Diabolic Desire

By CloudyXAutumn

136K 8.5K 4.7K

"How could you Deku..!?" "Oh please, don't tell me you're surprised. I thought you were the smarter of the bu... More

All Might
Quick save
Class president
High Stakes
Hero Meet
Sports Festival Ditch
Personal Confusion
The Past
run in
Training Weak
End Internship
Surprising Team
Case: Blood Reaper
Villain vs Hero
Attack On Camp
𝔩𝔢𝔞𝔤𝔲𝔢 𝔬𝔣 𝔳𝔦𝔩𝔩𝔞𝔦𝔫𝔰
Press Conference
Catastrophic Devastation
Blood Plan
Blood drive
Final Class Training
Provisional Hero License Exam
The Great Reveal
Kill Streak
The Meet
Pure Fear
First Betrayal

All might 💀

1.5K 101 55
By CloudyXAutumn


"Did somebody order pizza?"
A voice from outside said.

Everyone in the league froze as they stared at the door

Moments later everything came crashing down.

Midoriya teleported back into the restraints seconds before-

All might screamed as he broke down a wall.
Midoriya and the league stared as all might jumped in with woods who captured everyone with some wood.

All might ran over to Midoriya and ripped off his restraints, "I'm here young Midoriya!"

Midoriya put on his best act, "all might..!"
He cheered.
He could feel himself die a little bit on the inside.

"I apologize for taking so long!
Eraserhead is waiting for you outside, escape quickly"
All might said as he tried to usher Midoriya away.



A black ink like substance coated him and all the league members that were captured under the wood.
They disappeared at once.

All might screamed in annoyance as he flew out.

"He's at the second location we considered, go quickly!"
Tsukauchi said over a comm, he had been tracking Midoriya's location on his computer through his phone.

All might quickly flew over, though it'd take some time before he'd make it.

Midoriya stood before AFO, "well he's tall..
And he has no eyes... Would I still be able to erase his memories?
I don't like this guy."
He mentally commented.

"Izuku Midoriya.
Your quirk is strong. It makes me want to steal it.

So before all might comes.
That is exactly what I will do"
AFO said as he approached Midoriya.

Midoriya shot a glance at Shigaraki, "can I kill him???"

"Do you want to blow your cover already?"


"Well there's your answer."

Midoriya jumped back, he wasn't interested in having his head being palmed by some weird man.

"Fighting me is useless."
AFO shot out black tendrils, aiming to skewer Midoriya.

"Are you kidding me???"
Midoriya flew up into the air and broke the tendrils with his telekinesis.
"I seriously have to keep this guy alive just so he can distract all might.
What a joke.
If it weren't for the instability I have with the league and building up a liege of pawns, I'd kill him and reveal myself."

"That telekinetic ability is truly strong.
No one's ever been able to break those tendrils you just shattered"
AFO said as he charged at Midoriya head on.

"Where the hell is all might."
Midoriya groaned as he dodged AFO left and right.
It wasn't all too difficult but it sure as hell was annoying.

All might screamed as he came shooting down like a star.

Midoriya quickly flew off onto a building to watch everything go down.
However that building was quickly destroyed when AFO shot it down on purpose.

Midoriya landed dead center amongst the league members.
Shigaraki had already left as he said he would.

"Time to kill you"
Muscular grinned as he charged straight for Midoriya.

"You have to be kidding me..."
Midoriya groaned aloud.
"I can't even use my power to the fullest or I'd kill them all by accident.
I need to make a quick escape but I need to stay close to the scene so I can infect all might."
He thought to himself as he blocked attacks and delivered his own.

He had been struggling to hold back, he was so close to accidentally making his future pawns explode from the inside out.

He couldn't even fly away either, AFO had been shooting the sky everywhere as he engaged in battle with all might.
If he had been hit with one of the attacks and showed everyone he wasn't hurt, it'd be problematic.

Toga screamed as Midoriya flung her into a wall.

Dabi sent a barrage of flames straight at Midoriya but he set up a barrier with his telekinesis that protected him from the flames entirely.

Compress tried to compress Midoriya but he was instantly knocked out because of how annoying he was.

"Holding back is annoying. When the hell is Aizawa going to get here??"
"Where are you???"

"There's a small issue"

"...and you weren't going to tell me??"

"I was just about to"

"What is it??"

"I can't come."


"We were told to leave the scene empty so that all might wouldn't have a hard time fighting.
He has requested that only a few people arrive from the top ten heroes and I don't fall under that category."

"Bloody hell"

Midoriya gritted his teeth as he stared up at the full moon, "should I just ditch the plan and reveal myself..???
...no that wouldn't work too well...
The plan was to reveal myself the same day I plan to take over.

What do I do..."
Midoriya thought to himself in a panic as he flung everyone in the league away.
He tried to fly off but AFO prevented it but sending one a bunch of attacks wherever he tried to run to.

"Can't you focus on your battle with all might???"
Midoriya thought to himself as his eyes flashed red in annoyance.

Then suddenly, an abrupt mound of ice shot up into the sky.
Midoriya stared at it in confusion as he saw 4 of his classmates shoot into the sky like shooting stars.


A familiar voice screamed with an out stretched hand.

Midoriya immediately shot himself up, he had gone so fast it practically looked like teleportation.

He grabbed onto bakugo's hand and sped up all of their travel by going as fast as he could with his telekinesis away from the scene.

Midoriya ended up traveling all the way to an empty street in Tokyo, it was quite a distance from Yokohama...

Because of the lockdown, everyone was inside their homes which made the street look like a ghost town.

However despite the empty streets, news still played on the big display screens.

"Midoriya how did you speed up our speed???"
Kaminari asked as he felt his heart race out his chest.
He had been expecting to go fast, but not that fast.

Midoriya replied with a relieved sigh as he looked up at the screen.
Kaminari embraced Midoriya in a brotherly hug, "man we thought you were a goner!"

Kirishima joined in on the hug as did sero as Iida todoroki, and Bakugo just watched awkwardly.

"Dude you're freezing??? Did they put you in a frozen cellar???"
Kirishima said as he broke off the hug.

"Yeah what did they do to you??"

"I need to go before AFO kills all might.
But how am I supposed to escape them??"
Midoriya thought to himself as the perfect idea came to mind.

"Thank you..."
He said with a warm smile, it was obviously all fake.

He glanced at Bakugo, todoroki, and Iida.
"I was really stuck back there.
Thanks again"
He stretched out his hand, aiming for a handshake from Todoroki and Iida.

Todoroki shook his hand, "yeah"
He said as he had no idea how to reply.

"Tch whatever"
Bakugo hissed as he shook his hand as well.

"It's no problem Midoriya, that's what friends are for."
Iida said sternly as he shook his hand as well.

Midoriya grinned as he watched them all fall under his control.

They stood there like mindless robots as he quickly went invisible and teleported right back to the scene.

All might was struggling greatly, but he wouldn't any longer...

An opening!"
Midoriya grinned as he teleported in and scratched all might.

He teleported back out and held back a manic laugh, "ha!
I did it.
Now to kill AFO too! That annoying bastard"

"I'm going to kill AFO now"

"You're revealing yourself?"

"No, I'm invisible so he won't know what hit him"

Well that works."

Midoriya had informed shigaraki beforehand. He was going to do it regardless, he just wanted to make sure he knew.

Midoriya teleported in and scratched AFO's neck.

He then teleported away and looked down at everything from the sky, the both of them were still fighting.
But not for long.

"I should escape the scene.
Both these humans are decently strong so once they get to attacking everything together it'll be bad to be around"

Midoriya teleported back to the group that saved him and became visible.
He then released them from his control and stood there with a warm smile.
The smile was really just there to mask his much more devious smile that he had been holding back.

"Where are we?"
Kaminari asked as he looked around.
They had all just come to realization that they had no way to return home...

All forms of public transportation had been shut down after 8pm.

"Somewhere in Tokyo"
Todoroki replied as he pulled out his phone to check where exactly.

"We knew that much icyhot"
Bakugo hissed as he looked up at the big screen.

Midoriya watched as well, he could see the virus take action.

The both of them stopped fighting, it was so sudden.
They shook hands and looked up at the loud helicopter that had been recording everything.




The 2 of them chanted, it was a terrifying sight to see as AFO loaded up his quirk and shot down the helicopter at once, destroying the live.

It didn't take long to hear buildings go crashing down in the distance.

"... guys..."
Kaminari said as his face went pale.

"...I think they..."

"Became infected"
The entire group said in unison.

Kaminari asked in pure panic.

The group then all collectively glanced at Midoriya, he was the only one that was able to get them out of their situation...

This is nothing like camp...-"

"I know kaminari.
Brace yourselves, they're coming in fast which means I'm also going to be flying fast"

Midoriya flew up and carried the group, reluctantly.

"I would let them die but they saved me from my last situation so they paid for their lives.
Not to mention if I kill these 6 the class would mourn way too much"
He thought to himself as he flew up thousands of feet into the air and dragged them all with him.

"Woah Tokyo is so pretty from this high up" kaminari said, forgetting the whole reason they were up that high to begin with.

All might and AFO could be seen destroying everything all around, buildings had been falling like dominos, people were dying, things were on fire, and overall it was pure destruction all around.

"I'm getting height freight..."
Sero said as he felt his stomach drop whenever he looked down.

"..me too"
Kirishima groaned.

"Well it's either that or getting crushed beneath the rubble down there"
Midoriya said as the street they were previously standing on became nothing but rubble.

"Midoriya don't you get scared when you're this high up??"
Kirishima asked as Midoriya came to a stop point once he noticed the air become noticeably colder.

"Not really"
Midoriya said with a weak laugh.

"...all might...
This is...
Bakugo said in pure shock as sadness filled his heart.
All might had been a hero he looked up to his whole life...

"Hey what's that glowing thing coming straight for us?"
Kaminari asked as he pointed to something that was glowing red.

"Brace yourselves"
Midoriya said as he quickly made them all dodge.
AFO had been shooting into the sky to hit any passing airplanes.
Not to mention, the group wasn't that high up to begin with so they could still be seen if someone tried...

Kaminari cried as he panicked mid air.

"We need somewhere to go, staying out here in the open is going to get us killed"
Sero said as he vomited.
The sudden jolt paired with his already hurt stomach resulted in it.

"I have somewhere to go"
Todoroki said.

They all said in unison, except for Bakugo who already knew what he was about to offer.

"My bunker."

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