The Cavanaugh's All Grown Up;...

By pllfan6

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Book two of the Spoby Ever After Novels, Read Spoby Ever After first! It's 20 years later....and the Cavanug... More

Chapter 1 Penelope & Charles
Chapter 2 Kylene & Nathaniel
Chapter 3 Mason & Bridgette
Chapter 4 Landon & Leighton
Chapter 5 Spencer, Toby & Adalyn
Chapter 6 Penelope & Charles
Chapter 7 Kylene & Nathaniel
Chapter 8 Mason & Bridgette
Chapter 9 Landon & Leighton
Chapter 11 Spencer, Toby & Adalyn
Chapter 12 Kylene & Nathaniel
Chapter 13 Landon & Leighton
Chapter 14 A little bit of Everyone
Chapter 15 Mason & Bridgette
Chapter 16 Spencer Toby & Company
Chapter 17 Landon & Leighton
Chapter 18 Spencer & Toby
Chapter 19 Kylene & Nathaniel
Authors Note
Chapter 20 Penelope & Charles
Chapter 21 Adalyn & Andrew
Authors Note
Chapter 22 Penelope & Charles
Chapter 23 Spencer & Toby
Chapter 24 A little Bit of Everyone
Chapter 25 Penelope & Charles
Cast List
Authors Note
Chapter 26 Spencer & Toby
Chapter 27 Landon & Leighton
Chapter 28 Kylene & Nathaniel
Chapter 29 Adalyn & Andrew
Chapter 30 Mason & Bridgette
Family Tree update
Chapter 31 Penelope & Charles
Chapter 32 Spencer & Toby
Chapter 33 Landon & Leighton
Chapter 34 Spencer & Toby

Chapter 10 Penelope & Charles

613 20 15
By pllfan6

Penelope and Charles

Ever since Penelope found out she is pregnant again she has been so excited she had been non stop planning for the arrival of her baby. Charles has been just as excited but is worried that she is planning too much already. For the most part she has been feeling really good, some morning sickness here and there. She already decided if it was a girl they were naming her Rebecca and if it was a boy then Jacob and she already had two nursery ideas for the baby, a boy and a girl choice. But when Penelope woke up today and got ready for work she hadn't been feeling well at all and Chase noticed and tried to convince her to stay home, but she decided she was okay.

During a case today she started to feel a little dizzy and a lot of pain in her stomach she was talking when she stopped and held her stomach in pain hunched over a little "Are you okay? Can you continue?" The judge asks her and everyone was looking at her worried. Penelope felt like she peed herself and her friend who was also a lawyer that was sitting in the room up front saw blood going down her leg since she was wearing a skirt, and panicked Penny held her stomach and back crying it really hurt everyone was staring when her co worker seen it she ran to her "Penny!" others saw the blood too and were talking "She's pregnant somethings wrong!" Her co worker says worried

Someone gets Charles from the next room over and he comes running in "Penelope?!" He says freaking out "Chase?" she cries and him and her co worker picks her up carrying her out Everyone was confused and worried what happened, but most people could already tell. 

Someone had called 911 and an ambulance was already waiting outside, her and Charles get in "Thank you Amber" He says to her co worker and she nods "I hope shes okay" She says really worried 

They started to clean Penny up she was crying and trying to hold her stomach "It hurts!" she bawls "Chase?" she calls worried 

Chase went right to her side he was tearing up he knew exactly what was going on and takes her hand slightly squeezing it. "I'm right here baby" he says worried 

When they arrive at the hospital they throw out her clothes and get her in a gown laying her in bed. They run many tests and a doctor walks in. Charles knew what happened, and he was pretty sure Penelope did too, but neither wanted to mention it. "Penelope, Charles... I hate to have to tell you guys this.. but you lost the baby" He says looking at Penelope and she lost it right then and there bawling her eyes out the doctor leaves to give them some space. 

They went home Penelope was bawling the entire way home this was her second miscarriage she had where she actually got pictures of the baby and went longer then 2 weeks, and she had been even more happy for this pregnancy that he knew this had to be hurting her badly. He was really upset too and listening to her cry made him tear up he was trying not to cry but it was really hard especially seeing Penny this worked up. He carried her upstairs and changed her into some comfy clothes and laid her in bed and sat down on the bed next to her and rubbed her back as she bawled.

"Penny" He says his voice cracking

"hm?" She mumbles into her pillow

"Will you talk to me?" He says so upset too but was trying to hold it all in for her

she turns so she was facing him but still laying down "It's not fair Chase!" She bawls her face blotchy and red, with tears and make up all down her face and on her pillow.

"I know honey, I know but sometimes these things happen." He says and lifts her up some and lays her on him as she cried into his chest.

"I hate this! I either can never get pregnant or if I do I have a miscarriage!" she cries loudly she had also had a couple other miscarriages, but they were only a couple weeks into the pregnancy, not almost 8 like this one and her first

He rubs her back "I know honey but maybe were not meant to have kids, or at least not yet."

"But I want one! I want one so badly! I want to have a little girl that I can dress up and have fun with, to take care of, to need me, to love, and to love me." she cries listening to her made him even more upset.

"I know, me too believe me I have always imagined us with kids, at least one, but we will get through this and can try again in a couple months okay?"

"No it's not okay, I hate this I hate myself I hate my life, this is all my fault!"

"Penelope!" He starts crying "What did I tell you about that! This is not your fault at all! Like the doctor has told you many times sometimes things are just meant to happen, god will give us a baby someday, or many not either way it will be the right plan for us. But what he don't want you to do is to say you hate yourself, and that it is your fault, because it's not Penny, it is not your fault or mine, or the doctors or anyones. Just please stop saying that" He says still crying and holding her close. His shirt was soaked from her.

"I know, I'm sorry but it's true!"

"No it isn't honey" He says and looks at her wiping her eyes "How about you take a bath, or a hot shower or something to calm you down some? That normally seems to help."

She nods and blows her nose "I can try"

"Okay come on" He picks her up and carries her into the bathroom, after he fills up the tub he undresses her and lays her in the tub. She cries a little bit more and blows her nose, there are tissues all over the bathroom floor.

When she starts to calm down Chase who was sitting on the bathroom floor looks at Penny "I'm going to go call someone I'll be right back okay?" He asks her to make sure she was going to be okay

"Okay" she mumbles and opens her eyes looking at him he kisses her head and gets up going into the hall.

He dials spencer's number. His parents passed away when he was younger so Spencer and Toby were kind of like his since him and Penelope got engaged.

"Hello?" Spencer answers she sounded tired it was late but Chase needed to talk to someone

"Hi Spencer, I'm sorry it's so late I really need to talk to someone" He says his voice cracking

"Oh its okay really, whats going on? Everything okay? You sound like your about to cry" She says worried

"I am" He says and looses it crying "Penelope lost another baby she had another miscarriage and shes taking it way worse then the others and i am really worried" He cries and Penelope was in the bath crying again she had tissues all over the bathroom floor

"Oh my..wait again? the others? When the hell did she have other miscarriages?! Wait when the hell was she pregnant before this time?!"

"A lot, she wants a baby so bad, we both do, but shes having a really hard time getting pregnant, and when she does she ends up loosing the baby 2 weeks in normally"

"Oh my god!" She tears up on the other end and Toby was looking at confused and worried. "Why didn't she tell me about this?"

"She was worried too, you wanted her to have a baby so badly and she thought you'd be upset if she told you she was having infertility problems" He says still worked up.

"Oh my god I am such a terrible mother!" Spencer cries and Toby was now worried and took the phone from spencer

"Hello? Penelope? Chase?" He says wanting to know what was going on

"Hello Toby? It's Chase" He says trying to stop crying

"What the hell is going on?!" Toby asks really worried

Chase explains it all to him and Toby gets him to calm down "If you guys need anything please let us know, we will fly in if you guys need, and please keep us updated."

"Okay I will." Chase says and hangs up and walks into the bathroom seeing Penelope all worked up again "Oh Penelope" He frowns and she looks at him crying "I'm sorry I can't stop crying" She bawls

He sighs "It's okay, your aloud to cry honey, I'm sorry I wasn't in here I was talking to your parents"

"My parents?! Oh my god did you tell them everything?!" She was freaking out, she always felt she had to be perfect around her parents, kind of like how Spencer felt around hers, the thing was that Spencer and Toby weren't like that, they wouldn't have been upset or disowned Penelope over half of the things Penelope was worried they would, and they never understood why she thought these things.

"Yes I had to, I'm sorry"

"Oh my god, their going to hate me now!" She cries and Chase starts draining the tub and helping her out

"No their not, they are really upset too, and their actually even more upset that you didn't come to them about the infertility, especially your mom, she was crying so hard, she feels like a terrible mom because she kept bugging you about a baby not knowing what was going on and was so upset you didn't tell her and talk to her about it." He says as he dresses her and lays in bed with her.

"I am such a terrible daughter too!" She cries and Chase sighs "no your not at all, stop saying that please stop putting yourself down! There is nothing terrible about you please stop." He cries

She stops when she sees him starting to cry too "I'm so sorry Chase I am just really upset and I am trying to cope but it is really hard this time, I mean I got pictures of the baby and and" She just starts crying again

Chase now just had tears in his eyes and holds her close and closes his eyes it was really late they needed sleep all he could hear was her crying "Penny honey try to sleep, you really need to sleep it will be the best"

"I'm not tired" She cries she was lying she really needed seep

He opens his eyes and looks at her "Are you hungry want to try eating? You haven't eaten in hours"

"No" She keeps crying "I'm not eating anymore!" He sighs and holds her close rubbing her back and closes his eyes "Try to sleep for me please" He says

He soon falls asleep but she don't she just keeps crying he was sleeping really lightly. Around 4 am she crawls off of him trying to be quiet but her wheezing and sniffling from her crying made it impossible. "Penelope where are you going?" Chase sits up looking at her

"I just have to pee is that okay?" She asks walking into the bathroom "Yeah, I was just wondering sorry.." He sighs and lays there waiting for her

She was taking forever he got up and knocked on the door "Penelope? Are you okay?" He tries to open the door but it was locked "Penelope?!" He heard the sink then it went off and he heard the sound of pills and he started to panic all she has been talking about tonight and lately was wanting to die he started freaking out "Penelope open this door right now!" He was screaming and crying "Penelope!" He screams banging on the door he finally got it open when she swallowed it. There were two prescription bottles emptied laying on the bathroom floor and she looked like she was about to pass out.

"Penelope!" He screams crying and grabs his phone and throws it by the toilet and helps her to it opening the top and sticking his finger down her throat "Throw it up!" He yells "Throw it up Penny!" He yells again and keeps sticking his finger back there making her throw it all up.

He was crying and screaming so scared she was going to die, he already lost his parents he couldn't handle loosing her too. He held her up with one hand as he kept trying to get her to throw up and grabbed his phone and dialed 911.

"911 what is your emergency?"

"I need an ambulance my wife overdosed on Prescription drugs!" He yells into the phone crying

He tells them the address and they soon come get her she was passed out he was a total mess and rides in the ambulance with her they got her to the hospital rushing her in and pumping her stomach.

Hours later a doctor goes out to Charles "Charles Berkley" He says and Chase stand up and almost runs over to the doctor "Is she okay?" He says he was still kind of crying.

"Penelope is okay." He says calming Chase down a lot

"She overdosed big time, we pumped her stomach and she is now laying in bed asleep. But you saved her life, if you didn't make her throw all that up right away like you did, or you didn't call 911 she would have died." He says sadly and Chase nods trying not to cry

"Okay, thank you so much for saving her doctor"

He nods "that is my job, you can go see her but shes asleep"

"Okay thank you"

Chase goes and sees Penny he was a mess crying she was still asleep the whole time.

He walked out to the hall to call Toby he knew if he told Spencer first it wouldn't be good, she wouldn't be able to just handle news like that, not that Toby would be able to much easier.

"Hello?" He says it was about 9am by now

"Toby? I have to tell you guys something" He says still sounding upset

Toby put him on speaker phone "yes of course what is it?" He asks worried

"Before I start shes okay so you know." Spencer looked at toby worried and put down the dish she was cleaning "But Penelope tried to kill herself last night, she overdosed, I got her to throw most of it up and they pumped her stomach so shes okay, but she almost died" He says crying

Spencer looks at Toby and starts crying and holds onto him and Toby wraps an arm around her and takes the phone off of speaker and holds it up to his ear. He was tearing up too "Oh my god, are you okay? She's okay right?"

"Yeah shes okay, but it's going to take a lot to get her back to the normal Penelope again, and I I think I have been crying for the past 6 hours, this is so hard after seeing my mom kill herself the same way and then my dad getting in a car crash not long after and dying, this scares me and hurts and I don't know what possessed her to do it! I am guessing the miscarriage caused it" Spencer was crying loudly and Toby looked at her and moved the phone from his mouth "Spencer shh" he says feeling bad and wanted to cry too and listening to them both crying he was about to he kept rubbing her back as he listened to Chase "I need you guys, please if you can fly out and help me. I know thats asking a lot but I don't know if I can handle this alone" He crying and Toby puts the phone by his mouth. "Don't worry we will be there okay?"

"Okay" He cries "Thank you so much!" Chase says before they both hand up.

Chase hangs up and tries to compose himself before walking back into Penny's room.

When he does he sits in a chair next to her and holds her hand.

"Penelope I love you." He says "I can't believe you did this baby, I am so sorry if I had anything to do to drive you to this point, if I did I am really sorry." He starts crying again "You scared me so much, I thought you were really going to die, I was so worried Penny, I don't know what I would do without you, I would die without you. I need you your my entire life. And if this is about the baby we will try again and again until we have one and if we find out that we really can't then we will adopt we will adopt every kid you want all the them, I will do and get everything you want to make you feel better, anything that will make you want to live. I hate hearing you say you want to kill yourself, and you trying last night just made everything worse. I am sorry I didn't truly listen to you when you said you wanted to die, I should have took you straight to the hospital as soon as you said it the very first time you said it. I guess I just never thought you would actually do it. I am sure your going to hate me when you wake up. Normally people who try to kill themselves hate the person who saved them, at least at first. And I called your parents their on their way. Your really going to hate me. Oh Penelope please don't be mad at me, I am just trying to do what is the best for you, I just want to help" Charles says bawling.

Penelope slowly opens her eyes and looks at him "Chase?"

Authors note; Hey guys! Another chapter! That was intense I know, it was making me upset just writing it. I hope you guys enjoyed it though... I am making a lot of eventful things happening in the book lately! Hope you guys like that! Please vote, and comment your thoughts and reactions! I love to read them. This chapter was a crazy 3100 words! Thats like the longest so far for this book. I have ton of more ideas in my head, but my fingers are like cramping, lmfao. Like I'm not even kidding if I am able to I'll try to update again tonight but I am guessing it will have to be tomorrow! Well I hope you liked this, thanks for reading and commenting and voting it means a lot! I need more reads though! My reads are dropping!!!!!! HELP ME GET MORE READS AND VOTES!!!! I will only update often with long chapters like this if I keep getting more reads and votes! Thanks! 


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