Always On My Mind

By elliefraser33

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All of the rarest candids of Elvis had someone behind them. What if it was you? Y/n had grown up with Elvis... More

Note From Author
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23

Part 11

1K 22 9
By elliefraser33

August 27th, 1957

You hated the idea of going with Elvis to the train station. You had begged to fly out the following day just to keep you at arms length from Elvis and his new girl, but the Colonel was persistent. Just knowing Anita would be there made you sick to the stomach, but you had to get the shot the Colonel wanted whether it made you uncomfortable or not, after all, you still had to make money somehow. You stepped out of the Cadillac with Elvis and his parents in tow. He was about to embark on another tour with you along for the ride. As you walked down the crowded station you saw who you could only have guessed to be Anita Wood. She was a shorter blonde woman, probably a little younger than you. She was busty, had curves in all the right places and legs for days. Even you couldn't blame Elvis for falling for her. She was in fact gorgeous, making you feel even more like the ugly duckling. "Baby girl!" Elvis exclaimed with a smile and scooped her up. You rolled your eyes, something Gladys caught sight of and she gave you a soft smile. You smile and nod and knew it was time to be strong and do your job you move ahead of the group and quickly get a shot of Elvis and Anita as they turn and start walking towards your departure.

Anita met your eyes as you lowered the camera and for a second you thought you saw a hint of jealousy, but she would make it clear the entire time before you left that Elvis was hers and he was in heaven on her arm. It was as if she were the star of the shoe and he was the one happy to just be on her arm. You quickly allow your emotions to get the best of you as she puts her arms around him. "Gladys, I can't....can you take the rest? Just give the camera to Elvis. I'm gonna go get our seats." You ask and hand off the camera to Gladys who ended up taking the rest of the pictures of Elvis's departure but just before you leave earshot you hear Elvis say, "Anita is number one with me - strictly tops," to one of the reporters there and you fight the urge to leave the station snd Elvis altogether but decide to hop on the train despite every fiber in you telling you that you could leave right now, but years of friendship and your heart had you stepping on the train despite what your head was telling you. Elvis quickly finished up with his goodbyes. You avoided looking out the window at his goodbye kiss and pull out a book to read for the long journey. Elvis soon makes his way on the train and to your private cart and takes a seat across from you. "Hey wittle! You ready?" He asked with a smile so clearly oblivious to your feelings deep inside. You give a small smile and nod and look back to your book. That was the first awkward trip you had ever been on with Elvis, sitting in silence for the remainder of the time.

October 1st, 1957

The tour had gone on as usual the only downside was the ongoing resentment you had towards Elvis and it showed. Not once over the entire two months did you ever hang out with him or speak to him unless it pertained to business matters with his photos especially after his short trip to visit Anita in September. You could tell the cold shoulder he was getting from you was affecting him. He seemed to want his best friend back and truth be did you. You laid in your hotel room which was next door to his. You were back in Hollywood for the time being and enjoying downtime before his next tour dates at the end of the month. You laid down in your tight black leggings and a new pink crop top gifted to you by Elvis a year ago, clearly having an eye for the newest women fashion, flipping through the channels on the TV, occasionaly coming across stations talking about Elvis and Anita nonetheless. You took a sip of your Pepsi before a knock on the door interrupted your time of peace. You rolled out of the bed and answered the door to see Elvis leaning against it in a grey suit, holding a mask of some sort. "Can I come in?" He asked, his cologne already making its way uninvited through the door and into your senses. You shrug and move out of the way, signaling for him to come in. You couldn't help but notice how he checked you out quickly before looking away and taking a seat on the love seat next to the bed. "So...we were all invited to a Halloween party with Jeanne." Elvis said, speaking quickly, clearly nervous as can be. Jeanne Laverne Carmen was a model and trick shot golfer who you had all met towards the end of September as you came back to California, no doubt brought to Elvis to fulfill needs by Nick Adams. You roll your eyes. "And?" You press, wanting to avoid any more of the awkwardness filling the room. "Come with me, y/n. Please. You don't even have to take no pictures. I need you." He said. "I dunno E. What about Anita? Or Jeanne for that matter?" You laughed at his situation. Two women and now he was wanting to throw a third in the "I don't give a damn about them y/n, you should know you've been my number one." Elvis said. You laughed sarcastically. "Elvis, you have two gorgeous stars who want you, one that you're exclusive with. Why do you need me? Aside from pictures..." You ask. "You're my best friend, y/n. I have so much shit going're the one constant I need. The one I don't have to worry about pleasing or making sure I talk without a southern twang, or making sure I look nice and have my hair done up. I can be me, y/n." He said spewing out quickly. You sit silently for a few moments to process everything. "I miss my best friend." Elvis says and you look to meet his blue sparkling eyes. You want nothing mire to kiss him and hold him but you opt to just get up and go to hold him there. You slide in his lap wrapping your arms around him for the first time in months and you sit hugging him rubbing his back lightly. "I've missed you too E." You admit. " that a yes then? You'll come?" Elvis finally says looking up at you. "Yes I'll come." You cave and he holds your face in his hands, kissing your forehead, nose, and quickly pecking your lips. The familiar kisses catch you off guard, but make you smile. "You're the best!" He exclaims and you both stand up. "Be ready in an hour. I'll be back then with my boys." He says and then quickly looks back and looks you up and down clear as day. "Mooo!" He lets out and you both burst into laughter. Yup, he still liked how you looked. Anita and Jeanne both could think you're just a plain old southern girl, but Elvis liked the way you look still, after all you had some of what he liked....always had and always would.

The Halloween party was lively and full of many prominent figures in Hollywood and you had VIP access to it all as you entered with Elvis and all his boys by your side. You ended up taking one photo that night, vowing to never be in a single photo with Elvis from then on to ensure discretion as your friendship continued on, developing constantly just as his relationships did with the women in his life.

November 5th, 1957

You sail into the port in Honolulu. The palm trees, endless greenery, and crystal clear blue ocean spam all around. It's the first time you traveled anywhere that far with Elvis and it was mesmerizing. You stood out on the balcony of your cabin as you watched the boat maneuver its way into Port. You sip on your black coffee as the sun threatens to peak over the mountains in the distance. The port is still quiet with only a few workers near the giant dock. It's early in the morning and you savor the stillness and beauty of Hawaii. Soon you hear footsteps in your cabin and the door to the balcony opens you look behind as Elvis makes his way out with his own cup of coffee and wraps his arms around you. "I love this place. I could live here if I could." He said with a smile. Your newly rekindled friendship had evolved into something you felt uneasy about at times knowing Anita was still in the picture, but in moments like this one, all you thought about was the two of you. You needed each other and the day you made up made it clear. You stood stating out as the sun rose into the sky and as the port started become lively. "You should go in." You suggest as you spot onlookers trying to get a peak at the two of you. Elvis was developing a routine of hiding the way things were and he quickly unwrapped himself from you and made his way back inside. You smile as you're left yet again alone outside. As part of your new routine, you exited the boat without Elvis and let him and his band be seen alone as he would make his entrance anywhere. You take your place from well below in the now busy port and look up to see he had taken his place with his band mates and a lucky fan. You snap the photo. You see him wink through the lense and smile to yourself. You could get used to the sneaking around. It made things more exciting and as children into adulthood you and Elvis both developed a love for adventure and excitement, yet again the mannerisms that you would both inherit from one another. Either way, you were enjoying the ride no matter where it took you.

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