𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐔𝐬

By kiikiisaidfuckyou

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𝗔𝗻𝗱 𝗜 𝗦𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝗹. More



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By kiikiisaidfuckyou

𝐂𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐆𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐬, 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐚
𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐲𝐚 𝐋𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐚 𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐬

I looked at Dejhari as he laid in the bed. I had a gift bag in my hand as I sat at the end of the bed on my knees. I wanted to show him the present I got for him but he was still asleep. "Why are you still sleep?"

He moved around in the bed before turning over towards me. He reached his hand out but noticed something so he started opening his eyes.

"Mama," He said eyeing me closely with his eyebrows furrowed. "Come lay with me."

I smacked my lips and laughed. "I have a present for you. Are you still sleepy?" I questioned.

He moved around and pouted at me. "Come cuddle with me first," He said. "I miss you."

I laughed as he pulled me closer to him. "I was just laid up under you," I said. "What more do you want?"

"I want you on me," He said wrapping his arms around my waist as I laid on top of him. "Ima open your gift in a minute. Ok?"

I nodded as he rubbed his hands on my thighs. I knew that he was really tired so I didn't want to force him to get up right now. He's been sleeping better but he still had his troubles when it came to falling asleep.

He's been busy with his businesses so he hasn't been getting that much sleep but when he does it's always in weird places. Like last night, he fell asleep at the bar in the kitchen after dinner. I had to make him get in bed.

"You're gonna love your gift." I said with a wide smile. "I know you are."

"I wanna open that shit now," He said. "I'm tryna get myself together. I'm tired eshit this morning."

"Maybe we should just open it later on." I said looking at him. "You can just open it at dinner or something."

I started making my way out of the bed as he laid there. I grabbed the bag and started taking it into the closet. I put it back into the hiding spot I had before going back into the room to see him walking towards me. "Lemme see it." He said.

I shook my head. "Just go back to sleep. I know you're tired."

He smacked his lips before wrapping his arm around my waist. "Come on, lemme see what you got me. I'm woke now."

"Ok.." I said before pushing him. "Sit down."

He sat down on the bed and I ran to get the gift. I grabbed it and my camera before turning it on. I haven't recorded a video in so long so I thought this would be the perfect time to make one. I started recording and looked at myself in the camera.

"Dang, I haven't recorded a video in so long." I said with a smile before showing the gift bag in the video.

"Anyway, I'm giving my boyfriend a gift. I have a surprise for him so he's going to be so happy when he sees his gift. Let's go." I said before walking into the room. I showed Dejhari on the video who was laying back on the bed on his phone.

"Are you ready?" I asked walking over to him. I climbed on his lap and showed his face in the video. He looked up at me and started smiling before sitting up some. He started kissing on my cheek as I recorded us. "Come on baby, I wanna show you."

"Lemme see it then." He said, I handed him the bag and he pulled it out slowly as I recorded him. He eyed the shirt closely before pulling something else out of the bag. "The fuck?"

"I'm pregnant!" I yelled with a smile.

"This forreal?" He asked looking at me. "Like forreal?"

I nodded as he wrapped his arms around me. He held me closely and I laughed. He was such a crybaby.

I heard him sniffing which made me frown. I didn't want him to cry or anything. I just wanted him to maybe scream or jump up and down or something? A little my lord? Maybe some sex? But not tears.

"Don't cry," I said with a frown. "You're gonna make me cry. Why are you crying?"

I knew that I was going to start crying so I turned the camera off. He looked at me and started kissing on me as he held onto me. I wiped his eyes but he just kept crying. It was weird. I've only seen him cry one time and never like this. This was different.

"I'm happy." He said as I wiped his face, he sniffed. "Why you crying?"

I shrugged. "I'm pregnant."

He laughed at me. "Why the shirt say call mommy my lord though? It could've been something else."

"Because that's what I want you to call me for now on." I said with a smirk. "Since I'm carrying your baby and ima have to push this big ass head through my vaginal canal in some months."

He smacked his lips. "Who you tell about the baby?"

"Only person who knows is Treasure," I said. "She made me take that fucking test. I have my first ultrasound appointment this week on Thursday."

He nodded his head. "We can get pictures now? I wanna see her."

I watched as he started rubbing my nonexistent stomach in amazement. I barely was showing but who am I to take away his dreams like that. I knew he was really excited for this baby I was too. I knew we thought I could t get pregnant at all and that's why it means so much more than people think.

"What makes you think that we having a girl?"

"Because, that's what we supposed to have first." He said before frowning. "You don't think so?"

I shrugged. "I don't care what we have. I just want a real baby." I expressed. "Like one that lives a real life and stuff like that."

He chuckled before nodding his head. "I know what you mean Muga."

I went quiet as he played with my stomach. I just watched him interact with my belly and it started to make me emotional. I didn't want to sound crazy but I literally couldn't take another baby dying inside of me.

I really wanted this baby to make it. If I couldn't carry this pregnancy full term, I think I will go crazy. Like I don't know, I'll literally be hurt forever. I'm already so excited to be a mom and I haven't even seen my baby yet but I just know that I'll be a really good mom.

And I know if this baby doesn't make it that would probably ruin my relationship with not only Dejhari but with everyone. I just didn't want anything bad to happen during this pregnancy journey.

"Stop crying," He said wiping my eyes before pecking my lips. "It's gon' be fine. Everything gonna work out."

I sniffed as he kissed me. I wasn't kissing him back cause I was crying. He wanna kiss and I'm literally in tears right now! Like move.

"You don't have to cry. We good." He soothed.

"I don't wanna lose our baby," I expressed before sniffing again. "I'm scared."

"What you scared of?" He asked. "I'm right here with you through all this shit. I always protected you so nothings different with this shit. You gon have the best care through this whole pregnancy. Ok?"

I nodded as he wiped my eyes. "Want some breakfast?"

"Yeah, I'm gonna cook." I said trying to get off his lap, he shook his head and mugged me. "What?"

"Lay down," he said. "You pregnant. What you cooking for?"

I smacked my lips and laughed. "Boy shut the fuck up. You just found out 15 minutes ago and now I can't cook? You're a clown."

He shook his head. "Lemme cook for you."

"I thought you were so tired." I teased, he smiled.

"That's before I found out that I'll be a father." He said smiling at me before grabbing my throat. "I should.."

"No, feed me food first." I said, he smacked his lips.

"Ight, watch out."

I busted out laughing and moved off of his lap. He leaned down and started kissing me. I slipped my tongue into his mouth and deepened the kiss causing him to grab me by my throat. I knew he thought he was finna get some so I pulled away.

"Feed me." I whined, he smirked and started pulling his dick out causing me to laugh. "Food, I want food."

"Play too much." He mumbled grabbing his phone, I laughed at him. "What you want to eat?"


He shook his head. "Ight, I'm finna go make 'em."


"I can't believe that you're pregnant." Treasure said looking at her friend. "I'm so happy you guys decided to keep it. Ima be the best god mommy ever."

I laid in the bed and scrolled on my phone. Treasure came over to keep me company because Dejhari had me on this dumb ass bed rest until we went to our first appointment for the baby. I didn't see the purpose but he kept saying I need to rest and allat.

"Yeah, I'm excited for the baby too." I said.

"How did he react?" She asked, I started laughing. I didn't want to tell her that he started crying because that was something personal between us.

"He was really happy," I said. "He liked the onesie."

"Awwww." She cooed. "Y'all making me wish I would've kept my baby but I knew I wouldn't be as happy as you are."

"Treasure, it's ok. I'm sure you and Deonte will have a baby of y'all own in due time." I said, she blushed.

"Deonte," She said before rolling her eyes with a wide smile. "I'm in love with that dick. Truth be told."

My mouth dropped.

"What?!" She exclaimed.

"You only in love with his dick?" I asked, she started laughing. Treasure was very open when it came to her sex life. She didn't mind telling me anything about her sex partners and things like that.

"Yes," She said. "I mean, I care about him but I care about that dick a hundred percent more. I'm sorry."

"What's so special about it that it outweighs his personality? I'm confused." I said. I had only been with Dejhari sexually. I mean, I've gotten oral from one other guy but he's been the only man that I've went full on with. The other guy didn't count to me.

I mean, he was dead so why did that even matter?

"He just put my legs behind my head last night and I melted mentally." She said. "He can ask me to buy him new feet if he wanted. I would be at every foot shop in Florida looking for the perfect ones."

I laughed. "What girl?"

"Seriously!" She yelled. "That mf be tooling!"

I shook my head. All this sex talk was making me miss my man. Even though we had sex this morning before he left it's like I always wanna have sex now. I don't know. I've just been super horny.

I grabbed my phone and went to our text thread.

My Man 💗🤣🫐

Where are you?
I miss you.

I'm in a meeting.
You ok?

I'm thinking about this morning ☺️

😭 you're nasty

You not thinking about this morning? 🥺

i am now
what you want a rematch when i get home?

please 😩
i miss that dick

we miss you too

I blushed before looking up to see Treasure was laughing at me. "Why are you ever looking at your phone like that?" She asked, I shrugged.

"My man so romantic." I said before sticking my tongue out. "I love him so much. I wanna be in his skin so bad like ughhhhhhhh."

She laughed. "You so emotional."

"Forreal treasure," I said. "The things that went down in this bed this morning should be illegal."

She jumped out of the bed and frowned. "Bitch Im sitting right here in the bed. Ew!"

I smacked my lips. "I changed the sheets. You can sit back down babe. You're fine."

She sat down and shook her head. "Y'all are too much." She said before grabbing her phone.

"Why did Meena text me asking me to go to the hospital with her?" I said with a frown. "I didn't know that she...was that close to me."

She busted out laughing. "Bitch please," she said. "You know Meena likes you more than she likes us."

"I just thought she was cool with me because I'm Dejhari's girlfriend." I said. "I didn't think she actually liked me if I'm being totally honest."

"You don't like her that's why you think that." She said. "Meena trusts you a lot. More than she trusts Doom and I. She looks at you as a sister. I think that's why she's always annoying you. She treats you like she treats us."

I pouted. "She shouldn't do that then. It's annoying."

"I know," she said. "You need to talk to her about what she does that annoys you. I heard she's interested in changing herself for the better lately."

I stayed quit and just played with my hand. I needed to talk to Meena. I didn't want to not like her but it was hard. She constantly did shit to bug me. I know I would probably have to deal with her for the rest of my life so I might as well get shit fixed now.


I felt small kisses on my neck and chin causing me to stir in my sleep. I was trying to stay asleep but I started to feel hands on me. I knew it was Dejhari because I could smell his Dior cologne.

"Muga," I heard. "Wake up."

"I'm sleepy." I whined turning over some.

"I wanna show you what I got you." He said before kissing me again. "Wake up mama."

I opened my eyes and looked down at him as he looked at me with a wide smile. He was looking fine as hell. I appreciate waking up to him every day. It makes my coochie smile hard.

I wiped my eyes. "What did you get me?"

He backed away from me and I sat up. I noticed all the bags sitting at the end of the bed causing me to smile bright. I loved when he brought me goodies home from his daily dues.

"I got you some shoes," He said pulling a pair out. "I got you some clothes. Like a lot of relax clothing and shit cause you finna be on bed rest till the appointment."

I frowned at him. "What do you mean?"

"You heard me Muga," He said. "I don't want you to stress yourself or your body and then something happen to the baby like that. I want you to stay calm and relaxed."

"I am calm. I'll just be calmer if you let me go out somewhere or something. I'm so bored in here."

"How you bored? Treasure was just over here with you all day." He said with a frown. "I'm just tryna look out for y'all. You know that."

"Ok but I don't wanna sit in here all day and plus, Treasure has better things to do than sit in here with me all day long Dejhari."

"I would have Meena come over instead but we agreed to not tell nobody that you pregnant." He said. "Do you want me to tell Meena?"

"Absolutely not." I said immediately.

I don't even want her coming over and spending the whole day with me. She'll probably annoy me and make me unrelaxed if she does. I know she means well but it's hard to remember that when she yapping and complaining about dumb ass shit.

Like meena, How you mad cause you got a ingrown toe nail? Nobody ain't do that to you but you.

"I think I should tell DeMaya about it so she can come stay with me too then." I said as he passed me the box from Chanel. I couldn't help but to smile hard at my gift. I've been wanting a Chanel bag since the one I destroyed my grandmas.

She pissed me off that day. Definitely deserved it.

"You ready?" He asked, I looked up and noticed he was recording me on my youtube camera. "Smiling hard."

"Because I know I'm gonna love it." I said. "Can I open the bag or you want me to wait?"

"Open it." He encouraged.

I opened the box and laid it on the bed. The pink purse was so cute. It was the medium sized bag which I didn't mind. I didn't want a fat butt ass Chanel bag trailing behind me every step I took. This size was perfect for me.

"Thank you baby!" I exclaimed as I rubbed my hands on the bag. I always liked to touch things. It helped me not only grow a connection but know and understand better what was going on. "Kiss me."

He leaned down and I quickly started kissing him. He slipped his tongue in my mouth and deepened the kiss causing me to stand up on my knees. I held his face as he sucked on my bottom lip. "Ready for bed?"

I nodded. He pulled away from me and I watched as he started getting undressed out of his pajamas. I didn't know about having sex with him anymore because now I was thinking. Did he get that other bitch a bag too?

I shook my head and laid down. I didn't wanna be childish and bring up old stuff. He already made clear to me that he was done with her but it's still comes to my mind sometimes. Like why did he deal with her?

He couldn't just stay down and wait for me?

"Why you looking all mugged up?" He asked. I looked over at him as he pulled me closer to him. He started kissing on my jaw and face but it was irritating me so I pushed him away from me. "What?"

"Don't touch me." I said before rolling over.

"What I do now?" He asked touching my waist, I rolled my eyes. I might as well just get this over with. I rolled over towards him and eyed him closely.

"So when you was with that other girl," I started off, he sighed. "Was you buying her stuff like you buy me?"

"Not that it matters," He started off. "I wasn't buying her nothing forreal. Prolly like food here and there but that was it."

I chuckled. Food here and there? Barely even fed the bitch and she like why did you have the locks changed? What a clown.

I decided not to reply to him because I didn't know what else to say. It was clear that the situation still bothered me so I didn't feel the need to go into details about anything. I knew I wanted to be with him but I felt like it was always something going on.

"Ion wanna keep talking about this shit." He said eyeing me, I frowned at him. "I explained that I'm with you now. I'm not even thinking about that bitch. That whole situation is behind me, it doesn't matter."

"It matters to me." I said. "And clearly it matters to her if she's blowing your phone up. I don't want that fling to come up just like it did and start issues in our relationship."

"Ok so let's leave it alone then." He said, I rolled my eyes and turned away from him. At this point, I don't even wanna be here right now. I'm about to leave.

"I'm just, gonna go home." I said before taking the covers off, he huffed. "I'm over arguing with you."

I started to get out of bed and get myself together.

"I don't wanna argue but I'm telling you I have nothing to do with that girl Muga," He expressed. "I don't see why we're arguing over something that's done. We weren't even together, talking, or anything when I started messing with her."

"Ok but she's still hitting you up! It's been months Dejhari! Like what does she want now?" I said, he got out of the bed and started walking near me.

"I don't care what she want." He said. "I haven't responded to her or anything. I have no reason to."

I stood there and eyed him as he looked at me. I could tell he didn't want me to go and maybe I was over exaggerating but I didn't like the way he dismissed the way I felt. "I guess I just don't want us to have issues because of things we did while apart from each other."

"We not gonna have issues. We just gotta remember we weren't together. The shit I did while we weren't together isn't something I would do while I'm with you. For all that we could've stayed broken up."

I nodded. "It's just annoying because you my man. I don't want nobody else having you."

"Nobody got me but you so chill out." He said wrapping his arms around me.


I looked at the ultrasound photo and frowned. We were in the car on the way to get something to eat. I was so hungry. I feel like I haven't ate in days to be honest but Dejhari made me breakfast and a snack before I we left for my doctors appointment.

It was really hot outside today so I had on this short set. Dejhari said he really liked it so I just threw it on because if I didn't then we would probably be late. I thought the outfit was mid but that's just what I thought.

"So when do you think we should tell people?" I asked looking over at him as he drove. He seemed focus as his head bopped to the music. He was listening to Durk's new deluxe. I wasn't really into all of the songs.

"Whenever you wanna say." He said with a shrug.

"I think I wanna wait till I'm further along to tell people. At least until I'm in the second trimester."

He nodded his head. "I ain't saying shit till you ready."

"I'm so excited." I said with a smile. "We're having a real child right now like what?"

I was so shocked that this was happening that I couldn't help but to smile. I was excited for my baby to come into the world and dress up and stuff. I think that's gonna be my favorite part really, the clothes.

"We gon have her in all types of shit." He said. "She gotta learn the Cello. That would be some fun shit."

I laughed. "You want our baby to play the Cello?"

"Hell yeah!" He said with a wide smile. "Black people need to play instruments too. What the fuck? We practically made them bitches. My daughter gotta learn a instrument."

"You are so stuck on it being a girl." I said rolling my eyes, he nodded his head.

"I know it's a girl. God want us to have a girl first."

"I think it's a boy." I said with a shrug. I didn't really care what we had because either way it'll be a child and that's really all I wanted. I always felt like if I couldn't have kids, that would be my biggest downfall.

I knew having a child was a big responsibility but I knew it would be worth it. All that unconditional love? It'll be like...amazing.

"Abortion hasn't crossed my mind not one time," I said before shaking my head. "It's unbelievable."

Dejhari scrunched his face up. "What's so unbelievable? We been losing babies."

"I know but we're young. It's not like we're older."

"Yeah," He said. "And that's why this baby means that much more cause we ain't even get a chance to do alla shit we finna do with this baby. You don't need to think about that cause the baby gonna be well taken care of."

"I know," I said. "I was just saying I'm happy that I didn't have to think about that."

"Me too." He said before shaking his head. My phone started ringing causing me to grab my purse. I started digging through the purse to see who could possibly be calling me on this very day that the lord has made.

"Hello?" I said into the phone.

"Hey Kat," my mom said. "What are you doing?"

I looked over at Dejhari but he wasn't paying me any mind right now. "Im in the car with Dejhari. Is everything ok?" I questioned.

"Yeah, everything's fine. I was just calling to see if you could come by and get Kaneeya while I went to run some errands. She's been fussy all day." She said, I frowned. Not to be rude but Nene is always fussy.

"She's always fussy. She has a attitude problem."

"She keeps crying about some damn asparagus. I don't even know what she's talking about." She said, I rolled my eyes and looked at Dejhari. He was the reason she was whining. He's always talking about Lamb Chops and Asparagus.

"I can't get her today. I'm trying to rest and stuff. Maybe Kamiri can take her while you're out." I said.

"He's not in the city. He had to fly to California to check on one of his developments." She explained. "It's fine. She can come with me. Hopefully she doesn't act up."

"She'll be fine." I said. "You just have to spend more time with her or she'll never know how to act with you."

I felt like it was insane that I had to explain to my mother how to take care of her own daughter. It made me feel some type of way sometimes. At first, I was cool with having Kaneeya all the time after Kodi died but I can't keep taking care of my mothers responsibilities.

Especially now that Im having one of my own.

"Ok, I'll call you when we get home." She said.

"Ok, Love you guys."

I hung the phone up and looked over at Dejhari. I didn't say anything but I knew he was going to. He never held his tongue for anybody.

"It's crazy how now she always wants you to get her but when she came home she never tried to let you get her." He said before shaking his head. "She only calls you to get her when she has somewhere to go."

I reached over and started rubbing his face. "It's fine Dooda," I said before looking out the window. "I don't even care about that anymore."


The audacity of these people!



I hope they have a boy 😩

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