A Frozen Heart ⭐

By jenica1988

7K 667 107

*~COMPLETE~* Aspen has almost had her power since before she can even remember. Her childhood is a mystery a... More

Back Again
Flowers & Familiarity
Let It Go
Kingdom of Isolation
Do I Know You?
Flowers & Frost
Secrets Revealed
Making Plans
First Date
Let's Get Ready for A Party
❄ I'm Frost ❄
I Dreamed A Dream
The Cell
She's Not an Animal
The Apology Tour
A Couple of Firsts
The Future
Let's Have Some Fun
You Will Never Have Control
Power Up
The Only Way
Goodbye Old Friend, Hello New Life

What If There Was a Way...?

236 26 4
By jenica1988


Steve stayed by Aspen's bedside while she was in the hospital. He let Bucky, Nat and Sam come to visit but Tony was barred from any kind of visitation. The hospital wanted to take the bracelet off of her but Steve warned them against it and told them under no circumstances was it to come off, even while she was in surgery for 6 hours. Tony used all he had to blast Frost and did some severe internal damage to Aspen. Steve was sitting by the bed dozing off when Bucky walked in.

"Steve..." Bucky said and Steve woke up. His eyes went instantly to Aspen to see her still sleeping.

"Go home, get some good sleep. I will stay here with her. You won't be any good to her when she finally wakes up and you are a walking zombie." Bucky said and Steve groaned.

"I can't go home Buck. Tony is there and the anger I have inside of myself right now for him I can't say I wouldn't try and kill him." Steve said.

"Steve...-" Bucky was saying.

"They say she might not wake up Bucky!" Steve semi yelled. Bucky didn't know this.

"What are you talking about?" Bucky asked.

"Cho and Banner came in and did some test. The damage Frost did to her health by using all the energy and resources she did for that attack and then Tony's blast. There was so much damage they don't know if she will wake up." Steve said and Bucky sighed and took Aspen's free hand Steve wasn't holding.

"Here. So you don't have to go back to the compound. It's a hotel room Nat and rented across the street. You have clothes there. At least shower and get a little bit of sleep, please. Anything changes I will call you." Bucky said tossing a hotel key to Steve. Steve sighed and knew he could trust Bucky with Aspen.

"Anything, I don't care if she wiggles her big damn toe." Steve said and Bucky huffed a laugh.

"You will be called." Bucky said. Steve leaned down and kissed Aspen's forehead.

"I love you. Don't wake up while Bucky is here, he doesn't need the ego boost that he is your favorite." Steve said and Bucky smiled. Steve gave Aspen one more kiss and walked out of the room. Bucky sighed.

"Aspen...you really need to fight whatever is going on in your head and body to wake up. There is so much tension and I have a feeling world war 3 is about to start between Steve and Tony if you don't wake up. Tony didn't want to hurt you but he didn't have a choice. We all know you don't blame him but Steve doesn't give a shit." Bucky said. He looked at Aspen and sighed. "He loves you snowflake. We all love you and can feel your absence in the compound. We need you to come back to us." Bucky said. Aspen still didn't respond. He waited a few minutes until he spoke again a little gruffer.

"Frost, I swear to god you disappointed me. I understand the anger of her wanting to get rid of you but to do this...it's so uncalled for and not needed. You need to understand she wants a life Frost and you may have ended it for her before she has a chance to get that. She was never happy like this and she finally met someone who accepted her and you ruined it for her. Make this right Frost, make the right decision to leave her once we figure out how." Bucky said. He lifted Aspens hand that he was holding and kissed her knuckles.

"Come on snowflake." Bucky said.

*****APSENS HEAD*****

I was weak and tired of fighting. I love Steve and want to wake up to be with and see him but I was tired.

"Hey, it's time to get off your ass." Frost said and I groaned. I was able to see her now and not just hear her. She was standing in front of me.

"How can I see you?" I asked and she laughed.

"I don't know, your brain...or dream...or whatever but yes you see me and I'm telling you to get off your ass." Frost said.

"I would but you put me here and I'm tired of fighting." I said and she sighed.

"Would it help if I told you I fucked up?" Frost asked and I huffed a laugh.

"You are just now realizing that? Frost we could still get put in a cell." I said and she sighed. "I just think once I do wake up I'm gong to end things with Steve, just walk away from the Avengers and move from New York. I can't be around here anymore." I said and Frost looked at me like I had lost my mind.

"You think Steve or anybody will like that?" Frost asked and I shrugged.

"I don't have a choice Frost. As long as you are in my head and my life I will never be able to have a normal life. The white picket fence dream is so far fetched with you." I said and Frost sighed.

"What if there was a way to get rid of me for good?" Frost said.

"There isn't." I said.

"There might be...remember when we were being held captive?" Frost asked and I laughed.

"No Frost that was all you." I said and she half laughed knowing she was right.

"Okay well when they took me to have my mind scrubbed of everything you changed back into you and I went missing until you found out you had your powers by accident that time." Frost said and I nodded.

"Yeah I always felt you there but you didn't speak up until then." I said and she sighed.

"Right...what if we scrubbed you mind of all memories of me and me completely. I'm only still here because you subconsciously need me to control the powers. You will still have the powers but you could control them better if I'm out your head without my temper wanting to take over." Frost explained.

"Frost there are so many things that could go wrong if we mind scrub and I don't want to take those chances." I said and she sighed.

"There is so much more we know about it now and I'm sure Tony could get everything planned correctly. I think this is the best thing for us. I love you and I can see how much I have screwed up your life and I want to make it right. If it means me leaving you for good, I want that for you now." Frost said and I smiled at her.

"I love you and I will remember you." I said to her.

"I hope you do. Now it's time to wake up." Frost said and disappeared for the time being.

*****NORMAL POV*****

I squeezed the hand I was holding not for sure who it was and when I fluttered my eyes open I looked at saw Bucky.

"Not who I was expecting." I said with a smile when Bucky looked at me.

"Hey snowflake." Bucky said and I smiled.

"Now I could have sworn I was dating Steve Rogers...did something change?" I asked and Bucky laughed.

"Always with jokes. No, Steve Rogers was refusing to leave. I made him go get some sleep." Bucky said and I smiled.

"Thank you." I said and Bucky pulled out his phone. "Don't call him right now. Let him sleep. Do me a favor though and call Tony. I need to talk to him." I said and Bucky nodded and called Tony.

Tony walked in the hospital room and I looked at Bucky and he left.

"Welcome back to the land of the living." Tony said and I smiled.

"Thanks to sending me to the land of the almost dead." I said and he rolled his eyes and I gave a small laugh. He sat on the edge of the bed by me and took my hand.

"I never wanted to hurt you." Tony said and I nodded.

"I know, I know why you did it and it was the only way Tony. I will make Steve see that I don't need you two fighting. Especially with what I'm about to ask." I said and Tony looked at me oddly.

"What's going on?" Tony asked. I made sure Bucky was out of the room, once he was I sighed.

"I need you to scrub my mind of Frost." I said and Tony looked at me shocked.

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