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"BUT SERIOUSLY GUYS, WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO?" Alex asked, glancing at Stevie but addressing everyone. They had now settled on a bench next to the road, hoping to attract less attention, but it clearly wasn't working.

"I don't know," Nick shrugged frantically when she looked at him. He was as lost as everyone else.

"Everything's so... vibrant," Paige remarked, still looking around. Dean kept a close eye on her, pulling her back to the group every now and then to ensure she didn't wander too far.

"I've got an idea. You guys come to my basement," Winston suggested casually, accustomed to having a lot of people around, even those he didn't always know well.

"That's what a murderer would say," Nadine squinted at Winston suspiciously.

"You all could jump me in a matter of seconds," Winston retorted exasperatedly.

"Fair point," Nick nodded, shoving his hands into his jacket pockets.

"So where's your car?" Giovanni questioned, his tone laced with suspicion.

"We're taking the bus, princess," Winston chuckled, already heading towards the bus stop. Giovanni wanted to say something but Nadine stopped him.

"Even if he had a car, which he doesn't, how would you all fit in?" an unfamiliar voice interrupted from behind them. They turned around and instinctively made room for the newcomers. A guy and a girl stood there, an unusual pairing yet somehow perfectly matched. The guy had his arm draped around the girl's shoulders, who was beaming with positivity, while he exuded the classic rebellious aura of an 80s bad boy.

When Stevie caught sight of the girl, she nudged Alexandria aggressively, both of their mouths dropping open in surprise. They recognized the boy, and more importantly, they recognized the girl.

"Is that Levana?" Alex whispered in disbelief.

"Yes?" Stevie stuttered, unsure.

"Shit, I might cry," Alex laughed silently.

"Well, don't," Stevie chuckled nervously.

Levana glanced at the two girls staring at her more intensely than the rest of the group. The curly-haired girl reminded her of one of her friends, Daphne. She tilted her head, prompting Stevie and Alex to stop fidgeting and act normal.

"I do have a car, Dallas," Winston said to him in a sarcastic tone.

"Yeah, and where is it?" Dallas asked, already aware that Winston had crashed the backlight backing out of the mall.

"Suck it," Winston chuckled.

"Hey, Winnie. Who are the strays?" Levana smiled, observing the new faces.

"Can we tell them?" Aurora asked Winston from beside him. Dallas and Levana observed this peculiar interaction.

"I don't see the need," Giovanni said, raising his hands in the air. Nadine rolled her eyes with a smirk.

"Ah, they're just tagging along. Alex is a friend, and the others... well, they're not causing any trouble," Winston explained, gesturing to the group.

"We can go to my basement," Winston suggested to Levana.

"Well, isn't that intriguing," Levana said with a smile, turning to Dallas. "Looks like we're taking a full load today."

Dallas grumbled, "Great, more passengers for the truck."

Levana chuckled, nudging him playfully. "Come on, it'll be fun. Besides, you've got a big heart, right?"

"Yeah, yeah," Dallas muttered, not entirely convinced. Levana patted him on the chest before giving him a kiss.

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