A Happy Accident

By AcademyShadowhunter

18.3K 1.1K 113

Light-hearted and fluffy :) Sang has a run in with Jade in gym class that lands her in Dr. Green's office. Po... More

Gym Class
Ankle Slips
"Of course I know you're a girl."
"What did you do?"
I am willing and I will obey
Operation: Jade's downfall
The Final Showdown


2.3K 132 12
By AcademyShadowhunter

A/N: Wow!! Y'all have been absolutely amazing with your comments and votes <3 I'm totally blown away. Thanks a ton. X.

*Dr. Green*

Owen decided it was best I took Sang with me to the hospital to make sure she hadn't done serious damage to that ankle. Also it would be impossible for her to mentally prepare for a family meeting surrounded by everybody. It was like a stealth mission to get her out of that twisted excuse for a school. If it wasn't for Pookie I was ready to bail on this mission. No matter how many favors we would earn from it. Hendricks and McCoy were fighting us at every turn and to be quite frank they were the kind of men who deserved to get their ass kicked.

I rested my hand on top of Sang's while I drove. She looked so helpless and lost in her own thoughts. Her head was down and hair twisted back up in a clip. She was back in a cream colored blouse and pleated royal blue skirt with sandals. Gabriel could dress a Polly Pocket doll and make her look like she came off a runway. Her legs were crossed showing off her smooth thighs. God she didn't know what that was doing to me. That kiss was magical. I have never felt those kind of sparks with any girl in my life. Earth to Sean - she's hurting right now. You and a cold shower can deal with that other problem later.

"Pookie, what's going on in that head of yours? You can tell me," I said delicately. I squeezed her hand to hopefully offer some reassurance to put some of her burdens on my shoulders.

"How do I even start a family meeting? What should I say? What if I'm completely wrong about my feelings?" she said softly.

"Gorgeous, follow your instincts. You have accepted us into your heart and it will guide you no matter how nervous you get. Owen and I will be there to referee if the guys get rowdy. Use your womanly powers of persuasion." If she ever tapped into them fully, Owen might have competition for team leader. Her sparkling green eyes, adorable little pout and pint size curves could tame a beast or North on a warpath.

She perked up a smidge and flashed a smile, "I didn't think my persuasion powers were that developed."

I pulled into my personal parking space at the hospital and killed the engine, "You underestimate them, beautiful. After all you were just kissing two ridiculously gorgeous gentlemen."

Her cheeks tinted the most adorable shade of pink, "I thought they were kissing me."

My gaze fell back to her lips pouting and waiting to be bit. What kind of a man would I be to ignore that beautiful pout? I tilted my head and captured her lips with my own. It was delightful to see how much she was relaxing and gaining confidence in her ability to please even from a few short minutes ago. She cupped my face in her small hands running her thumbs on the slight stubble on my chin. Her tongue captured mine seizing it to drag back into her mouth. A low growl escaped from my throat. I reclined the seat and pulled her over the gear shift to situate her in my lap. Oh sweet heavenly hell she was warm underneath her mini school girl skirt. Sean self-control! She isn't ready for that...yet. Unfortunately my hands were squeezing her creamy, smooth thighs slinking higher than they should be.

Sang was moaning so softly in my mouth I swore I would lose the limited amount of facilities left in my brain. I jumped and smacked my head on the roof at the several loud bings from our phones. I snatched the phone out of the cup holder and swiped the screen.

Owen: Miss Sorenson has called a family meeting. Everyone meet at Mr. Morgan's in an hour.

North: What's wrong with Sang baby?

Gabriel: Fucking shit what's going on with Trouble?!

Kota: Is she alright?

Luke: Seriously? Can she do that?

Silas: What happened to Aggele mou?

Nathan: Did Jade do something to Peanut?

Victor: Where is princess now?

I shot a quick text to everyone.

Dr. Green: Sang is with me. We're on our way now.

I put the phone back in the cup holder and gave her a light peck on the lips, "Looks like we'll have to get that ankle checked out later, Pookie," I said, hugging her tight to my chest. She nodded and crawled back over to the passenger side.

"Do you know what you want to ask sweetie?" I questioned. We were originally supposed to be preparing for the meeting after all.

She bit her lip and replied, "I think so. I just hope I word it right without making anyone upset."

I chuckled, "You mean North?" If there was one person sure to fly off the handle in less than 30 seconds it was surely North Taylor.

She tried to stifle a giggle by covering her mouth, "He is a big teddy bear after he relaxes though."

Oh if North knew anyone other than Sang called him a teddy bear he would spontaneously combust.


Kissing Sean had certainly taken my mind off the impending meeting, but I had to focus now. My palms were so sweaty I had to wipe them on my thighs as we walked up the stairs to Victor's sitting room. I heard several loud voices escalating from the stairwell. Sean squeezed my hand one more time to stop my heart from thumping so loudly. This wasn't only my first family meeting- I had called it. I smoothed the pleats down on my skirt and took a deep breath. It was still difficult to put pressure on my ankle, but I could manage without Sean supporting my back.

I straightened my shoulders and willed my hands to stay at their sides, but above all it was my mission in life to not pout throughout this entire meeting.

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