The Final Amendment Of Our De...

By ZennyMbovu

13.2K 1K 33

Life seemed peaceful and quiet before him started with one dream that changed a whole journey of two peo... More

chapter 1:first day
chapter 2 : high school
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16.
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
Chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44

chapter 13

290 27 3
By ZennyMbovu

Nkosiyabo's POV

It has been a week since Andile has been back things have been okay I still try to distance myself from zenande' I see her but she dosent see me

It was still English period when the principal entered the classroom with the two security guards

Principal:"good morning class"

Class:"morning sir"

We all stood up in sign of respect

Principal:"so you all know how we always want you protected so today we got a tip about drugs being supplied by someone so we are gonna do a search rise up from your seats and go outside"

I wonder what had happened now I stood up from my desk annoyed not before the security searched my bag

We waited for about 15 minutes till they came out with my bag in the principals hand

Principal:"who's bag is this?"

Shit was about to go down

Me:"mine "

I said clearly annoyed

Principal:"and what is this doing in your bag and pack of Krokodil drugs doing in your bag do you know how dangerous these substances are ?"

Me:"come on are you kidding me what are you talking about I don't do drugs "

Principal:"let's go to the office the police are waiting "

Security1:"come on boy let's go "

I went with them to the office and was introduced to two police officers

Principal:"this breaks my heart you have placed the reputation of this school at stake "

Security 2:"maphoyisa take him "

They gently pushed me towards the van outside

Me:"y'all better not handcuff me if you know what's good for you "

The police station

I have been sitting at this interrogation room for about two hours i don't know how those drugs ended up in my bag but whoever did it made sure I don't come back at all

This will surely risk my chances of coming back to earnest college

My dad entered the room furious as hell

Dad :"tf is going on here you arrested my son what did he do ?"

The police officer who had been interrogating me just stuttered

Officer :"uuuuuh....I didn't know he was yourrrr son "

Me:"damn right you knew why am I even here ?"

Dad:"good question officer whatever your name is what is he doing her he hasn't even reached 18 "

Officer :"well we found some Krokodil drugs in his bag "

Dad just hysterically laughed at him

Dad :"and y'all think my son would do that unlike y'all I know he didn't do it I'm not even gonna ask about bail y'all are not sending my son to juvy got me ?"

Officer :"whatever you say but if he didn't do it how did they get in his bag ?"

Dad :"now that's for you to figure out that's your job my son was framed I suggest you check at that useless school mazwi let's go "

Officer :"the mighty ACe himself"

My dad is Aka thee mighty butcher or ace of black spades people mainly call him butcher but salute him as the ace of the mighty spades

We walked out of the police station with the most confidence

Dad :"son you not going back there "

I just nodded because I knew I had no choice and this was bound to spread to the media if I fight for my position back to that school they always want a story from the ngcobos and me being found with drugs


Zenande's POV

We were just chilling by the m block outside my class with my new friends naledi , Michelle,sibongile,mbali and then phiwo and eze we were still talking khanyi came to us

Khanyi:"hey guys "

She looked at me with eyes full of sadness and I knew something was up my heart started beating fast I have been uneasy ever since the first period

Michelle:"hello stranger you don't visit us anymore "

Khanyi:"haibo mina stranger Nina y'all don't come to me that much can I talk to you zenande"

Me:"khanyi what is it is it nkosi ?"

Khanyi:"a drug called Krokodil was found in his bag he was arrested "

My heart dropped to my stomach I tried finding words to speak but couldn't I just drifted off trying to breath in and out

I kept shaking my head it's impossible

Me:"nkosi would never do that we haven't been together but one thing I know is that he would never do that that's so unlike him "

Khanyi:"zee you don't know him the way you think you do "

I looked at her with teary eyes if he was arrested I'm sure he was bailed by now

Me:"khanyi don't tell me you believe them nooo khanyi you know him way better than I do futhi "

Khanyi:"I can't not the evidence was there in his bag futhi nkosi had changed "

Me:" I can't believe you "

I passed them running I didn't know where I was going but I wanted to be far away of them I went to the tree areas watching at the trees and the green leaves the bell rang I stood up from the bench and went to class

The last three periods I didn't hear a thing the teachers were explaining I was in my own world the last bell rang I walked out of class and went to my transport fortunately for me it had arrived I went to the back seat placed my head on my bag which was on my lap I faced the window while the tears just flowed I'm never gonna see nkosi again I  really Wished we had our goodbye eazy came and sat next to me I know that she is trying to give space and I appreciate that

I arrived home and went to my room I changed my uniform and Changed into baggy clothes I took out a pen and paper and wrote a letter while I listened to tamia 'smile' song

So I put on my make up
Put a smile on my face
And if anyone asks me
Everything is okay

I'm laughing cause no one
Knows the joke is on me
But I'm dying inside
With my pride and smile
On my face .

I wrapped the letter and wrote his name on the envelope I hid it I wrote it to take my feelings out of my heart I am boiling with emotions I dozed off after writing the letter 

I woke the following morning dragging myself from bed I got dressed and read my letter my mom appeared from the passage I quickly stuffed it in my English file


Me:"morning and bye "

I headed out the door and waited at the gate for my transport while talking to the stars that always heals me ...

At school

Eazy:"are you okay "

Michelle:"zee mina honestly that guy dosent deserve your tears "

Sbongile:"yeah Michelle is right you crying over him "

Mbalenhle:"don't let him do this to you as a sign he still hasn't blocked you "

Phiwokuhle:"you made him a priority too much "

They all kept throwing comments at me I decided to just go to class first period began and I tried to keep my head focused

Andile came to my class during break I was still sitting catching up on school work

Andile :"wassup girl"


Andile:"you okay?"

Me:"yeah I'm okay"

Andile:"I see you still consumed with school work so I'm just gonna leave you come give me a hug "

I weakly stood up and hugged him
Andile left me I continued to write I checked the time and there was already 15 minutes till break was over I rose up from my seat bumping into someone passing by next to me I had my back turned my books that I had in my hand splattered on the floor I turned to see this guy picking up my books I was clearly annoyed I bended down and helped pick the books that was when I saw him I thought I was exaggerating when I saw him

Nkosi:"sorry "
His eyes met mine I just nodded my head and picked up the books and grabbed him after mouthing a 'thanks'

I quickly rushed out if the classroom


Nkosiyabo's POV

I helped her picked up her books and looked into her eyes and stared at those dimples everytime she talks I just said sorry though there were many things I wanted to say than that

She mouthed a thanks then looked me in the eyes clearly amazed and taken aback I realised that there was a paper she didn't pick up I picked up the envelope and to my surprise it was written my name on the outside I contemplated whether to take it or not but knowing this girl she wasn't gonna give it to me I decided to not go to sisanda anymore since I had come to Zee's class to tell her goodbye this was the last time I was here I had come to get my transfer letter since there was still an ongoing case

I entered khanyi's class and she was sitting with zenande' a part of me told me that she was gonna be here

Nkosi:"hey "

She came and engulfed me in a hug full of emotions I hugged her back

Zee:"I'm gonna go--"

Nkosi:"no please don't go it's okay not because of me and plus I want to tell you both this "

Zee's faced changed full of emotions she was clearly shocked about my statement

Nkosi:"ummmh so you know that drugs were found in my bag but I didn't do it chances are very low of them taking me back if I fight to stay here in this school where I have enemies it's gonna burst to the media putting the family's reputation at stake so I came to say goodbye I can't fight this case my dad is at the principals office fetching my transfer letter "

Khanyi:"noooo nkosi whyyyy you leaving me kanjalo nje "

Me:"don't say it like that khanyi I also had no choice "

Zee just kept quiet I wanted her to say something we sat in complete silence dealing with emotions I stood up from my desk and hugged khanyi who had glassy eyes I pulled out and went to zee who was next to her me and her are almost the same height except I am a bit taller
She looked intensely to my eyes clearly affected I was too 

I leaned into her she quickly wrapped her arms around me I couldn't help but smell that overpowering sweet butter scent in her I held her in my arms it felt like she was crying we stayed in each others hug that was the best hug I have ever got it was filled with so much emotions  I whispered in her ear

Me:"I'm gonna miss you dream girl "

She pulled out and looked me in the eyes
I told her my favourite riddle

Me:"what did the sculpture say to his girlfriend?"

She just giggled and looked at me and revealed those dimples

Zee:"I love you with all my art "

She quickly engulfed me in a hug full of love and whispered in my ear

Her:"whatever our souls are made of his and mines are the same ,catch you on the other side "

I kissed her cheek she just blushed I wiped her tears khanyi was drooling over us we all group hugged

I pulled out

Khanyi:"I hate the part where your story has to end "

Me:"I have to go say goodbye to the guys byeee "

It hurt my heart to say goodbye but I had to I came out if the classroom with a broken heart but one that's had the best moment of their life

I went to the guys at our usual spot even though the bell rang like ten minutes ago they are still here


They all came and bro hugged me

Thando:"I heard the news "

Themba:"I'm sure nawe you know who did it "

I actually did

Me:"Andile "

Zweli:"manje you really leaving "

Me:"yeah I just came to say my goodbyes guys but this isn't the end of our journey"

Manqoba:"come on us break up ? Like chicks do no never we still gonna be together"

Nqobi:"you make it sound so cheesy "

We all just laughed

Me:"eyyy lets be serious guys manqoba take care of my gem "

Manqoba:"yaz nje nawe "

Me:"and you take care of yourself stay out of trouble"

Themba :"wena which school are you going to ?"

Me:"it's time guys ........."

Their faces all changed because they knew exactly what I was talking about

Thando:"you too young though"

Me:"relax I'm still gonna go to Westwood high school then from there I'm permanent"

Thando:"we still too young "

Me:"you knew this day would come one day for me it has to yours it's coming soon "

We all bro hugged for the last time for us it wasn't the last time meeting up with each other

Nqobizitha:"I'm gonna miss you come I'm gonna go with you to the office "

Out of all my friends I found myself much closer to nqobizitha man him and thando are my ride or die including the others with these two it's different especially with nqobizitha he feels like my brother from another mother scratch that he is my brother from another mother

Me:"me too bro "

Nqobi:"I know this isn't goodbye for us "


Both of us :"we ride we die for each other "

Nqobi:"catch you on the other side bro "

Me:"sooner than you think "

I knew this wasn't goodbye but me leaving was going to be hard on all of us we were always so inseparable deep down in our hearts we will always be complete

Egos 🤜🤛💯

I parted ways with nqobizitha he went to class while I'm gonna head to the admin my dad was already waiting for me the driver opened the door for me I looked out if the window replaying all of my memories at this school and I realised the best ones began when I met her ...I know I'm surely going to regret not telling her how I feel it would have ruined everything

I entered my room and tucked my hands in my pocket to read zenande's letter I kept overthinking maybe I'm just gonna find a blank page inside but I didn't care

Dear Nkosiyabo

If you reading this letter then it means I finally had the guts to give it you .hell I know I wouldn't so maybe I was drunk .

From Shakespeare to Anna Todd I thought they were crazy when they talked about love .my definition of love was always so simply and easy before you I thought life was meant to be filled with nothing but happiness that nobody could ever contribute to my happiness except myself love sounded so cliche for me then you came along it took time for me to actually realised I had fallen in love with a rude boy well a gangsters son people always made it a fuss to emphasize that I was just two days old when I found out you come from the infamous ngcobo family haha I know right ever since I met you I have learnt the qualities of love one of them being sacrifice I have wasted too much time not telling you how I feel but still i wouldn't change a thing because you didn't make it easy for me you showed me a true meaning of loving someone I know we not together most probably might not ever but loving you became mutual to me love is about sacrifice i want nothing but happiness for you that's what I wish for you I've placed you first than my entire universe and world combined (come on girls lie)even if it means you being happy with someone else

My heart was already breaking tears were on the verge of spilling

It hurts to move on and then realise that I can't it hurts to keep going forward then suddenly get pulled back it Hurts to like someone who appreciates my efforts but still dosent like me back I have tried so much to ignore the feelings I have for you the butterflies that fill my stomach whenever you near that it hurts you still can't and don't feel the same way u have prayed countless times that we have our breakthrough together have our opportunity to soar like birds in the sky but we just belong to different trees it hurts to see you happy even though I know you should be it hurts to know that you sad and I can't do anything about it what hurts more is that I wanna get close but thats impossible it freakin hurts you damn idiot I'm a fool for love I know whats worse is the fact that I still freakin love you with every fibre in me despite the pain you have caused me the tears I have spilt because of you that I ask myself am I all ready to throw away the two years that I spent waiting

I don't know what to say anymore because I have already said words that are more than a thousand still words are not enough to tell you how I really feel deep inside tired.painful.happy.sad .broken those are not words I'm looking for what I'm looking for is NUMB I don't wanna feel anything for you but how do I do that I really wish this love I have for you has a switch because this would be the part where I switch it off I reall wanna let go of you and stop having feelings for you but how do I do that if you know please tell me

So that I can finally cut the strings that connect my heart and soul to you a dark scary hole that wishes to suckwhats left of my broken heart

I wish that maybe you hadn't led me in but you did in my mind I have hope that you feel something whatever you do know one thing I'm always on the side lines cheering you on you took my heart and gave it a home I know it's safe with you than it was with me I hope one day when we meet fate may shine down on us maybe I could take back what's rightfully mine

Whatever our souls are made up of his and mines are the same always and forever my love all the best of luck

Take care , teddy bear🤍

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