SHADES OF COOL, apply fic

Oleh -atIass

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27 4 23
Oleh -atIass

THE YOUTHFUL MINDS STILL DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO MAKE OF THE HAPPENINGS OCCURRING NOW. The boy, they had found out, went by the name Fitzgerald. The stern voice returned.

"You should know. You've been here every day, you must've seen every month on that calendar," the voice said tiredly.

Because the desk had a border underneath it, they couldn't see who the voice belonged to. But they all took a (not so) wild guess it was the principal. Dean looked at Nick and Alex, almost asking, "Should we peel?" But it wasn't safe. Nick shook his head no. They waited for the supposed principal to leave and planned to sneak out of the office. There was probably a secretary outside, but that wasn't important. They had to get out somehow.

"So am I to understand you were disturbing class?" their heads whipped back up. It only took a few silent pats for Aurora and Nadine to realize that their phones and other personal belongings were missing. Meanwhile, Dean's brain was working overtime. Fitzgerald... He only knew one Fitzgerald in this whole area.

"A little," the guy replied, with a bit of giddiness in his voice.

"Look. I'm too tired. You're getting off with no detention, but the next time you come in here, you're doing hours, son," the principal scolded him, his voice desperate.

"Alright, alright. Pleasure doing business with you." He stood up, extending his palm to shake hands. As the principal declined, the guy stepped aside and pushed the chair out of the way.

As they crawled over and stood in the secretary's office, blending in as best they could with the other students milling about, they couldn't shake the feeling of being out of place. Dean leaned against the wall, his leather jacket adding to his rebellious aura, while Alex adjusted her Rosie the Riveter bandana, trying to appear nonchalant. Aurora stood nearby, her outfit a mix of casual and chic, giving off an air of effortless coolness. Giovanni, with his confident demeanor and stylish attire, seemed to fit right in with the other affluent students but his Koio Capris weren't of help. Nadine's eclectic ensemble with her cowboy tassel jacket and Nick's laid-back shy stoner appearance helped them blend into the crowd, while Stevie and Paige kept a low profile, avoiding drawing too much attention with their different hairstyles.

Despite their efforts to blend in, they couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. The air felt heavy with uncertainty, and they exchanged nervous glances as they waited for some clue as to what was happening. As they watched the other students go about their day, they couldn't help but wonder if they were the only ones experiencing this strange phenomenon.

"You mess with the bull, you get the horns." The principal quoted.

The mention of "The Breakfast Club" brought a collective cringe from Alex and Dean, who shared an exasperated glance.

"Really? Quoting 'The Breakfast Club'? That's the best you've got?" Alex muttered under her breath, unable to hide her disdain.

Dean shook his head, suppressing a laugh. "Man, this just keeps getting weirder."

The principal heard the commotion and looked through the glass. Sensing the tension, he raised an eyebrow. "Is there a problem?"

Nick stepped forward, attempting to defuse the situation. "No problem, sir. We just... got a lot on our minds."

"Yeah, we're just... a little disoriented," Stevie added, nodding in agreement.

He studied them for a moment before nodding slowly. "Alright, well, get yourselves together. I don't want to see any more trouble from you lot."

With that, he turned and sat back down in the chair, leaving the group to exchange bewildered glances.

"What the hell is going on?" Paige whispered, her voice tinged with confusion.

"I have no idea," Nadine replied, shaking her head. "But I don't think we're in the 21st century anymore."

"Tell me about it," Giovanni muttered, still reeling from the bizarre turn of events.

As they stood there, trying to make sense of their surroundings, Alex couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the air. Something strange was happening, and she had a sinking feeling they were at the center of it.

"Goodbye, Winston." Winston.

Dean wasn't the only one putting two and two together anymore by now. Meeting Alex's eyes just confirmed it.

Upon stumbling into the busy hallway, they all noticed the change of scenery. This was so not their school hallway. These were so not the kids that they saw every day. But this was their school. Where the hell were they? Nick had to dodge a guy with a skateboard so they wouldn't be completely trampled. The passing guy yelled out, "Watch it, punk!" By now, Winston had realized that this wasn't an average group of kids.

"I don't know who you guys are, but you just appeared in the middle of the principal's office and I would love an explanation," Winston stopped them from dispersing. He wasn't letting this go.

Dean couldn't help but notice the similarities between Winston's attire and his own. From the frizzy hair to the leather jacket and pants, even down to the sneakers, there was a striking resemblance. It was as if they were cut from the same cloth, belonging to the same era and style.

Despite the uncertainty of their situation, Dean couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie with Winston. They may have come from different backgrounds, but their shared fashion sense seemed to bridge the gap between them. At that moment, Dean felt a sense of belonging, as if he had found a kindred spirit in this strange and unfamiliar place.

As he exchanged a knowing glance with Winston, Dean couldn't help but smile. Maybe this place wasn't so bad after all.

"We would also," Stevie scratched the back of their head.

"Cool hair," Winston quipped.

Stevie nervously glanced at Winston, her heart racing at the unexpected compliment about her hair. She quickly flashed a grateful smile before turning her attention back to Alex, continuing her plea for the bandana.

"Come on, Alex," Stevie urged, her voice filled with urgency. "Please, just let me borrow the bandana for a bit."

Alex hesitated, torn between wanting to help her friend and feeling hesitant about parting with her beloved accessory. She glanced around nervously, sensing the eyes of others on them, amplifying her anxiety.

After a moment of internal struggle, Alex finally relented, untying the bandana from her hair and handing it over to Stevie with a resigned sigh. "Fine, but you better give it back in one piece," she said, her tone a mixture of concern and reluctance.

Stevie nodded eagerly, quickly tying the bandana around her head to conceal her split-dyed hair. With a grateful smile, she turned to Alex and gave her a quick hug before stepping back, feeling a sense of relief wash over her.

"Thanks, Alex, you're a lifesaver," Stevie said, her voice filled with gratitude. Alex nodded, offering her a reassuring smile as they both tried to blend in and avoid any further attention.

"I don't wanna, like, make a thing out of this, but the calendar did say 1986," Paige spoke up from beside Giovanni.

"Paige, literally shut the fuck up," Giovanni fired back, in disbelief at the things he saw on the journey here.

"You may talk to your nannies like that, but not with us!" Nadine's sharp retort seemed to jolt Giovanni out of his tantrum, at least momentarily. He blinked, taken aback by her sudden assertiveness, and fell silent, begrudgingly. Despite his initial resistance, he realized the seriousness of their situation and complied with Nadine's demand to keep quiet.

Nadine glanced at Giovanni with a mixture of annoyance and exasperation, her patience wearing thin. She knew that his behavior could potentially jeopardize their attempt to blend in and navigate this unfamiliar environment safely. With a firm expression, she silently urged him to cooperate and refrain from causing any further disruptions.

Giovanni, sensing Nadine's firm resolve, reluctantly nodded in acknowledgment, albeit with a sullen expression. He understood that they needed to stay under the radar and avoid drawing any unnecessary attention to themselves. Taking a deep breath to calm his nerves, he made a conscious effort to control his emotions and keep a low profile, at least for the time being.

"Alright, are you guys on Lucy, Mary Jane, Molly, or something?" Winston's question hung in the air, eliciting a nervous chuckle from Nick, who quickly realized that his attempt at humor didn't quite land with the group. Sensing the awkwardness of the situation, Nick discreetly stepped back, allowing the others to take the lead in responding to Winston's inquiry.

As the group exchanged uncertain glances, unsure of how to address Winston's question, they collectively realized the gravity of their predicament. They were in a strange time and place, surrounded by unfamiliar faces, and they needed to tread carefully to avoid drawing suspicion.

Dean cleared his throat, taking on the role of spokesperson for the moment. "Uh, no, man, we're not on anything," he replied, his voice sounding somewhat strained as he tried to maintain a calm demeanor. "Just, uh, a bit disoriented, you know? Must've taken a wrong turn or something."

Alex nodded in agreement, offering a weak smile to corroborate Dean's explanation. "Yeah, what he said," she added, her tone slightly nervous but trying to appear casual. "Just trying to figure out where we are and how to get back to, uh, where we came from."

Their responses seemed to satisfy Winston, who nodded understandingly. "Gotcha," he said, his expression softening slightly. "Well, good luck with that. If you need any help, just ask around. Folks around here are usually pretty friendly."

"Could you tell us the date, please?" Nadine asked, her voice tinged with disbelief as she surveyed the unfamiliar surroundings, noticing the peculiar fashion choices of the students passing by. The colorful scrunchies, bright clothing, and retro hairstyles painted a picture of a time long past, contrasting sharply with her own modern attire.

"18th of May?" Winston said, puzzled.

"Year?" Nadine pressed further, her mind reeling with the implications of Winston's response.

"1986! We just finished with the class pictures in the morning," Winston confirmed, his tone casual as if discussing the weather.

The words hung in the air, sinking into Nadine's consciousness with a weight that left her feeling unsteady. This couldn't be real, she thought, her mind struggling to comprehend the possibility of being transported back in time.

Beside her, Giovanni mirrored her shock, his usual bravado replaced by a sense of unease as he took a step backward, seeking support from the lockers behind him.

Aurora, usually prone to anxiety, remained surprisingly composed, her dancer's discipline keeping her calm in the face of the unknown. Despite the surreal circumstances, she exuded a sense of tranquility, her serene demeanor a testament to her ability to maintain composure under pressure.

Meanwhile, Alex felt a surge of disorientation wash over her, her senses overwhelmed by the surreal nature of their situation. She pressed a trembling hand to her forehead, her thoughts racing as she tried to make sense of the inexplicable turn of events.

Stevie and Paige exchanged alarmed glances, their minds struggling to comprehend the surreal situation they found themselves in. Alex felt a wave of dizziness wash over her as she processed the implications of Winston's words, her hand trembling as she instinctively reached for support. She leaned against the lockers, trying to steady herself as the reality of their circumstances sank in.

Nick's heart pounded in his chest as he struggled to make sense of their situation. This couldn't be happening, he thought frantically. They couldn't possibly have been transported back in time to 1986. It was impossible, absurd, and yet... here they were, surrounded by the sights and sounds of a bygone era.

Dean's mind raced with disbelief and confusion. This was like something out of a sci-fi movie, he thought incredulously. He glanced around the bustling hallway, taking in the retro fashion and hairstyles of the students passing by, each one adding to the surreal atmosphere.

As the shock of their situation began to sink in, the group exchanged worried glances, silently grappling with the daunting realization that they were stranded in a different time altogether. The weight of uncertainty hung heavy in the air as they contemplated their next steps in this strange and unfamiliar world.

"This is some Marty McFly type of shit," Dean huffed, his frustration evident in his tone. Alex nodded in agreement, sharing his exasperation as she let out a sigh.

"Impossible," Rory whispered, her voice barely audible amid the chaos unfolding around them. Alex placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder, silently offering her support amidst the bewildering situation.

"So, uh, what school did you say you're from?" Winston inquired, his gaze shifting from one member of the group to another.

"This one—" Paige began, only to be abruptly silenced by Stevie's hand covering her mouth.

"Can we discuss this somewhere else?" Nick interjected quietly, pulling on his collar, his eyes darting nervously around the hallway. As the jocks passed by, Nick couldn't shake the familiar feeling of apprehension, reminiscent of his experiences back home, as if at any moment someone might confront him or start a fight.

"Woah, woah, woah. You wanna tell this long-haired freak?" Giovanni pointed accusingly at Nick, his tone laced with hostility. Giovanni reached his limit with the situation, yearning to return to the comfort of his king-sized bed with its silk sheets, hoping to convince himself that this surreal experience was nothing more than a fleeting dream.

"Hey, man. Don't make me report you to the principal or the police for trespassing on school grounds," Winston warned, taking a step forward with a stern expression. Winston wasn't one to shy away from conflict, but he could easily discern that Giovanni was all talk and no bite.

"Also, who are you calling a freak, man? You look like you came straight outta Modern Talking," Winston retorted, his defiance evident in his stance.

"The what now?" Stevie and Paige exchanged puzzled glances, clearly unfamiliar with the reference.

"How do you not know Modern Talking?" Giovanni scoffed, incredulous at their ignorance.

"Giovanni, for the last time, we will literally leave you here and never come back," Alex interjected, her patience wearing thin.

"You don't even know where you're going!" Giovanni shot back, undeterred by Alex's threat.

"Neither do you!" Dean added, his frustration bubbling to the surface.

"Alright, everyone, shut up, god!" Winston intervened, his voice commanding attention as he attempted to restore order to the chaotic scene.

"Can I at least get your names?" Winston asked further, and they all presented themselves.

"Does anyone wanna explain what the hell you're on about?" Winston raised his hands from the pockets of his pants, looking at the group with a mix of confusion and amusement.

"What do you want us to say?" Nadine sighed loudly, frustration evident in her voice.

"We time traveled," Paige blurted out, unable to contain herself any longer.

"We have no idea!" Dean chimed in truthfully.

"And somehow, this is not the craziest thing I've ever heard in my entire life," Winston scratched his head, scanning the busy hallway before making a decision.

"Let's get out of school first because you are attracting some weird looks," he said, beckoning everyone to follow him outside.

As they walked outside, the vibrant surroundings of the past greeted them. The grass was greener, the atmosphere more cheerful, and everything seemed to radiate with color.

Aurora found herself watching the cute jocks over on the football field, their athleticism captivating her attention. Meanwhile, Nadine's gaze wandered to a group of girls gathered barefoot on the grass beneath a tree, seemingly engrossed in conversation, reminiscent of a book club. Giovanni couldn't help but admire the vintage cars parked nearby, his eyes scanning over each one with fascination. Paige, on the other hand, found herself admiring the composed and beautiful cheerleaders nearby, though she knew from experience that most of them could be rather mean.

"So?" Winston pressed further, stopping at a bench and scanning the area for his friends.

"We don't know him," Giovanni rolled his eyes, earning a sharp retort from Nadine.

"We don't know you," she snapped back.

Winston observed their exchange with a smirk before turning to Alex and Nadine for an explanation.

"Our parents were having their graduation anniversary and-" Alex began, but was interrupted by a debate about the anniversary year.

"30th?" Stevie pondered loudly.

"Wasn't it 35th?" Aurora asked.

"I'll calculate it," Paige said. "Right, we don't have our phones," She added, upon realizing.

"Phones? Let's get back on track," Winston interjected, waving his hand impatiently.

"We broke into the principal's office and found this lizard calendar and graduation photographs, and then suddenly..." Alex continued, only to be cut off by Paige.

"We got really sick and dizzy and landed here!" Paige exclaimed.

"Huh," Winston sighed, clearly baffled.

"What?" Aurora asked, her curiosity piqued.

"Okay, tell me something about the future," Winston shrugged, prompting Nick to speak up.

"What about the butterfly effect?" Paige suggested, glancing between them.

"Tell me who won the best rock performance at the 1987 Grammys," Winston challenged Dean.

"Tina Turner!" Dean answered confidently.

"Well, I don't know that yet, so I'll see in about a year," Winston nodded, placing his hand on his hip.

"I can tell you a morbid one," Nick offered, causing a stir among the group.

"Try me," Winston nodded, bracing himself for what Nick had to say.

"One of the best bassists ever is gonna die in September," Nick shrugged. Alex and Dean exchanged knowing glances, realizing who Nick was referring to, Cliff Burton.

"Wait, what?!" Winston exclaimed in shock.

"Also, Jason Newsted is gonna join Metallica," Nick added, earning a surprised reaction from the group.

"But they're gonna have a fallout," Alex added, further shocking Winston.

"Okay, stop, I don't wanna hear anymore," Winston covered his ears and closed his eyes, clearly overwhelmed by the revelations.

"Wait, it all started when you broke into the principal's office?" Winston began, but Paige interrupted eagerly.

"Yeah, and we stumbled upon this weird lizard calendar, and then things got... trippy," Paige added, her eyes wide with excitement.

Winston raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "Trippy, you say?"

"Yep, like, sick-to-your-stomach dizzy," Paige continued, her words rushing out in excitement. "And then poof! Here we are!"

Winston scratched his head, trying to process the absurdity of their story. "And you're telling me you time-traveled?"

"That's the gist of it," Dean chimed in, his tone casual despite the surreal nature of the conversation.

Winston let out a low whistle. "Well, I've heard of stranger things, I guess."

"But enough about us, what's the deal with this place?" Stevie interjected, gesturing to their surroundings.

Winston chuckled at her dismissal, shifting his weight on the bench. "Ah, welcome to 1986, kids."

"Wait, seriously?" Aurora exclaimed, her eyes widening in disbelief, only now understanding it.

"Yeah, seriously," Winston confirmed with a nod, a hint of amusement in his voice.

The group exchanged incredulous glances, struggling to process the revelation. This was beyond anything they could have imagined.

"Okay, so what happens next?" Nick asked, his voice tinged with curiosity.

Winston shrugged. "Beats me. But hey, at least you've got a front-row seat to the past."

As the group settled in to contemplate their newfound predicament, Winston couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement at the prospect of showing these time-traveling visitors the wonders of 1986.

━━ 𝙧𝙖𝙢𝙤𝙣𝙖 𝘀𝗽𝗲𝗮𝗸𝘀 !
heeellooo! yes this book is back (slow updates of course)

next chapter they will be meeting more people!

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