not once did they talk about her mother I told him a bit about myself he told me more about himself

My phone rang from my pant pocket


Phiwo:"helloooooo did you forget about the fitting for my event ?".

Shucks I had completely forgot

Me:"oh no baby I was swamped but I will be there right now "

Phiwo:"please just hurry "

She hung up the phone I took my phone and my purse and told them goodbye before they could say anything I was already out

I hopped into my car and sped off to phiwokuhle's branch since she had her own brand In Sandton


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