The Switch (JakeHoon&HeeJake)


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"Duty means doing the things your heart may well regret" - Jake "Opportunities only knock once, take risk"... More

End of Book 1
Hi Guys!!!
The Little Royals


782 55 27


Life in the palace is nowhere near easy unlike how the movies portray. And you can only imagine how much harder it is for me who is pretending to be royalty. Good thing tho, Jungwon and Hanbin is here to guide me. If not for them, I don't think I can manage without getting caught the second I came face to face with K. This guy is so scary but he looks harmless at the same time.

I went to bed that night without any mishap because apart from K, I haven't met any other royal people. I need to nail this because I know that if Jake is with the boys, they will have their dream visit and their dream goal, to watch the royal soldiers. I guess this is worth it. If I did great, Jake might even agree if I ask the impossible, like Riki to study in the kingdom's university.

I think Jake is in a harder position than me because in the palace, no one really know Jake deeply to suspect me and I have Jungwon and Hanbin to guide me so I won't make any royal mistake. Jake however is walking on eggshells right now. Apart from the fact that he has to go through that alone, Riki and Heeseung know me like the back of their hands. One small mistake and the two will suspect. It will take him one wrong move from Riki's handshake to be questioned and I hope it will all go well. I just hope Heeseung won't see right through him.

Anyway, my night went well and I still didn't bump to any royal which is insane and good at the same time.

But today, it is a different story because I wake up the next morning with Prince Sunoo in front of me. I am so stunned that I almost stood there like an idiot gawking at how pretty and unreal he looks. Is it even legal to look non human? He's like a fairy tale character.

If Jungwon didnt step up and snap me out of my daydream, I don't think I can even utter a word.

"Sunoo, good morning. ."

"Hyung, I want to go out today but I don't have anyone to go with. . please can you come with me? Please?"

He held my hand as he looks at me with big puppy eyes and a pout and good thing I am in my senses now so I managed to decline. I can't risk running into Heeseung today, he can easily identify me from Jake if he sees me.

"Aww. . I'm sorry Sunoo, but I can't today. I am instructed to not engage in activities outside the palace if it is not related to the royal wedding, you know the drill. But I promise, if I will be given a go signal, I will go with you wherever you wanna go"

His face fell and I can't help but feel really bad for him because he looks like he is craving for companionship. I can tell, because being a prince, he cannot just interact with anyone. And his brother is probably busy so he's alone. I badly want to say yes but it is too risky.

"Ok then . . but next time, I will really drag you all around the kingdom. . . I will just go there alone. . I need some fresh air before the ball tonight. . "

Excuse me what?

"Ah, the Charity ball your parents organized for the orphanage?"

Thank you for the millionth time Hanbin for saving my ass in here.

"Yeah . . . it is a fun night especially when you know we are helping the people. By the way, I will be going. See you tonight Jake hyung"

The moment he left, I ran to the door and locked it before turning to Jungwon and Hanbin hyung.

"Jake never mentioned a ball or anything. . what is going on?"

"That is our bad . .Jungwon try to call Jake, this is an emergency. . so the ball is like a social gathering where elite people of Zeviera will donate any amount to help the citizens of the kingdom that are in the poverty line. In addition, the ball will also finance the orphanage in the kingdom. . it is nothing to worry about really. The last time Jake attended here, he just sat on the side and then they asked him to play the violin. . "

"Ok. . I hope it is similar from the movies I watched . . . I should also give him a call"

The three of us began to call him like crazy but he's not answering any of our calls and I have a hunch that even our texts are not read. I still sent him texts tho and because of my heart racing , I forgot to be polite.

Just then, we heard a knock.

"Who is it?"

"Prince Sunghoon is here to see you your Highness"

And my fingers began to send texts like a possessed man when K spoke behind the doors. Jake needs to come here immediately or I might be busted and then I will be imprisoned or worse, sentenced to death.

"You need to open that door and meet him"

"I thought he will be away!"

"So as we . . now go or else we will all be dead. . ah Jake have mercy and answer your phone!"

Hanbin is also panicking, imagine me.

I went to the door and tried my best to look less panicky and open the door. Low and behold, the eldest prince of Zeviera, Prince Sunghoon himself.

How many times will I be starstrucked in this palace? Prince Sunghoon is freaking gorgeous. I have seen him in photos of course but I can't help but be stunned.

Jaeyun wake up damn it!

"Your Highness. . I didnt mean anything bad but I thought you will be on a trip. . ."

He smiled before shaking his head. Since when is shaking your head so pleasing to look at?

"I canceled it. I thought getting to know my future spouse is more convenient and important than mingling with royals abroad. Plus, I know all kingdoms are aware that the prince is preparing for his wedding. And didn't I tell you to call me Sunghoon?"

His elegance is overflowing that I couldn't help but do my best to impersonate how Jake carries himself, his poise and everything.

"My apologies, Your . . .I mean, Sunghoon"

I just bowed slightly before meeting his eyes again.

"I would really like to invite you for a walk if you permit of course. I think a small talk with you will allow us to get to know more about each other. Then we can go try on our suits for the ball tonight."

I turn to Jungwon who nodded. Are they seriously making me go alone with the prince?

"I would be honored. . . but, I would like to prepare if that's alright"

"Please, take your time"

I closed the door and immediately jumped at the two.

"Did Jake respond?"

"Not yet but you need to go. . here, wear these"

If at first I assume they're not trying to kill me by making me open the door for the prince, now, I am convinced they're trying to throw me in burning flames.

"No . . I can't. . can I just call in sick?"

"Jaeyun hyung, this is not the school. . . try to do that and you're really throwing yourself in the furnace"

Jungwon, you're adorable but a little comforting word will be nice.

"Just be natural. Sunghoon doesn't know Jake hyung that well anyway so you're safe. You just have to be natural"

Ok thank you for that.

I wore the clothes they handed me and I actually assume to be wearing the clothes that I saw ancient Koreans wear but it is just normal clothes but expensive.

I opened the door again and I saw Sunghoon conversing with K before he turned to me.

"Shall we?"

I bowed before I held the hand that is outstretched to me as we walk side by side down the hallways with K and Hanbin a few meters away. Jungwon needs to stay back to contact Jake.

"I hope you don't mind me asking but where are we going?"

"To one of the most quiet places in the palace. ."

We walked till we reached the garden and there at the edge is a very beautiful glass pavilion.

He led me inside and to my horror, K and Hanbin stayed back a few feet away from us. Plus the fact that this glass pavilion is like those fancy glasses where we see from the inside but we cannot see anything from the outside is even more terrifying.

There is a small table here with two chairs so we sat facing each other. Now what?

"I was always curious about something"

"What is it?"

"Apart from the reason of alliance, how are you so fine with marrying me? I honestly didnt expect you to be fine with it"

"Why? Don't you want to?"

If you can't answer a question from someone, ask them the question as an answer.

"I'm fine too . . .because of the same reason, alliance. In my case tho is for the resources. ."

"As rulers, we must really put our people before ourselves so that's my reason. I know that if I do this, then my kingdom won't worry whenever the most dreaded event happen because there is assurance. . . plus, I don't have anything exciting in my life aanyway"

Ok that last part destroys my speech. I indirectly insulted Jake in that part.

"Anyway, can I ask you a question too?"

Hearing how they're so chill with same-sex marriage is like so cool.

"What is it?"

"How are you chill with marrying a stranger? I mean, don't you have someone special?"

A small chuckle left his lips before his ears redden.

"I don't. Indeed, I met a lot of princes and princesses but I don't fancy them"

"Oh? So you mean to say, your heart hasn't been in love before?"

"I don't think so. . . that's maybe the reason why I also agreed to this. I don't know how to be in love to be honest. I have studied everything is there but love, I just can't understand it"

Oh my goodness, is he serious?

"I know I love my parents, I love my brother, I love my kingdom but that special someone is really still a mystery to me. How about you?"

I don't know anything about Jake's love life but I need to answer. Or should I just say were the same?

"I have been . . once tho.. "

Ah, I think the emotions got to me.

"I fell in love once. . . and that is also the time my heart was broken. . ."

"See? That's what adds to the complication. I don't understand the love and then the heart break"

I laughed because his face is really serious and his frustration is clear that I can see how his forehead creased and his voice got a little bit louder as it lost its royal finesse.

"Love cannot be explained. That's what I think but there are some aspects of it that it can. . . but it varies from person to person. Love is mysterious, I think that's what makes it beautiful."

"I don't know . . . I just don't understand it. Anyway, can you wait for me here? I'll just get K to bring us some snacks. . there are some of our chef's specialties here that I want you to try. "

When he left, I immediately got my phone and dialed Jake's number who thankfully answered this time .

I found out that they went to the exhibition this morning and also, Jake told me how I need to go to that ball with Sunghoon so in short, he's not planning to switch because indeed, the palace is heavily guarded during this time in preparation for the ball so it is risky.

I think I just need to keep up with my act better for the ball tonight. It's fine tho, Sunghoon is not that bad and he's actually really nice that I can actually be myself with a touch of elegance.

Sunghoon returned and sat in front of me while I carefully set my phone on the side.

"On another topic tho, I was informed that you're actually a good violinist"

And that's what I dread the most because I have never touched a violin in my life. I can manage a piano but not a violin. But I did hear from Jungwon that Jake is a great violinist as he's been playing since he was a child.

"Indeed. . I've been practicing since I was a child and I guess I just got used to it. . . "

"Is there an instrument that you've been learning lately?"

"Well, I've been playing the piano for a while recently"

"Woah. . . I never thought the prince will be this musically inclined. . . I assume you to be an athlete or something"

"Well, I am also into football and- - -"

Oh shit! They never mentioned anything about Jake and sports. I just got carried away because I do play football. I look into his eyes for any hint of suspicion or confusion but I saw none.

"Really?. . . it looks like there's more to discover"

"How about you? What is your forte? Music, Sports, Arts? Or all of the above?"

He chuckled before answering making me heart beat faster because of how good his laugh sounds like. What's wrong with me? I have heard laughters a lot of times in my lifetime.

"I would say, all of the above. . . I happen to also play the piano. My sports contain mainly anything helpful in the battlefield. Horseback riding, archery, fencing, you know the drill. And although I don't paint well like Sunoo does, I am pretty good at sketches. . . "

Ok, what can't he do? I mean, I kinda assume he knows a lot but I didn't know he knows this much. But he should because he's a prince and knowing a lot is helpful.

"You're incredible. . like how can you even manage to do everything? Is your brain not confused?"

"I don't know . . maybe. . oh the food's here"

I turn to the entrance and I saw a really pretty looking guy enter with a tray on hand that is covered.

"I actually didn't understand K when he said you need some snacks so I brought out some snacks you like. . Prince Jake, I hope this is to your liking as well"

He placed the tray on the table and open the lid and I am quite confused to the food because I haven't seen them back home.

"Thanks EJ. By the way, Jake, he's the head chef in the palace kitchen and also he's going to be one of the judges in the baking contest, I think you've heard about it. ."

Now I'm face to face with one of the judges to my competition and he's a head chef? He looks so young.

"I will do my best your Majesties. I will make sure that the one who will make your wedding cake is a winner"

"Thank you EJ. Being a head chef, I am confident that with your guidance, our wedding cake and menu will be one of a kind"

He looked shocked and I want to applaud myself for not being too obvious that my heart is about to jump out of my chest.

"I will now take my leave"

As he left, I then turn to the food in front and I don't know how to eat them. The appearance is so pretty that I question if it is even edible.

"Help yourself. ."

I saw how he took one and ate it so I followed his moves and did the same but the moment the food touched my mouth, my heart pounds, this is a seafood dish. I frantically look around and spot the napkins on the table before grabbing it and turning my whole body from the prince, I spit it out on the napkin.

Thank goodness, EJ also brought us some water so I immediately took the pitcher and poured some water in the glass, chugging it down in one go. I then ran outside despite Sunghoon calling me and approached Hanbin who looked panicked.

"Can you please go to anyone here if they have any anti allergy pills around here. . ."

He then ran back as I catch my breath before entering back to where Sunghoon is at the entrance about to follow me with a concerned look.

"Are you alright? was the food not to your liking?"

Jake I'm sorry but I don't wanna die from accidentally eating something I'm allergic to. I hope this won't be a big deal to you.

"I'm sorry, I'm allergic to seafood"

His eyes widen in realization before giving me a bow.

"I'm so sorry Jake. I didnt know, I promise to be more careful next time. . . don't worry, that's the only seafood on the tray"

We went back to the table and I know I am burning red from embarrassment right now.


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